Captive, Mine (19 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight,Trent Evans

Tags: #Contempory BDSM Erotic Romance, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Captive, Mine
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Like a predator to prey.

But which was which here? As he’d pulled her trembling body close, for the first time, he’d wondered. She had a power over him, and though on the surface the dynamic appeared to go only one way, he knew better.

She was binding him to her as surely as he’d bound her wrists. The only open question left was whether or not she even knew it yet.

Lily had to be punished, though. And her hard assfucking was only the beginning. He’d made some progress with her, surely, but she still needed to learn, needed to see that he was both the beginning
the end. And everything in between.

Hell, it might even keep them alive, even as he feared his black heart might already be doomed. Every beat leading it one closer to its end, an end nearer than he wanted to even think about.

He thought she might still be asleep as he stroked the wild tangle of her beautiful hair. Someday he’d like to hold her quietly and play with those dark, silken locks, the soft weight of it falling through his fingers.


Turning over the possibilities in his mind, he wasn’t sure which path he’d choose, until the very moment he uttered the words.

“Why did you do it, Lily?”

He whispered it, lest he wake her from a slumber he knew she needed. Especially considering what lay before her.

“You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?” His fingertip coursed slowly down the ridge of her pretty nose. “No matter what I’ve told you, what you’ve already been through, you just… couldn’t help it.”

Lake sighed in the dark, her head rising and falling on his chest with the sounds of his breathing. He knew she wouldn’t like it one bit, but he was equally as certain she needed it.

Her breathing was soft and slow, sleep shielding her from her ordeal, if only temporarily

“You’re going to be punished, Lily.”

Her body stiffened instantly against him, her breathing suddenly stopping.

So much for her being asleep.

He caressed the weight of her bottom cheek, his hand easing over the still-warm, swollen marks left by the strap. She sucked in a pained breath.

“Not here though, bad girl. Your bottom’s had enough, for now.”

“Please, Lake,” she whispered, huddling closer to him. “No more.”

He caressed her face, touched those soft lips.

“No more pain, Lily. But you’re going to learn what happens when you look at something you shouldn’t. Curiosity has a price.”

He sat up, drawing her with him, holding her close. “Stay here,” he said, standing.

Lily pulled her knees up, hugging them, those bright liquid eyes peering up at him in the darkness.

“I needed… to know. I’m sorry. I didn’t want”—her gaze slid away, and she lay her cheek atop her knees—”to hurt you.”

“You didn’t, Lily.” Lake straightened, pulling his jeans on, trying to ignore the fact that his cock was already swelling once more at what was to come. “But people like your father, the people he worked for…
did. They took everything.”

He went to the closet, to one of the boxes he was sure she’d already looked through. There it was, at the bottom folded neatly under the files. A manila envelope. Perhaps she’d dismissed it, assuming it was yet more paperwork. He closed the closet, the envelope tucked under an arm, then turned to her. Her gaze alighted upon it immediately, her dark brows furrowing.

“Close your eyes, Lily.”

“What? Why?” Her body folded in on itself tighter, her gaze flicking from the envelope back up to him. “No, Lake.”

“Still don’t understand, do you?” He pointed to the wall, where the dreaded strap hung, waited. “I said no more pain, but maybe you need more?”

Her head shot up, and she swallowed hard, the whites of her eyes showing. “No… okay. I’ll do it. Please, don’t hurt me.”

Her eyes closed then, a tear slipping from under the lashes, dashing down her cheek, leaving a wet trail that glistened in the low light of the room.

“Good girl.”

Opening the envelope, the folded black cloth slid out, soft against his palm. He put one knee on the mattress next to her, the blindfold stretching between his hands. When the fabric was laid over her eyes she tensed, a small, frightened sound coming from deep in her throat. He tied it snugly, carefully lifting her hair to ensure no strands were caught in it. She was going to be wearing it a while.

“Please, don’t do this…”

He stood up, gazing down upon her trembling form. “Each time you lament not being able to see, I want you to remember what happens to girls who stick their little noses where they don’t belong. Got me?”

“Lake, I don’t—”

“Got me, Lily?”

She bit into her lower lip, hard. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” He walked around the bed, her head following the creaking of the floorboards. “I want you to lie down — and think. I’ll be back soon.”

He waited until she finally obeyed, her head making little spasmodic movements from side to side as if she could somehow evade the blackness of the blindfold. Lake touched one of her hard little nipples, tweaked it into even greater prominence. Her mouth came open a moment then her lips went tight.

“Over on your belly.”

“Lake, please!”

“Just do it. I’m not going to spank you — unless you keep talking back.”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured, turning over, the springs of the mattress stirring. He retrieved her leather manacles and slapped them back on quickly, binding her wrists fast before her shock had time to wear off. “This is so you don’t get the idea that you can pull the blindfold off when I’m not around.”

“How… how long?”

Smart girl.

She knew as well as he did that he couldn’t keep her arms bound like that forever. Lily was already figuring, already planning, wanting to know how long she’d need to hold out, to endure.

“Long enough, Lily. How long depends on you.” His cock was fully hard now, throbbing angrily. “You start being a good girl for me, doing what you’re told, and maybe we’ll take those off. But it’s not happening until I can trust you to leave that blindfold alone. I want you to learn your lesson, bad girl. And we’re going to take the time we need to make sure it sinks in.”

He rolled her over onto her side, pulling the blanket up and over her naked, enticing form. He left her breasts uncovered, though, simply because he could, because it somehow emphasized her vulnerability, her femininity exposed to him, subject to him.


With the final, sweet vision of her trembling lips and a tear slipping from beneath the black blindfold, Lake shut the door behind him.

