Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Thanks, Harold. Smartest move I made was hiring a hit man that also knows computers. You and I are going on a little trip.”

“Saddle Creek?”

“Yes. I have to call up a man I know and call in a favor. Stay here at the house. As soon as arrangements are made, we’re leaving.”

His contact wasn’t eager to loan his private jet. Once he was reminded of a few details, Yannell had handled for him, he acquiesced. The plane would be ready in two hours. Just time enough for him to make his plan and pack. He had two goals, capture his wife and stepdaughter, and then get his daughter and head back home. Once there, he’d take care of the loose ends that endangered his whole enterprise and his freedom.


* * * *

Brent had gone into town and signed the papers, paid off the mortgage and now owned a good-size ranch not far from his brother. He liked the feeling of settling down, which surprised him.

Janice was playing on the floor with Lacy when he came back. Lacy saw him and ran in his direction, wrapping her little arms around his lower legs. He swung her up onto his shoulders. When she grabbed his hair, it smarted, but he smiled.

“You do have a way with the ladies, Brent.” Janice stood and stretched. “Are you officially our neighbor?”

“I am.”

“No cold feet or second guesses?” She held out her arms, and Lacy reluctantly went to her.

“Not a one.” He checked his watch.

“Going somewhere soon?” Janice had a teasing look in her eyes.

“You’re full of questions today. I’m going to take Angie out for dinner at six.”

“Then you have time for a cocktail. Drake’s showering. This lady”—she kissed her daughter’s cheek—“is going into the tub. Fix us all a drink. I shouldn’t be long.”

Brent watched her carrying Lacy up the stairs. The baby must be asleep. He wondered how he’d feel seeing Angie with their child in her arms, or when their son or daughter ran to him for attention? A good feeling warmed his chest at the thought.

Surprisingly, he was ready for this new, next step in his life. After he’d signed the papers, he’d driven by the ranch and then on to a town a bit larger than Saddle Creek. He’d found a jewelry shop and an old man that made his own designs. He’d shown Brent several one-of-a-kind rings.

Brent knew when he saw the third ring it was the right one. The ring box was burning a hole in his pocket. He couldn’t wait to see Angie’s face when he gave it to her, but he had to wait. She’d say it was too soon. They had to date a few times first. Let the people see them together. Patience, when he’d made up his mind, had never been his strong suit.

Drake came up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder. Brent jumped.

“I haven’t been able to creep up on you since we were kids. You were in deep thought.”

“Guess I was. Janice said to make the drinks, and here I stand.”

“I’ll take over. Tell me about your day.”

“Not much to tell. Took Angie for a ride, signed the papers, and rode out to look at the ranch again, then back here.”

“I think I got the outline and not the whole thesis. But I’ll let it go for now. Have you heard anymore from Mick?”

“No. I may call him later. Right now I only have time for this bourbon.” He held up the drink Drake had handed him. “And to change before going to Angie’s.”

“Take it with you while you get ready. We”—he nodded to Janice as she entered the room—“don’t want to make you late.” Drake and Janice both smiled at him.

“Damn, I feel like you’re my parents, and I’m going on my first date.” Shaking his head, he left the room. Laughter followed his steps.

He put the ring box into his chest of drawers. After a quick shower, he pulled on a clean pair of jeans and a plaid shirt, his boots, and grabbed his cowboy hat on the way out.

Taking the steps two at a time, he bounded downstairs. He saw Janice just going into the kitchen, waved, and kept going.

A cool breeze blew in the truck as the sun sank into the west. He’d need to move his cars and truck here, hire help for the ranch, and scout out cattle and horses. Excitement like he hadn’t felt in a long time zipped in his veins. The topping on the cake was seeing Angie twice in one day. She was like a fever in his body, keeping him hot and bothered.

* * * *

Angie folded the last letter and wiped away a tear. They were wonderful expressions of love from a man to a woman. Her father had been in the military when he and her mother had first married. He’d been at sea when he wrote the letters. Right after he got home, he was discharged, and he and her mom settled together in a small town back east. She hadn’t been born for another two years.

In the letters she’d noticed her mother had underlined certain words or letters. There were also small numbers on certain pages. Angie had written them down to study later. This had to be a code to tell her where the key belonged.

She glanced at the clock and jumped. Six, and she wasn’t ready. She unlocked the bathroom door and started to the phone to call Brent, when she saw his truck pull into her driveway.

She waited at the door.

Brent raised an eyebrow. “We are going casual tonight, but I really don’t want every guy in the place looking at your legs. Those are short shorts.”

“I’m sorry.” She opened the door and motioned him in. “I got involved and let the time slip away.”

He leaned close and rubbed his finger across her cheek. “You’ve been crying.”

“It’s nothing really. Have a seat. I’ll hurry and dress.”

