CherrysJubilee (3 page)

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Authors: V.J. Devereaux

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: CherrysJubilee
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Dressed in a tuxedo, Connor looked sophisticated, elegant and controlled, his gaze watchful and reserved, a little cynical, but there were stories of what he was like outside the office walls that made him seem different than he appeared here. Cherry could appreciate that as she lived something of a dual life herself.

She could also sympathize with his new position as well. The battle between him and the board of directors had become common knowledge, and from what she heard, it threatened to get worse.

Connor was taller than she had thought and much more handsome up close, in person. Dark hair curled around his strong, sexy, Irish face, his smile a little crooked, his eyes a brighter and more brilliant blue than at a distance. His shoulders were broad and strong, his hips narrow. The tuxedo enhanced that.

She couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like with it off.

It was the force of his personality, though, mirrored in those incredibly intense blue eyes, that caught her—a sense of power, of energy barely held in check.

Beside him were his two friends, both of them handsome men in their own right.

Jed, one of the vice presidents, was the one with the light brown hair and soulful—according to the secretaries—long-lashed, deep brown eyes in his slightly long face. As tall as Connor, he had the kind of loose, rangy build that always made her think of a cowboy. He had a cleft in his chin and an easy and engaging grin. He wore a tux as comfortably as he would a pair of jeans.

According to the grapevine, if the secretaries couldn’t have Connor O’Donnell himself, they’d take Jed in a heartbeat and did not consider him second best. They all thought he was a sweetheart, a real gentleman. But there were those in the upper echelons who had faced Jed across a conference table who would beg to differ. They referred to him as “the gunfighter” and swore there was no softness in the brown eyes that the secretaries referred to as dreamy.

The other man was so blond, so tall and so broad in the chest and shoulders that he reminded Cherry of a Viking warrior. He had dark green eyes in a handsome, square, Nordic face. Erik—another VP. The perfectly tailored tux accentuated the sheer breadth and depth of his chest and shoulders. Somebody had told her once about seeing him in the company gym, bench-pressing some ridiculous amount of weight, almost three times what she weighed according to her source. Which she found to be unbelievable.

From what Cherry had heard, Erik had an instinct for where to find the next new thing, the next new location for an OI enterprise. Whatever his thoughts though, he kept them to himself and the two men with him. To everyone else he was an enigma.

Three, count them,
handsome men. All different. All gorgeous. All single.

The thought of even one of them touching her had been enough to get her pussy wet and now one of them had.

Her nipples tightened further beneath the warming strawberries. The juice of the strawberries trickled down the sides of Cherry’s breasts and scented the air around her.

What happened from now on would be entirely up to the men.

There were rumors around the company that the three were virtually inseparable, sharing everything, but they weren’t gay. No one knew exactly how much of everything they shared. Cherry had often wondered. There was a thrill, anticipation and a small trickle of fear at what she had done and what she was about to do. Bound to the table, she couldn’t move, so she was at their mercy.

She watched, her breath short as Connor picked up a strawberry from those scattered around her and brushed the firm, rough fruit through the chocolate trickling down her ribs then put it in his mouth and bit into it.

Her pussy tightened.

He licked his lips.

With an effort, Cherry kept from licking her lips in response, her juices flowing as she watched him.

Each touch, each slide of fruit across her skin, drove her increasingly crazy. Heat pooled in her belly, her nipples and pussy ached and her inner muscles worked with each dip and scrape. It was maddening, especially since she didn’t dare move or Patrick’s creation might crack or shift. Not that she could move much anyway, the way they had tied her. All she could do was suffer the sweet delicious torment of it.

It is definitely decadent, erotic, even mildly debauched
, Connor thought as he picked up another strawberry and stroked it slowly through the warm chocolate dripping down her ribs just below her breasts. She shivered a little when he scraped the strawberry over her skin. She was sensitive. Ticklish. Even better. Her glistening cherry lips parted. Those big blue eyes turned toward him as she watched him from beneath long dark lashes.

Another bolt of heat went through him.

He popped the berry into his mouth. It was very good chocolate, the strawberry at its prime.

His movements measured, he picked up a small cream puff and dipped it into the pool of honey between her full creamy breasts to drag it over the lush curve of one. Her eyes widened a little as he bit into the cream puff, the cream oozing out a little. He licked the little squirt of cream from his lips slowly.

Beneath his tuxedo slacks his cock was rigid, twitching against the fabric.

He loved it, loved all of it.

Around the room the other guests, oblivious to the sensual and erotic feast going on in front of them, dipped their own fruit or cakes into the different types of chocolate pooled around the chocolate statues or drank the champagne. That just added to the excitement.

One or two of the guests had snapped off pieces of the chocolate statues, one of the men even daringly leaning across the small table to take a bite from the nipple of one.

Jed now held a glass of champagne. Staring at the table, a small smile on his face, he called softly, “Hey, Conn. We have party favors.”

Curious, Connor wandered over to join him. He stared at the objects on the table.

Discreetly wrapped at each place setting at the main table was a bottle of fruit-flavored lubricant. A different one for each of them. And small squeeze bottles of honey.

He glanced over at the lovely Cherry as Erik dipped a finger into the chocolate running down her body and then licked it off. She was beautiful, seeming to glow in contrast to the darkness around her, the narrow beams of the pinpoint spots turning her hair to sparkling spun gold and the pale skin of those ripe, honey-covered breasts to lush ivory.

Her pretty lips were parted, and her full white breasts, in sharp contrast to the dark chocolate, rose and fell with her quickening breath. Jed was right, she appeared to be enjoying this.

