Disgraced Cowboys (Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 3) [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] (10 page)

BOOK: Disgraced Cowboys (Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 3) [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]
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The second his hot breath hovered over her mound, however, she was reminded of the fact that Seth was far different from other guys—and not just because his eyes glowed and he sometimes grew fur. When he pushed her legs wider and let just the tip of his tongue barely, faintly touch the hood over her clit, she jerked in surprise. He held it there, not moving, and let vague spasms of pleasure wash through her.

Soon, the throbbing increased to madness, and she couldn’t help herself. She squirmed against him with little whimpers of frustration.

“Oh,” she whispered, surprised at herself. “That feels so good.”

“But I’m not doin’ anythin’,” he said teasingly, each puff of breath on her wet slit heightening her pleasure.

“I know. That’s the problem.”

She grabbed his head and wriggled her ass closer to him, and with a satisfied grunt, Seth’s tongue gave a featherlight sweep of her slit from cunt to clit. Her thighs tensed and she cried out louder, the sound bouncing through the cave. That wicked tongue slid up and down, then twirled in insanity-inducing circles over her clit until she was dripping wet and practically bucking her hips against him. “Yes,” she said, feeling pressure build in her pelvis. “Harder, Seth.”

He gave a little animal growl and let her have what she wanted, pressing harder with his tongue and pausing at the top to suck her clit.

A sudden spike in her building climax shot her to the top, and panic seized her. “Stop!” she cried out with a gasp. “Please. I want you inside me so bad.”

She did, too. All she could think of was crashing over the edge of orgasm while that massive cock possessed her whole. But his grip on her thighs tightened as she tried to wriggle away from the shockingly effective tongue-bath on her cunt.

“Come for me, darlin’,” he crooned. “Then you’ll have all of me inside you that you can handle.”

He suckled her more firmly now, and he let his hands wander up to her breasts. His tongue flicked wildly over her clit while his fingers twisted and pulled her nipples, and she came completely undone.

“Shit!” she called out, the profanity bouncing crazily through the cave to surround them. “I’m coming, Seth.”

She held his hair firmly and rode out the crashing waves of intense pleasure, even while part of her couldn’t quite grasp that it was really happening. He’d actually made her come—and harder than she’d ever managed herself.

“That’s right, baby,” he said in between flicks of his tongue. “Jesus, you taste so good.”

, Seth,” she said in a whimper of impatience. Her grip on his head shifted so she was trying to pull him up to her. “Please. I can’t wait anymore.”

“Neither can I.”

He wiped his glistening mouth with the back of his hand as he slid up her body, which was slick with sweat. As he moved up over her, his eyes blazing with supernatural fire, she saw the animal rising within him. The control he’d exerted over himself in order to give her pleasure had come to an end.

Seth brought his mouth down on hers with almost crushing intensity, making her taste her own juices. The tangy-sweet flavor mixed with his sent a new flare of desire through her. She reached between their bodies to find his hard, straining erection and give it a squeeze. The tight shaft pulsed in response, and Seth groaned loudly against her lips. Still, he pulled her hand away and trapped it beside her head. “Not this time,” he said, biting her lower lip again. “I want to come inside you.”

She wriggled her hips against him. “Then hurry.”

“I’ve waited for you for so long that the man in me wants to make this last,” he said, and she felt him positioning the fat, mushroom head of his dick against the entrance of her soaked cunt. “But the animal’s demandin’ I claim you as mine.”

Something in those words set off a tiny warning in the back of her head. Being “claimed” by a man like she was some sort of property wasn’t what she’d ever wanted. It sounded very macho, very possessive. And coming from Seth’s lips, very final. She shuddered at the thought, though she knew nothing could stop her now. She
to feel him in her, needed him to drive that thick shaft deep inside and take her like wildfire until they were one.

His cock pushed against her, spreading her entrance wide as just the tip of him sank in. She sucked in a breath and waited for the inevitable bite of pain that always happened when a guy shoved into her. Not as bad as the first time, of course—nothing was as bad as that, and she wouldn’t even let the rest of the memory coalesce before driving it off—but there was always that moment of unpleasantness.

