Dirty Shots (23 page)

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Authors: Marissa Farrar

Tags: #College, #Romance, #New Adult, #Bad Boy, #Art, #photography, #Dark, #Sexy, #Marissa Farrar, #Dirty Shots

BOOK: Dirty Shots
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Gently, she rubbed the spot. She kissed him, slow and sensual, and they began to move together again, Eric deep inside her.

“I’m close,” he said against her mouth. “I can’t hold on much longer.”

Her own climax was beginning to build, a slow burn deep in her belly, all of the muscles down there tight with anticipation. The pleasure grew stronger and she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to break her concentration of the sublime feeling of Eric’s cock embedded deep inside her, while she penetrated him. They were joined, connected, both physically and mentally, and for Anya, that was as much of a turn-on as anything.

Eric gave a groan, his movements suddenly increasing in pace. She applied more pressure to his prostate and his groan turned into a yell. He thrust hard, deep inside her, and her own orgasm broke over her in waves. Fireworks exploded behind her eyelids, sparks of pleasure igniting every nerve ending in her body. Her pussy pulsated and clenched. Their hips bucked and met, and Eric spurted hot streams of cum inside her. He thrust again, and again, and then held himself deep before slumping on top of her.

Anya panted as her orgasm released her from its throes. She slipped her finger from Eric’s body and allowed him to twist around on the couch, pulling her into his embrace. Their legs wound together, and she slung her arm over his naked, damp torso, and rested her head on his chest.

“That was fucking amazing,” he said, his breathing returning to normal. “
are fucking amazing.”

She lifted her head to look at him with a smile. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

He kissed her, and then she rested her head back down.

“I love how you’re so open about everything. You make me feel as if I could suggest anything and you’d never judge me for it.”

She laughed. “You mean you love that I’m as perverted as you are.”

He joined her laughter. “Perverted? Me?” He fell silent and then said, “Actually, I had Logan call me today.”

Her heart beat a little faster at the mention of the other guy’s name. “Oh, yeah? Was he checking I hadn’t backed out?”

“Partly that, but he also mentioned the photo shoot again. The one involving the two of you. I told him I would talk to you about it.”

Even though she’d just come, she felt the blood rush to her already engorged pussy, her clit tingling. She was in love with Eric, there was no doubt about it in her mind—but that didn’t mean the idea of having Logan so physically close didn’t turn her on. In her mind, Logan would be like having another toy, only a male, living, breathing version. But the last thing she would want to do was cause any kind of jealousy between her and Eric. She would never do anything to jeopardize what they had.

She lifted her head. “I wouldn’t want anything to come between us, Eric. That’s the most important thing to me.”

He frowned. “Why would it come between us? It’s art, Anya. It’s photography.”

“Could you really watch another guy have sex with me?” Sometimes, she wished he would be just a little more jealous. But even so, the thought sent a thrill of excitement through her.

“You wouldn’t be having sex with him, Anya. It’s simply simulating the sex act for the photographs.”

“But we’d be naked,” she said. “And he’d put his cock inside me.”

“Not at first. We can see how it goes, and take it from there. You’re both beautiful people, and your images would be stunning.”

“But ...” She didn’t know how to say it, without fear of upsetting him. But she needed to. If this were to happen, they needed to be completely open with each other. “But what if I enjoyed it?”

He laughed. “I wouldn’t expect you to not enjoy it! I’d never ask you to do something you didn’t get pleasure from.”

Well, Eric didn’t seem to have a problem with her being naked with Logan. Was she really going to turn this opportunity down?

She lifted her head and smiled. “Okay, tell him we’ll do it.”

He kissed her. “Did I tell you that you’re amazing?”

She shrugged. “Well, yeah, but I don’t mind if you repeat yourself.”

Chapter Twenty-one


ventually, they managed to untangle
from each other and climb from the couch. Eric announced he was going to take her out to dinner, but when she pointed out the only clothes she had with her were the extremely short latex dress, or her other outfit of Eric’s t-shirt and shorts, he agreed to order take-out instead.

