Dec's Downfall: (A Brothers of Devil's Comfort Book 5) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (11 page)

BOOK: Dec's Downfall: (A Brothers of Devil's Comfort Book 5) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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Chapter 18

My body is still shaking from my afternoon in bed with Ivy. When I’d arrived back from my encounter with The Hybrid Reapers, she had appeared so lost and forlorn and maybe a little daunted by the other women. As used to them as she is, Ivy was reserved and she enjoys her lone time. Something, which has been denied her since the moment those bastards had road raged her.

At the sight of Ivy sitting at the kitchen table, the urge to gather Ivy into my arms was strong, and when she had willingly let me take her to bed without a fight. I should have run. I should have left her alone. Instead, I’d joined Ivy on the bed, curving her body into mine, welcoming her warmth. Soon the slight tremors from Ivy’s body had ceased and she had drifted into a much-needed sleep, and it wasn’t long before my own tiredness had overtaken me.

When she had woken, her face had been full of wonder and awe, her lips begging me for a kiss. That was all I had planned to do. To kiss her on the lips and then leave. Instead, it had led to one of the most satisfying sexual encounters I have ever experienced. After we had finished, instead of offering Ivy the comfort and support she should have received, I had left. The lie had come easy to me, telling Ivy that Inferno wanted me at the club.

As I pull into the club, I realize just how much I have lied to Ivy. In no rush to go inside, I sit back on the Harley, and stare towards the trees. Life had been easy. Simple when I’d been chasing her. Now, it is becoming complicated, and I don’t do complications neither do I do monogamous. Yet with Ivy, I’m doing both. I could walk into the club now, and pick any one of the skanks in there and they wouldn’t turn me down. With a derogative laugh at myself, I call myself a fool. I know I’ll not be doing anything of the sort. Ivy has me by the balls. As I scan the yard further, my glance falls on Twiggy, who is leaning against the wall of the club, a beer bottle in his hand. At his wave, I dismount from the bike and join him, lighting a cigarette.

“How’s Ivy?”

When I’d left Ivy, there had been a very satisfying glow surrounding her. Yet I doubt if this is what Twiggy is asking.

“She’s doing fine. Having Pa to watch helps to keep her mind from wondering.”

As Twiggy gave a nod, he threw his empty bottle into the metal bin, which Baby Blu had had installed.

“I didn’t expect you at the club this early.”

Neither had I, yet the club was a better prospect than the house. Damn, what the fuck would be spilling out of my mouth next.

“Is Inferno about?”

“He’s over at Tie me Down with Rayven.”

As soon as I finish my cigarette, I send it to join the beer bottle. With a flourish, I open the doors to the club, and let Twiggy pass. With no Inferno and no pressing club business, I idly stroll over to the bar and grab a beer for Twiggy and myself. As I leant against the bar, I scanned the room, my eyes falling on Kitty, who smiled indicating she was more than available. Disinterested I turned my attention back to Twiggy.

“Fancy a ride out to The River Demons?”

Twiggy scrutinized me, before throwing his head back and gave a belly laugh.

“It wasn’t that funny.”

“Come on, let’s go to the basement.”

With one last mouthful of my beer, I place the almost empty bottle onto the counter and followed Twiggy down the stairs. At six feet six, Twiggy only just towers over me by a few inches; however, he outweighed me by several pounds. Still, it wouldn’t be an easy fight for him. As soon as we were in the basement, I shrugged out of my Cut and T-shirt and slipped my boots and socks off. By the time I was in the ring, Twiggy was in the same state of dress as myself.

The first punch when it landed, sent me into the ropes, the next one winded me. It wasn’t long before I was retaliating. The added stress of the day before, aiding my fists and feet. Several times, I managed to bring Twiggy to his knees, only to have the favor returned. By the time the fight is over, I’m winded and on my knees, and Twiggy is using the ropes for support. It had been a good fight and it had served its purpose.

“Didn’t you get enough last night Dec.”

The sound of Inferno’s voices has me looking in his direction where I see him leaning against the wall; Sundance was standing to the side of him, his eyes silently laughing.

“No Prez, last night’s fight was a little one sided. The Sergeant didn’t give One Owner the opportunity to fight back.”

“Shut up Sundance. How is Sinbad today? Are the bastards talking yet?”

By now, Inferno and Sundance and have sauntered over to the ring, where Sundance offered his hand out to me which I took, pulling myself up. Once I was standing, I arched my back, giving myself a stretch. Fuck, I had needed the exercise.

“Not yet.”

Inferno’s answer pisses me off. I hankered to be on the road, hunting down the rest of the bikers. At the same time, I also wanted to be at home with Ivy. Instead, I’m being denied both. The frustration of not being able to do anything was making me antsy. With the knowledge of knowing there is little I can do, I leave the basement and head back to the bar. Kitty is now behind the bar and when she sees me heading her way, she replaces the bottle I had left earlier with a fresh one.

“Thanks Kitty.”

Kitty smiled, letting me know that more than the beer was on offer. Again, I turn my back on the whore, scanning the room. When I came across Fraggle, my thoughts turned to Ivy once more.


Inferno has followed from the basement and with his own beer, which is swinging gently in his hand, joins me.


“We’ll find them and we’ll deal with it. It’ll not matter if it’s by the hands of Devil’s Comfort or The Scarlet Runners.”

Without answering, I swallow a large mouthful of the cool liquid, the tastes burning the back of my throat is refreshing. I was aware that The Scarlet Runners had priority over The Hybrids. This didn’t mean I was going to let them have all the fun.

“I’m heading over to The River Demon’s to see if I can learn more.”

Inferno gave a nod as he pulled his gloves from his pocket, pulling them on as he followed me through the door. Sundance and Twiggy were already on their bikes, waiting.

