Corrupt Cravings (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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“Thanks, but I think I’ll stand.”

Donavon let out a rush of breath. “Right. Good luck with that.”

Forcing herself to stay awake, Marcella looked around as the bathroom light was turned on. The room was extremely small but indeed very clean.

“Set me down. I’ll be fine.”

The moment her weight settled, Marcella’s legs buckled. Donavon was the only reason she didn’t fall to the floor. A sigh came from her throat while she let him support her. The fact that he was just as nude as she didn’t even cross her mind. She was way too tired to pay attention to her body. “Look, I know you don’t like me, but please, can you get in the shower and help me to stand? I won’t look at you if it makes you feel better.”

He nearly dropped her again. “Damn it, Donavon. I don’t know what is wrong with you, but please, help me.”

Slowly, he nodded and picked her up, placing her in the shower. Turning the showerhead to the side, he started the water and waited for it to warm. Once it did, he got in and fixed it, holding her a good foot away from him the whole time.

“God, am I that disgusting? I’m going to have bruises tomorrow with as hard as you’re gripping me.”

The limited arm movement made it almost impossible for her to wash. When she was done, she waited for him to switch their positions. As if repulsed, he pulled her against the side of his body while he lathered his hair with one hand. The sliding of her breast against his ribs made him jerk. Suddenly, she was falling. A slippery hand grabbed for her, but not quick enough. She hit the tub hard and collided with his legs. Donavon came crashing down practically on top of her.

“Jesus! What in the hell is the matter with you!” Why didn’t he want to touch her? What about her body didn’t he like?

“You’re what’s the matter with me,” Donavon snapped. Water flew against her face as he shook his head. “I’m sorry. Are you all right?”

“Besides the concussion you probably just gave me, yeah, I’m great. Are we done?”

Donavon stood and pulled her up, still leaving a gap between the two of them. Quietly, she waited until he was finished. When the water shut off, she looked up just in time to see him lift her. They got out, and he reached into a small pantry. With one hand, he grabbed a towel and stared at her.

“How do you want me to put this on you?”

Marcella focused on getting her legs to work. Damn, she felt like she just ran a marathon. Well, she kind of did. Her body was done for.

“I’m going to try to stand by myself long enough to put it on, but I need you to make sure I don’t fall. Will you do that?”


“What! Maybe? Donavon, I really don’t want to hit the ground. If I get dirty again, we’ll end up back in the shower, and I don’t think you want that. So, what is it going to be?”

“How about I leave you in here and you figure it out yourself?”

Marcella pushed off of him and barely got her legs to balance in time to grab the towel and wrap it around her. She clutched the countertop using her weak arms for support. Donavon wrapped a towel around his waist and then picked her up.

“I’m sorry. Listen, we’re both tired and cranky. Today has been rather difficult for both of us.”

Not wanting to argue or ruin his somewhat changing mood, she remained quiet while he walked into their room and stood her up, drying off her body. When he laid her on the cool silk sheets, it didn’t take long before her eyes were drifting shut, but something felt off about the mattress. She tried to push the thoughts away and focus on her new nightmare. This was not going well at all. Hopefully, he was right, and tomorrow would be a better day.

The pressure of him climbing into bed caused her to roll into him. Her eyes flew open as her nude body collided with his. What was this, an air mattress? Surely not.

“Not good. Here.” Donavon’s hand pushed her further over on her side, and the minute he moved it, she rolled. Offended by the disgust on his face, she shook her head. Unbelievable.

“Hey, genius, I think you need more air. What are you doing sleeping on one of these, anyway?”

“It’s a habit. It helped with the shifts at first. Now I just prefer it. Well, I did up until this very moment.”

Marcella pulled herself over until they didn’t touch. His large frame took up more than half the bed. Finally, settled in, she closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep. The pains made it impossible. Damn, she wanted to change back into her collector.

At the thought, she felt it stir. Upset, she squeezed her eyes shut tighter.
I will not cry! You’re overreacting, Marcella. No one said this would be easy. Oh wait, that’s right, Jason did.
Well, when she woke up, she’d go somewhere and change, if even for a moment. There was so much to do, and she didn’t even know where to begin. Going over the options, it wasn’t long before she was disturbed.

Light snores coming from beside her brought her from her thoughts. How was it that men could fall asleep at the drop of a dime? All of the ones she’d met were out within minutes of lying down. It seemed to take her forever.

Rising up on her elbow, she held in a groan from the soreness. Donavon was absolutely beautiful. She studied his face in the dark, not being able to get over how much he and Dom resembled each other. Were they somehow related? They had to be. Just thinking about her mate made her remember that she hadn’t called. Rolling over, she searched through her bag and retrieved her cell.

No doubt the men were all fast asleep, but they wouldn’t mind if she woke them. They probably were pissed that she’d forgotten. Hitting Dom’s number, she waited while it began to ring. A groggy voice answered.

“Dom,” Marcella whispered quietly in the phone.

“Hey, how are you? You didn’t call. We were worried.”

“I’m sorry. I forgot. My mind was just so focused, but I’m calling now to let you know I’m okay.”

“I miss you, love. It took me forever to fall asleep without you here.”

“I miss you, too.”

