Falling Hard (Hidden Secrets Book 6) (7 page)

BOOK: Falling Hard (Hidden Secrets Book 6)
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Chapter Seven






It’s been a week. I’ve looked all over the place hoping to run into her again… nothing. I feel like I’m in this endless circle, like I’m just chasing my tail. Still, I kept walking around, going into every place I came across to see if they knew Kristy. Sadly, Kristy seems to be a common name around here, kind of like John or Jane back home. So here I am walking into a bar, exhausted from the day.

My phone started ringing again. Without pulling it out, I knew who it was. They’ve been calling all week, but frankly, I’ve got nothing left to say to them. It was obvious where I stood.
So let me stand there, quit trying to rub it in
, is what I kept mentally yelling at my phone every time it rang.

Just thinking about all of them, the loss I still felt deep in my heart for Eli, I really need this drink. Sitting down in a seat in front of someone wiping the counter, I hoped meant I’d get served faster.

“What can I get…”

She looked up and our eyes met. I’m struck speechless. The only thing that I can manage to get out was, “Kristy,” I whispered breathlessly.

She seemed to be just as shocked as I am. Just then Jennifer Lopez’s
I’m into You
started playing over the sound system and I knew that song meant that this moment, this vacation, Kristy, was meant to be.  The very thought scared the shit out of me.

“N-Nate, uh, excuse me.” She hurried to the other end of the bar.

My body was still in a shock moment and prevented me from following her. Was I that much of a fucking pussy that I’m swooning over a woman (embarrassingly so) to the point of needing to put distance between us so I can think, then come here and the first woman to approach me I’m struck with and feel that pull?

Back the crazy trolley up here. I’d never felt that with Mary. That pull. That need. It was never there. I longed to be inside her because she was definitely not boring in the sack… Could she have been right all this time?

Looking back down at the end of the bar, I watched as Kristy talked to a man. Her hands flew in all directions as she talked to him. When he started getting closer to her and his face contorted in anger, my body unfroze from my seat and I moved to the end of the counter. Leaning over, I pressed a kiss to her cheek.

“Hey babe. You ready?”

She turned to me with shock on her face, but my eyes held the unknown male subject in front of me. My glare intensified when I saw his hand on her elbow.

“I think you need to remove your hand from my girl’s elbow and back the fuck off before we have a
problem,” I hissed.

His eyes widen and immediately released his hold on her. As he took a step back, she walked around the bar and hugged me then turned to the guy with a glare.

“Thanks baby,” my heart fluttered with the term of endearment. “Stephen here won’t pay me my money so I can leave.”

The guy gulps when I turn my glare to him. He steps back slightly and with a shaking hand, he reaches for the register. As he turned his back to face the register, he kept peeking over his shoulder to make sure I hadn’t moved. I found it funny actually. I know I’m not big and bulky like most guys at the station, but I’m not small. He was acting as if I was about to snap him in two.
Ego bump, ha!

Turning around, he handed an envelope to Kristy, “H-here is everything you’re owed.”

Kristy takes it in her hands and I tell her to count it to make sure. If the fucker wasn’t going to give it to her to begin with then he probably didn’t pay her the right amount.

Her head snapped up and she glared at him. “It’s five hundred short.”

My head turned slowly in his direction. More for effect than anything and it works. Man, this guy was not meant to run a bar. If he couldn’t stare down a tourist, then he didn’t need to be behind there. No doubt this bar would go belly up in no time.

After she got the amount she was owed and she collected her bag from the back, we walked out with my arm securely around her waist. It felt amazing to have my hands on her again. Of course, as my hand squeezed her hip, my mind was taken back to the one amazing night with her before she all ‘Cinderella’d’ on me. Unable to stop myself, I pulled her into the next alley. Pushing her against the wall, I claimed her lips like I’ve longed to do since she ran out on me. She kissed me back with what seemed like the same intense longing.


Moving my hands down to her ass, I pulled her into me, grinding her against my erection. She moaned in my mouth and hit every single nerve in my body before surging to my cock. Pulling back, I kept her held firmly against me. With my forehead to hers, I looked into her eyes.

“Come back to my hotel with me. Please,” I breathed.

