Dealing With the Dead (7 page)

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Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dealing With the Dead
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Noah broke the kiss eventually, his eyes never straying from Jayden's. "God, I want you."

"Yes… I mean no… umm—" Jayden covered his eyes and groaned as he felt the blush make its way up his face. God, Noah must think him a right idiot.

"Umm, okay. Sorry." Noah sounded surprised and maybe a little hurt as he tried to move from his position on top of Jayden. Jayden didn't want that at all. He really liked the feeling of Noah pressing him into the mattress.
"No, please… stay." Jayden tightened his grip hoping Noah would stay where he was. Noah's confusion was evident and Jayden couldn't really blame him.

Noah brushed his fingers through Jayden's hair. "Do you mind telling me why I'm still here?"

Jayden blushed again. "I like you above me."

Noah chuckled "I like being above you but you just said 'no' to me and I only have so much control." Noah thrust his hips against Jayden's, his cock still very obviously hard.

"I need to tell you something first—" Jayden swallowed the large lump in his throat. He really hoped Noah would be okay with what he was about to tell him.

"Okay. Whatever you have to say, just go ahead."

Noah quickly pecked his lips and pulled away again, his green eyes soft and patient.

Noah continued to play with his hair as he waited for Jayden to start talking. "So, you know I'm a necromancer."

Jayden blushed even harder at his opening line.

How stupid was he going to sound? Of course, the man knew he was a necromancer. He had witnessed his brother being raised from the dead last night. Noah chuckled, wrapped his arms around Jayden and flipped them over so
Jayden was now lying on top of him.


Jayden sat up as he wiggled and squirmed trying to get into a comfortable position. He played with the hair on Noah's chest as his ass settled down against Noah's erect cock, straining to be released from its confines. The man under him groaned and thrust once, stopping when Jayden laughed and slapped his chest. "Behave. I can't get this out if you're doing that."

"Then hurry up, Jay. I have plans for you."

Jayden looked down at his hands as he continued to play with Noah's chest hair. The electricity he felt the first time they had touched was still there, but seemed more soothing and gentle. "So, as I said, I'm a necromancer." He paused as Noah nodded. "We have magic, just like witches and shifters and other beings." Waiting once again for Noah's nod, he continued. "Although all our magic is different, there is one thing we all have in common."

"And what's that?" Noah asked as he rubbed Jayden's back, getting closer to his ass every time.

"Weallhavemates," Jayden said in a rush.


Jayden took a deep breath and tried again. "Every magical being has a mate."
Noah stilled for a minute. Jayden couldn't take not knowing what was going through his head and looked up.

A slow smile broke across the man's face. Noah's grass green eyes sparkled in the late afternoon light.

"And what does that mean exactly?"

"Well, a mate is the other half of our soul. Someone Fate has chosen for us. They're said to be our perfect match, someone who will love us unconditionally. They also help to control the wild magic that flows through our veins by grounding us," Jayden finished quietly. He stared at his fingers again, unable to continue to meet Noah's gaze. He knew this was a lot to take in. He and Noah barely knew each other, he really hoped he got the opportunity to change that.

Jayden looked up as Noah lifted his chin with a knuckle until he could once again see his eyes.

"How do you recognise a mate?"

Jayden was quietly hopeful. If Noah was asking questions, that meant he was interested. Right?

"Well it's different for everybody." He paused for a second to try and remember what he had been taught growing up. "Shifters by scent, witches by sight, vampires by taste, and I think fey creatures by the sound of their voice."
"Yes, but what about you?" Noah asked his eyes boring into Jayden's. Noah caressed Jayden's cheek and he couldn't stop himself from leaning into the touch even if he'd wanted to.

"Oh… by touch," he whispered as his eyes closed.

He almost purred as Noah framed his face with his other hand and gently pulled him down.

"And have you met your mate?" Noah's husky voice breathed across his ear as he bit down lightly on his lobe.

Jayden bit his bottom lip to stop from whimpering and nodded. Noah's breath caressed his neck before he licked and nipped his way down.

Once again Jayden found himself on his back with Noah above him. "Open your eyes, Jay." Jayden shook his head. He suddenly didn't want to look at Noah. What if the man rejected him? He didn't think he could deal with that.

