Deadly (16 page)

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Authors: Sylvia McDaniel

BOOK: Deadly
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“Oh, cowboy,” she said, her voice a husky growl.

Then they were moving toward each other. Their arms outstretched. They came together, flesh against flesh, and Zach only knew he needed her like the earth needed rain. His mouth claimed hers, as he led her to the bed. They landed arms and legs tangled together on the soft quilt.

She laughed. “Now you can slow down. We’ve got all night.”

“Easy for you to say,” he whispered, the feel of her naked skin causing his blood to pulse with need.

He moved his palm down her body, caressing her silken skin until he found her breasts. The feel of her soft skin, her nipples tightening beneath his touch, was almost too much to bear. He’d wanted her for what seemed like forever. He’d dreamed of her just like this, lying in his bed, his hands and mouth teasing her body until she cried out his name.

But that had been a dream, and this was reality. A reality he couldn’t believe.

A low, throaty growl escaped him as he caressed the hardened pebble of her nipple. She was soft as satin for sale in a shop window, as he trailed his hand over her breasts.

He put his mouth to her breasts, savoring their sweet taste. She gasped and arched her back toward him. Her hands grabbed his hair and held his mouth to her hardened kernel.

Meg was a strong woman who wasn’t afraid of danger and knew how to take care of her family. She was the type of woman a man would feel proud to call his woman and one he knew would always have his back. She was the type of woman who would care for their children. She’d make a great wife, yet there were secrets between them that could tear them apart.

He pushed the thoughts aside, promising tomorrow he would tell her, just give him tonight.

He skimmed his hand down her body, past her ribs, past her belly button, down her smooth stomach, to the wispy curls covering her womanly folds. She moaned a deep, throaty purr beneath his touch as he slid his fingers into her moist center.

She grasped his naked back, running her fingers across his shoulders, down his muscles, her fingers leaving hot trails of desire branding him with her touch. She tossed her head from side to side, her auburn hair splaying across the pillows as she called his name.

“Zach,” she moaned as she cried out his name, sending desire rippling through him.

While he’d lost his virginity many years ago, he wanted her to always remember the first time they were together as memorable.

“Kiss me, Zach,” she cried, her mouth searching for his again.

He moved his lips over hers, wanting to consume her. God, he loved it when she called out his name, like he was the only person she needed and wanted. Like he was the one person in this world she could depend on. He wanted to give her everything. He wanted to fulfill all her wishes and have those emerald eyes gaze at him like he was a man she believed in.

He placed her hand on his cock, and she wrapped her fingers around him, but he felt her touch all the way to his heart. He slid her hand up and down his shaft, and it felt as if the world moved. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He couldn’t hold off forever. The feel of her fingertips gliding up and down him was rushing him to the edge, pushing him ever closer.

“Zach, please,” she cried, not understanding what she needed.

“Honey,” he said and moved over her, spreading her legs apart with his knees. If this was her first time, he wanted to make this as painless as possible, but right now, he was throbbing with such urgency he didn’t know if he could hold off much longer.

He pushed into her and felt the resistance. He slowly thrust, stretching her, and she cried out just as he felt her maidenhead give way. And then he was inside her, surrounded by the feel of Meg. For a moment, he let her catch her breath and grow accustomed to the feel of him deep within her body. She was so tight, and he loved the way she moaned as he slowly began to move with her.

She opened her eyes, her pupils full and dilated in the light of the lantern. She stared at him, her gaze holding him hostage, her body tormenting his, with Meg filling his empty soul. He’d never expected this evening to go like this, with the two of them spending the night in the throes of passion. He’d never thought she would invite him into her bed. But she had and right now, he felt like he would die from the sweetness he was experiencing in Meg’s arms.

She gripped his shaft with her inner muscles, and he thought he was going to lose it right then. Sweet, sweet friction stroked him, surrounded him, their hips moving in rhythm with fierceness, an intensity, which surprised him. He plunged deeper into her, and with every driving movement, she matched him.