What if it didn’t happen this time, though? What if she’d finally found a man who was right for her in every way?

Hope dared to flare in her chest, and she listened through the driving beat of her heart as she waited for him to ram her deep and finish taking possession. That’s when the hair-raising sound of a vicious, animal growl shot her eyes wide open.

Seth froze for a moment, and Brandi strained to try and catch a glimpse around him at whatever bear or mountain lion had just returned to their cave to find a not-quite-Goldilocks and her wolf making themselves a bit too much at home. She gripped Seth’s upper arms tight when he pulled out of her, but he gave her a reassuring smile and flipped over beside her, glancing toward the mouth of the cave.

Her eyes followed his to fly wide at a menacing sight. A wolf glared straight at them, its front feet planted and hackles raised. Its snarl grew louder, peeling back lips to display a rather terrifying set of fangs.

“Well, lookie what the cat drug in,” Seth said. “Your timin’ always did suck.”

Brandi frowned. He was certainly being casual about a wild animal attack. That’s when it dawned on her that this was no animal. It was someone Seth knew.

She swallowed her frantic heartbeat and studied the wolf more closely. White fur, some of which was standing in ruffled disarray around his neck…

“Marcus,” she breathed, covering herself with her hands as best as she could.

He stepped forward, his ears pricked forward. The eerie eyes shifted to her for a moment, narrowed, and slid back to Seth, who was lounging beside her, quite unperturbed. Marcus’s snarl intensified and he took another step, tossing his head as he snarled.

Seth let out an irritated sigh. “What, no hello?”

To Brandi’s dismay, Marcus charged.

“You’ll hurt her, you idiot,” Seth shouted, but he was already kneeling on all fours. The last word was barely out when black fur shot from his pores, and then Marcus was on him. She screamed and rolled out of the way as the animals clashed, and she found herself in more or less of a combat crouch while they snarled and snapped at one another. She rose up and sprinted for the back of the cave, squatting on the cot with her knees bent and arms wrapped around her legs.

Dust flew into the air as the pair circled and barked, leaped and bit. Marcus sank teeth into Seth’s flank, and Seth reared around to bite down on the top of Marcus’s neck. The noise was horrible in the echoing space, angry growls and pained yelps swelling in her head until she felt she might burst.

Finally, she jumped up. “Stop!” she yelled. “Stop it right now, both of you.”

They didn’t respond, too intent on seeing who could out-alpha the other.

“Knock it the fuck off, or I’m leaving,” she tried. “And I won’t speak to either of you. Ever.”

Marcus reacted first, yanking away from Seth and stalking over to her. She froze, afraid of what the wolf would do to her, but halfway to where she stood, he stopped and gave a bizarre shudder. His fur shortened, retracting into his changing body and popping joints. When a man was on all fours in front of her, he rose up and strode closer to her. He was breathing heavy from the fight, and blood trickled from his shoulder.

“You’re hurt,” she said, eyeing the blood trails that ran along the front of his chest.

“I heal fast.”

In the marginally better campfire light of the cave, she was able to get a better look at him than when he’d been naked in the alley. The generous dusting of hair on his chest begged her to drag her fingers through it, and his flat stomach was ridged with bumps of muscle. His pubic hair was as black as his wolf’s pelt was white. His cock was long and pinkish, and she couldn’t help noticing it wasn’t entirely flaccid. The fight had aroused him.

Her heart skipped a beat as his eyes, which were still wholly inhuman-looking, took a similar heated tour of her curves.

Damn it, she ought to be pissed at him. She was
pissed at him. But her body was aching for the first good fuck of her life. She had been
close to getting it when Marcus had barged in. Now, he was standing in front of her naked and gorgeous as ever, and it was plain to see from the twitching at his waist that she wasn’t the only one who was horny as hell.

“Seems you’re bound and determined to fuck any guy who isn’t me,” he said.

“Since when am I ‘any’ guy?” Seth asked.

He wandered up beside Marcus, brushing dirt off his ass and legs. He was still naked, and while his erection had taken a downward turn from the iron-hard post that had stuck out from his body earlier, it hadn’t deflated completely. It seemed to be pointing at Brandi’s bare knees.