But it had to be a good sign that Noah was still in bed with him.

"Please, I want to look into your beautiful blue eyes when I ask my next question." Jayden nuzzled into the hand that was still gently caressing the side of his face before he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man above him.

"Thank you." Noah placed a quick kiss on his lips before pulling away again. "Am I your mate?" he asked.
There didn't seem to be any annoyance, anger, or denial behind his words. In fact, Jayden thought he heard yearning and heat mixed in together.

Unsure of the answer Noah wanted, Jayden just bit the bullet and nodded. The smile he was graced with could have lit a forest on fire.

"Are you sure?"

"I tingle," he answered, at a loss for any other word to describe what he felt.

"Pardon?" Noah looked a little perplexed now.

"When I touch you I tingle. It feels like little electrical currents running under my skin."

"Is that what that is?" Noah asked.

"You feel it too?" Jayden was shocked that Noah felt the same thing he did.

"Yeah, it felt like I'd stuck my finger in a socket the first time I touched you in your office."

Jayden smiled and nodded. "That's how I knew.

Dad told me it was the sign that I'd met my mate."

"Has your father or anyone else in your family met their mate yet?"

"Just Dad. He and Mum have been together for more than thirty years. My brothers are still looking for theirs."
"Do your parents know I'm your mate?" Jayden nodded.

"Dad could tell something was up in the office.

After all, he witnessed the first time we touched."

Noah laughed. "So I take it that was the reason behind the dinner invitation?"

"Yeah. I know Dad told Mum, but I don't think my brothers have been told yet."

"Okay then. Sunday should be interesting," Noah smiled and kissed him again.

Jayden lost himself in the feel of Noah's lips on his, their tongues duelling. Jayden ran his hands down Noah's broad back, and his foot along Noah's calf. The coarse leg hair added sensation that Jayden relished.

"So, what do I have to do to make you my mate?"

Noah asked as he pulled away slightly.

Jayden gasped. The thought of Noah being his made him shiver with so much want he thought he was going to explode with happiness. Noah wanted him. Jayden buried his face in Noah's neck and just breathed in the rich scent of his mate for a minute.

Noah just held him tight and let him get his body back under control. His hands stroked his back in calming motions as he whispered soothing noises in his ear.
"Okay now, Jay?" Noah murmured.

Jayden took a deep breath and nodded when he was sure his body wasn't about to erupt at any moment. He pulled back and looked into Noah's tender gaze. "Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about. Now, are you going to tell me what I have to do to make you mine?"

"We're not like shifters or vampires that complete the mating with a bite. Witches and necromancers claim their mates with a handfasting ceremony," Jayden answered blushing furiously. If Noah really did want him then they would basically be married in the eyes of his people and any supernatural being.

Noah looked like he was mulling over Jayden's words before coming to a conclusion. "So it's sort of like a wedding?" he asked.

"Yes. I grew up being told it's the eternal joining of two lovers' souls in a sacred ceremony. It's performed at dusk when both the sun and the moon are present to witness the joining."

"Sounds beautiful."

Jayden shrugged. He'd always thought the same though. "I've never attended one."

"Well, we'll just have to make sure ours is then."

Noah hated what he had put Jayden through last night. The fact that Jayden had pushed himself to the extent that he all but collapsed from exhaustion for Noah, and then suffered through the night, made him feel like the world's biggest heel. He silently promised himself he wouldn't let Jayden push himself to that limit again.

Now, Noah smiled at the hopeful expression on Jayden's face. He was a little shocked at how willing he was to commit to Jayden after only three days, but he couldn't explain it. Something just felt right when Jayden was in his arms.

He had heard of the concept of mates before but, to his knowledge, had never encountered it. Harrison, his best friend and business partner, was a feline shifter and had explained it all to him. However, Harrison could only tell him about what he knew and the mating habits of necromancers weren't high on that list. He was also still single so it seemed there were quite a few details missing from his explanation. Like this overwhelming need to make Jayden his. Was that just because they were mates? Would he feel the same way if there was no such thing as the mate bond? Did it matter to him?
Even though Jayden wasn't Noah's regular type he had a feeling Jayden still would have caught his attention without the mate bond.