* * * *

Donavon listened to Marcella whispering love words to some man. Unexplainable rage pumped through him, stirring his wolf. He wanted to rip the phone out of her hands and bury her underneath him. The need to dominate her was so severe it scared him. He shouldn’t be feeling this way for her. There was only one woman he ever wanted to be with, and it wasn’t the beautiful creature next to him.

As the conversation went on, he tried his best to keep his breathing calm.

“Of course I love you. A piece of me is missing when we’re not together.” A giggle quietly escaped her mouth. “You promise? You know I don’t like to be teased.”

Donavon flexed his fists slowly as she continued. “Mmm, I can’t wait. Let me talk to Jason. What do you mean he’s not sleeping in there? Oh. Well, put Ambrose on the phone.”

Three men? She had three lovers? Heat seared his lids while he kept his eyes closed. No more. She’d never see them again. Never.

“Hey, sweetie.” Another giggle. “I’m good. No. You miss me that much, really? I do love you, Ambrose. I’ll be home soon. You know I need to do this. When things are better, I’ll come back. Okay, tell him I love him, too. Bye.”

Marcella dropped the phone in her bag and sighed as she shifted onto her back. The need to draw her to him pulled at his sanity. He wasn’t sure why he was reacting this way. It was starting to piss him off that his emotions could so easily be affected by this woman. She obviously had other men, and he had the woman he was meant to be with, but that still didn’t mean he couldn’t keep her, too. He had to.

Putting his back to her, he tried to make himself go back to sleep. By the time he woke up, everything would be fine and back to normal. Well, as normal as they would get, given his new situation. He smiled. Just the thought of keeping her to himself made him feel better.

Chapter 6

Marcella knew somehow that she’d been sleeping off and on for two days. The wolf in her sensed the times the moon had made its presence, only to disappear. She began to stir as warmth settled next to her body. In her mind, she could so clearly see Dom and Jason cuddled against her. Pleasure took over, making her pussy wet at the visions of the way they usually awoke her.

Moaning, she moved deeper into the heat. Fingers twitched on her hip and then came to life, spanning across her lower stomach. The hardness of what felt like Dominic’s thick cock weighed against the top of her thigh.

Turning, she felt a hand grab under her knee, pulling her leg up over his hip. Pain jolted her body, causing her to cry out. Marcella’s eyes flew open to see Donavon’s sleepy gaze just as startled as hers surely was.

“I’m sorry. I must have been dreaming. Did I hurt you?”

Easing her leg down, slowly she turned on her back. “No. Forget it. I was dreaming, too.”

“Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot about your late night love call the other night.”

Marcella gasped. “You heard that? Why didn’t you let me know you were awake? Do you know how rude it is to eavesdrop on a private conversation?”

“This is my room. It’s not eavesdropping. Plus, why would I have wanted to interrupt such beautiful I love yous?”

She listened to the bitterness in his voice as he rose from the bed. Just the sight of his broad back and tight ass caused the wetness to increase. Possessive thoughts began to stir deep inside of her, thoughts she knew weren’t just her own. Wildly, she looked around. Fuck. She hadn’t sated her succubus before leaving. How could she have been so stupid? It was imperative she leave and summon Dominic. Her plan would be ruined if she seduced Donavon in a different form.

Climbing out of bed, Marcella grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. It didn’t matter what she wore. As long as it covered her so she could escape this house, then she was good to go.

“I have to run into town for a bit. I’ll be back later.”

Donavon pulled up his jeans and spun around to look at her. The anger in his eyes made her ease back to the bed. Her legs felt as weak as water. If she collapsed, he’d never let her leave.

“Where do you think you’re going? To see your lovers? Is that it?”

“No, I need to pick up some womanly products, if you must know.” Marcella’s mind raced as she glared at him. “I’m due to start my monthly soon, and I’d hate to ruin your nice sheets.”
God, that was desperate.

His face twisted for only a moment. “Fine, if you say so. I’ll take you. I have to go into town myself.”

“No, no, that’s all right.” Heat rushed to her cheeks as she waved her hand frantically.

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed.” He laughed. “Hell, I’ll run in and get them for you if it makes you feel better. I know it’s hard for you to walk. I still can’t believe you slept so long. I hope you don’t mind, but I bathed you last night. I wasn’t sure if you remembered or not. You were pretty out of it.” Donavon slid on a white, long-sleeved shirt while he walked toward her. The grin he had on his face wasn’t something that sat well with her. What in the hell was he up to?

Visions of his face flashed through her mind. She could feel herself lying in water. The look he held as he ran the washcloth over her body was, tender? No, surely he would have been aggravated at having to bathe her. “I kind of remember. Thank you.”

“It was no problem, really. Now, let’s get going.” Blue eyes peered up at her, and butterflies swarmed her stomach. What had happened in the two days she’d been asleep?

Quickly getting dressed, Marcella slid on her flip-flops. She slowly made her way across the floor. Each step made her muscles pull. What in the hell had made her think of running around so damn much that night?

“Here.” Donavon sighed and gently picked her up. Captivated, she couldn’t break her gaze from his face. He made his way downstairs, and it wasn’t until he paused that she looked around. Everyone was frozen as they looked in her and Donavon’s direction.

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