Destroying the Wrong (10 page)

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Authors: Evelyne Stone

BOOK: Destroying the Wrong
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He pushed the lock button, stalling my exit.

“What are you talking about?”

I wasn’t going to let his sweet voice soothe this situation. “Look, Jamison, I know I shouldn't have, but I looked at your text messages and I know that you're in love with Kimberly. So please just leave me alone. I'm going inside and I hope you respect my feelings and never call me again.”

“Katherine, it's not what you think. When my dad moved us here, Kimberly made me promise we would try the long-distance relationship thing. I can’t do it but I don’t want to hurt her. I really want to hang out with you more.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me?”

He hung his head. “I like you and didn’t want you to get upset.”

“I can’t trust you. Next time, try being honest.” I got out and didn’t look back.


“Hey! How did your date go?” Alissa answered her phone on the first ring.

“He’s in love with some girl named Kimberly.” I could practically feel how unemotional my voice was.

“Did you kick his ass? Break his phone? Make a scene?”

“No,” I sighed. “I told him to take me home.”

“You didn’t even ask about her?” Alissa sounded like she was scolding me.

“I did and he told me she’s his girlfriend from back home. That’s when I got out of the car.” Irritation began to creep in.

“You let him off without so much as a fight?”

I held the phone away from my ear because she’d almost screamed that last bit.

“Fighting won’t fix anything.” I fell back onto my bed. “You know I don’t like confrontations. If he wants to talk about it, I’ll just email him and tell him to leave me alone because once he lied to me, I can’t trust him. Even as a friend, I couldn’t trust him.”

“You can’t express your anger through emails. You know that! You really need to grow some balls or people will just keep on doing this to you.”

“Not what I wanted to hear from my best friend. Can’t you just say you’re sorry and you won’t ever talk to him again either? I just want a little sympathy right now.” I threw myself back on my bed.

Alissa sighed. “I’m sorry you had to go through that and next time I really hope you kick his ass and I won’t ever talk to him again. In fact, if he tries to talk to me, I’ll kick his ass myself. Better?”


“I’m really proud of you,” she said.

“Why is that?”

“You had your first date, first almost boyfriend, and first break up all in one night and survived.”

“Yeah, I suppose I did. Now on to the next one, right?” I asked, knowing that’s what she was thinking.

“Exactly. I’m glad you listen to me.”

“Love you, dork.” I giggled at my best friend standing up for my broken heart. “I’m going to bed.”

“Love you, too. And don’t forget Dillon is coming home and would make a great rebound.” I ended the call because I couldn’t disagree more. Dillon was too good for that.

That night I didn’t cry myself to sleep. Jamison was not worth crying over. The company was the only thing I’d miss.

I shifted my thoughts to Dillon. I couldn’t wait to see him again. I decided to let Alissa dress me up and do my makeup. She would have fun with that and hopefully,
,  make me look beautiful.

ter 13


Scott and I had flirted shamelessly through texts after I had sent him the picture. I even volunteered to help organize the L.S.A.B. Christmas party so I could be around him more without Matt flipping out. Matt had been so jealous lately of any guy I spoke to or even looked at. I felt smothered.

Scott warned me that we needed to be careful. He always reminded me to erase texts or not to call him unless he sent me a text back to give the all clear. I did feel bad flirting so much with someone other than my boyfriend, but at the same time, knowing how wrong it was excited me and pushed me to do it more.

I’m such a bad girl.

I felt weird walking through a gym with a winter jacket and boots on while everyone already inside was wearing workout clothes and sweating. I left my jacket on until I got to his office since my shirt was so low-cut. God forbid Matt was here because I knew he would freak out in front of everyone and drag me to my car before anyone even realized what they were looking at.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the office door and walked in on a shirtless Scott talking on his phone. His shirt was draped around his neck and his back was facing me, giving me the perfect view of a tattoo running from his left shoulder blade across to his lower right back. It was a weird design that I couldn't explain, but I had to stop myself from reaching out to trace the design with my fingers.
Or my tongue.

I stood there watching him, unable to hear either side of the conversation because I was lost in a trance. He ended his call and turned around, catching me staring at him, with a smile on his face. It was obvious he liked my stare.

“Hey, doll. How are you this fine day?” He moved in closer to me but I stood still. No one had ever given me such a sexy nickname before and coming from him, it made me want to taste the word on his lips as he said it.

