Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings (2 page)

Read Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings
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She nodded her head. Embarrassment still tinged her perfume. “I’ll try my best.”

“No, Ms. Andrews. You’ll
your best. There’s a difference. Meeting dismissed. I have a newspaper interview to prep for.” He gave a dismissive wave of his hand, and they scattered like birds. With great regret, he watched Rose leave with them. It was necessary. His patience had been pushed to the limit. Any more time with her and Draven was sure that he would have created a scandal for both of them.

As soon as Rose left his sight, his mind turned over the meeting. One thing snagged in his mind; David's reaction to Rose's mistake. His stomach lurked. He had a bad feeling the werewolf would try something. He summoned his head of security, Hamilcar. The black dragon appeared in a puff of black smoke and bowed low.

"I'm concerned about the woman that just left my office. Send over some security to Rose Andrews' apartment. I believe her boss will try to harm her. Bastard probably whips his own mother for a simple mistake."

Hamilcar bowed again and disappeared.

"Damn, black dragon," Draven muttered.


* * * *

Rose’s legs shook. She felt dizzy, as if her body had crashed in on itself. Horror at what she had done took precedence as she watched David step onto the elevator. His hard features and tight-lipped expression said it all. If Draven hadn’t laid down the challenge to her, she would have been fired as soon as they’d left the meeting. She still couldn’t believe she’d said that. It was common knowledge among those who lived in the town how much Draven loathed his great-grandfather, yet her mouth and brain had stopped communicating.

His spicy cologne had gone to her head. The nearness and heat of his body had pushed her libido into overdrive. She wanted him closer, but as far away as possible. Part of her feared him, yet another half of her wanted to know more. His liquid grey eyes had never left her from the moment she’d entered the room. It had been a heady feeling and at the same time, terrifying. Based on Draven’s response to her, he wanted something from her. Something she wasn’t sure she could give.

“What the fuck, Rose?” David demanded, drawing her out of her thoughts.

“I’m sorry?” She shook her head to dislodge the thoughts of steel colored eyes watching her as she came, screaming his name for the world to hear.

“You’re damn right you’re sorry. How could you do that? You know how he feels about Dracula, and yet you brought it up. You’re pretty damn lucky he decided to put you on the case and that he wanted to fuck you.” David grunted.

Rose shifted away from him.
It really sucks to have a werewolf as your boss.

“I’m taking over the case. You’ll present to him, but I’ll be running the show.”

She wanted to be outraged, to demand that he let her take the reins, but doubted he would allow it. It was clear she’d fucked up big time. The fact that David had noticed Draven’s response to her only made things worse. Rose vowed to go along with it, but come face time with Draven, she’d inject some of her own ideas.

“After this is over you’re taking a leave of absence. You’re going to think about what you did and if this firm is right for you,” he spat out.

“Look, David, I’m not a bad dog who just went on the carpet. I screwed up, but I hardly think—”

“You’re damn right you didn’t think. And you did go on the carpet. You pissed all over it by bringing up Dracula. A rookie mistake that won’t be repeated. We clear?” David snapped.

She opened and shut her mouth. “Yeah, crystal.”

“Good,” he growled out.

The ride down to the garage was done in silence. Rose stewed silently in rage at his treatment of her.
I’ll show you rookie. If I nail this, I won’t need your stupid firm.
Marching over to her car, she unlocked the door and slid behind the wheel. She tossed her briefcase into the passenger seat then slammed the door shut. Turning the key, she allowed the stress to float away at the sound of the engine purring. For a moment, she melted into the deep, plush leather seats. Rose stroked the wheel.

“My sweet Corvette Sting Ray, you’ll make all my problems go away, won’t you?” Revving the engine, she took off with a squeal of tires. There was no traffic outside of the capital building. Late afternoon sunshine blinded her for a second before her glasses adjusted and darkened. The lack of vehicles gave her a brief reprieve from having to think about avoiding any other cars. With her eyes on the road, she reached over and switched on the radio. Angry metal blared through the speakers. She gritted her teeth.

“I said I was sorry. It’s not like he hasn’t fucked up before. How many times have I covered his ass when he screwed up and hadn’t read my notes? Think about my actions? Bullshit. He’s lucky I even joined his stupid firm. I’m twenty-seven years old, graduated top of my class. I had my pick of firms, and I chose yours. Prick. I wanted to work with the para-people. Now I have to deal with an asshole werewolf for a boss who thinks he can slack off. Whatever. After this case, I’ll leave, join the competition. They’ll at least pay me my due.” Rose jerked the wheel and turned on to the street leading to the heart of the city. Slowing down her speed, she reached over and switched the station to classical music. A gentle twittering told her that she had a phone call.

“Answer phone,” she told the onboard computer. “Hello?”

“Ms. Andrews,” Draven purred over the speakers. Her body tightened as arousal reignited in her body. Tingles ran along her pussy lips and burned at the base of her back. Her vaginal walls contracted. Prickles ran along her skin as her response increased. Her breasts grew full and began to ache. She almost jerked the wheel again, which would have crashed her into one of the trees lining the streets.

“I hope I’m not distracting you, but I wanted to book an appointment with you directly instead of going through your office. I hope you don’t mind.” He didn’t sound sorry in the least for calling her.

Rose pulled over to the side of the road as her desire amplified. She swallowed and pushed down the need that danced along her nerve endings. After licking her lips, she answered him. “Not at all, sir. What time did you have in mind?”

