Coral Hearts (21 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Coral Hearts
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She could feel his shoulders relax as he enfolded her in his embrace and smiled. “I’ll be happy to correct the oversight, pet. But first I want to warn you—your new brothers are planning to take you to task for endangering your sweet self. I know you didn’t have any siblings growing up, but you are definitely getting thrown in the deep end of this pool, love.” Coral knew he’d wanted to say more, but she was tired of talking so she decided to take matters in her own hands. Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his. Wrapping her arms around his neck trying to plaster herself against him, the cotton of his shirt brushing against her tight nipples reminded her of the disparity in their states of dress.

“Why are you dressed and I’m not? It’s not fair.” She’d only pulled back far enough so she would speak the words before slanting her mouth over his again. Even though she was controlling the kiss, she knew it wouldn’t last long. He was letting her play but she knew his need for control in the bedroom was bubbling beneath the surface. Their tongues stroked one another in a slow seduction reminding her of all the stories she heard in high school about couples necking under the stars. She smiled against his lips and then wanted to groan when he pulled back looking at her in question.

“Care to share what’s got you smiling while I’m trying my best to seduce you?” Sage sounded amused and she was relieved he hadn’t taken offense at her distraction.

“I was thinking about all the times I listened to my friends talking about their necking sessions under the stars—and I realized I’d love to do that with you.” When he didn’t comment, she started to worry she’d sounded like a lovesick teenager.

Using his thumb to brush the worry lines between her brows he smiled. “So much worry, pet. I love hearing about things you’re anxious for us to do together. Remember, your passion feeds mine. I want to hear everything…and I hope to fulfill all of your dreams, even those you haven’t had yet.”

Chapter Seventeen

Five Weeks Later

oral still couldn’t
believe how much her life had changed in such a short period of time. All of the excitement during the New Year’s Eve party fed the local gossip train for a couple of weeks before it finally settled down. Charlotte swore her business had practically doubled as people used any excuse they could to visit the store and chat about Coral’s narrow escape from old man winter. She’d been scolded by many, coddled by most and been given so many coats and boots she’d already made donations to two nearby charities.

After Donny was arrested, she’d made the trip to Georgia to give her deposition. The information she’d given backed up the taped confessions Brandt had wrung out of the two men he’d finally arrested several days after the party. Sage made the trip with her and the authorities down south even allowed him to sit beside her, lending his moral support while she’d answered all of their questions as openly and honestly as she could.

She’d hugged Brandt when they’d returned home and thanked him for preparing her so well, before smacking him on the arm warning him that being right all the time was an annoying trait. Sage, Colt, Phoenix, and Kip had all groaned, telling her not “feed the beast” of Brandt’s ego. Brandt had just smiled and kissed her on the forehead before whispering, “Don’t listen to them sweet sister-to-be, you just keep on telling me that and maybe someday the
Brandt will come home.”

His words nearly shredded her composure, but they’d also given her hope that maybe…just maybe, he was on the road to healing. She’d always felt a deep sense of gratitude for every veteran’s military service, and wished the government would do more to help those returning home. She’d been sending up prayers that Brandt found the peace he deserved. And after seeing him chatting with Joelle over lunch today, Coral wondered if her sweet friend might be just what Brandt needed.

The wedding was planned down to a gnat’s ass and would take place at the ranch on Valentine’s Day. Coral had been disappointed Josie’s tour schedule was going to keep her from attending, but she’d also understood. God above, she was proud of her friend—as a kid, Josie had lived and breathed music, it was the core of who she was. During their last phone conversation, Coral detected a note of fatigue in her voice and reminded Josie she could always visit if she needed a break.