She didn’t say anything only nodded. With that, I grabbed her hand and practically dragged her the ten minutes it took to get back to my hotel. The need to be inside her had me practically dancing in spot. I didn’t of course, but having to wait for the elevator was hell on me.

Once we got inside my room, I took her bag from her and set it on the floor. Pushing her against the door, I claimed her mouth again. There wasn’t even time to take the ten or fifteen steps to the bed. I needed to be inside of her. Needed to feel her heat wrapped around me as I slide in and out of her. The need was consuming. Quickly, I undressed her then turned my attention to my pants and just shoved them down to my thighs before I lifted her up and slammed into her in one push.

“Oh shit!” Kristy moaned.


Knowing that I won’t be able to stand through this orgasm that was building as I thrust into her, I walk us over to the bed, kicking my clothes off as we went. As I lay her on the bed, never breaking contact, I curl my arms under her with my fingers wrapped around her shoulders and resting by her collarbone. Though the need for release was strong, my thrusts were slow, deep, and purposeful. Her legs tighten around my waist as she met me thrust for thrust.

Kissing her was like drinking water on a hot day. It quenched something deep inside me and left me less dried up, less lonely, less empty. Kristy’s hands run down my back before she grabbed two handfuls of my ass, pulling me deeper into her. She pulled from the kiss, tossing her head back.

“Fuck, Nate,” she moaned.

Trailing kisses down her neck and up to her ear, I whispered, “Stay with me tonight.”

Her eyes met mine. “What?”

Never stopping my thrusts, I repeat. “Stay with me tonight. All night. Don’t leave before I wake up. Please.”

She looked at me for a long while. There is a warring going on behind her eyes and I’m not sure what it is, but I’ll find out. I’ll find out, but not until we’re too exhausted to make love one more time. It is then that her walls will be down or at least weak enough for me to get through. I hope.

“Please say yes, Kristy. I want you here with me all night.”

“Yes,” she breathed finally.

Picking up the pace of my thrusts, I bring us both to the cliff. When I bit her shoulder, she dug her nails into my ass, we both fell over the edge calling out each other’s name. Continuing to make slow thrusts to help us ride out our orgasms, I looked down at her. In my heart, I knew this girl was there, imbedded deep. My problem was we’ve only seen each other two times. In the back of my mind, I have this voice saying ‘
You’re confusing lust for love.
’ Honestly though, I really wondered if I was.

Rolling over to my back, I take her with me, staying connected. Running my hand up and down her back, I feel her sigh into me. If this was lust, then lust wasn’t what I had with Mary. Kristy brings my heart to a stop and hammering in my chest a mere second’s difference. I need her like I’ve never needed anyone before her. Hell, I searched for her. My eyes start to get heavy.

“Please don’t run from me again,” I murmur in her hair as I kiss her head.

“No, I’m here until you kick me out,” she breathed, sounding almost half asleep.

“Need a little sleep then I’m going to make love to you again and again and…,” I mumble sleepily.

“Mmm,” she mumbles before I fall asleep.


As I wake, my mind immediately goes back to Kristy and I jerk up in the bed. Looking next to me, I find her asleep lying close to me. My breathing slowed as relief flowed through me that she was still there. Rolling over, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her against me. She immediately snuggled into me and sighed.

“Kristy,” I whispered. “Are you awake?” She doesn’t respond. “It’s crazy, but I feel like you and I were meant to meet. Like you were meant to change my world,” I pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “And you have. You’ve changed me in one meeting, one smart ass comment, one smile, and one enchanting laugh. I don’t know what there is in store for us or how long we’ll be together, but,” I pressed another kiss to her shoulder. “I’m going to cherish everything about you and every moment we have. I came here to forget, but you’ve given me a chance to remember. No matter what,” I tightened my hold on her. “I won’t forget you,” I whispered as I snuggled back into her, taking a deep breath before falling back to sleep.

Life can change in a matter of a moment, a few words, a broken heart. But then life has a way to mend you. Kristy made me whole again. The problem was I’d never see her again. This was a ‘vacation’ and she was seriously far away. But as I told her, I’ll remember her forever. Call me a man, but I’m going to make sure they are the best damn memories I’ll wish to relive again and again.


