Changing Hearts (28 page)

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Authors: Marilu Mann

Tags: #Romance, #Romance/Paranormal, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Changing Hearts
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Joie walked into the room accompanied by the smell of sausage. She set a plate on the table beside him, fussing for a moment with the silverware and syrup.

She hadn’t said anything about the challenge or his cowardice but he knew it was just a matter of time. Joie paused, drawing his attention. She smiled slowly as she straightened the covers on the bed.

“I feel a little sticky. I think I’ll take a shower.” She moved toward the bathroom without giving him a chance to protest. Slade let the breath he’d been holding out when the door closed behind her.

At least he’d be spared seeing her naked. Still, he couldn’t help staring at the door. He sucked in a deep breath when it opened slightly. Joie was bent over, giving him a perfect view of her heart-shaped ass. She adjusted the temperature of the water as she hummed to herself.

Slade swallowed hard as various parts of his body came to life with a vengeance. He could feel his body hardening, could smell the soft scent of her skin from here. Watching her was pure torture, yet he couldn’t stop.

Joie stepped into the shower, closing the shower curtain behind her. The clear curtain didn’t impede his view at all. He watched as she stood under the water, watched as her hair turned a darker shade and clung to her head. Watched as her nipples hardened from the force of the water beating on them. He licked his lips, remembering how she tasted.

Slade groaned when she stared to soap her body. He could almost feel her skin. He panted as she drew the soft cloth between her legs. He ached as she ran her soapy hands over her breasts and stomach. The womb where his child rested.

Slade’s eyes started to sting. He closed them briefly as he took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, a single tear escaped and started to run down his face.

He wiped one hand over his face to erase the tear, to try to erase the memory of her scent, her taste, her softness. Slade jerked his gaze back to the bathroom as she turned the water off. Joie stepped out of the shower and started slightly when she saw the intensity of his stare.

“Malcolm, I was thinking.” She picked up a towel and patted her shoulders and neck, not bothering to cover up. “Maybe a few days at the cabin are what you need to get you back on your feet. What do you say? Should we go back? I know you loved it there.”

“Yes.” He couldn’t believe he’d answered so quickly. Maybe this was for the best. He could take Joie back to where they’d been happy together, back to the way things had been before he turned into a crying coward. When she felt comfortable there, he’d leave. She’d hate him more, but at least he’d have something else to remember.

“Good, it’s settled. We’ll leave in the morning.” Joie spread lotion on her arms and legs then pulled on a t-shirt and skirt. “Are you hungry?”

Her smile could light the room was the thought that ran through his mind. “Yes,” was what he said.

“Well, eat before it gets too cold. I’ll be back in a minute with some juice for you, then why don’t I give you a nice sponge bath?” She winked and left the room. Slade closed his eyes against the images that flooded his brain. Joie giving him a sponge bath with her tongue. He groaned and flung one arm over his head, trying to stop the memories and new images from taking over.

The forgotten plate of food cooled beside him as he remembered the feel and taste of Joie.

* * * * *

Slade took a deep breath. He followed Joie down the path again. She hadn’t said anything when he’d insisted on packing his backpack and he didn’t think that she’d seen him sliding the envelope under her pillow. When she got back to the main cabin she’d find the money. Maybe it would make up for his leaving.

Slade was nearly out of breath when they reached the cabin. Looking up he wondered if he’d have the strength to help open it up. He stopped in his tracks when he realized the shutters were off the windows and the solid door stood open to allow the faint breeze to penetrate the cabin.

Joie started up the steps then turned to him with a smile. “I hope you don’t mind.
and I had Boudreaux open the cabin up. The kitchen is fully stocked and there are clean linens on our bed.”

Our bed? She’d said “our bed” as though there was nothing to it.
Slade shook his head and started up the steps. Joie had already disappeared inside by the time he reached the door. She came into the living room with a wide smile and a glass of iced tea.

“Why don’t you relax in the hammock while I fix us something to eat?”

“Yeah, okay.” Slade turned and left the cabin. He walked to the end of the porch and settled into the hammock. Leaving Joie would be the hardest thing he’d ever done.
Never seeing her again, never seeing their child. Shit! What if the kid turned out to be a shifter? Joie could handle it but there were things the kid would need to know. I’d better talk to her about that.

