Dance Until Dawn (19 page)

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Authors: Berni Stevens

BOOK: Dance Until Dawn
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‘Very restful,’ I said.

He put the remote on the pine chest in front of us, and swivelled around on the sofa to face me. For once his expression was serious as he put the back of his hand gently against my cheek. He stroked my cheek softly as his eyes searched my face for a reaction.

‘How do you feel about me this night Elinor?’ He asked. ‘Do you hate me for allowing the attack to happen? Are you angry with me for leaving you alone? I need you to talk to me.’

‘You’ve apologised enough,’ I said slowly. ‘But I would like to know why you haven’t been around for the last few sunsets. Although if the reason is another woman, I probably don’t want to hear about it.’

Will looked nonplussed. ‘Another woman? Why the hell would I want another woman?’

‘Please don’t make me spell it out,’ I said tartly.

He shook his head as he ran a hand through his glossy hair. ‘I want to sleep with
, Elinor. I have said so many times. I have no interest in other women anymore. I am more than prepared to wait until you are ready to make a commitment to me, but that will not stop me from encouraging you at every opportunity.’

‘Supposing I said I was ready now?’

Will moved in closer. ‘I would be ecstatic.’

I could see a huge explosion on the TV in my peripheral vision, not exactly the stuff that romance is made of, but I had probably the sexiest man on the planet sitting in front of me, and he wanted to sleep with
. I moved closer until I could touch his face, and he turned his head to kiss the palm of my hand.

He looked back at me, his beautiful eyes glowing. His arms went around me, and he pulled me against his body.

‘Shall we retire early?’


The TV was immediately switched off, and we both stood at the same time.

‘I could carry you downstairs …?’ Will’s question was only partly serious.

I rolled my eyes at him. ‘Don’t you dare try any of that clichéd macho crap on me.’

His lips twitched into a roguish grin, and he strode across the room to open the door. He motioned me through with an elegant gesture. Clearly, he didn’t intend to give me a chance to change my mind.

When we were both in the bedroom, I turned to find him closer than I’d thought, and a twinge of panic fluttered through my stomach.

Will leaned down and rested his forehead briefly against mine. As he raised his head, he cradled my face in his hands. ‘Elinor, I will never hurt you, you know that.’

His soft lips brushed mine, and his arms encircled my waist as he pulled me close. I breathed in his expensive cologne and the heady masculine scent of him, and reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. His tongue flicked a path along my lips as it sought its way into my mouth and began to tease my own tongue in a slow sensuous dance. Any coherent thoughts I had scattered, as I melted under the onslaught of his hot passionate kisses. I felt positive my legs wouldn’t support me for very much longer.

His hands slid down my back and, with one swift movement, he cupped my bottom, lifted me effortlessly, and carried me over to the bed. When he’d put me down, he positioned himself close to my body and propped himself up on one elbow, watching me with feral eyes that glittered with nefarious promises. I looked at his handsome face, so close to mine, as he ran his forefinger slowly down my neck and between my breasts. ‘We appear to have too many clothes between us.’

He leaned in closer, and trailed sultry kisses down my neck. The slight stubble on his jaw awakened chills of desire that shivered through my body. Gentle hands teased their way up my jeans-clad legs and my eyes closed. ‘Are you partial to this shirt?’

I heard the amusement in his voice and opened my eyes to look at him. ‘More macho crap?’

Big mistake. Will tore it in half as quickly and easily as though it were paper, and his hand traced a soft path to my breasts. With the consummate skill of a professional, he’d removed my bra in seconds and tossed it to the floor. His hungry gaze fixated on my breasts, and he ran his fingers gently over them. I arched my back off the bed to get closer to him when he took both breasts in his hands, and a soft moan escaped my lips as he caressed and teased them. He lowered his head, and pulled a nipple into the warm moistness of his mouth. His tongue licked its wicked way around the nipple and I cradled his head in my hands as I whispered his name. My aroused body felt sensitive to his every touch, and my breath escaped my lips in short gasps.

I felt the zip to my jeans slide down and trembled in anticipation as his hand slipped inside to fondle me. He kissed and licked his way across my breasts, up my neck and then settled upon my lips again.

