Down and Dirty (16 page)

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Authors: Imari Jade

BOOK: Down and Dirty
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“But he wasn’t there, was he?” Shaundra asked.

Satoshi shook his head. “No, he wasn’t. Cristal was alone and in a god-awful ugly nightgown.”

Shaundra smirked even though the situation was far from humorous. “I own a few of those.”

“I wanted her so badly that night, but she wouldn’t let me in the room. I thought she had to be hiding Tae there. So I barged in like a maniac and I searched the place. Then Cristal started screaming at me to leave. I guess I frightened her.”

“I guess,” Shaundra said. She’d never seen him angry before. He would have scared her too.

“I just wanted to get her to stop screaming, so I grabbed her and tried to shake her. And then I accidentally slapped her. Cristal stopped screaming then.”

A tear slipped from his eye and Shaundra reached up and wiped it away. “Poor baby. It wasn’t you, it was the drug.”

“But I made the decision to use it. I was so scared because I thought Cristal would call the police. So I just left her and returned to my room.”

“What happened next?” Shaundra asked.

Satoshi shuddered. “Then Takumijo found out.”

She wasn’t surprised. Takumijo liked Cristal and treated her like a little sister. “What did he do?”

Satoshi looked away. “He beat the fuck out of me.”

“What? He beat you? You mean with his fists?”

Satoshi nodded.

“But he’s so much bigger than you.”

“I deserved it,” Satoshi said. “I’ve never seen him so angry. It felt like he broke everything in my body when he hit me.”

“Are you sure you’re okay? He could have really hurt you.”

“It did really hurt for a couple of weeks. I don’t know how I made it through the rest of the tour, but I got myself checked out as soon as we returned to Osaka. The doctor couldn’t find any internal bleeding, just some slight bruising.”

“But the two of you acted like such good friends while you were in Kagawa,” Shaundra said.

“We are still good friends,” Satoshi said. “Tak did what he had to do to get me in line. I was flying so high on that stuff I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time.”

Shaundra frowned. “Well, I think he could have found another way.”

“You’re still angry at him, aren’t you?”

Shaundra nodded. “Yes. He had no right to say the things he said to me. I know he doesn’t like me. He never has.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because he never warmed up to me like you and Yori. He’s always kept his distance.”

“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you,” Satoshi told her. “That’s just Takumijo. He’s not the loving type. He grew up in a harsh environment. His parents all but sold him to Mr. Niigata and he had to grow up fast. It took him a while to warm up to us too, especially Ichiro.”

“That still does not explain his actions.”

“So when are you moving back to the farmhouse?”

“I don’t know, soon. I’m just not sure. I love Ich and I want to be with him, but I’ve learned some things about his past that has really opened my eyes.”

“Oh, you mean the Yakuza? Well, we all have things in our pasts we’re not proud of,” Satoshi said. “Daichi got him out of that before any harm could be done.”

“I don’t want my babies growing up in a mob family,” Shaundra said, despite what Satoshi just told her.

“We won’t let that happen,” Satoshi said. “I’ll make sure of that.” He sighed. “So, you’ve forgiven Ich for kissing Eri?”

Shaundra nodded. “Yeah. I acted like a jealous wife. Ichiro would never cheat on me.”

“Oh, how can you be so sure of that?”

“I know,” Shaundra said. “Makeup sex has a way of putting things into prospective. There’s no way Ichiro could handle me if he was giving it to someone else.”

Satoshi gulped. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, since I’ve been fantasizing about doing it with a cougar since I met you. And I know the two of you had sex the other night because the big dummy has been smiling since the two of you came back from seeing his old home.”

Shaundra chuckled and tried not to blush. “Ichiro is very persuasive, and he’s learned a thing or two, or three while we’ve been separated.”

Satoshi smiled. “He got freaky with you, didn’t he?”

Shaundra punched him on the arm. “Yeah, thanks for giving him a lesson.”

“Glad to help out anyway I can.” Satoshi paused. “But I’m so much better in person.”

This time, she couldn’t control the blush. Satoshi did things to her just by being there with her.




Aomori gathered in their music room, along with the three new members of the Niigata Entertainment Group and their manager. Satoshi looked the new group over. They were young and full of life like Aomori used to be. Mr. Niigata had insisted that Aomori look after them and help with their training, but Satoshi really didn’t have a good feeling about these three.