Her clit swelled, throbbing with need. She fought against squirming in her seat, searching for relief.

“Please…” he paused, “…call me, Draven. And anytime you’re available. Tell me when.”

His tone had dropped to a husky whisper that had her straining closer to the hands free phone plugged into her car. She tried to ignore the throb of her nipples and the dampness of her panties.

“In fact, I’m free for dinner tonight. Would you be willing to come up to my home to discuss your ideas over a meal? I’ll have the chef prepare something exquisite.”

At the moment she wasn’t exactly sure what that was, but his tone made it sound like something dirty, filthy. Sweat beaded on her brow as the fire inside was stoked.

“I promise, I won’t bite,” he purred.

Not unless you want me to
, she heard in her head. The idea of him nibbling on her, dragging his fangs over her heavy, pussy lips made her whimper.

“Ms. Andrews, are you all right? Do you need help? You’re whimpering. Are you in pain?” He was being nonchalant again.

She tried to sound calm, but couldn’t help the throaty tone her voice had taken. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine. Perhaps you should come back to the Mayor’s office, so I can check on you personally, make sure you’re as fine as you say,” he murmured.

She couldn’t stop herself. Rose squirmed in her seat. The creak of the leather and the heavy perfume of her desire drifted up into the interior of the car. Her panties were soaked. Biting her lip, she tried to push away the demanding ache between her thighs.

“Don’t you have a newspaper interview to do, sir?” Rose managed to get that part out in an even tone, which pleased her.

“Draven, and it was canceled. As was the rest of my day. I found myself thinking about your ideas and wanting to know if you’d come up with anything else in the short time since you’ve left my office.” His tone was calm and controlled, which infuriated her. Sweat trickled between her breasts. The interior of the car was too hot and small for comfort. Closing her eyes, she marshaled at least some of her lust.

Gone was the seducer. Back to business. Stupid vampire.
Rose straightened in her seat, gripping the wheel tight. She focused on the task at hand, refusing to flirt with the client. Definitely not flirting with the client.

“No, sir. I haven’t had a chance to think on a new direction for the ad campaign.”
If he could be calm, so can I.

“Call me Draven, please. Don’t call me, sir, unless you intend for this conversation to take a sexual tone.” The gruff tone was back, filled with heat.

She swallowed and nearly whimpered aloud again. A fantasy of being on her knees as he ordered her to suck him off floated up in her mind.
She tried to ignore the direction the conversation had taken. “Don’t you think that comment was inappropriate? Your phone could be bugged.”
God, I hope not.
She released the wheel to drag a hand over her face.

“I don’t really care what the public thinks of my sexual preferences. What I do in the bedroom is of no concern to my politics. Even if I were to fuck you in my office, it wouldn’t matter.” So aloof, so aggravatingly calm.

Her knees turned to jelly, and she almost fainted right there. Drawing strength she didn’t know she had, she tried to figure out a good comeback. “First off, why would I fuck you? You’re not even my type, and second, this is really inappropriate.”

A loud creak came over the phone. She pictured him settling back in that massive, leather chair behind his desk. In her mind, his shirt was unbuttoned, jacket off, completely comfortable, playing this little verbal game with her, making her squirm while she melted into a puddle. A smile danced on his lips, and every so often, a peek of fang would appear when he opened his mouth.

“Liar, you should be spanked for that. You forget how close I was to you. I could smell that sweet, arousing perfume. I bet your little wolfie boss didn’t like that one bit. And I have to say thank you for not threatening me with sexual harassment. You will be fucking me, regardless of what you say. You’re building walls, Rose, and I intend to rip them apart.” A loud, tearing sound filled the speakers.

Her ears burned as the picture in her mind took a sexual turn as he yanked down the zipper of his fly.

“If you—”

“Filthy mind you have there, Rose. No, I’m not jerking off while talking to you. If I ever masturbate, it will be in front of you. I want you to see how hard I am for you and what you do to me.” The tearing sound continued.

Water. Air. Something?
The pinpricks of fire became a full on blaze as goose bumps broke out over her skin. The tingles at the small of her back grew. She reached out and gripped the wheel with both hands to keep from pulling up her skirt and touching herself. Rose squirmed in her seat again and gritted her teeth as the wet silk of her panties rubbed against her throbbing clit. She wanted relief so badly it almost hurt. She bit her bottom lip and tried to stop her movements, tried to halt the inferno rushing through her body, enveloping her into the heart of the blaze. Nothing worked. Her nerve endings were alive with sensation. Arousal danced through her veins as her nipples pulsed, pushing against the lace of her bra. The slightest movement sent threads of electricity straight to her pussy. Closing her eyes, she sought the calm she used when going into a meeting with new clients or fighting her boss over an idea. Once found, Rose latched onto it and refocused her attention. “I was tearing up my contract with your boss. I intend to work with you exclusively.” He drew out the last word.

“Why?” That was the only word she could get out as the pulse of need continued to thrum through her body.

“Because, I don’t want to fuck your boss, and I have no desire for him to use you as a puppet. I’m not his new client. I refuse to be some animal mounted on his wall to show off. You’re an intelligent woman with a mind of your own. I’m sure you can come up with a way to push the promotion and get us the attention we need while fucking me at the same time.” His words were so matter-of-fact. He was so sure of himself.

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