“Hey, yourself. I'm great. How are you?” I was shocked I sounded coherent. He was now just inches from me so I could smell the scent of his cologne and sweat. I forced my eyes forward because looking up into his blue eyes would give away the pure desire spiking my blood for him to damn the consequences and kiss me.

He put his finger under my chin and pushed up, forcing me to look at his face. “I don't want you to be afraid of me. Just because we can't touch until you’re eighteen doesn't mean we can't use other ways to enjoy each other's company.”

I didn’t understand what he was saying and instead of asking and looking stupid, I tried to change the subject. “Are you ready to go over how much this party is costing you?”

He chuckled still holding his finger under my chin. “No, I don't want to go over numbers and I told you, I trust you not to go over and beyond. What I want is to enjoy the time we have together. You flirt with me on the phone and drive me crazy. Now put your bag down, take off your jacket, and come sit with me on the couch.”

I nodded and complied with his demands. I didn't want to take my eyes off him because I was afraid if I looked away he wouldn't be there anymore. My body started feeling very hot so I sat down on the side opposite him so what we weren’t touching at all. He threw his arm over the back of the couch and angled toward me. I copied him because I wasn't sure what else to do. Every nerve in my body was begging to be touched. I had never wanted to throw myself at anyone before so desperately.

He jumped up from the couch not saying a word and my eyes followed him as he walked over to his desk.

“I have a gift for you but before I hand it to you, I want you to promise me you’ll only think of me when using it. Only me. Can you make that promise?” he whispered darkly, lifting an eyebrow.

“I promise.” The words barely came out of my mouth.

“Good.” He reached in a drawer and pulled out a small box. As he walked back over to the couch, my eyes drifted all over his body. I wanted to beg him to let me feel every inch of him, but I didn't. Begging would be childish.

Scott held the box out for me but when I reached for it, he pulled it back. I gave him a devilish smile, liking his little game.

“Tell me you want me first.” He stared at me, slightly sticking out his tongue and licking the inside of his lips.

“But you already know that.” I reached my hand out and he relented, giving me the box.

I waited until he sat back down to open it. Inside this little, silver box was a bullet looking thing with a metal tip and black base. He must have sensed I didn't know what I was looking at because he chuckled, a soft, low sound that went straight between my legs. “Doll, you look so sexy when your naiveté shows all over your face.”

That is not how I want him to see me!
“I'm glad I amuse you. Now, could you please explain what this is?” I inspected whatever this was, turning it around in my hands.

“It's a vibrator,” he said seriously while keeping his eyes right on me.

I laughed because he had to be kidding but his expression remained serious and I saw something in his eyes I didn’t recognize. I wasn't scared, but I felt a little uneasy.

“You want me to use this and think about you?” He was certainly taking our flirting to a higher level. I felt my body turn red from embarrassment, not because he’d given me the gift but because it turned me on so much.

“Have I insulted you with my gift?” He leaned over as close as he could get to my face without touching me. “I was going to ask you to use it in front of me, but I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself.”

His face was still right in front of me, and as I looked into his eyes, my heart stopped. Needing to stay in control, I brought my mouth inches away from his ear and whispered, “I have no idea what you’re doing to me, but I don’t want you to stop.” I inhaled slowly, catching his scent once more. He breathed out with a quiet sigh. I pursed my lips together and slowly blew air right below his earlobe, watching with pleasure as goose-bumps formed along his jaw line and neck.

I leaned back against the couch, putting space between us again. He slowly opened his eyes, smiled, and nodded. Turning him on made me feel sexy.

“Matt told me your brother is coming into town?” Scott’s facial expression went from lust to serious as fast as I blinked. The last thing I wanted to talk about while being turned on was my brother. “Yeah, and I think Matt’s a little nervous about meeting him.”

I couldn't believe we were talking about my brother and my boyfriend after the moment we’d just shared.

“So you and your brother are close?”

I nodded. “Very close. It was always him, Kat and I as far back as I remember.” I started giggling. “Kat actually has a crush on him now. It's really cute.”

“If he doesn't like Matt, what will you do?” He ran his fingers through his hair, still looking at me intently.

I wasn’t sure where this discussion was going, but I felt weird talking to Scott about Matt. I wasn’t sure if he was asking me in order to gather details about my relationship or if he was hoping I would tell him that I was dumping Matt to be with him. “I don't know. He's been acting so strange lately and smothering me, it may be time to take a break anyway.” Now I was testing him. All it would take was him asking me to break up with Matt so that we could be together and he’d own me.