Their manager, Saburo Maeda, he liked. Saburo was just twenty-nine and appeared to be very capable of managing the three teenagers.

Saburo introduced his group. “This is the leader of Distraction, Hiroyuki Ikeda. Hiroyuki is nineteen, sings high tenor, and he is the choreographer for the group.”

Hiroyuki bowed and shook their hands. “It’s nice to finally meet you,” he said. “Mr. Niigata has spoken fondly of you, and I hope you will look after us and teach us what we need to know to be idols.”

“And this is Izanagi Kato,” Saburo sad. “Izanagi sings baritone, and he plays the piano and percussions. He’s also nineteen.”

“Konnichiwa,” Izanagi said. “I am very glad to meet all of you. I love your music.”

He, Satoshi liked. Izanagi had a nice warm smile and he gave off a friendly aura, while Hiroyuki seem a bit standoffish like Yori.

“And lastly, this is Kioshi Yamashita, the lead singer. Kioshi is eighteen and writes all of Distractions songs. He sings countertenor and is an accomplished pianist.”

“Good afternoon,” Kioshi said. “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

Satoshi studied this one closely. The smile did not meet his eyes. Of the three, his aura felt more mature, but Satoshi picked up much arrogance.

“Can you guys dance?” Takumijo asked them once the introductions ended. “In order to be true idols, you not only need to know how to sing, but also to act, perform humorous skits, and dance your asses off.” He put on some practice music and the rest of Aomori joined him on the dance floor.

Saburo and Distraction sat down to watch Aomori.

Aomori performed flawlessly. The music ended and Takumijo walked over to Distraction. “Okay, now let’s see what you can do.”

Hiroyuki walked over to the stack of music, chose a song, and gave it to Takumijo to put on.

Kioshi and Izanagi got out their seats and joined Hiroyuki on the dance floor. Hiroyuki gave them some instructions.

Takumijo put on the music and Distraction began to dance.

Satoshi watched each young man to see which one was the weakest link.

The dance ended and Distraction returned to their seats.

“Well, how did they do?” Saburo asked Takumijo.

Takumijo looked over toward Yori and the others. Yori gave Distraction a thumbs-up. Ichiro nodded enthusiastically.

Satoshi shook his head. “Women are doomed,” he said, walking toward the door.

“What’s wrong with him?” Satoshi heard Saburo ask Takumijo.

“Don’t mind him,” Takumijo told Saburo. “Satoshi has too many issues to explain.”




“You look tired,” Terri said to Takumijo later after they arrived at the love hotel in town.

They’d been out dancing and drinking and Takumijo was just looking to relax a while. He had so many things going through his mind at the moment. Osamu had announced his divorce, he and Amaterasu were getting closer, and now Mr. Niigata had him training three ankle-biters who could dance Aomori off the stage. Suddenly, his life seemed to be taking on more responsibilities than even he thought he could handle.

Terrie kissed him tenderly on his bare chest.

Takumijo pushed his fingers through Terrie’s long, black hair.

Terrie looked up at him and smiled. Stars twinkled in those blue eyes.

Ooh, I’m a goner
. “Come here.” Takumijo pulled Terrie on him and hugged the little blue-eyed temptress. “You’re my little patch of sanity.”

Terrie’s hand dipped between Takumijo’s legs and her fingers surrounded his cock. “Let me help you feel better, Tak. Let me take some of your worries away.”

Takumijo relaxed at the comforting words. He released Terrie and moments later, felt her warm, full lips as they wrapped around his dick. “Oh shit.” A shiver ran down his spine as Terri performed a deep-throat on him a couple of times while using another hand to playfully tease his balls. Terrie’s powerful sucking made Takumijo forget all his other worries and put his concentration on his sexual needs.

“You taste so good,” Terrie said, coming up for air.

Takumijo buried his fingers back in Terrie’s hair. “And you have the warmest mouth in the world. Ooh, baby. You just hit the right spot. Takumijo’s fingers slid through the jet-black tresses. Takumijo moved his hips, sending his cock deeper down Terrie’s long throat.

Terrie’s tongue made circles around the shaft once Takumijo removed his fingers. She lifted Takumijo’s dick and ran her tongue up the back and down to the scrotum.

Takumijo’s muscles stretched as the need to come gave him those telltale signs: butt clenching, toes-tingling, and rockets going off in his head. “Ah!” he moaned loudly as Terrie applied a tighter, warmer grip around his cock.