* * *


ake loved the sense of anticipation that surged through his muscles as he unlocked the door, as he imagined what her reaction would be. Would it be fear, or excitement? Did she crave it as much as she dreaded it? He wondered if she still hated him.

No matter what her mind might say though, her lithe, ever-responsive little body had certainly stopped hating him long, long ago.

Swinging the door open, he let what little evening light there still was in the sky into the room, a narrow strip of illumination falling upon the naked form of the bound and blind woman. Lily shivered, though whether from cold or fear he couldn’t tell.

Her gorgeous dark nipples stood up just the same, either way.

He strode in, plunging the room into near darkness once again as he shut the door. He didn’t need a light for what he had planned for her. Indeed, the absence of it fit his dark mood, the lust that surged up within him each time he visited his bound captive.

The same captive he should never have allowed himself to care for.

Too late now, Lake.

It wasn’t too late to enjoy her for what she was though.


Utterly and completely, if only for a short, finite time.

He intended to make the most of it, until fate and circumstance decided to finally snatch her away from him, just as it had taken from him every woman he’d ever loved.

Love? This isn’t love, Lake. This is…

“Possession,” he muttered, pulling the folded leather from the pocket of his coat.

“What?” The slender column of her throat worked as she tried to look toward the sound of his voice. “What did you...?”

But he didn’t say anything more. He knew it was what she wanted — him to communicate. To acknowledge her as anything other than, something more than, the owned thing he needed her to understand she was becoming. The sooner she came to grips with it, the easier things would go.

And until that time, until she
understood, well, he’d slake his lusts with her in every way he’d dreamed.

“Lake, what are you… what are you doing?”

He unbound her hands, but only long enough to snap the length of leather to them. He tested the strength of the stainless steel snap, the polished metal gleaming in the low light. Then he drew her by the wrists off the bed, her bare feet slapping against the floorboards as she stood.

“I… what are you going to do? Talk to me, for God’s sake. Please…”

But he simply shook his head at her, even though he knew she couldn’t see it. His silence spoke loud enough for the both of them.

He backed her up against the wall then, the length of leather dripping down to the worn floor, dragging behind her like the menacing length of a serpent. His hand settled around her throat, and her breath caught, her body growing perfectly still, only the faintest trembling coursing through her muscles.

He grasped her under her chin, turning her head this way and that, admiring the slender neck, the delicate jaw, the flawless clarity of her skin. He tasted the softness of that skin then, kissing her along the line of her jaw, her breath drawn in and out in quick bursts. His hand coursed down the flat expanse of her belly, his fingers dipping into the liquid heat already gathering between the lips of her cunt. He yawned those soft petals apart, the spicy, clean scent of her sex filling his nostrils, his cock already a steel-hard bar in his pants.


He took up the length of leather, and she cringed back ever so slightly, as if she feared he’d strike her with it.

She remembered her strap.

Lake smiled to himself as he threw the length of leather up toward the ceiling, looping it over one of the embedded steel hooks he’d originally intended to hang tools from.

Now he intended to hang something much more precious and valuable from that hook.

Drawing her arms up, he tied off the leather once he had Lily up on her toes, her belly sucked in below the heaving ribcage. He traced fingertips along the line of each rib, and she shuddered again.

“Please Lake, don’t… don’t hurt me.”

It was so hard not to talk to her then, but he bit down the words before his tongue could speak them. Instead, he laid a finger over her lips, that touch saying as much — or more — than any words could. He kissed the corner of her mouth, a soft press of his lips to hers, and she relaxed slightly. He caressed the muscles of her arms as he felt for the tension, ensuring she was at least tolerably comfortable.

Then he gazed down at the plump lips of her sex, tracing the closed seam with his finger. He could feel her trembling beneath his touch, yet her hips eased forward, subtly at first, then blatantly as he took the finger away. He smiled at her then, though she couldn’t see it behind her blindfold. He collected the wetness from between the lips of her cunt, and brought it up to her mouth, painting her lips with it then waving it under her nose. She licked the proffered finger quickly, almost greedily.

He could wait no longer, though, slapping at her inner thighs. She understood the message, spreading her legs as far as her position allowed. Next time, he’d have to secure her ankles to something too. He wanted her spread wide. Waiting. Surrendering.

He stroked her smooth, bare mound. She’d stopped talking, knowing by now her words were useless, perhaps acknowledging that her dripping cunt and impossibly hard little nipples betrayed her real feelings. He slapped her mound once, then again, harder, making her yelp. The skin flushed pink, immediately.

Freeing himself from his fly, he stood close to her, the broad head of his cock nudging the sodden, swollen labia. Lily grew still, her breath coming quickly, frantically, as he drew the head of his cock up and down through the slit of her sex, worrying the hard clit at each upward stroke, then gliding down once more. The tendons at her inner thighs stood out as she tried to spread wider, letting her wrists take more of her weight, her toes barely brushing the floorboards.


Lake drove up into her in one hard, brutal thrust, Lily crying out. He held himself close to her, breathing in her scent, letting her fear and lust and conflict wash over him, even as her cunt rhythmically squeezed him. Far from fighting him, she clutched him fervently, her heat and wetness engulfing him, welcoming him, whether her words — or her own mind — wanted to or not.

Lake took up a hard, steady thrusting, plunging and retreating within her, building up a faster and faster rhythm, until she panted, her breasts bouncing up and down with each punishing stroke into her heated depths. He grasped her under her arms, holding her still as he fucked her, and she clasped her legs around his hips, letting him feel some of her weight, allowing her the leverage to grind her hips against him as he moved.

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