“Mmm,” I moaned. “Oh Kristy, that feels fucking amazing. Best dream ever.”

The wet heat leaves around my cock. “It’s not a dream.” I feel pressure against my sides before I feel wet heat wrap around me again. “Open your eyes, Nate,” Kristy breathed with a moan.

My eyes open and I’m greeted by Kristy’s glorious back. Immediately, I move to a sitting position, wrapping my arms around her waist. I trail kisses across her shoulder to the point where her shoulder and neck meet, where I placed a soft bite before running my tongue where my teeth touched. Moving up her neck, I pulled her earlobe into my mouth.

“Damn, now this is a way to wake up,” I growled in her ear.

“I was thinking the same thing when you,” she gasped as I thrust up, “when…ahhh shit that feels so good.”

She leans forward, bracing herself on my legs as she began to move faster, up and down my shaft. Tossing her head back, she cried out in pleasure and I felt her rippling and clenching around me. Gritting my teeth, I was able to prevent my own release. Pulling out of her, she whimpered.

“Lie on your side dove, face away from me.” I whispered huskily.

Shaking a bit from her recent release she laid on her side just as I asked her to do. Taking a moment, I ran my hands over her. Memorizing her curves, the feel of her, the smell of her. When I reached her thigh, I pulled her leg and rested it over mine. Tipping her head in my direction, I kissed her passionately as I entered her. We both moaned at the sensation. Kristy wrapped her arm around my neck and deepened the kiss.

Chapter Eight






As the kiss deepened, he pulled out until only the head stayed inside before slamming back into me. He kept repeating this over and over again. As I broke the kiss, my head dropped back against his shoulder. Nathan took the opportunity to nibble and kiss my exposed neck.

“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit,” I began to chant with each of his thrusts.

“Let me hear you dove. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel. Tell me how good you feel.”

My hand grips his hip, and then moves to his ass, pulling him further into me. I moan loudly as his hand tweaked my nipple. Turning my head, I nibble on his jaw until I meet his lips in a kiss like I’ve never experienced before. My climax was building. The heat started in what seemed like the center of my chest slowly creeping out, heating and warming every inch of my body before I exploded.

“Oh Shit! Nathannnnnnn!” I screamed as the intensity took over.

“Fuck!” He slammed into me. “Kristy!” He roared.

I was lost in the intensity of my orgasm. The world around us didn’t exist, it was only us. After what seemed like a heavenly forever, I finally started to come back to earth. Nathan pulled out of me and rolled me to my back. Hovering above me, he brushed the hair from my face.

“You are amazing,” he smiled, and then kissed me lightly on the nose. “Will you stay with me until I leave?”

“Um,” I hesitated.

It wasn’t because I didn’t want to stay, but because I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to say goodbye to him when the time came.

“How long are you staying?”

“I’m not sure yet,” he smiled. “Thought maybe since you lived here you could be my tour guide to all things I should see and experience before I leave. Or…” he leaned down and kissed my collarbone and I felt him twitch against me. “We could just stay in bed the rest of the time I’m here and I’ll just spend it discovering you. Either way, it’ll be the best vacation ever,” he laughed as I hit his shoulder.

“Do I have to decide right now?”

“No, but does that mean I need to worry about you taking off on me again in the middle of the night?”

“No. I won’t do that again,” I promised.

His serious face disappeared and his playful one returning. “Okay then, no you don’t have to decide right now. I’m going to order us room service. Anything you want specifically?”

I shake my head, unable to talk. “No, I’ll eat pretty much anything.”

He jumps up off the bed and walked to the phone. Gloriously naked, I might add. With his back to me, I take a moment to admire his ass. It is just perfect. Round and firm. Yum. Climbing from the bed, I make my way into the bathroom for a shower. Starting the water, I run the comb I find on the sink through my hair before climbing into the hot spray of the shower. Moaning at the feel of the hot water spraying against my sore muscles, it has been so long since I had a nice shower like this.

The water ran over my face and pounded against my chest. My heart was racing at just thoughts of Nathan. I’ve never felt like I do when I’m with him. Not just in the physical sense, but with him period, in his presence. It saddens me that he’s only visiting. At the same time, though, I’m thrilled that he’d consider spending the remainder of his vacation with me. Who was I kidding? I wanted to spend all the time I could with him. But Vin was out there and if he found us it would be putting Nathan in harm’s way and I’m not sure I could live with myself if something were to happen to him.