“Don’t hold back, Tak,” Terrie told him. “Let me taste you.”

She went back to sucking vigorously and making the sexiest sounds Takumijo ever heard. “Oh shit!” he cried out as his butt lifted from the mattress and his cock spurted warm cum into Terri’s mouth.

She continued sucking, draining him like a vampire until all he felt was empty spurts. Takumijo sank back against the mattress, feeling beat and defeated and doubting if he could get another erection to service Terrie properly. A long time ago, he didn’t have a problem sexing up two cuties in one night. But now, Amaterasu’s and Terrie’s sexual appetites were taking a toll on him.

“Let’s just cuddle,” Terrie suggested, coming up to the top of the bed and lying beside Takumijo. She rested against his sweaty chest. “Your heartbeat is returning to normal.”

Takumijo chuckled weakly. Terrie was going to give him a heart attack before his twenty-seventh birthday.

“How are things progressing with Ichiro’s birthday bash?” Terrie asked while Takumijo recuperated.

“Slowly but surely,” he said. “We had a dance rehearsal today and I swear parts of my body feel so stiff. I can barely move. I think I’m getting old.”

“You’re not getting old,” Terrie assured him. “You just came home from touring and your body needs to rest.”

Takumijo kissed her on the head.

“Would you like for me to massage you?” Terrie asked. “I’m told I’m very good at it.”

Takumijo moved a little and got pain in his shoulders. “That sounds lovely. My shoulders are a little tense.”

Terrie moved out his arms. “Roll over.”

He groaned but managed to roll over on his stomach.

Her small fingers moved deep into the muscles of his shoulders.

“Oh, that feels so good.”

Terrie chuckled, working the muscles a little deeper.

“Oh, yeah, that’s the spot.”

Terrie kissed him between the shoulder blades. All that long hair dragged across his back. She went back to massaging, moving away from his shoulders and arms, and then started down his spine, kneading out the kinks.

Takumijo closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Terrie’s fingers as they worked their magic down his back. She stopped massaging just over the swells of his behind. The next thing he felt was a tiny kiss on both cheeks. And then a wet tongue slid up the crack of his ass.
Lord, have mercy
. That woke him up.

Terrie continued licking him until she found the right spot.

Takumijo trembled. His mind fully woke and his cock hardened as Terrie parted his cheeks and gave proper attention to his small, brown hole. Takumijo moved to his knees to give her better access.

She did not disappoint him. The tip of Terrie’s tongue entered and Takumijo’s dick sprang to life and moved on its own upward. She stopped tonguing him and introduced a tip of a finger inside him.

“Ng,” Takumijo moaned as his ass got invaded. “Oh shit.”

Terrie pressed the rest of her finger in.

Takumijo knees shook. He’d always been so sensitive there.

Terrie found his prostate instantly and massaged it vigorously.

Takumijo bit his bottom lip to keep from crying out from the pleasure. And just when he was about to come again, she removed her finger and left him hanging. He growled like a lion, reversed rolls, and put Terrie beneath him. “Thanks for the massage.”

 Terrie smiled lovingly up at him just as Takumijo parted her thighs and entered. He buried his cock to the hilt. She clawed at his back. He grimaced. He’d have to keep his shirt on for a couple of days until the scars healed. He humped.

 “I didn’t expect to get this type of reaction out of you.”

“Sure you didn’t,” Takumijo said as his sweated from the exertion. He slid out slowly to tease and then slid back in as much of his cock as he could.

Terrie stopped clawing him and grabbed the sides of the mattress. She cried out in pleasure.

“Open your eyes,” Takumijo ordered as he tried to fuck Terrie’s brains out. “I want to see them.” Her eyelids rolled back and two pools of blue twinkled at him. “Arg!” Takumijo groaned. It was just too much. Terrie was a delightful sight with long, black hair splayed out on the pillow like a fan, blue eyes seducing him, and the hottest piece of ass in existence. He strained, fighting off one killer of an orgasm.

Terrie exploded first, screaming Takumijo’s name loud enough for all of Asia to hear. And Takumijo came next, moving his hips furiously and emptying his sac. “Fuck!” he shouted as his body continued to spasm. The world seemed to revolve as it did every time he and Terrie made love. Takumijo’s body relaxed and he slid down on top of her. “I love you,” he uttered.

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