She rushed out of the room. The sympathetic look in his eyes had her ready to cry again. She threw on a pair of jeans, a yellow shirt, and her sandals. After rinsing her face, she put on a light touch of makeup. Grabbing her hair, she loped it up into a loose bun and fastened it. There, that would have to do for tonight.

“Twenty minutes. You’re fast and beautiful.” His smile sent a surge of heat racing in her veins.

“Where are we going?” She took his arm and forced a smile.

“Chuck’s Barbecue. It’s halfway between here and my new ranch. I thought we might stop by on the way back and see it by moonlight.”

“Great. Let’s go.”


* * * *

Brent noted the tenseness in her body and the brittle sound of her voice. She was barely holding on, and pretended to be cheerful. He’d go along with her. But after he fed her, and she had time to relax, he’d try to gently pry out the reason for her distress.

Her scent of lilacs blew across his nose. The air coming in the window had blown a few tentacles of hair loose around her face softening the clenched jaw and slight frown. She must have noticed him looking.

She turned, giving him that forced smile. “How exciting that you bought your own ranch. Will you mostly have cattle like Drake?”

He slowed down for a curve before answering. “I’m going to have a mix, but more horses than cattle. I want to raise them and train them.”

“And you don’t have buyer’s remorse yet.” Her voice had taken on a teasing note.

“Just the opposite. I’m more excited about a venture than I’ve been in a long time.”

“Good. I’d hate for you to make this big change because of our bargain, and then decide later it was a terrible mistake.”

“It was a good buy, and a good bargain.” Well, it would be a good bargain if he succeeded in convincing her to be his permanent wife. He planned to start working on that problem this evening.

Chuck’s was noisy and busy, but the food was good. They didn’t talk much. Brent enjoyed watching her. As she ate and listened to the cowboy band, her muscles began to relax. Her smile became more natural, not that grimace she’d given him earlier.

Turning her attention from the band, she looked at him and smiled. His heartbeat thumped harder in his chest.

“Thank you for not flooding me with questions. This is just what I needed, a time to regroup and catch my breath. Are we going by the ranch? If so, maybe we ought to go before it gets too late.”

“Sure. I didn’t want to hurry you.”

“I’m ready.”

Something in her eyes told him there was a deeper meaning to that statement. He motioned to the waiter and paid their bill. On the way out he held his hand against the small dip in her back. He wanted the men glancing her way to know she was his, that he was claiming her.

As soon as they were in the truck, he turned west and stepped on the gas. He’d been waiting all night for this.

When he turned in, moonlight shone a silver path across the dark lake. Brent stopped the truck right near the bank. He went around and opened Angie’s door, then lifted her down.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her body close against his. Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs with her scent. She snuggled and leaned her head against his chest.

Right here, right now, he had everything he wanted. For the first time in his life, the restlessness that had haunted him for years settled and faded away.

Angie looked up at him. “Can we sit for a minute? I have a story I have to tell you. I need to ask for your help.”

Brent brushed a kiss over her soft lips. His heart pounded with the knowledge that she trusted him enough to talk without his annoying questions.

“I just happen to have a blanket and a cooler with me. Hold on.” He opened the back door of the truck and soon had the blanket spread out and pulled a bottle of champagne, with glasses from the cooler. “To celebrate.” He deftly popped the cork and handed her a glass of the sparkling wine.

She giggled. “The bubbles tickle my nose.”

He settled beside her. “Move over and sit in between my legs. You can lean back on me.” She hesitated. “I promise to behave, until you finish talking, anyway.” With his dick pulsing and hard that wasn't going to be an easy promise to keep, but he was determined.

Angie scooted around and leaned back into his arms. “I suspect there isn’t any place or any time that could be better than this moment,” he whispered in her ear.
Except if I was deep inside your sweet, tight pussy.


* * * *

Her heart pounded both with nerves and with the desire coiling in her stomach. She took a sip of the cool champagne to give herself time to think how to start.

“When I went home this afternoon, I went into my mother’s room and retrieved a chest my mother had locked in her safety deposit box. I hadn’t been ready to open it before now. Inside were letters from my father to my mother during a time he was in the military and away from home. I read them. They were beautiful, full of love and dreams.”

“Were you born yet?”

“No. It was several years before my birth. But the real reason I looked into the box was for answers.”

“Did you find them?” He held her closer and kissed the top of her head.

She felt his warmth and wanted to burrow into it and forget, but she needed to continue. “I found more questions. You already suspect I have secrets. I do. Ones I’ve never dared share with anyone.”

“You can trust me. I won’t do anything to hurt you.”

“I believe you, and I’m going to have to trust you. You’re the only person who may have the skills to help me solve the mystery. I don’t know why my mother took me and fled from my stepfather.

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