Burning resonant pleasure encompassed him with each long stroke and swirled him closer to the edge. She met every pounding thrust of him, gripping his erection, consuming him with a wildness that drove him to the edge.

Passion filled him until he thought he would burst from the feelings Meg evoked in him. The sensations were so stirring and felt so right; he was shocked at their joining. He’d never experienced these types of emotions before. They startled and overwhelmed him.

He reached for her head and brought her mouth to his, devouring her with a hungry kiss that consumed him, holding her lips firmly against his. She shuddered, pulling away from him.

“Oh God,” she cried, her body racked with tremors.

As he felt her orgasm rock through him, he relinquished the tightly controlled rein he’d been holding onto as he shuddered his release deep within her.

“Meg,” he cried as the pleasure he’d felt in her arms imprinted onto his soul. He’d never experienced anything like this before. He’d never felt so whole, so complete, and so loved in all of his years. Yet, there were secrets between them that could tear them apart.

In the glow of the lantern, they lay together, their breathing harsh, their naked skin warm against one another’s. Meg didn’t say anything, and he rolled them over onto their sides and pulled her up against him, not wanting her far from him.

What had just happened to him? Never before had sex been so gratifying, so emotional it left him stunned. What had Meg done to him to make him think of more than just one night together?

He kissed the back of her neck, his lips touching her heated skin. “Thank you,” he said.

“For what?” she asked, perplexed.

“For letting me be your first,” he replied, his voice husky. He’d never been someone’s first. He’d never had a woman trust him with her virginity.

“It was pretty darn special,” she said quietly and yawned.

The air cooled their bodies, and he felt her shudder. He pulled the covers up over them, not ready to leave her side. Wanting to see to her comfort.

“Are you staying?” she asked.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he replied and pulled her tightly in his arms. “Give me a little time, and we’re going to do this again.”

“For a man, you’re not too bad,” she said sleepily.

He laughed and rubbed his mouth against her ear. “Oh, honey, you have no idea. This was our first time. The next time it’ll be even better.”

All he needed was a few minutes, and he’d be ready to go again. Just a few minutes to enjoy the feel of her sweet womanly body snuggled against his. He’d never dreamed it could be this good between them.

She yawned. “I can hardly wait. Just let me rest for a moment or two, and I’ll be good.”

He leaned in and kissed her shoulder, his lips leaving a wet trail all the way to her ear.

She shivered. “Cowboy, if you don’t stop, I’m going to make you regret that.”

Her words challenged him and made him move his lips down her shoulder as far as he could reach. He wanted to flip her over on her back and kiss her luscious breasts. “How? Nothing can make me regret kissing you.”

She laughed. “I’m going to reach down and yank on your tallywhacker.”

“Yank away, honey. Yank away,” he said, his voice gruff, his member already starting to swell again. God, this woman, could stir him like no other.

In the morning, he would tell her everything. They would have an honest discussion that would hopefully not destroy what they’d created tonight. He sighed and wished he’d told her sooner, before she’d branded herself all over his heart.


Meg awoke in the hours just before dawn. They’d made love several more times, and each time had been better than the first. And the first had been pretty darn good. She knew this was how babies were made, but she hoped and prayed they hadn’t created a child. She wasn’t ready for a little one. She wasn’t even certain of her relationship with Zach. All she knew was they’d had so much fun yesterday afternoon and then again last night. There was something about him she craved. She couldn’t seem to get enough of this lawman.

Zach was a special man. They had a good time together. He made her laugh. She liked his spirit, and she loved the way he looked at her like she was the only woman who existed and there was no one else for him. Yet, there were still unresolved issues between them. Issues she needed answers to. Like Simon. What was Zach’s connection to Simon?

She slipped from the bed, needing to find the slop jar and clean up a bit before she woke Zach and sent him back to his room to dress.

Last night had been the best night of her life. She loved the way he’d made her feel, the touch of his skin against hers, the way his smile seemed to trigger the rapid beat of her heart. It would be so easy to allow herself to give her love to Zach, yet her gut was warning her something wasn’t right. And one of the first things Meg had learned when she started bounty hunting was always to listen to those gut instincts. They could keep you alive.