‘Still far too many clothes,’ he murmured. He drew back to sit up in one slow sensuous movement. He watched me through half-closed eyes as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. I stared at that perfect upper body; so lean and muscled – my mouth almost watered at the sight of him. He dropped the shirt to the floor whilst I watched his every move. I couldn’t believe this incredible man actually wanted me, when he could have any woman he wanted. Desire for him coursed through my body as I continued to watch him. I’d never felt desire like this for any man before. It was almost as if just the very sight of him shirtless could seduce me. I wanted him close again. I suddenly needed to feel his naked body against mine.

He slid from the bed, stood up and very, very slowly unbuckled his belt. His eyes held mine the entire time. He pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them.

The fact that he’d been completely naked under the jeans somehow came as no real surprise to me. The vision that stood before me was utter male perfection. His pale body glowed like marble in the dim overhead lights. He looked so incredibly gorgeous, perfect in every way, like one of Rodin’s sculptures. His eyes glowed with their ethereal light as he edged nearer to the bed, and I lost myself in their green depths. My head spun as Will’s spicy, masculine scent filled my nostrils, and he moved in closer to kneel in front of me. I wanted to touch him –
to touch him. I couldn’t be this close and not touch him.

Without realising, I’d sat up and swung my legs around, to enable me to move nearer. I reached out with hands that trembled, and laid them gently on the smoothness of his chest. I felt the muscles flex against my fingers, and then he pulled me toward him. I sighed as I reached up to wind my arms around his neck. The moment our bare chests touched, it felt like a fusion of power, and the flicker of desire in my stomach became flames of passion. Sensations such as I’d never experienced before flooded through my body like molten lava.

Will planted soft kisses along my jaw until his lips found mine once more. He felt his way down my bare back with fingers so gentle that they were like erotic feathers brushing my sensitive flesh. His hands stopped short at the waistband of my jeans.

‘Allow me,’ Will’s deep voice startled me as he pulled my jeans off, pushing them to one side, and his gaze never left my own enthralled one. Strong hands gripped my waist and thrust me back on the bed. He began to crawl towards me, slowly and sensuously, like the predator he was, and a slight smile played upon his lips. A tiny panicky part of me wanted to run away. This man was an expert in the art of making love after all, and I had no illusions about my lack of expertise.

Without a word, he gathered me up in his arms and held me close, and the moment he did, I felt safe –
– and very, very desirable. Will made me feel all of those things at once, and no one else had ever done that.

‘Trust me,’ he whispered, as he placed his lips on mine – gentle at first, then passionate and possessive.

The effect of his naked body so close to mine stoked the fire in my belly again, and I moaned softly as sensuous thrills ran through my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Every nerve ending tingled, eager for his touch. Will didn’t disappoint, his hands teased and caressed my body as he kissed his way to my ear, then licked the inside of it with his sinful, talented tongue. I squirmed as the unfamiliar sensations continued to course through my body, but he was relentless. He suddenly turned his attention back to my lips, with hot, intense kisses. Never had I been kissed like this before.

His lips traced down to my belly button, and I sighed as his tongue swirled around inside it. He licked the place where the silver belly bar used to pierce my flesh. I ran my hand through his dark lustrous hair, and it felt like expensive, heavy silk – just like I’d known it would – as it slithered through my fingers.

Will licked his way even lower, and my stomach clenched in wary expectation. He hooked his strong fingers into the top of my lacy underwear, and pulled it down out of his way. His tongue flicked and teased its way over my small mound of curls to the centre of my body. He gently pushed my legs apart with his hands to allow him easier access. I gave a surprised gasp as his persistent tongue darted and swirled intimately inside me, and cried out as the first orgasm shook my body. Still he continued, whilst I clutched at his hair as wave after wave of orgasms erupted through me.

Just when I felt I couldn’t take any more, he pushed the underwear completely off with his foot and made his way up my trembling body. He slid his hand up the inside of my thigh and slipped two fingers inside me, as I writhed and pressed against him.