Plus they didn't have to perform the ceremony right away. Noah wasn't sure, but he thought these things might take some time to arrange. They had time before the ceremony to get to know each other better and spend more time together.

But enough about all that. He had a sexy man beneath him who was more than willing to participate in a little carnal activity if the raging hard-on poking him in the stomach through his boxers was anything to go by.

Leaning down, Noah planted a scorching kiss on Jayden. He broke the contact long minutes later and he was pleased to see Jayden's heavy-lidded eyes. Jayden was also panting heavily from the kiss. Noah made his way down Jayden's jaw until he got to his neck were he bit hard enough for Jayden to feel it, but not to break the surface.

Jayden moaned and arched his neck giving Noah better access to him. Noah pulled back, extremely pleased by the large dark bruise he had left on Jayden, marking him as his.

"Mine," he growled before he started to kiss his way across Jayden's chest.
"Yours," Jayden agreed when Noah licked his right nipple before taking the small hard nub between his teeth and tugging slightly.

Jayden buried his fingers in his hair, encouraging him to continue. Noah obeyed, attacking his other nipple.


"Shhh, Jay. I have you," Noah whispered as he trailed his tongue along Jayden's pale, hairless chest, giving his navel some attention along the way.

Noah peeked up at Jayden and was caught for a minute at the sight before him. Noah didn't think he had ever seen anything more perfect in his life.

Jayden was any man's wet dream. His lips were currently wet and swollen from being bitten and long eyelashes fluttered against his flushed cheeks as if he couldn't decide if he wanted to keep his eyes open or closed. His head was thrown back with a look of pure ecstasy on his face and his blue-streaked hair was vibrant against the dark sheets beneath him. A light sheen of sweat covered his body as he moaned and panted though Noah's erotic torture.

Noah couldn't believe how lucky he was that Jayden belonged to him. He hooked his fingers in the waist of Jayden's boxers and slid them down. Jayden bent his legs,
helping him remove the fabric from his body. Noah removed his own underwear as well.

At last Noah took in his prize, Jayden's straining erection, with the cut head that was currently flushed a deep red. Noah leaned down and licked away the pearl drop glistening at the slit. He savoured his first sip of Jayden, the flavours rolling across his palate. Noah was almost sure he could taste the wild magic held within him.

Wanting more, he leaned back down and dragged his tongue from Jayden's tight sac up the length of his hard, straining cock. He circled the head and settled his lips over the tip, his tongue delving deep in the small crevice.

Noah hid his smile at the sounds coming from Jayden. As he continued to lavish his cock with attention, Jayden spread his legs farther apart. His feet were currently on the bed, on either side of Noah's shoulders, knees bent.

Noah moved his hands to hold down Jayden's hips as he could tell he was close to losing control and wanted to start thrusting. Noah had no problem with someone fucking his mouth, but at the moment he was enjoying taking things at his own pace and wanted to draw out Jayden's pleasure further.

Jayden whimpered when it became evident he

couldn't move. Noah smiled and went back to work, slowly
working his way up and down Jayden's delicious shaft.

Jayden screamed when Noah abruptly swallowed his cock, his fingers knotting once again in Noah's hair. Noah could hear Jayden's ragged breaths coming faster and faster.

"Please, oh God, so close." Noah could feel Jayden straining to thrust, but Noah held him still. Noah was desperate to feel Jayden's ass clamped around his shaft, pulsing in the throes of his orgasm. He knew even if Jayden came now, he would do so again fairly quickly. Noah was addicted; sucking Jayden was like a drug. He found himself loath to let anything distract him from worshiping Jayden's cock. Moving one hand, he brought his finger up alongside Jayden's erection and sucked it in as he moved up and down for a minute.

Once his finger was wet enough, he zeroed in on Jayden's tight pucker. Noah circled it once before he swallowed Jayden's cock to the root and pushed his finger inside to his second knuckle.

Jayden cried out and Noah felt Jayden's release hit the back of his throat. Pulling back slightly so he could savour the taste, he continued to pump his finger in and out of Jayden's body in order to draw out his pleasure. When Jayden collapsed back against the bed completely spent, Noah slowly pulled off, making sure to lick him clean as he
did. He placed a kiss at the tip of the semi-hard cock as he sat back on his heels. Jayden's dazed look had Noah glowing with satisfaction.

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