Screaming as arms came around my waist, my hand flew to my mouth. “Holy fucking shit!”

Nathan laughed, “A little jumpy, are we?”

When I turned and met his smiling eyes with my terror filled eyes, his smile fell. Pulling me into his arms, he held me saying nothing. Nathan just rocked me back and forth, running a comforting hand up and down my back. No one has ever cared for me before. Trying to brace myself against the warmth I was feeling, it was going to be gone soon and I’d be back to being alone. It was that thought that had me pushing him away and me turning to wash my hair.

“Kristy?” Nathan says, lightly running his hand down my arm.

I finished washing myself and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel on my way out. Even over the sound of the shower, I hear him sigh. Once I got out to the bedroom again, I searched through my bag for something that didn’t look too bad and wasn’t that wrinkled. I was just finishing getting dressed when I mumbled, “I need to leave”.

“Is that your answer then?” Nathan said, sounding almost sad.

When I looked up and met his eyes, I could see the sadness. It caused my chest to tighten almost painfully so. How was it that in such a short time in meeting him (and most of it being spent with him inside me) that I’ve gotten so damn attached? Instant love was only in fairy tales, wasn’t it?


He moved toward me in only a towel and pulled me up into his arms. Nathan sealed his mouth over mine. It was a kiss to beat all kisses. If I were a kiss reader, I’d say he was trying to tell me something. Pulling back from the kiss, he looked me directly in the eyes.

“I want to spend more time with you. Get to know you, let you get to know me. I’d like to have every minute I can with you. Believe me, I know how completely crazy it is to want someone around so much that you just met, but I do.” He looked down before meeting my eyes again. “I’m not going to force you to spend time with me. So if you need to leave, go ahead. But I want you to know that I’ll miss you when you leave.” With that he walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Sitting there, I just stared at the closed bathroom door. How had I gotten myself here? Just the thought of leaving him had my stomach in knots. No, I wouldn’t leave. Even though I needed to for him, I was just too damn selfish to do it.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Terror coursed through my veins. What if Vin found me already? What if Stephen had told him that I left with some guy and he tracked that some guy down? The thought had me hiding in the corner behind a chair.

Nathan came out of the bathroom door looking around. His face dropped as he hung his head and headed toward the door. Panic hit me hard and froze me in my spot. Vin was on the other side of that door, I just knew it. My happy bubble burst and reality was seeping in. I couldn’t breathe, blink, sneeze, nothing while I waited for Vin to burst through the doors hurting Nathan and killing me. Amazingly enough, the only part of that that sent fear through me was Nathan getting hurt.

Nathan reappeared and flopped down on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees, he dropped his head to his hands. Waiting for Vin to come in, but after a few minutes still nothing. As the relief poured over me like water from a shower, I was out from behind the chair and barreling into Nathan as if we hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

“Kristy?” Nathan asked, pulling back.

He stared at me for a moment before sealing his lips over mine. My hands moved to his pants, opening them and pulling him free then I worked my own jeans and panties off. Once he’s shifted back on the bed and ready, I climb over him and slam myself down on him hard. Never taking my lips off his, I worked up and down his shaft quickly. Suddenly, Nathan flips us over and he’s pounding into me with as much fervor as I had while I was riding him. Nathan never removed his mouth from mine either. As he continued to pound into me, his tongue danced with mine. He was moaning along with me before we both fell over the edge together, both our moans echoing in each other’s mouths. The kissed changed from frantic and needy to tender and almost lovingly.

Pulling out of me, he flopped on his back with a big exhale. Unable to stand the disconnect from him, I cuddled into his side, my head resting on his chest. Nathan wrapped me tightly in his arms as we both lay there catching our breaths. The silence is deafening, but what was worse was I could feel the questions humming in him.

Nathan sat up then, pulling me with him. “You didn’t leave,” he whispered as he tightened his arms around me.

“No, I couldn’t. I…” I tighten my arms around him.

He started laughing. It was one of the most joyous sounds I’ve heard. It was definitely one for the memory book I’m building in my head. Pulling back, I look at him with a smile slowly edging its way on my face.