With well-practised ease, those sensitive, skilful fingers teased and probed. Another orgasm built, and I screamed in ecstasy.

Will whispered endearments both in English and Italian, swiftly rolled us both over, and pulled me on top of him. His eyes, darkened with passion, captured my own almost drunken gaze, and his hands held my hips to keep me still, while he eased himself inside me. The feel of him, so strong and so sure, was almost too much.


His hand cupped my neck, and he pulled me toward him so his lips could claim mine again. I gasped when he penetrated me in a steady slow rhythm. His free hand guided my hips as I rode him. The tempo rose and the strong, pulsing sensation of each thrust caused wave after wave of mind-blowing orgasms to rack my body. Starbursts lit behind my eyes as I clung to him.

Will flipped us over again in a dizzy blur of speed, and took complete control. The momentum of each powerful movement made me moan with pleasure. Then I heard his own husky groan of satisfaction as he relaxed on top of me.

He held me close against his sweat-slicked chest, and then eased us both back onto our sides. He pushed a hand through my hair, and twined long strands of it through his strong fingers, as he kissed me gently on the lips.

‘Elinor, Elinor, what have you done to me?’ he whispered.

He remained inside me, with my legs wrapped around his hips, where I would happily have stayed forever, but he slowly pulled out, and playfully nipped at my shoulder.

He brushed the backs of his fingers down my cheek, and smiled as he followed the outline of my lips with his forefinger. ‘So, how was it for you?’ A redundant question, because he knew exactly how it had been for me.

I smiled back, feeling languid and satisfied. I’d never experienced anything so breathtaking and wonderful in my former, and frankly rather dull, sex life.


He leaned in to kiss me. ‘For me too.’

‘Even after all those other women?’

Nice one, Ellie. Go ahead and ruin the moment.

Moving closer, so our bodies touched again, he rested his hand on the curve of my hip, and brushed my sensitive flesh with the pad of his thumb. ‘Most of those women were purely recreational.’

‘What does that make me?’

Will’s hand came to rest on my stomach, and he began to caress it softly with circular motions, making my body quiver under his possessive touch.

‘You were always meant to be with me, and only me. You are my eternity.’

Will turned his attention back to my breasts then, and fondled my nipples. He smiled with satisfaction as they pebbled. ‘Apparently, there is someone for everyone somewhere,’ he said, ‘and I should know, because I have had plenty of time to look.
Il mio cuore é pervoi
, Elinor.’

The whispered Italian words sounded so sexy, and although I had no idea what they meant, I knew it was an endearment. He put his lips close to my ear, and whispered, ‘My heart is for you.’

I couldn’t answer. He was still too close, too gorgeous and too naked for me to think straight.

Dark brows raised, his lips twitched into a sexy smile. ‘So, are you tired yet?’

14 March

This has been, without doubt, the most wonderful night of my entire existence. I have never felt this way with any other woman, and three hundred years is a long time to exist without real passion.

I have taken plenty of women to my bed over the centuries, both mortal and undead. Vampires are nothing if not sexually decadent, but those couplings were, as I told Elinor, simply recreational. Fun, and sometimes merely a necessity. I spent fifty years or more as Khiara’s consort, but there was never any real affinity between us. Lust certainly, obsession maybe, but never love. Had I stayed longer with her, we would almost certainly have destroyed each other.

Just before dawn, I gathered Elinor into my arms, cradling her against me, as her limbs became useless. I know she is still afraid of the sensations she suffers at the dawn’s invasion of her body, and I hoped that by holding her close, I could lessen that fear. I saw the grateful expression in her eyes just before her eyelids closed for the day. I kissed them gently.

Rest, my love, eternity is ours.

Chapter Nineteen


The bed was strewn with virtually every item of clothing I owned. Nothing seemed appropriate. It was the night we were to entertain Will’s ex-lover. His maker. If entertain is the right word.

I had only spent one night with him, which had been one night of incredible sex, admittedly, but
had slept with him countless times, and knew him considerably better than I did. The very least I could attempt to do was look absolutely amazing, but with these clothes, no reflection and no makeup, it would be impossible. I sighed. Perhaps I could feign illness, and stay downstairs all the time she was there.
Did vampires get ill?