Slade let his mind wander, picturing Joie standing in the doorway of the cabin with a baby girl on her hip. Would the child look anything like him? Hopefully she’d look like her mother. What if it was a boy? Could Joie handle a son who could shift? He grinned. Joie could handle anything she set her mind to. She’d handled him, hadn’t she?

“Malcolm? Are you awake?”

He opened his eyes slowly to find Joie leaning over him. She’d changed from the shapeless skirt she’d been wearing into one of his t-shirts. It hit her mid-thigh and he could tell from the sway of her breasts that she’d taken her bra off.

“I’m awake.”
And wanting you, as usual.
He completed the sentence only in his mind.

“Good. Are you ready to eat?” She reached out, tracing the line of his jaw. Her hands were always cool against his skin, always soothing.

“What are you wearing?”

“Your shirt. Do you mind? It’s so sticky, you know. Besides, this is what you wanted me to wear the last time we were here, remember?”

“I remember.” He sat up slightly, swinging his legs off the side of the hammock. Joie handed him the plate she’d brought out for him. She’d sliced some cantaloupe and watermelon for them and made him a huge sandwich. Joie settled down on the porch near the hammock, picked her own plate up off the porch and started eating.

They ate in near silence, his appetite had been improving every day, then Joie leaned back with a sigh. “It’s so beautiful here, isn’t it? And so peaceful.”

“Yeah. Listen, Joie, we should talk about the baby.” Slade watched as she put her hand over her stomach. She smiled up at him then held her free hand out to him.

Slade settled down on the porch beside her. He stayed silent as she took his hand, placing it on top of her stomach then putting her hands on top of his.

“How do you really feel about this, Malcolm? About being a father.” The answer was important to her. He knew that now. Knew all about her ex and his negative reaction to becoming a father. Slade knew that had hurt Joie more than anything else the man could have said. That coupled with her miscarriage had driven her out of Atlanta and home to the bayou. He didn’t want to add to her pain, didn’t know how he really felt, he only knew he didn’t want Joie to hurt in any way.

“I don’t know. I never thought I would be one and I don’t remember much about my father.” He leaned a little closer to her just to inhale her scent.

“I think you’ll be a wonderful father.” Joie turned to face him, putting her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, then his jaw, then his mouth. Slade tried to resist her but it would have been like trying to lasso the sun.

He opened his mouth, moved his hand up to cup her face then lost himself in Joie’s kiss.

Some time later he lifted his head. She’d managed to get her hands up under his t-shirt and his hands were cupping her ass. She straddled him and he didn’t remember pulling her into his lap.

Joie raised her head to meet his gaze then nipped his chin. “Come to bed with me?”

“Yes.” Slade got slowly to his feet then let her lead him into the bedroom. She stopped beside the massive four-poster bed turning to face him. Slade reached out and pulled the t-shirt off her body. She had on a pair of white cotton panties. He put his hands on her hips, easing his thumbs under the top of her panties then pulled them off as he went to his knees in front of her.

Joie put both hands on his head, tilting his head back as she combed through his hair. “I love you, Malcolm.”

Slade swallowed hard, put his forehead against her stomach then softly said the words he never thought he’d ever say. “I love you, Joie.”

Her sudden intake of breath and the clenching of her hands in his hair were the only indication she’d heard him. Slade kissed her stomach, then lower. Joie inhaled sharply again as he nuzzled against the juncture of her thighs.

“Open your legs, baby.” His voice sounded deep to his own ears, but she didn’t hesitate. She opened her legs enough for him to trail his fingers over and into her. Joie groaned softly then laughed when he surged to his feet and tossed her onto the bed.

“Be careful, your stitches.”

Slade dragged her to the edge of the bed then placed himself between her spread legs. Joie propped herself up on her elbows, meeting his gaze as he leaned forward. He kept his eyes on hers as he licked the insides of her thighs. She tilted her head back briefly then met his eyes again.