He kissed her head. “I’m buying you more clothes before you step outside my apartment door again, though,” he told her. “There’s no way I’m letting you step outside wearing that dress. We can keep it here instead.” He gave her a salacious look and waggled his eyebrows. “In the bedroom.”

She laughed and smacked him playfully on the arm. “You do realize how weird it is that you don’t want me to go outside in a slutty dress, but you’re happy to have my naked photographs hanging in a gallery for all of New York to see.”

He shrugged. “That’s different. When you’re in photographs, it’s not the real you. It’s an image, a beautiful image, but an image nonetheless.” He slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her on the mouth. “The Anya who walks by my side is the real Anya, and I don’t want any other man eyeing you up as we walk down the street.”

She couldn’t help but think about Logan. He didn’t want another guy looking at her, but he was happy for her to pose naked with another man, right in front of him?

“You’re a little crazy, you know that, right?”

He gave a rueful smile. “Yeah, I know.”

They ordered Chinese food, and after it arrived and they’d gorged themselves on noodles, rice, and crackers, Eric headed into his office area to catch up on some work and make a call to Logan.

Anya thought she should probably make her excuses and go back to her room in the dorm. The last thing she wanted was to go back to the comparatively tiny space—compared to Eric’s apartment—and share a room with her roommate rather than snuggle up to a gorgeous, talented man, but Nadine would be wondering what had happened to her. Of course, there was a very real possibility that Nadine wouldn’t have made it home either in the last twenty-four hours. The girl knew how to party.

She checked her cell phone, but didn’t have any missed calls. Deep down she’d hoped to see a missed call, if not from her father, then from her mother, at least. But the screen didn’t say anyone had tried to reach her. She obviously wasn’t being missed too badly.

Sadness swelled up inside her. Tears filled her eyes, and she blinked them back and swallowed hard against the lump in her throat. She wished her parents could be happy for her. For the first time in her life, she felt like she’d found her place in the world. She just wished they could accept her for who she was.

Movement in the kitchen caught her attention. Eric had opened the refrigerator and was bent, peering inside.

“You can’t still be hungry?” she said with a laugh. She felt like her stomach bulged, she’d eaten so much.

But Eric straightened, pulling a bottle of white wine out with him. “Nope. I figured we deserved a drink.”

She looked longingly at the bottle. She couldn’t think of anything nicer than curling up on the couch with Eric and a bottle of wine. But she couldn’t stay here all the time. It would be as if she’d moved in without even being asked. The idea of something so permanent felt both amazing and terrifying all at the same time.

She slipped her feet off the couch and planted them on the floor. “I can’t, Eric. I really need to get back to my dorm.”

His face fell. “I’d assumed you weren’t going back tonight.”

“I can’t stay here all the time.”

“Why not?”

“Eric! I can’t! We just met. We’ll get sick of each other within a week.”

He brought the bottle and a couple of glasses over and set them on the coffee table. He leaned over her to nuzzle her neck. “I could never get bored of you.”

She laughed, but pushed him away. “Seriously, Eric. I have to go. I need clean clothes and I have my own work to do.”

“So let’s go and get all of your things. We’ll bring them back here, then it won’t be a problem.”

She stopped and stared at him. “What are you saying?”

“I thought that was obvious. Just move in with me.”

“You’re serious? You want me to move in here?”

“Why not? I love you. I want to be with you all of the time. As long as you feel the same way, I can’t see any reason not to. This place is too big for me on my own. And it feels so empty now when you’re not here. Before I met you, I never noticed, but now all I think about when you’re not around is how much I miss you.”

“But I still need to get to campus for class.”

“So, you can take a cab. You know I’ll pay. Hell, I’ll buy you a damned car if that’s all it takes to get you to come live with me.”

She gaped at him. “You’re actually serious.”

“Of course I am. I never say anything I don’t mean.”

“You’re crazy,” she repeated.

He gave her an impossibly sexy smile. “What’s the point in being alive if you can’t be a little reckless now and then?”

He was right. She didn’t want to go back to her dorm when she could be here, with Eric. She loved him, and hated to spend even a minute without him.