I sat on the bed, surrounded by the remnants of my human life; clothes that were fine to wear to rehearsals and the local pub, but would never pass muster when confronted by a sophisticated Italian vampire.
. What kind of bloody name was that anyway? Sounded either like a car or a can of trashy drink to me.

Suppose Will took one look at her, and realised she really was the love of his life? What then? Suppose she just refused to leave?

I had successfully worked myself into a paranoid – almost hysterical – frenzy, when there was a soft knock on the bedroom door.

‘Come in,’ I said without thinking.
Good call Ellie, suppose it’s Honyauti?
I leapt to my feet just in case I needed to run, but in the doorway stood a small dark-haired girl with a pretty, mischievous face. Her hair was short, beautifully cut in a shiny bob, and she wore black leather trousers with a tiny purple top that revealed an incredibly flat stomach. She carried several large carrier bags, and smiled shyly at me. ‘Hi, I’m Roxanne – Roxy,’ she said coming further into the room.

‘Ellie,’ I said.

‘Will said you were called Elinor,’ she said with another smile. ‘But then it took him years to call me Roxy.’

I laughed. ‘Perhaps I should start calling him William.’

She held out the carrier bags to me. ‘He asked me to get some new clothes for you to try. I hope you like them.’

‘How did you know my size?’

She gave me an amused look. ‘They’ll fit.’

I took hold of the carrier bags: Dolce and Gabbana, Armani, Vivienne Westwood.
It seemed no expense had been spared here.

‘Did you ransack Selfridges?’ I asked as I looked at the various shoe bags. ‘Prada, Alexander McQueen …
Christian Louboutin
? I could never have bought shoes like this, even if I’d saved up for five years.’

Roxy shrugged. ‘Will has plenty of money,’ she said nonchalantly. ‘He’s very generous.’

I started taking various items from their expensive bags. Whoever had actually done the buying had exquisite taste. Everything looked perfect, and any one of the items would suit me. I could tell that at a glance.

‘How dressy should I be?’ I asked Roxy, holding up a full-length dress in one hand, and a gorgeous pair of black velvet trousers in the other. Roxy pointed to the trousers.

‘Save the dress for Trials,’ she said.


‘If they happen,’ she added quickly. ‘You do have to hurry though, everyone will be here soon.’

Roxy handed me a small box. ‘That’s to replace the silver belly bar.’ She seemed to know a lot about me already.

I opened the box, and got out a platinum belly bar, which boasted a beautiful sparkling diamond in the centre. ‘I love it.’

With a pleased nod she left the room, and I closed the door behind her.

Eventually, I settled on the black velvet trousers that hung low on my hips, and fit like a glove, teamed with a black midriff-revealing halter-neck top, adorned with tiny black sequins around the neckline that glinted whenever I moved. I brushed my hair behind my ears, securing it at each side with diamond-studded clips, also thoughtfully provided by Roxy. The diamond belly bar was the final touch. I wished I could see how I looked.

I started to look at the other clothes. The dress was amazing. I’d never owned anything so gorgeous, or so expensive. I was happily trying on different pairs of shoes when there was another knock at the door.

‘May I come in?’ Will’s voice.

‘Sure,’ I replied, for once feeling confident in my appearance, even though I couldn’t check it for myself in a mirror.

Will came in, shutting the door behind him. He leaned against the door, and his bright gaze travelled appreciatively down my body, but stopped at the sandal on one foot and soft leather boot on the other.

He raised an eyebrow. ‘Well apart from the odd footwear, you are heart-breakingly lovely this night,’ he said.

‘How did you know?’ I asked. I flipped off the sandal, and pulled on the other boot. ‘About the clothes?’

He glanced at the bed strewn with my entire wardrobe. ‘I like women,’ he replied. ‘I have learned many things about them over the years.’

‘Everything is perfect, thank you.’

‘You are most welcome.’