Slade used the tip of his tongue to open her labia. He teased her, pushing just the tip of his tongue inside her then licking slowly up to the top of her mound. He caught her clitoris between his tongue and top lip, running his tongue over her until she shuddered, then sucking it into his mouth. Joie opened her mouth, making small sounds of pleasure but never took her eyes off his as he devoured her.

Even when he brought her shouting to a release, she held his gaze, though her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Slade got to his feet, leaning over her as she guided him into her body. “No condoms.”

“Don’t need it, do we?” Her voice came out breathy, ending on a groan as he thrust fully into her. Joie bent her knees and Slade hooked his elbows into them, holding her open to his thrusts. Joie grabbed his biceps and held on, keeping her eyes locked on his face.

He moved hard and fast into her body, felt his own release drawing closer. Joie closed her eyes until he spoke her name softly. As soon as she met his eyes again, Slade thrust hard into her. “I love you, Joie.”

She cried out as she came, calling his name over and over until he joined her. Slade collapsed with his release, he pulled his arms up, letting her legs drop. She wrapped her legs around him, keeping him on top of her as their breathing leveled out.

Slade lifted his head and she brushed his hair back. “I love you, Malcolm. I love you so much.”

He leaned down to kiss her again then withdrew from her body long enough to settle them both on the bed. They kept their arms wrapped around one another as they both fell asleep.

* * * * *

Slade woke less than an hour later. He could still feel the heat of the day, felt Joie pressed against his back as he lay on his side. He closed his eyes, wishing for a moment that he could stop time. Knowing that wasn’t really possible, he slipped quietly out of the bed.

He hadn’t shifted since the fight, nearly a week ago. Scooping up his backpack, Slade made his way across the hall into the bathroom. He set the backpack on the small counter, reached into the front pocket and pulled out the hunting knife he’d purchased what felt like a lifetime ago.

Studying the fine stitches Joie had taken in his thigh, he sighed, bit his lip and started cutting. All told, when done, he’d removed nearly thirty stitches from his thigh, his shoulder and his scalp. Since he could neither see nor truly reach the ones on the back of his neck, he left them alone. They’d just tear when he shifted, there was no help for it.

Stepping back out into the hallway he glanced into the bedroom. Joie slept on. She’d moved to the side of the bed he’d been sleeping on. He grinned slightly then set his backpack down just inside the bedroom door. He would have to leave soon.

Slade padded quietly down the hall to the back door. He eased it open and stepped out onto the porch, looking around at the area around the cabin. He wanted to remember this for as long as he lived.
This cabin, this place and the woman sleeping inside.

Taking a deep breath, he stretched his arms up high over his head. He felt the skin pull around the areas where he’d removed the stitches, felt his thigh reopen and start to bleed slightly. Slade shook his head and arms, tossed his head straight back and shifted.

Bones moved, skin shrunk, hair grew wild. As soon as he took his first wolf breath, he shook from head to tail. Bounding off the porch, he made a quick circuit of the surrounding area, marking trees as he went. He wasn’t sure why he marked territory he never intended to return to, but instinct could be a strange thing.

As long as his mate lived here and he was around, he would warn others away. Slade put his nose to the ground, picking up faint scents and fresh ones. He found an unfamiliar scent and tracked it to the water’s edge. A picture formed in his mind of the man named Boudreaux.
Yes, this is his scent—motor oil, fish and talc.

Slade thought fleetingly of the child who had patted his cheek and called his tattoos “pretty”. He shook his body, shaking the image of the child away at the same time. He ran hard back to the cabin, back to Joie. He wanted one more night with her. One more chance to hold her, make love to her, then he’d leave.

* * * * *

Joie woke when she heard the screen door. She sat up, pushing her hair away from her face but before she could get out of the bed, Malcolm stood in the doorway. He took two steps into the room then jumped for the bed, landing right beside her, pulling her down beside him with one arm.

“What on earth are you doing?” She laughed as he kissed and nipped at her neck.


“Malcolm Slade, have you been out running around?”

“Yup. What are you gonna do about it?” He grinned at her, his eyes glowing softly.

“Hmmm…” she winked as she linked her hands behind his head. “Maybe I’ll just tie you to the bed again.”

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