Complicated (6 page)

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Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #Gay New Adult Romance

BOOK: Complicated
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“You’re a good kid and polite.” Tony stopped. “Normally, I’d tell you to cut the bull. I hate con artists and shit peddlers. I’ve had actresses throw themselves at me in order to get parts. I’ve even had a few actors do the same thing. You’ve still got the innocence Hollywood lacks. You see the good in people when there really isn’t any. Don’t lose that fire. The moment you get an attitude and think you’re better than everyone is the day you should pack your shit and leave town. Does that make sense?”

“Yes. Thanks.”

“Good. Get into the crowd. I can’t have Clayton’s boy get killed off because he’s hovering around the edges.” Tony grinned. “You’ll be fine. Oh, and come back to the trailers after shooting. I want you to meet Kade and discuss the other project. If you’ve got a lawyer or an agent, bring them along.”

For the next four hours, Jonathan followed directions and stayed in the thick of the crowds. He ran on cue, stopped when told to and feigned fear at something in the sky. Throughout the filming, he thought about Sean. Jonathan didn’t know what to think. Just when he’d decided to pull away from the actor, the director had dragged him back in.

Jonathan spotted Michael in the crowd. Damn it. Of all the people to run into, he didn’t want to talk to the guy who never shut up.

“Jon-Jon.” Michael bounded over to him and grinned. “How’s my boy?”

His boy? Jonathan bit back his surprise. They were barely friends. “Who’s your boy? Is he here?” Please God, let Michael have a boyfriend in the crowd.

“I meant you.” Michael’s brown eyes glittered. He had nice eyes, but not as sexy as Sean’s. Geez. Jonathan needed to stop comparing people to Sean. Michael soft punched Jonathan on the arm. “I saw they pulled you from the group. Did you get more than the two lines?”

“Kind of.” Jonathan shrugged. “They needed me as filler for a smaller crowd scene. A restaurant. I had to eat a lot of spaghetti.” He hated to lie, but Michael skeeved him out. A shiver ran the length of his spine.

“Spaghetti?” Michael frowned. He rubbed his chin with the back of his hand. “I didn’t know there was going to be a restaurant scene. I’m great at those. I’ve done four so far.” He nudged Jonathan away from the main crush of the group. “Next time, let me know. I can always use the extra money.”

“I’m not getting extra for it.” He wasn’t actually sure what he was getting for the extra scenes. The whole thing had happened rather fast. As far as he knew, he only got the day player rate.

“Oh. Then you got screwed. Next time, get an agent or at least a lawyer to do the contractual stuff.”

“I will.”

“You’ll learn.” Michael slipped his arm around Jonathan’s. “Want to go for Chinese tonight? I know some great places.”

“Are…are you asking me out?”

“Me?” Michael grinned. He inched closer to Jonathan. “You’re the sexiest man on the set. Of course, I’m asking you out.” He pressed his chest into Jonathan’s arm, invading Jonathan’s personal space. “Why? Got a better offer?”

Not yet.
I’m waiting for Sean to sort himself out
sounded so…lame. But he was supposed to meet up with Tony after the shooting day ended. “I’m needed for a night shoot.”

“There’s a night shoot?” Michael cuddled up even tighter. “Do they need one more body? I’m a good body for night shots.”


“Jonathan.” Sean navigated the rest of the way through the crowd, but ended up being stopped before he reached Jonathan. He’d been joined by Alex and Damien, the main characters. People surged to them, paper and phones in hand. Apparently, the entire crowd wanted selfies with the actors.

“He’s still interested? I’m shocked.” Michael moved his arm from around Jonathan’s and moved it to around Jonathan’s back. He held him close as if they were a couple or hugging.

“Let go, huh? You’re crushing me.” Jonathan squirmed. He’d never been a hugger, even when hugging was popular. If he didn’t know the person really well, or trust them, he refused to be hugged.

“Sorry.” Michael had said the word, but he hadn’t let go.

“Are you trying to make him jealous?” Jonathan wriggled away from Michael. “Or make me jealous? Something?”

“I’m trying to get in your damn pants,” Michael growled. He’d kept his voice low enough for Jonathan to hear, but the rest of the group not to notice. “You’re hot. I’m hot. We need to hook up.”

“I don’t do hookups.” Jonathan strode away from Michael. He didn’t feel like explaining his situation to the irritating man. He pushed through the crush of bodies and headed in the general direction of the director’s trailers. According to Tony and Michael, he needed representation. Where in the hell would he get a rep at such short notice?