Connor unobtrusively slipped a hand down into his pocket and adjusted his throbbing cock.

A volunteer.

Enjoy your dessert
, Patrick had said.

Connor looked at the party favors. He could take a hint. Facing the crowd, Connor clapped his hands.

“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “for coming. I hope you enjoyed your evening. Limousines await you below to take you safely home.”

He wanted to enjoy the rest of his dessert in private…with Jed and Erik.

Chapter Three


For years Connor had been searching for someone daring enough to do something like this. Now, to his astonishment and delight, he had her served up to him on a platter, as dessert. Looking down at the luscious honey-, chocolate- and sugar-covered body in front of him, her hands and legs bound to the table, her breasts lifted and her shapely legs spread for his delectation—Connor, for once in his life, couldn’t make a decision. He simply didn’t know where to start.

How far would she let them go?

As it happened, this was a particular fantasy of theirs. The three of them had discussed this more than once—making love to one woman at the same time, sharing her, driving her crazy with pleasure, taking her to places that she hadn’t dreamed of going and taking their own pleasure with her in all the ways they wanted. A sex slave of sorts. Eating and being eaten. Doing her over and over again.

They had discussed it over drinks, in clubs, over a campfire. Planned it, floated ideas, talked positions. They’d not had the opportunity do it though. It was difficult to find a woman who appealed to all of them and who was willing to take all three at once. And they’d just never seemed to have the time or been able to get all the elements together at once.

Now, it seemed, they might have an opportunity. Maybe.

She just watched them, as if waiting to see what they would do next.

Jed didn’t seem to have the same problem as Connor. He slowly ran his tongue up the inside of one of her shapely legs, gathering up the rich chocolate from her ankle to her knee. She shivered and a soft moan escaped her. The muscles of her leg tightened and quivered as Jed worked his way up. Connor had a fair guess what a torment that was for her.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw her,” Jed said, looking at him, grinning, shaking his head and licking the chocolate from his lips. “That’s really good chocolate.”

Connor’s cock twitched in his slacks as he watched Jed stroking his tongue over her smooth white thigh.

She certainly wasn’t protesting.

Experimentally, Connor tested her bonds. Tight enough to keep her still but the velvet would prevent her from being hurt if she strained against them. It was clear though that she couldn’t move much.

There’s an advantage to that
, he thought, smiling.

She was beautiful, especially with all that honey-gold hair spread around her, the honey and sugar sparkling on her fine features, on her firm mouth. Looking at that ripe, red mouth, he wondered what it would taste like. Curiously, he lowered his mouth to hers, touched his tongue to her lips and tasted cherries.

It was delicious. She was delicious. A soft sound escaped her. Connor smiled.

Slowly, he licked and sucked every trace of the cherry glaze from her soft lips. He traced the seam with his tongue and they opened for him. He tasted her deeply.

She trembled and Connor went even deeper, exploring her with his tongue, tasting the depths of her mouth, a soft sound of pleasure purring deep in her throat as he did.

If there had been a moment to protest, it disappeared the moment Connor lowered his mouth to hers. He licked lightly at her lips, sucking on one, then the other and then on her tongue. He tasted of cherries, chocolate and champagne. That kiss was amazing. Delicious. She had to be dreaming.

Cherry hadn’t known what would happen when he had sent the rest of his guests away but then Jed’s mouth was on her foot and his tongue had speared between her toes to get the chocolate there.

A sharp jolt of pleasure has shot through her, from where his tongue touched to her core.

Then suddenly Connor’s mouth had been on hers, combining with the sensation of Jed licking his way up her leg, his mouth moving up past her knee. The actions of the men sent a rush of erotic excitement through her. Her core throbbed and ached.

She thought she’d go insane as Connor kissed her brainless while Jed licked his way up her other leg until he was so close, so close to her core. Her pussy was drenched, pulsing. Heat rushed through her.

Shaking under the multiple assaults, she pulled futilely at the restraints, trying to get her hands free to run them into Connor’s hair to pull his mouth down harder against hers. Or, as a bolt of heat shot through her as Jed nipped at the inside of her thigh, to clutch at the tablecloth or something, anything, as her belly tightened and her pussy clenched, aching. The knowledge that she couldn’t move somehow increased her excitement.

The slightly rough sensation of a strawberry pressed against her navel, circled there, sending a spike of heat straight to her aching cleft.


Then there was a sharper sensation at her nipple as warmth—a mouth—closed around it. She twitched, moaning softly as pleasure speared through.

Cherry was awash in sensation.

Erik savored the taste and feel of her hard nipple in his mouth, sliding his tongue over the rigid little nub as she groaned then shuddered.

Erik watched as Conn and Jed had had their way with sweet Cherry, his cock going even harder. This was the most incredibly sexy thing he had ever seen or done in his life.

Idly, curiously, his body already tight just from looking at her spread on the table in front of him, he traced the line of melting chocolate over one mounded breast with his finger, spreading his hand over her to find that her full breast would fill it as few did.

He wondered just how far they could go with her.

He plucked away the artfully carved strawberry rose at the crest of her breast before popping it into his mouth.

Beneath the strawberry there was nothing but sweet Cherry, her areola pebbled, her nipple ruched and hard. And perfect.

Erik’s breath caught.

He was a breast man, through and through. Small, large, he didn’t really care, but larger was always good. Large enough to fill his big hands was really good and Cherry’s lush breasts were clearly big enough to do that. With a sigh of pleasure, he touched a finger to that tightening nipple, rubbing it lightly. She trembled, her nipple going harder at his touch.

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