Damn, it was great to have Josie back in her life, and she could hardly wait to introduce her to Tobi West. Coral and Tobi had bonded immediately during their Facetime calls, what was supposed to be one call had turned into several over the past few weeks, and Coral was looking forward to meeting the tiny blonde dynamo in person. “Make Sage stop by here on your way back from the honeymoon. I’ll round up the Pussy Posse and we’ll have a margarita night.” Coral heard a man shout her name from off-screen and Tobi’s grin told Coral she’d made the outrageous statement intentionally. Winking at Coral, Tobi said, “I gotta go, Kyle’s eye is twitching. I might have gone a little over the line with that one. Later!” Coral hadn’t even able to disconnect the call she’d been laughing so hard.
That woman is good for my soul.

For the first time in her life, Valentine’s Day was going to mean more than a day of torture when she was forced to watch friends and co-workers receive romantic gifts and listen as they recounted the special dates and dinners their significant others had planned to celebrate. Now she’d have every reason to celebrate the holiday dedicated to love and romance. The past five weeks had been the happiest of Coral’s life. She was settling into her new life on the Morgan Ranch, she’d helped Patsy with the wedding plans when she could, truthfully none of the pretty trappings meant anything to her. As long as she and Sage ended up married, everything else was just a bonus.

Coral smiled to herself as she put away the last of the freight that had arrived at the hardware store that morning. God, she loved this little store, its wide variety of merchandise and eccentric owner somehow managed to make each day different from the one before. She had been shocked to learn Charlotte wasn’t the struggling small business owner she’d always assumed her to be. Sage had spilled the beans one evening during dinner and the other four Morgan brothers had howled with laughter when they’d heard how she’d worried about the older woman.
Rat bastards.

She’d been ecstatic when Charlotte had agreed to be her Matron of Honor, having the feisty seventy-three year old as her only attendant was going to make their wedding even more special. Coral stood up straight, arching backward in an attempt to work out the kinks in her back, strong hands spanned her waist. She’d been so startled she almost dropped the box-cutter she was holding. Coral had never liked being scared, anyone jumping out from behind doors to frighten her usually got punched before she even realized she’d reacted. It looked like she was going to have to remind Sage again. “Hey, lover, did you forget? I really don’t like being scared like this.” She had barely spoken the words when the hands tightened so tightly she knew she’d have bruises from the punishing grip.

“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you like, bitch.” Coral felt as if her blood had suddenly been replaced with ice. She’d prayed she would never hear his voice again and knowing Donny Sanders was in the store terrified her. “Don’t make a sound—not one. Did you think I wouldn’t make bail? Or that I couldn’t find you myself? Although I have to admit, that the blonde bimbo Mackenzie, saved me a lot of time.”
Blonde bimbo? Sage’s ex helped Donny find me?
Her mind was scrambling trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. How on earth had Mackenzie Leigh connected with Donny?

As his hands tightened even more at her hips, Coral sucked in a deep breath to keep from crying out. She was determined to deny him the satisfaction of knowing how much he was hurting her. Movement in the small decorative mirror above her caught her eye. Coral blinked in surprise as Charlotte peered around the sights of her hunting rifle. Her elderly boss grinned before she winked. Coral knew Charlotte and her husband had been accomplished hunters because the evidence was all over town. Their mounts were displayed in many of the local businesses, Charlotte had regaled her with dozens of hunting stories.

Coral saw Charlotte mouth the words, “on three drop,” and she steeled herself for what was about to happen. Donny leaned over her shoulder and sneered, “You know if I kill you I’ll walk right? Those jerks that rolled on me will never live to testify, and their confessions aren’t shit now that my lawyer knows you’re fucking the Sheriff’s brother.” The vehemence in his voice assured her he had no qualms about eliminating anyone who stood in his way. How had she ever fooled herself into thinking she was safe with him? Why hadn’t she trusted her instincts?

“Now turn around and walk your ass right out the front door and maybe…just maybe, I won’t kill the old bat you work for.” His words made her breath catch, just thinking about how she’d endangered the people around her threatened to make her knees fold out from under her. Before she’d taken a step, she saw Charlotte mouth three, Coral tried to spin quickly to dislodge his hold so she could drop, but his grasp was too tight. Something in her mind snapped, a blazing hot fear for not only herself, but for Charlotte too, sent the world around her spinning wildly out of control as pure rage filled her.