He knocked on the trailer door. He doubted Tony would be there already, but hey, anything was possible.

“Come in.”

Huh. The voice didn’t sound like Tony, and he knew where Sean was—crushed in the middle of the crowd. The door opened, and a guy Jonathan didn’t know grinned back at him. “You must be Jonathan. I’m Kade. I’m the screenwriter and author of the Torrance Piper series.”

“Oh!” Jonathan’s jaw slackened. He’d sounded like a dipshit. He closed his eyes and held up his hand. “I’m sorry. I was raised to have manners, but they seem to be missing.” He opened his eyes and exhaled. “I’m Jonathan Reynolds. According to Tony, I’m doing a decent job of portraying Owen. This is my first time acting in a major motion picture, so I hope he’s right. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kade. This series is fascinating.”

“At least, you’re genuine. Come in.” Kade waved Jonathan into the trailer. “You wouldn’t believe how many actors and actresses come in here and blabber about how much they love my work. I had one kid tell me he loved Popper. I said, who is Popper? He replied, Torrance Popper. Oy. Kids. Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Jonathan perched on the plush, black couch. The cushions practically sucked him in. “I’ve only seen the first two Piper movies. Being in college made going to the movies hard.”

“No time?” Kade asked. He didn’t look like the man in the glossy photographs. According to Jonathan’s acting books, Kade Evans was over forty. His hair wasn’t the salt-and-pepper look, and he seemed more progressive than the stuffy suit and tie image.

“It was too expensive. We didn’t have any dollar theaters in Kent. The one closed after my freshman year.”

“That does put a damper on things.” Kade sat behind a white desk. The navy blue T-shirt stretched across his sculpted chest. “Tony does love his black-and-white motif. Kind of overwhelming, don’t you think?”

Jonathan shrugged. “Colors and what goes together aren’t my thing.” He needed to stop ogling Kade. The man’s bio claimed he was happily married and obsessed with the Torrance Piper series and the peripheral characters. If Jonathan had made as much money as Kade had with his work, he would’ve been obsessed, too.

“You’re a smart guy.” Kade folded his arms and rested his feet on his desk. He stared at Jonathan. “Owen is a smart guy, too. He’s not about to let Clayton walk all over him. He’s the reason Clayton stays sane. Think that’s something you can pull off?”

“I hope so.” His ego, whatever he had left of it, was vanishing rapidly. He truthfully wasn’t sure he could portray such a strong character. Laying in bed with Sean was one thing. The dialogue and mannerisms could certainly sink him.

“I’m still deciding how to do the origin story for Owen and Clayton. I know Sean’s personality and how he can handle being Clay. He’s good. A jerk most of the time, but good. You’re the wildcard. You’re clever enough to seem innocent, but there’s something about you…I can’t tell if it’s an act or if you’re truly that green.”

Next to Jonathan, the door flew open. Tony and Sean stomped into the office. “I don’t give a shit,” Sean snapped. “We did the autograph session and stood there for about a hundred thousand selfies. What more do you want?” He glanced over his shoulder. “Jonathan. Hey.” The redness drained from his face and his fury seemed to melt. “Sorry.”

“Jonathan and I have been having an interesting conversation.” Kade shifted in his seat, then stood. “I can work with him as Owen. The innocence thing is great. I won’t have the script done for a couple of weeks, Tony…unless I’m inspired. Should give Jonathan enough time to find his agent.”

“Cool.” Sean folded his arms. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“Me, either.” Tony slapped Sean on the back. “I don’t need you at all tomorrow and you’ve worked your ass off today. Take the next twenty-four hours to decompress…or whatever it is you do when you’re stressed.”

“I’ve got a few ideas.” Sean nodded. “Thanks.” He turned his attention to Kade. “If you’re done with Jonathan, I’d like to talk to him.”

“That’s up to him,” Kade replied. “Jonathan, have a great night. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

“Thank you. The feeling is mutual.” Jonathan smiled then stood. His mind spun. He’d been offered a part, told to find an agent and had someone suggest he spend time with the object of his affection. He shook hands with Kade then Tony. “Good night.” He walked outside, not really looking where he was going.

“Jonathan?” Sean touched Jonathan’s fingers. He didn’t grab him. It was more like a caress. “Hey?”

“I’m here.” Jonathan sighed. “Just… I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“I bet. Can we talk?”


“No, wait.” Sean stood in front of Jonathan and gripped Jonathan’s shoulders. “I don’t mean just hang out in my trailer. I want to talk. I want to hit the town.”