I looked up at him then, and took in his appearance for the first time. I’d got so used to him wearing jeans and t-shirts that the sight of him dressed more formally very nearly floored me. He wore an emerald green shirt that almost matched his eyes, tucked into a pair of tight-fitting black leather trousers that accentuated his long legs. At his waist, he wore a heavy leather belt with an ornate brass buckle. A black velvet jacket finished off the outfit – although in style it looked more like a Victorian frock coat. His glossy hair hung almost to his shoulders and I truly had never seen anything sexier.

‘You look pretty tasty yourself, Mr Spooky,’ I murmured. ‘Are you going to lean against the door all night?’

He raised an eyebrow again. ‘Are you going to be flippant towards me all night?’

‘I wouldn’t dare,’ I replied, standing up to test the height of the boots.

Even with Will’s confident presence by my side, I really wasn’t looking forward to the evening ahead. If Khiara was as powerful as I thought she must be, it didn’t bode well, plus I was dreading the thought of coming face to face with Honyauti again. I hadn’t even met the other vampires that were attending, apart from Luke and Roxy, but if the others were anything like the Tonto from Hell, I would far prefer to hide downstairs.

Will closed the gap between us and wrapped his arms around me.

‘Honyauti will never come near you again,’ he said quietly. ‘If he so much as sends a glance in your direction, I will kill him.’

I looked up at him, and noticed that his eyes had a faraway look. I pushed gently at his chest. ‘What is it?’

‘Whatever happens tonight, promise me you will not overreact,’ he said.

‘What does that mean?’

He raised a hand to trace the curve of my face, his eyes concerned. ‘There may be some baiting – particularly of you – and you must not rise to it. Promise me, Elinor, that you will keep that temper of yours in check. It is important.’

temper?’ I felt insulted.

He tightened his arms around me. ‘Yes.
temper. Promise me.’

My feeling of foreboding increased at his words but I nodded anyway. He released me and moved toward the door, a split second before there was a light knock.

‘Yes, Luke?’

The door opened, and Luke peered around. ‘It’s time,’ he said.

Will nodded and turned to me. ‘Shall we?’

It wasn’t a question, so I followed him and Luke upstairs.

I could hear a buzz of conversation coming from the drawing room, yet I hadn’t heard anyone arrive.


Was that why Luke had come down to collect us as if he were some kind of bodyguard?

As we neared the door, Will turned to me, confirming that thought. ‘Whatever happens, Luke is here to ensure your safety,’ he said. ‘Try to follow my lead in protocol and, if in doubt, say nothing, and I do mean

With his usual courtly gesture, Will offered his arm to me, and I threaded my arm through his gratefully. If I’d had a pulse it would have been visibly jumping. I glanced back at Luke, who inclined his head to me with a smile.

I felt comforted to have two strong men with me, especially as Honyauti was in that room.

Will strode confidently into the room, with me on his arm, and Luke behind us. The buzz of conversation stopped immediately, and everyone in the room turned to look at … well … me, actually. Perfect. After a quick sweep of the room, I lowered my eyes, so as not to engage anyone. My initial impression had been that of a varied collection of incredibly good-looking people, and I was once again so grateful for the expensive new clothes.

A fire burned cheerfully in the large fireplace, and the warm glow from its flames flickered on the pale faces of the gathered throng. I remained clinging to Will’s arm, hating myself for looking like a trophy wife. I decided to treat it like a performance, and raised my head as though I were on stage. Will placed his other hand over mine in a reassuring gesture, and let his gaze wander around the room.

‘Good evening,’ he said. ‘I hope you are all well this evening.’

A tall, slender woman with long pale blonde hair sauntered up to Will, looking as though she’d just stepped off the catwalk. Gazing up at him in adoration, she then bowed her head deferentially.

‘Greetings, Will, Elder of the City of London,’ she said in a breathy voice. Her Italian accent sounded sexy and inviting.

‘Good evening to you Josephine,’ said Will mildly. ‘Welcome to London.’

‘Is this the fledgling?’ She managed to make the question sound like an insult, even though there was nothing in the actual words that could be termed offensive.

‘Yes,’ Will replied. Then, looking round to include everyone in the room, he continued, ‘Allow me to introduce Elinor.’