When we arrive at The River Demon’s club, the place is busy and the smell of barbeque ribs fills the air, causing my stomach to rumble. Damion was standing beside the cook pit, chewing on a large burger. Leon the Sergeant at Arms for The River Demon’s is cooking. Hooked on either side of them are a couple of club whores, who were rubbing their bodies against the bikers as they flirted with them. When the bikers spot us heading towards them, Leon drops the spatula he was holding and with Damion, they met us half way.

“We must be the flavor of the month, aye Prez.”

“Looks like it Leo.”

With his head of dreadlocks, Leon, looked like the lion his name bore him to be.

“What can we do for you fellas?”

“Those ribs are looking kind a good.”

Damian’s laughter rang out as he fist thumped me and shook Inferno by the shoulders. As soon as the greetings were over, we were led to the food, where the whores passed round several plates. The tall skinny one, which had been hanging on to Leon when we had arrived, smiled up at me. Again, I wasn’t interested in anything she had to offer. With our plates, we found a vacant table and begin to talk.”

“What are you hiding Damion?”

Damion ignored Twiggy’s question, as he thoughtfully chewed on his burger. Onions slid out of the sides of the bun, and his tongue snaked out to catch the pieces before they fell to the floor. As he placed the last mouthful into his mouth, he looked directly at Twiggy.

“Bastion’s baby sister Sugar has a thing for one of the bikers and she’s missing.”

“Fuck, Damion she’s no more than a kid.”

Twiggy’s outburst was a surprise and all heads turned to him.

“Tell me the name of the biker and where you think they’re going?”

Damian studied Twiggy for a moment before handing over the information he was after. Without responding, Twiggy spun on his heel and headed for his bike. As he strode across the field, his shoulders were tense, his cell already at his ear as he mounted his bike.

“Sundance go with him.”

Sundance turned to Inferno before running to catch up with the angry biker.

“I’ll go with them.”

“No you’ll not Dec. Its family business now, and when they’re ready for us. They’ll let us know.”

Frustrated at Inferno, I watched as the two bikers ride towards the freeway. I have a score to settle and every turn I make, Inferno was putting up a blockade. If there wasn’t anything I could do here, I was heading back to Comfort Springs and maybe I could talk Ivy into spending the night at the club.

The ride back has failed to clear my head and as soon as we arrive at the club, I ring Tabby to find out if he has any more information. Yeah, this time, Tats was more forthcoming and they now have the names of the other bikers and are on their way back to Comfort Springs. It was a small piece of solace, but it was enough to keep me going until morning. Just as I was about to return the cell to my pocket, I discover there are several messages and a missed call from Ivy. Just seeing her name on the cell brought a silly grin to my face and I make my escape from the club. Outside, the evening air is cool and as I wait for Ivy to answer the phone, I lit a cigar, yeah; maybe, it's time I gave these up.


“Hi Baby Girl.”

Ivy didn’t respond straight away, yet I wasn’t worried that she may have hung up on me. Over the line, I can hear the soft breaths of my girl. There’s no turning back for me. I crave Ivy. For as long as I have known her. She has been my obsession. Was it time to stop running?

“I missed you Baby Girl.”

“I haven’t been anywhere.”

The light giggle was having its usual effect on my cock. Idly, as we spoke, I placed my hand into my denims and adjusted myself.

“You weren’t here.”

“You know where I am.”

“That I do Baby Girl.”


The hesitancy in Ivy’s voice squeezes around my heart, and for a moment, I forget to breathe.

“Yeah Baby Girl?”

“I missed you too. Come home soon.”

Ivy’s words, has me looking up at the black sky, the vice around my heart gripped tighter. I was gone. Not even Lydia my ex-wife had had this effect on me.




















Chapter 19

After the road incident, life returned to normal, and Dec’s disappearances ceased. Although he did mention in passing, there was an upcoming run with the club and he would be leaving for a few days. However, this wasn’t until after we returned from New Orleans. As I thought about our trip, I began to consider about remaining in New Orleans. I have family there, and they would be happy to take me back while I searched for employment. These thoughts were depressing and many times, I would give myself a shake and drop the matter. There was no point in wondering about the future. Not while I have the present, and have many memories to store.

I haven’t left Dec’s bed since the morning he has made sweet love to me. Our sex life has never been the same, although we haven’t had vanilla sex in the truest sense since then. There has still been something special in the way Dec treats me. He is just as dominating and hard on me. Sometimes making me beg for what seems like an eternity before he’ll let me cum. As special as this has felt. I know Dec is still holding something back from me.

Mary has been in contact and is due home later today. When I informed William, Mary was returning, he was like a young boy, impatient and excited to see the woman he has been married to for over forty years.

“William, here’s your coffee. It’ll not be long now.”

As I sit in the chair opposite the elder Gallagher, I speculated about the pain Mary must be going through. The man sat in his chair, his eyes once more transfixed to the television screen is not the man she married. Does she mourn him?

On the table beside William, is an old photograph album and a tin box. Whenever William has a flash of lucidity, we’d spend time going through them. Gaily he would recant tales of his life. He’d chat away about how he had met Mary and the birth of their children. When Tabby visited, you could see the pain he felt when his father didn’t acknowledge him. Yet I knew deep down, William recognized him and would spark up at the sounds of Dec’s and Tabby’s voices.

In the tin box are old letters, faint and worn from been read so many times. Love letters between him and Mary. At the beginning of our relationship, I had asked Dec not to come looking for me when it was over. Agitated with myself, I rose from the chair and paced the living room. I loved Declan Gallagher and already I was thinking of giving him up. Well, no more. One man had dumped me here in Comfort Springs and I hadn’t done anything to stop him. I hadn’t fought with him to take me back. I had willingly let him go. Why, because I didn’t love him.

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