“Ah.” Jonathan nodded. “There are a couple gay bars around here. A couple good clubs. I can give you the addresses.”

“Damn it, I’m fucking this up.” Sean massaged Jonathan’s shoulders, sending tingles through Jonathan’s body. “What I want is a date. I know that guy from the crowd asked you out, too. You’ve probably got plans with him. I’m selfish for wanting you to drop everything for me, but I do.”

“I’m not going out with Michael.”

“You’re not?” Sean let go of him. “I-I shouldn’t have assumed. I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I called my sponsor.”

Jonathan wasn’t sure what to say.

“He told me to stop being an asshole and to be myself. Will you come out with me tonight? I’d like to go on a date with you.”

Well, holy crap. Sean Banks wanted to go on a date with him. He could say no and stick with his secure life…or he could say yes and take what fate had to offer. Security and status quo or a new adventure?

Jonathan offered his hand. “Sure.”


Chapter Six




Sean held his breath. He could’ve sworn Jonathan agreed, but Sean wasn’t sure. He squeezed Jonathan’s fingers.

“There’s the Funky Sub Shop off St. Clair. They stay open until like three in the morning. Come on,” Jonathan said. “Or do you need to go back to your trailer first.” His gaze swept over Sean, sending a slight shiver through Sean’s system.

Sean glanced down at his attire. Shit. He was still wearing the sniper gear from the shoot. He’d never get into a restaurant dressed like Clayton. “Yeah, I should change.”

“Want me to meet you back here?”

“No.” Sean tugged Jonathan in the direction of his trailer. “They won’t let you back onto the lot.”

“Good point.” Jonathan fell into step beside him. “Getting locked out would suck.”

“You bet it would.” Sean opened the trailer door. “Did you like Kade? He’s a nice guy, for a bizarre character author.” Sean popped the clasps on his vest. The clothing was made to look like sniper gear, but the construct wasn’t created to specs like actual sniper gear.

“He offered me a job as Owen.”

“Yeah, he likes continuity.” Sean yanked his sweaty shirt up over his head. Perspiration slickened his chest, and the air conditioning chilled him. “I’m going to switch my shirt.”

“Take your time.” Jonathan sat on the arm of the couch. “He told me to get an agent. Was pretty pushy about it.”

“That means he really wants you.” Sean rummaged through his drawers for a suitable shirt. He wanted to look hot without coming off as desperate. For the first time since Tyler, he’d found someone he wanted to impress. He hated feeling so conflicted. He shoved three black T-shirts aside. Black was a good color for him, but he wanted something more.

He heard footsteps on the carpet. Jonathan stood in the doorway.

“I’m sorry. I can’t find a shirt.”

“Looks like you’ve got a ton.” Jonathan stuck his hands in his pockets. “It’s a simple sub shop. They play loud music and cater to the under thirty crowd. Whatever you wear, you’ll be fine.”

“I’m trying to impress you.” Sean paused. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

Jonathan blushed. “Don’t have to do that.”

“Yeah, I do.” Sean found his gumption. “Most of the people in my life take me on face value. As long as I’m bringing in money or showing my face on the movie screen, I’m important to them. You don’t know me yet you’re still willing to hang out with me. That’s attractive to me.” He picked up the first shirt in the drawer but didn’t put the garment on. He crossed the short expanse to where Jonathan stood. “Give me a chance?”

“I haven’t gone anywhere,” Jonathan whispered.

Sean leaned forward enough that his lips were a breath away from Jonathan’s. He rocked on the balls of his feet enough to kiss his friend. The moment their mouths touched, a bit of the tension within him eased. He tasted the salty sweat on Jonathan’s kiss and moaned.

Jonathan slid his arms around Sean. “You’re dangerous.”

“I am?” Sean kissed him again, nipping Jonathan’s bottom lip. “I’m trying to be sexy.”

“You’re that, too.” The bulge in Jonathan’s pants rubbed against Sean’s. He groaned then eased away from Sean. “Let me…treat you.”

Sean reeled from shock. He hadn’t expected Jonathan to change his mind about the attraction, although he knew what Jonathan meant. Did he want to take that step?

Jonathan slid to his knees. On his way down, he kissed along Sean’s chest then belly. He pressed his face to Sean’s lower belly, rubbing his cheek on Sean’s skin. His hands shook as he opened the fly on Sean’s pants. He glanced up at Sean. Passion burned in his eyes. Sean hadn’t ever seen anything so sexy in his life.

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