“Matt is just young and he's trying to figure out what to do with his life. I think he loves you and it's stressing him out.”
Now he's defending Matt?
I didn't get Scott at all.

“I guess time will tell, but I don't think I could be with anyone that my brother doesn't like.” I picked up my stuff from the floor so I could leave. The discussion was making me mad. He came on strong and then backpedaled by asking about my family?

Scott noticed and put himself between me and the door. “Don't forget, that gift is only to be used when you're thinking about me.”

“Is this some kind of game?” I hadn’t thought before I’d blurted out my question but I had to know if he was playing with me.

His smile actually got bigger. “Life is just a game. A game between fate and us. I guess you could say I’m playing a game to see if I can keep my hands off you until you turn eighteen. I’m playing a game with you to see if you feel what I’m feeling. But it’s fate that will answer the question if we really belong together.”

I nodded. He stepped away. Once I was through the door, I wanted to scream in frustration.
Why do guys insist on being so confusing?


Matt came over to my house later that night and we decided to watch a movie in the family room. I didn’t want to be alone with him in my room.

I couldn’t get comfortable sitting next to him. I don’t know if it was because I kept thinking about what had happened earlier with Scott or if I just didn’t feel the same about him anymore. I kept wiggling around, trying to find a comfortable position. He took that as me trying to flirt and started tickling me.

“Get off! I’m trying to watch the movie,” I said trying not to laugh because he was hitting all my ticklish spots.

He threw me on the floor and pinned me down. “You’re such a little flirt. If you want me to pay attention to you instead of the movie, all you have to do is ask instead of being so squirmy.”

“I was trying to get comfortable. Now let me go.” I tried moving my whole body to throw him off but didn’t realize just how strong he was getting.

“Give me a kiss first.” He leaned in and puckered.

“No way! You have popcorn breath, and I’m sure I have kernels stuck in my teeth.”

His cell phone beeped and when he reached for it in his pocket I took the opportunity to sneak out from under his grip.

“That was Scott. He wants to talk to me first thing tomorrow morning.” He stuffed the phone back in his front pocket.

“I wonder what he wants.” My stomach clenched thinking about Scott telling Matt about what had happened. I relaxed a little almost immediately when I remembered how much Scott liked this thing we had going. There was no reason he would end the fun, I assured myself.

“You know Walt asked about Kat again the other day. I really think he’s into her.”

“Ugh. Not going to happen. Besides, with Dillon coming back into town, she’ll be totally sidetracked.” I put my head on the armrest and threw my legs over his lap.

“What about Jamison?”

I’d forgotten to tell him about Jamison so I gave him a brief summary.

“What an ass.” Then, “Maybe if Dillon and Kat are consumed with each other, it’ll give your brother less time to not like me.” I knew by the way his brows dipped that he was really worried.

I laughed knowing that Dillon knew all about my trials and tribulations with Matt, since I shared everything with him. Well, nearly everything. I hadn’t told him about Scott because that was my dirty little secret. “Are you really that worried?”

“Well, yeah. Especially since I feel like you’ve been distant lately and I hope everything is okay between us.” He pouted and I realized that the expression that used to turn me on now just made me want to smack it off his face.

“Stop worrying. Besides, why don’t you just ask me what’s bugging me if you think something’s off,” I challenged.

“Okay,” he turned his whole body towards me. “What’s bugging you?”

“How about the fact that since we had sex, you are interested in my every move and in every conversation I have with someone. A girl needs to breathe, Matt.”

, Alissa. In more ways than anyone can ever imagine. You have no idea how badly I want to hold on to you and protect you from the world.” That would sound romantic if he didn’t have an “I’ll kill you if you leave me look” in his eyes. He was starting to scare me. Being clingy was one thing, but telling me that I was his was downright obsessive.

“Just give me a little space, okay? I promise everything will be fine.” I hoped he couldn’t tell that was a lie. I knew our relationship wasn’t going to last much longer. I’d even told Dillon to be nice but not waste his time getting too close. I had bigger fish to fry.

I pretended to fall asleep toward the end of the movie. Matt didn’t wake me up because he thought it was a rude thing to do so he gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me he loved me before he let himself out.

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