Coral slashed him with the box cutter she still held, his fingers released just enough of their vice-like grip she was able to drop to the century-old wood plank floor. Before her mind even registered the cool boards pressing against her cheek the room was filled with the deafening crack and the world seemed to explode in a shower of shattered crystal. Gasping, Coral’s mind was clouding quickly as she tried to pull in oxygen, but the black edges of her vision were closing in so quickly she finally surrendered, letting it carry her into a warm, peaceful abyss.

Sage was at
the diner with Brandt when his brother received Charlotte’s text.
That one word was enough to send them both into a blind panic. Charlotte had never asked for help—
, and knowing that one word had been all she’d had time to send spoke volumes. In the short time it had taken them to run the half block to the small hardware store Sage was certain each step he took forward moved him further from his goal.

His fear for Coral was unlike anything he’d ever experienced.
Fuck, when did the diner and hardware store move so damned far from one another?
Before they reached the small store, the unmistakable crack of a rifle filled the air. A blinding rage filled Sage causing him to stumble, he was grateful for Brandt’s quick reflexes. His brother had fisted the back of his jacket keeping him from going down face first. “Christ Sage, keep your feet under you, man.”
Not all of us trained in the Special Forces, little brother. Some of us are mere mortals.

Bursting through the front door, Sage sucked in a breath—it looked like a small bomb had gone off. Sage was certain his heart had stopped when he saw Coral crumpled on the floor next to a screaming man he knew was Donny Sanders. The sewage spewing from the man was enough to make a sailor blush. Brandt stepped close to Sanders yanking him to his feet before hauling him away from Coral. All Sage heard was Brant’s growled, “I don’t give a shit about your shoulder. Suck it up and shut the fuck up before I shoot you myself.” Before they disappeared around the corner, Sage heard Brandt bark, “Why the fuck did you just wing him, Charlotte? Christ you’ve never missed a hit.”

“Wasn’t my fault. He didn’t let her go and he jerked when she cut him. Did you hear all that whining? Christ, it’s just a wing-shot. What a pussy.” Sage might have found Charlotte’s frustration funny if he hadn’t been so worried about Coral. “I could have gotten him with a second shot…but, those are harder to explain, Brant, you know that.” He’d checked Coral’s pulse, sagging in relief when it pounded steadily beneath his fingers. Sage shook his head at Charlotte’s antics as he started pulling the larger pieces of broken crystal from her hair, and gently brushing smaller pieces from her face.

By the time Sage stood up cradling Coral in his arms, he could hear the sirens approaching and he sighed in relief. Charlotte’s voice sounded from beside him, “She’s alright, you know. I don’t hit anything I ain’t aiming for…although I did intend to hit
a bit more
if you know what I mean.” She’d jerked her head in Sanders direction, still looking disgusted at the way the man was complaining. Returning her attention to them, Charlotte looked down at Coral and smiled, “But that ornery girl got all pissy when he said something about hurting me, and she sliced him with the box-cutter.” He could hear the admiration in Charlotte’s voice. She shook her head, “Ass hat jerked to the side at the last second—dang it.”

Sage looked down at Charlotte, the woman he’d known all his life and had always considered tough as nails, was standing there with big tears in her eyes. When he grinned at her she shrugged, “What can I say? I really wanna be in that wedding, and I wasn’t about to let that pile of roach crap screw it up.” She’d waved toward the front of the store where Sanders was slumped on the floor—completely silent, blood pouring from his nose. Sage wanted to laugh out loud—obviously Brandt had gotten tired of listening the prick’s ranting and administered a little knuckle anesthetic. Looking back down at Charlotte, her wrinkled fingers were softly tracing along the side of Coral’s pale face. “Besides, she’s my girl. And I wasn’t letting him leave here with her that was for sure.”

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