Josephine’s glance took in my appearance with an experienced glance, no doubt assessing the value of my outfit. Once again, I felt relief at Will’s intuition with the designer clothes. Having decided I was no competition, Josephine turned and gracefully walked over to where Honyauti sat in one of the armchairs. She perched prettily on the arm of his chair. The buzz of conversation continued as Will led me over to the only vacant armchair. He settled me on the arm before seating himself. OK, this was definitely a form of vampire protocol that I didn’t understand, but I’d make damn sure we got to discuss it later. Will gave me a quick wink as if he had sensed my negative feelings, when suddenly all conversation stopped, just as if someone had thrown a switch. Will tensed beside me, and I knew without looking round that Khiara had arrived.

She swept into the room, and I caught my breath. She looked completely amazing. Tall and reed-slender, with waist length black hair that shimmered and gleamed under the soft lights. Her pale olive skin glowed creamy and perfect, but her eyes immediately commanded everyone’s undivided attention; they were a brilliant, deep blue with even darker blues in their depths, and they glittered with a fire to rival the green fire in Will’s eyes. She wore an elegant, black, full-length evening gown, which fell to the floor in perfect folds and appeared to be an expensive couture number, if I wasn’t mistaken. It skimmed her slender body perfectly as though it had been made to measure, which of course it probably had. Her creamy shoulders were bare, and she wore an elegant, but understated, diamond pendant at her throat.

She probably made every woman in the room feel either over, or under, dressed, and I wasn’t quite sure yet which category I fell into. Her beautiful hair was completely unadorned and I immediately wanted to take out the diamond clips holding mine. Almost without thinking, my hand went toward one of the clips, only to be caught by Will’s larger hand and held.

He turned to look at me briefly, and the look in his eyes told me that I looked beautiful to him, and I smiled. He let go of my hand, and stood up to greet the woman who had brought him over to this existence, all those centuries ago.

Khiara stepped up so close to Will that even a postcard wouldn’t have fitted between them. ‘William,’ she purred, draping a perfect arm around his neck. ‘How perfectly wonderful to see you again.’ Her voice sounded husky and very sexy, with an exotic hint of an Italian accent. She kissed him lingeringly on both cheeks, but remained pressed close to his body. It was Will who stepped back. A tiny frown creased her delicate brows at the move.

‘Khiara,’ he said. ‘You look breathtaking as always.’ She accepted the compliment with a slight incline of her head, and then looked down at me. I stayed silent.

‘Stand child,’ she said, as she took in every detail of me with one contemptuous sweep of her amazing eyes.

I stood, resisting a ridiculous urge to curtsey. Khiara continued to look me over, and, reaching out, grabbed my arm to turn me around. I now knew how a heifer must feel at a cattle sale. I saw a flicker of annoyance cross Will’s face, which disappeared swiftly, leaving his expression calm and dispassionate. She let go of my arm and looked back at him.

‘William, surely after all this time, you could have chosen more wisely for a companion. Take her for your pleasure, by all means, for that is the best use for the newly turned, but do not allow her to reside in your home. By all the Ancients – a mere
– it is hardly fitting for an Elder to be seen in public with such a creature.’

Before Will could answer, I found myself answering her.

‘Can I get you anything Khiara?’ I asked, as she raised one perfect dark eyebrow at me. ‘Holy Cross? Wooden stake – a few cloves of garlic perhaps?’

Will laughed, as did Luke and a couple of the others.

Khiara’s eyes blazed with anger, ‘Are you daring to mock me child?’

‘Modern women are quite different in this century, Khiara,’ said Will, ‘and Elinor is a very modern woman.’

‘Or a very stupid one.’ She turned those startling eyes on me again.

I immediately felt her gaze pierce my body like sharp knives. My legs trembled as though they could no longer support me, and Will had to put an arm around my waist to prevent me from falling. He put his body in front of mine instantly, his eyes flashing angry green sparks.

‘That will be quite enough Khiara,’ he said. ‘This is my house and Elinor belongs to me. You have no right to insult her, and you certainly have no right to hurt her, especially not in my presence.’

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