“We’ll try it,” she said eventually. “I won’t give up my dorm room, though, just in case we discover we hate each other after a week.”

His eyebrows lifted. “I had no idea you were such a romantic.”

“Yeah, well, one of us has to keep our heads screwed on. If this all goes wrong, you won’t be the one left with nowhere to live.”

He lifted his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. But just so you know, I’d live on the streets myself before I saw you homeless.”

Anya smiled and slid onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You’re my hero.”

His face grew serious. “You’re my everything. I love you so much, it’s crazy. You know that, don’t you?”

Her heart swelled with happiness. “I love you, too.”

They kissed and grinned at each other, neither one quite daring to believe how lucky they were the other person had come into their life.

She remembered something. “Hey, how did the call with Logan go?”

“Oh, yeah, I’d almost forgotten about that. It went well. He’s free tomorrow afternoon, if you are?”

Nerves flipped in her stomach. “That soon?”

Eric shrugged. “Sure, why wait?”

She couldn’t think of one reason. “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

“Don’t be. Logan will make you feel at ease, I promise.”

“Just as long as it isn’t ...” She trailed off.

“Weird?” he filled in.

“And awkward.”

“It won’t be. We’ll get a bottle of champagne and have some fun. If at any point you want to stop, or do something differently, just say.”

“Same with you, too,” she insisted. “If it’s making you feel strange, you have to speak up.”

“Strange? The only thing it’s going to do to me is get me crazy hot so I’ll end up having to screw the hell out of you as soon as Logan has gone.”

She smiled. “Now you’re talking.”

“So we’ll go back to your dorm and get your stuff in the morning, and then in the afternoon we’ll do the shoot with Logan.”


ric was setting up his
studio in preparation for Logan’s arrival, while Anya stood in the bathroom, anxiously applying and reapplying her make-up. She’d already shaved her skin smooth, and then coated every inch of herself in moisturizing cream. Now she stood naked in front of the mirror, examining herself. Would Logan find her sexy? What if he didn’t and it was obvious that he didn’t think she was attractive? She’d be mortified.

She palmed her naked breasts and gave her nipples a pinch between her thumb and forefinger, making the pink nubs stand erect and sending a frisson of pleasure down to her groin. It was strange how much more nervous she felt at the idea of exposing herself in front of Logan like this, when she hadn’t experienced anything like such nerves at getting naked in front of Eric. Perhaps she’d always felt more predatory with Eric, knowing exactly what she wanted, where Logan was something different altogether.

She tried to push all thoughts of her parents—her father, in particular—to the back of her mind. Yet, despite her best efforts, she couldn’t help wondering if she was doing all of this to spite him. Though she told herself she was the one in control of her life now, and she would do what she wanted without being emotionally blackmailed by her father, the thought of him never wanting to see her again saddened her. But there was nothing more she could do. She had two choices—censor herself to please her parents, or live her life to its full potential.

Anya couldn’t imagine living a single day with the first option.

She applied a final slick of gloss to her lips, gave her hair another fluff, and then wrapped herself in her robe. She’d decided wearing a robe and being naked underneath would be less intimate than if she actually needed to undress herself in front of Logan. At least this way she could just whip off the robe and be done.

The buzzer for the front door rang, and her heart leapt into her throat. Shit. He was here.

“You okay in there, baby?” Eric called out. “I think Logan’s here.”

She forced her voice to be bright. “Coming.”

By the time she made it out of the bathroom, Eric was already opening the door to Logan.

He stepped into the apartment, a wide smile on his tanned, handsome face, showing off those straight white teeth. He pushed his blond waves back with one hand while his blue gaze met with hers.

“Hey, Anya.”

“Hey,” she said, smiling back. Butterflies danced around her stomach.

Logan lifted the other hand which held a paper bag wrapped around a bottle. “I figured we could do with some fizz.”

Eric took the bottle from him. “We’d already come to that same conclusion. I just opened a bottle of Dom Perignon.”

Anya noticed the three glasses sitting on the kitchen island. Golden bubbles rose and popped to the surface. Eric placed the new bottle in the refrigerator, and then handed each of them one of the glasses he’d already poured.

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