Coral Hearts (15 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Coral Hearts
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Coral had read enough about BDSM scenes to recognize the start of a scene and she knew it was time to either put a halt to things or plunge ahead. Looking from one man to the other, Coral couldn’t imagine making any other decision. Nodding her head, she answered, “Yes, Sir.” She could have sworn she heard them both growl, but the thought was quickly eclipsed by the scorching kiss Sage gave her. His tongue traced the line of her lips before pushing in what only could be described as a plundering claim of her mouth. Coral felt more than heard the moan of need that rose up from the deepest part of her soul. By the time he pulled back, Coral’s head was spinning and she felt her body lean toward his, subconsciously seeking his touch.

“Let’s get your punishment out of the way.”
What? Punishment?

Colt’s chuckle drew her attention. “You didn’t think he’d forget the orgasm you had at the top of the stairs did you?” Coral couldn’t find the words to answer, she just stood there gapping at them trying to make sense of it all. “Come on, let’s get you into position because I can hardly wait to play and this punishment is the only thing standing in my way.” Before Coral could voice any of the questions rocketing through her head, she found herself bent at the waist grasping the edge of a chaise lounge. Colt pushed her feet further apart, and then instructed her to flatten her back.
Sure…let’s make sure all my pink bits are hanging out there for everyone to see.

The first slap of Sage’s hand rocked her up on her tiptoes, her gasp changing to a soft groan as heat replaced the sting. The swat surprised her, but the part that stunned her was how quickly the pain morphed into something entirely different. The first slap was followed quickly by another four, each marking a different spot. Coral felt her pussy flooding with moisture and she sent up a silent prayer they wouldn’t notice how her traitorous body was responding—but that pipe dream vanished when she felt calloused fingers sliding through the slick petals of her pussy. Colt helped her stand up, and she was grateful for his support when everything around her started to spin. Turning her to face Sage, Colt whispered against her ear, “Look at your Master, sweetness. Look at how much he’s enjoying the sweet syrup you didn’t think he knew about.”

Holy humiliation!
She wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “Fuck me, you respond so perfectly I don’t even know where to start—I want it all and I want it right now. It nearly killed me to finish that punishment when I could smell your arousal, pet. And, watching you lift your perfect ass seeking the next slap of my hand was almost enough to send me over the edge.”
What? Oh happy hamsters, please tell me I didn’t really do that.

Mackenzie stared at
the screen of the larger of her two laptops, listening as Donny Sanders gave her excuse after excuse for not meeting her in person as they’d originally planned. How the slut from the hardware store had gone from dating this idiot to Sage Morgan amazed her. “Hey, somebody is fucking with my bank and credit cards. Nothing works and I’m waiting on someone to wire me some damned money.” Mackenzie fought to keep from rolling her eyes, obviously the man hadn’t done any research into the men his ex was staying with. She’d bet her last nickel she knew exactly who was behind the man’s financial woes, but at this point she felt he hadn’t earned any more of her help. If he wasn’t smart enough to check out the men he’d be going up against, it wasn’t really her problem.

She’d already made plans to attend the Morgan’s party tomorrow night, it shouldn’t be that difficult to drive a wedge between a woman as plain as Coral Williams and a man as socially prominent as Sage Morgan. Mac still seethed every time she thought back on the trouble Brandt Morgan had caused her. Maybe she’d arrange a case of mistaken identity for the moron babbling on about his misfortune.

Deciding she’d heard enough, Mackenzie tapped out a message on her second laptop before attaching a picture of Brandt Morgan and sending it to Mr. Excuses. “I’ve got to go, but I’ve sent you a picture of the man you need to deal with if you want to get to your little eye-witness. I’ll be in touch.” With that she disconnected the call and leaned back, letting the soft leather of her suite’s office chair wrap around her shoulders. She was using the last of her inheritance to fund this trip, but in the end it would definitely be worth the investment. The Morgans were worth millions and she fully intended to attach herself to each and every one of those precious dollars. Grabbing her purse, Mackenzie headed to the door. Her spa appointment was another investment in her future—the only way to win a war was to bring everything you had to the battle.
Little Miss Plain Jane won’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of keeping Sage after tomorrow night.

Chapter Thirteen

f Sage hadn’t
been so close to losing control he might have found Coral’s embarrassment amusing, instead those pink cheeks were more like tossing gas on a fire. The hot flare of need racing up his spine had him signaling Colt to raise the chaise and get into position. To Sage’s surprise, his brother pulled Coral into his arms, holding her close for several seconds before threading his fingers through her long hair and tilting her face up to his. “Sweetness, I can’t think of a single thing in the world I want more than to slide between these pretty lips.” Colt’s fingertip traced over Coral’s lips in a slow stroke and Sage watched as she shuddered in response.
Damn, little brother has learned some new moves since we last shared a woman.

Colt hadn’t liked Mackenzie and had flat out refused to touch her during the time Sage had dated her. Hell, Kip had been the only one of his brothers willing to share a scene with them and Mackenzie had scoffed at the idea. She’d laughed in Kip’s face citing his age as reason enough to reject him, Sage had been infuriated, but the guiding tenants of the BDSM lifestyle dictated if one partner was opposed then it was off the table. Sage gave more than lip service to safe, sane, and consensual, the words were the centerpiece of the commitment he’d made to every submissive he’d ever played with, and as angry as he’d been at her for hurting Kip’s feelings, he’d known it was as far as the discussion was going to go.

