Escape: A Stepbrother Romance Novella (10 page)

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I hate jetlag but
I’m pushing through it because we’ve finally arrived after so many hours cooped
up on a plane and Brandon is too excited to sleep.  We pay for our tickets
outside the zoo, and I wilt a little in the scorching Australian sunshine. 
Bran is tugging me along at a pace, his powerfully long strides too fast for me
to comfortably keep up with. 

they’re not going anywhere,” I laugh, resorting to a slight jog. 

waited a long time to see one of these in flesh,” he says in a teasing voice. 
“Hurry your ass up.”

humph but keep moving as he follows the map towards the enclosure he’s most
interested in.  I’m just so damn happy that we’ve made it so far together and
that I can finally experience this with the right person by my side.

been ten months since the day I was kidnapped, and Brandon has been with me
ever since.  I can’t express how amazing it is to finally have him back in my
life. I am blessed to have met a person who truly is my partner, the other
piece of my soul. 

been a hard transition for him.   At times I know he felt awkward settling back
into my world. He’s kept nothing apart from clothes and sundries from the time
we were apart.  His dad hasn’t been in touch and I know Brandon is relieved. 
My dad on the other hand couldn’t be happier.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a shock
at first.  But he loves us both and can see how happy we are together.

the beginning it was a mix of tragedy – the death of my mother – and the new
love between our parents that brought us together.  More tragedy was
responsible for us being driven apart.  I often wonder whether we would have
found each other again if Adam hadn’t called me that day.  The string of
circumstances that put me back in Brandon’s life seem too long and tenuous to

stand watching as my stepbrother presses his nose against the barrier
encircling the wombats, so like his ten year old self I am almost transported
back in time.  He turns and beckons me closer and I stand with him, shoulder to
shoulder, to watch the ridiculous brown furry creatures amble around.  I watch
him and am so damn proud of the man I have by my side.  He’s back in school,
determined to get the qualifications he needs to do the things he loves.  He
sold his apartment and has used the money his mom left him to fund his
education.  It’s his way out of a bad place and I’m just happy for the change. 
He’s told me some about what his life was like but he prefers that I don’t get
involved.  He hasn’t been in touch with Adam and I don’t ask him about it. He
talks when he needs to.  I love him for every flaw, because they made him
stronger.  I know he still carries a gun just in case, but not in Australia. 
Here we are free to be kids again, and, as he tugs me over to where we can line
up to hold the wombat, I giggle and hug him tight.

did it, Bran,” I say smiling.  “Sammie and Bran Bran, friends forever.”  He
kisses me and reaches down to hold my left hand, fingering the thin wedding
band that had been his mother’s.

baby,” he says, his broad smile creasing the corners of his beautiful lake
colored eyes.  “We did it.”




About the Author

Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories
with step-siblings as their main romantic focus. She's always been curious
about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex
relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to
her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional
and romantic experience as much as she's enjoyed writing them.


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by Stephanie Brother

FIERCED: A Stepbrother Romance
(Stepbrother Raider Book 1)


I hate him. 
He's a prick and an arrogant bastard. 
Romeo? Rocco? Does he even know what his name
A massive tattooed biker with mud on his boots
emerging from my father, the Ambassador's office like he owns the joint. I had
to confront him. 
But when I question his motives, he pins me to
the wall. 
Since then I haven't been able to get those
enveloping powerful arms out of my every thought. 
Part 1 of the stepbrother Raider Serial is 14,000 words with a pretty steep
cliffy. Enjoy!


it here on Amazon –



an excerpt…

aren't you for such a little thing?” He lifts the pictures above his head and
snaps them out of my reach each time I leap to retrieve them from his fingers,
like a dog jumping on its hind legs for a snack. I have never felt so awkwardly
gawky as I do around this guy. 

it back. Those are mine actually.” Fuck I sound like Ms Priss. The furthest
thing from the hip artist chick I really wanna be. 

Principessa does daddy know what subject matter you're shooting in the name of
art? Who's the lucky guy?” 

course he knows you idiot. It's art. He's a model.” And a pretty hot one. Does
this uncultured heathen think he can critique? Of course he does - he's so cocky
he knows it all.

work if you can get it I guess. Sitting around naked all day in the name of
posing for cute angry women who hate men.”

go to snatch the folder again from his hand as he flashes through, making
'whoa' and 'Jeez' type comments as the close-ups of Luca become more intimate.
He flips it just out of my reach again with a roaring laugh. 

least I have work I love to do,” I screech. “What have you done today aside
from riding your bike through a sand pit?”

low blow Principessa. Don't hurt me so bad. Does it show that I just rode my
G/S across the Sahara?”

right. Is that the one close to Naples?”

is with this guy. He's the most in-your-face irritating guy I've ever met.
Although my heart does that little skippy thing when he calls me cute. He
thinks I'm cute. Is that a sexy Jennifer Lawrence kind of cute or Little Orphan
Annie cute?

then we have some tourist shots in the plazas of Rome. Is this what they're
teaching you is art at the Accademia?” 