Marcus shot Seth a glare. “Couldn’t wait to make your claim on her when I wasn’t around, could you?”

“Hey, you were the one refusin’ to stick around. What better way was there to get you to come back than to mess around with her?”

She’d been studying the sharp angles of Marcus’s face, but her head whipped toward Seth at that. “What? This wasn’t about me at all. You were just using me to lure Marcus here.”

Her pulse shot up along with the anger rising in her chest, but Seth shook his head as he stepped closer. “Darlin’, this was most definitely about you. It just occurred to me when I kissed you that what we were doin’ could serve two important purposes at the same time.”

Part of her wanted to believe him, although being used and discarded was a far more familiar concept in her realm of experience.

“How could our involvement bring him here, anyway?” she asked through tight lips.

“Mates can sense one another,” Seth said. “Even from far away. They can tell when a partner is scared or angry.” His eyes flashed with erotic gold when he turned his gaze to Marcus. “Or when he is gettin’ his world completely pulled inside out by the most incredible woman to ever grace Shay Falls.”

Marcus’s nostrils flared, and she saw his jaw clench. “We ain’t that kind of mates,” he said. “We haven’t made our own pack mark.”

“But you felt me anyway,” Seth said. “We were pack mates once. You felt every bit of how uncontrollably aroused I was. Every jolt of need when I touched Brandi’s hot, willin’ body.”

She watched, her breathing shallow, as Seth moved close to Marcus and slid his hand down his shoulder and along a tense, bulging bicep. “You didn’t show up here to stop me from bein’ with her. You showed because you know you’re destined to be part of it.”

Marcus didn’t move, didn’t say a word, but Brandi could see his response anyway. That, she supposed, was one of the drawbacks to being a guy with no clothes on. There was no way to keep a poker face when your rising cock did the talking for you.

“Kade won’t allow it,” Marcus said, but she heard the husky strain in his voice. “Not ever.”

“Fuck Kade,” Seth said, and his hand moved lower still.

Her eyes followed to where the men’s stiff cocks were touching one another, and she had a strong urge to drop to her knees right where she was and lick them both together like one enormous shaft.

“Kade ain’t who I want to fuck right now,” Marcus said. “Not by a long shot.”

Seth’s fingers brushed Marcus’s erection, which jerked as hard as Marcus did.

“Don’t,” Marcus said when Seth’s head dipped in close—too close. But Seth ignored the warning and claimed his lips.

Even as Seth leaned in, his free hand reached out for Brandi and plunged into her hair. He pulled her closer, and with a little jump of pleasure in her stomach, the pressure he exerted on her head urged her forward to join in the kiss.

The men’s tongues met, and Marcus groaned. Brandi hesitated, then moved close enough to let her tongue tease theirs. Marcus’s groan lengthened, sounding almost anguished. His head turned to hers, and Seth was momentarily lost in the surge of passion as she and Marcus shared their first kiss. Seth had truly awakened the sexuality that was ironically absent in the woman who made a living displaying it in public. But that was all just an act. This was the fire a woman should feel when touched by a man, the fire no one had sparked in her before Seth—except for the night Marcus had burst into the VIP Room. And now, Marcus was fanning that flame of desire until she feared she would combust and consume all three of them.

Marcus’s long, callused hands slid to her breasts, and where Seth’s touch had been maddeningly light and teasing, his was fevered and bold. He hefted the weight of her mounds in his palms while his tongue thrust deep in her mouth, and she shivered against him. Seth, not to be forgotten, got on his knees and did for Brandi and Marcus what she’d imagined doing to the men just moments before. His tongue went to work on the cock poking against her pubic hair, while his fingers drove in along the wet cleft between her thighs. He dragged them over her slippery, bare cunt lips while Marcus kneaded her breasts and went to work on her nipples. He circled each one with his thumbs, tracing circles over the brown areola until she thought she’d go insane with need. Her nipples ached for his touch, and she pressed her torso closer to try and rub them against his chest. His grip on her mounds held her just barely away from his skin, however, even when she circled his upper back with her hands to pull him nearer.

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