“But I want to give you one more chance to back out of this, because once you touch me, I’m fairly certain I’m going to have the same look of desperation I saw in big brother’s eyes a moment ago.” Colt’s words brought Sage back to the moment, and he watched Coral’s eyes go wide. A split second later she stood up on her tip toes pressing her lips against Colt’s in a kiss Sage was sure she’d intended to be short and sweet.
She’s in for a big surprise.
Colt loved kissing women. Hell, every woman Sage knew swore Colt Morgan had a PhD in kissing. Sage grinned when his brother growled and tightened his fingers in Coral’s hair as he took control of the kiss.

Returning his attention to his toy bag, Sage pulled out what he needed, setting everything on the small table between the chairs. Colt ended the kiss with a sigh before turning Coral to face him again while he moved into place. Sage looked down at Coral, and struggled to hold back his grin. Damn, her nipples were almost tight enough already for the clamps he’d chosen and Colt hadn’t done anything but kiss her—
show off.
Grasping the buds between his fingers, Sage rolled them as he pinched each nub with just enough pressure to make her moan. When he knelt in front of her, pulling first one and then the other into his mouth he was pleased to feel her arching her back and pressing the sweet berries even further between his lips. He obliged by pressing the tender nub against the roof of his mouth, and was rewarded with her soft plea for more.

Slipping the small circle clamps into place, Sage adjusted them until he saw her eyes widen and heard her breath catch.
. He wasn’t a sadist, the goal wasn’t pain for pain’s sake. Sage merely wanted to enhance the feeling of her movements while she leaned over Colt, he hoped the distraction was enough to make the rest of his plan easier to execute.
Execute? Christ, I have to get my head out of the boardroom and into the bedroom or I’m going to fuck this up.
Realizing he could ruin things with Coral if he didn’t keep his head in the game brought him up short.

Sage had never
at anything—and he damned well didn’t plan to start now. As the firstborn he’d never lacked for parental attention, school had been a cakewalk, attracting the attention of members of the opposite sex had also been easy, and he’d never struggled financially. Realizing how easy his life had been compared to Coral’s was humbling indeed. Vowing to find some way to enrich her life every single day, Sage reached forward to flick the small diamonds swinging from the gold chains of her nipple clamps. “So pretty. I love the way the light catches on each of the stone’s facets sending sparkles of light dancing over your beautiful skin.” Using the edge of his fingernail, Sage traced a line connecting several of the glimmering dots and smiled when goose bumps raced over the surface.

“You are so beautiful, pet—you take my breath away. But the beauty on the outside is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s your strength of character shining through that tells the tale. And your interest in the lifestyle? Oh, baby—that is just icing on a very sweet cake.” He could see her preparing to respond, but when she took a deep breath the diamonds were set into motion once again. Sage grinned when her eyes glazed over and he saw her knees wobble. Moving her in to position, he watched as Coral’s eyes went impossibly wide when she realized she was kneeling directly in front of Colt’s very eager cock.

“I told you
I could hardly wait to feel those luscious lips wrapped around my cock, sweetness.” Colt drew her focus to his face with his fingers, and she felt her face heat with embarrassment.
Just shoot me now—nothing like being caught ogling a guy’s goods.
“Oh don’t be shy, I love seeing that look of longing in your eyes, sweetness. Spread your knees further apart, and I want to feel that pretty pink tongue licking the head before you blow my mind.”

Coral’s hands were trembling when she placed them on Colt’s thighs, steadying herself as she moved her knees further apart. His hand covered hers, his voice softer than it had been a few seconds earlier, “My brother is a lucky man and I’m damned grateful to be a part of this scene. Remember, the only thing we’re expecting of you is your surrender. Give yourself over to the feelings and follow the instructions we give you. I promise you every one of those directives will be with your pleasure in mind.”

Coral felt herself relax, she appreciated Colt taking the time to calm her rioting nerves, because she knew it would make it much easier for her to enjoy their time together. Looking up at Sage, she saw him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and his ankles crossed in a pose she suspected was deceptively casual. She could tell he’d placed items on the small table but damn if he hadn’t covered them with a small towel. Coral frowned and both men chuckled. “Pet, you didn’t think it was going to be that easy did you? Doms are by nature sneaky, it’s a necessary part of our continual effort to stay in control—just part of the package, pet.”

“A word to the wise, sweetness—you might want to check those frowns because they’ll usually get you a swat or two.” Coral returned her gaze to Colt, being careful to blank her expression. “No, sweetness, your Master isn’t going to want to see the emotional distance either. But I can promise you, he won’t like seeing you frown when something hasn’t gone your way. Doms take it as a small sign you don’t trust them to provide you with what you need.” On one level Coral understood what Colt was trying to tell her…but on the other hand, she had no clue how to control her reactions.

Pushing her concerns aside, she decided to focus on what she did know. Wrapping her hand around Colt’s cock, Coral wasn’t surprised to find her fingers didn’t meet. When she ran her tongue around the rim she was shocked to find how different he and Sage tasted. Holding back her giggle, Coral wondered how her life could have changed so much in such a short period of time. In just a couple of days, she’d gone from living alone in a tiny apartment to sharing a home larger than any she’d ever seen with five men. Coral hadn’t ever professed to understand the mysterious workings of fate, and she wasn’t going to waste this time trying to sort it out. Letting herself fall into the moment sounded like a much more enjoyable place for her to go.

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