“What’s so funny?”

“I sent our breakfast away,” he laughed harder.

Realizing what he was talking about, I smacked myself in the forehead, “Shit it was breakfast.” I laughed with him.

We fell back to the bed, still laughing. Once our laughter dried up, he pulled me tightly against him and kissed my forehead.

“Thank you for staying.”

“As if I have a choice, Domi
r,” I laughed as I climbed off the bed and collected my clothes, redressing.

His laughter echoed around the room and nailed me in my heart. I was a puddle at his feet. Watching him, he smacked his knee a couple of times before wiping his eyes.

“What did you call me?”

r,” I state proudly.

“Why?” He asked, still laughing.

“I’ll explain it one day, but for now pull yourself together. Your tour around Sydney starts now,” I grinned.

His laughter stops and he looked at me with a look that sent my stomach fluttering and my core clenching.

“I thought we could stay in,” he breathes huskily as I watch his cock twitch.

I groan. “Later. What kind of tour guide would I be if I didn’t show you the sights? Come on, up and at ‘em.” When he doesn’t move, I put my hands on my hips and state flatly, “Either get up and pull yourself together for a tour around Sydney or I’ll leave you alone in your hotel room.”

Barely finishing the sentence, he was up, tucked back into his pants and ushering me to the door. “No need to get nasty. All you had to do was ask,” he winked.

As we exit the hotel, Nathan wraps his arm around my waist. Not wasting any time, I snuggled right into his side. We walked for a few blocks to one of my favorite places.

“Let’s eat here.”

Nathan opened the door for me and led me inside. Walking straight to the back of the dining area, away from everyone, we found a booth. There was a semblance of privacy back here, which is what I wanted for the ‘get to know you’ questions I knew were coming.

We were soon given menus and we placed our drink orders. Not taking my eyes off the menu, I went for the tough question because it would determine how the rest of the day went. You could say it was my tester question.

“Who is she?”

“Who’s who?”

“The woman that ripped your heart out,” I almost hissed out.

He set the menu down and started to chuckle. “You know, I hadn’t thought about her since I met you. Her name’s Mary and for a while there, I thought I loved her. But I’ve figured out it wasn’t love at all. Not even close. I think she was right all along and I was confusing my lust for her for love,” he shrugged, picking his menu back up.

“What happened between you two?”

“She was in a bad way. Being abused by someone she worked with. When she was bloodied and broken, she’d come to my house. We had had a little fling before all this. Depending on how bad the beatings were determined how long she’d stay. Well, she ended up with nightmares that had me holding her at night. I guess I grew used to the feeling of having her in my arms. But she came by the last time, still playing the friend card even though we’d sleep together when she was healed enough. I didn’t want her to go. Later she ended up meeting a guy, fell in love. I kind of lost it.

Her brother sent me here to forget her. All expenses paid, I might add,” he winked. “She told me that I was her best friend and that my girl is waiting for me to stop missing her. She had a baby with him and they married. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. Everyone kept telling me that Mary was happy and that I’d see that one day and I needed to find mine.”

The waitress came up then asked for our orders. She was pissing me off with her batting eyes and standing too close to Nate. When I was busted glaring at her, Nate smiled at me. Finally, when the chick left, I asked the question I’m dying to know the answer to.

“Do you? See it, I mean,” I fumbled nervously.

“Yeah, I realized that after being here for a week. We helped each other through rough and low points in our lives, moments we wanted to forget and used sex to do it. But in the end, that was all it was. Sex. It was never making love, never more than an act, more than an urge. It was only two people attracted to each other and needing a release,” he shrugs again. “It’s just not what I’m looking for.”

“What are you looking for?”

“Moments,” he answered simply as if I knew what he meant.

“Care to elaborate on that?”

Suddenly he looked nervous. “You know, moments. Sparks. Where when you’re with someone no one else seems to exist around you. The perfect fit. Moments.”

“Wow,” I breathed.

My life consisted of moments. Moments I’ll remember. Moments I’ll wish to forget. Nate, he was a moment that I’ll cherish for as long as I live. So, I knew exactly what he meant by moments. He’ll be my happy place long after he’s left to go back to his life.

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