As she took a sponge bath, she couldn’t help but think about Simon. They were going after him today. Hopefully, they’d find him. Soon, he would be in their custody, and then this life would be behind her. She would be free of the note from the bank and able to open her own dress shop.

Then she could think of Zach, and they could talk about where they would go from here. Would they have a relationship or just a simple roll in a hotel bed? But first, before anything could be decided, she needed to find Simon.

She glanced at the dress Zach had bought for her and smiled. The silkiness of the material against her skin had made her feel like she was the richest woman in Dyersville. The way Zach had escorted her through town had made her feel like a lady, like a woman with a man. Her man.

Part of her longed to put that dress back on and be like any other woman in town, but she knew now was not the time. Hurriedly, she pulled on her bounty hunting clothes. She loathed putting on the man's pants and shirt. Someday soon, she would burn every single stitch of men’s clothes she owned. Soon, she would develop into the woman she dreamed of becoming.

A smile graced her lips when she saw his pants lying in the floor where he’d kicked them off last night. He was as bad as her sisters, leaving his clothes tossed about. She reached down and picked them up.

A piece of paper floated to the floor. She knelt, her fingers snatching it from the ground and went to stuff it back into his pants, when she remembered the note left on his door.

She glanced at the paper, and her heart shattered as if a dozen bullet holes filled her fragile organ. The words sent a ripple effect over her that spun around crazy in her head as she realized the impact.

That son-of-a-bitch!

Immediately, she went to her saddlebags and found what she needed. She pulled out the lengths and walked over to the bed.

Zach lay curled on his side, his hand outstretched. Quickly and efficiently, she spun the roll of rope out. First, she wrapped the rope around his outstretched wrist, and then she tied the cord around the post of the iron bed. Then she worked on his second hand. She was tying his ankle down when he awoke.

He tugged at his arm. “Hey, what are you doing? Meg?”

“You know, cowboy, last night was pretty darn special. So special I was entertaining fancy ideas of marriage and kids and the two of us and all the things girls dream about. Things a woman like me has no business coveting.”

“What happened?” he said, rapidly blinking the sleep from his dazed eyes.

“Your note,” she said, grabbing his leg and spinning the rope around and tying it to the bedpost. Now he was laid out on the bed, trussed up, his tallywhacker standing at full attention.

Meg felt the tears spring to life behind her eyes, ripping her heart to shreds. He’d used her. He’d taken advantage of her, and now she knew the truth. But she refused to cry.

“I didn’t read the damn note. What did it say?” he asked.

She yanked it out of her pocket. “It says, ‘Zach, Frank and your brother Simon were last seen leaving Dyersville on the road to your Momma’s late this afternoon.’”

Zach groaned and shook his head. “Let me explain. I was going to tell you this morning.”

“What’s to explain, cowboy? Simon is your brother. Blood’s thicker than water, and you would never have let me catch him. You’ve kept his identity secret, hoping I would lead you to him.”

How could there ever be anything between them if she turned in his brother? How could he forgive her? Yet, how could she let this bounty go and risk everything she’d worked so hard for in the last year? The bank note would not be resolved; her dress shop would be in jeopardy; and her sisters…they would have to continue being bounty hunters.

She had to get Simon. She had no choice.

“That’s not true. I made a promise to my mother that I would make certain he’s guilty before I turn him in. That’s why I wanted to find Mrs. Lowell. I just need to keep my promise to my mother. If he’s guilty, you’ll get the bounty.”

“No, Zach. I don’t believe you.” She shoved her hat on her head.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going after Simon. I have to find him before you do.”

Last night had been something she’d never dreamed of experiencing. Last night he’d made her into a woman. And now this morning, she was back to square one. Back to needing to catch this bounty, to catch the most wanted criminal. His brother.

“Damn it, Meg. Don’t leave me tied up like this for the maid to find. Let me go with you, and we’ll find him together. The bounty is yours if he’s guilty.”

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