looking intently at a boring shot of an arched walkway, ruined by a couple of
characters talking in the far vault. I can tell he thinks my photos are staid
and boring. And before I have a chance to question how the hell he knows I'm
attending the Accademia dell' Arte, my foot has lifted from the marble floor
and connected with his shin.

feisty little she-wolf aren't you?” 

laughs like a growling bear as his arms fold around me and I whip away from his
hold so when he clasps me into the solid bows of muscle, my back is pressed
hard into to his chest. His biceps bulge as they squeeze tight around my torso,
pinning my arms where I’m struggling to lash out at him again. I know how the
bulls in the ring feel, the rage, the hurt. The need to trample all over everything
in their path. It's so unfair. 

his forearms are pressing into my peaks and making my nipples bulge equally
hard into his firm flesh, begging for more direct attention. My filthy mind
goes to his bulky hand and how it would be bliss if only his thick fingers
would tug and roll the hard bullets in their brusque grip. The idea sends
shards of hunger from my breasts straight to my clit.

pulsations rolling through my core leave me struggling for breath. 
Yeugh. A complete stranger and a prick to boot. I must be desperate to be
fantasizing being taken by this pig right here in the hall of the embassy. With
a flick of my heel behind, I kick his shin again which I know hurts me more
than him.

tickle me so hard, Principessa,” he growls into the back of my ear. His hot
breath sparks the side of my neck and makes me shiver as he slams me against
the wall face first, impeding our collision with his solid palm. “Now calm down
there bucking bronco or I'm gonna have to tame you for real.”

father will kill you when I tell him about this.” 

feel like a total fool imagining that my little boot would even garnish a
whimper from this solid bulk of testosterone. Maybe if I could turn around and
get a shot with my knee right between his burly thighs. I twist my neck
slightly and the connection of the sensitive tendons with his rough chin makes
me tremble inside.

Principessa. I ain't afraid of Pappy,” his burr of sandpaper tantalizes my
skin. He squeezes me tighter in his solid grasp as I writhe, trying to wring my
body around to face him. My breasts pouring over his iron limbs. 

should be very afraid. He's a powerful man. He'll make you sorry.” I'm panting
and gasping as though we're in the full throes of passionate sex.

I said, I ain't shitting myself over your old man. You gonna calm down or am I
gonna have to do something I might enjoy?” His words fall into my ear like a
caress. His entire rock wall shield of chest is pressed into my back and his
thick thigh is pressed into the crevasse between mine, cramming them

pointless to flail against his hold, I'm a flyweight to his superheavy and in
truth I don't want to separate from him yet. Every pore is making my skin
shiver with the need to feel him compressed into me like this only from a
different angle. The need to be crushed under him and feel him push into my
prickling flesh is beyond endurance. My pussy is twanging at my core, demanding
this tough tyrant's invasion.

you've got more spitfire in you than World War fucking two. What in hell are
you so angry about?” He barks against my quivering tendon.

hate you and it's none of your fucking business.”

it is you should use your rage for something creative before it eats you

thanks for that sage advice but I already have a father.”

saying, Principessa. 'Cos you know, been there done it.”




Any way you slice it, Becka
Treadway is one hell of a sexy girl, drawing stares wherever she goes. Eager to
complete her looks with a daring tattoo, she hurries on perfectly sculpted legs
to her appointment at the tattoo shop, unaware of the surprise that awaits her
The popular and gorgeous Becka lives her life to the fullest these days. Glad
her days as a computer geek are in the past, she has embraced her new lifestyle
to the extreme. Partying is the name of the game for her now, at the club where
she works as a promoter, and where everyone loves her. 
A perfect life for a perfect girl. Well, it would be except lately, it seems
she's missing out on something, the end of each day leaving her feeling empty.
She can't pinpoint what's bugging her, though, and she'll never admit she's
anything less than happy. In an attempt at vamping up her image, hoping it will
brighten up her days and nights as well, she decides to get a tattoo, since
that's what all of the cool girls at the club do. 
That's how she meets Fitz Dixon, a renowned tattoo artist, and for the first
time in months, it feels like she's met someone real. Becka can't stop falling
for him, and she can't help herself from smiling all the time now, the stupid
drugged smile of a girl falling hard for possibly the first real man she's ever
Fitz, though, is hesitant to jump into things initially, but the two can't
resist each other and dive head first into a whirlwind romance, hearts bared
and arms open. However, after their first date, Becka finds something on Fitz's
phone that stops her cold and makes her bolt from his place without an explanation. 
That's how it should have ended. But crazy in love doesn't always lead a girl
to do the wise thing. After much turmoil and soul-searching, Becka knows that
she wants Fitz back, and that she's going to give it everything she can to make
things work with the low-voiced drifter who sees life in such bright colors,
burning with a fire that warms Becka’s very soul. Their hardship defines their
love, and neither Becka nor Fitz wouldn't diminish it for all the world. 
Fade Back is a 30K word steamy stepbrother novella, with scorching adult
scenes and a happily-ever-after. No cliffhanger.


Get it here on
Amazon –
























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