Caged: Cellar Door Series (15 page)

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“Your fucking killing me baby girl…” Pumping my hips forward, her hand slid along my cock, her fingers squeezing, unable to completely meet because of my size. At this rate I was going to lose it before it got good, shit, before it got fucking great.

Pulling back, Kylee whimpered when I popped free of her hand so I could move down her body, her legs parting wider to give me full access between her thighs. Kissing Kylee was one experience I couldn’t get enough of, I had to taste her, sample her fully.

Her sweet core was already slick, glistening with her juices. I traced my tongue through her pink folds, slowly parting her flesh and lapping up her essence as she shifted restlessly. Her fingers grasped at my head; the tips of her nails digging into my skull needing more. I made another circuit, my tongue teasing her folds as she mewled and I fucking loved it.

“Sweet baby Jesus JD…please…please…. “ Yeah, that please did it every damn time. I circled my tongue around her clit and then sucked the tight bundle of nerves into my mouth, flicking at the bud with my tongue, teasing her higher. Kylee’s hips bucked, my hands gripped both of her sides to hold her steady beneath me which wasn’t real hard considering I had over 60lbs of rock hard muscle on her petite frame.

Nothing in the world beat unraveling a woman, especially this one. I fucked her with my mouth, my thumb rubbing firmly against her clit as I dipped my tongue lower to plunge inside of her core. My hellcat was thrashing, her hair flinging over the bed wildly as she screamed out my name, her juices weeping into my mouth. She fell over the edge of her orgasm and I kept right on fucking her with my tongue, my thumb rubbing over that sweet spot until I’d rung every bit pleasure from her.

Kylee’s body relaxed, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her screams quieted into soft pleas as she slowly released the hold she had on my hair, her hands falling to my shoulders.

Rising up over her, I sat back on my heels and leaned over to the nightstand next to the bed, pulling a condom from the drawer. I felt my side protesting and couldn’t pretend to give two shits about it, not when I had Kylee in my bed, under me, soon to be wrapped around me.

I tucked the foil package between my teeth, Kylee’s half lidded eyes watching me in fascination, and tore it open, unrolling it over my cock, stroking it while I let my eyes roam over her body. My abdomen flexed, clenching tightly as another shot of lust rushed through me. I couldn’t remember wanting a woman more than I wanted Kylee. Lowering my hands, I ran them both up Kylee’s thighs, skimming over her soft flesh, her body quivering at the touch.

“So fucking perfect….” Moving over her, I nudged at her entrance, her legs wrapping around my waist, her pussy pushing down over me. I couldn’t hold it, I thrust forward, burying myself balls deep in her liquid heat as my name tore from her throat. I groaned deeply. I could get lost in her body for days, weeks even and it never be close to enough.

“Look at me Kylee. Let me see how good I make you feel baby girl.” She forced her eyes open, her hands clutching at my back, her nails digging into my skin and it felt like perfection.  I’d happily wear her marks as proudly as I wore my ink.

I pulled back slowly, held Kylee’s gaze and drove into her core with another deep thrust, her neck arching, her lips parting as she panted through the fullness swamping her.

God damn it was a beautiful sight watching Kylee’s pleasure burning in her dark eyes, her face flushed. I set a pace that kept increasing, pumping in and out of her, building that pleasure into a crescendo that rocked my fucking world as she came apart again. Her tight center clenched down on me as I pounded in and out of her; a final deep thrust forcing my climax from me. Every muscle tightened; my back bowing as my cock pulsed through my release.

All but collapsing over her, lowering down to my forearms, my breathing matched hers, sweat slicking my back and winced.

“Oh god JD…I hurt you.” I crushed my lips over hers, silencing her. The pain I could handle from my side especially since it was riding shotgun with the pure pleasure I was still feeling.

Kylee settled beneath me, her arms wrapping around my neck, returning my kiss. Pulling back I gave her a wicked grin. “I’m all good baby girl. No worries aight?”

Kylee nodded, a small giggle leaving her lush mouth.

I cocked a brow. “Something funny?”

She shook her head back and forth in the negative. “No. Nothing at all.”

“Uh huh…” I eased from her, careful to make sure the condom stayed in place and that I didn’t hurt her. She was bound to be tender and even though I knew she’d enjoyed it, my back bore the evidence of how frenzied I’d driven her. My control had been shredded and I’d been less than gentle. Gentle could come later. I’d needed her like I needed oxygen.

Sitting on the side of the bed, I looked over my shoulder at her; my pulse finally slowing and waited for her to explain the giggling she was still doing, her cheeks stained pink. I would have paid good money to have had the time to lay in the bed with Kylee’s body draped over mine but I didn’t have that luxury.

“Um, don’t you hear the music?” I thought maybe Kylee had lost her damn mind but she hadn’t. Having it pointed out, I did hear music blaring from the living room and laughed.

“I guess Matt wasn’t much interested in hearing us.” I didn’t know when he’d turned it on but he had it up loud as hell.

“Yeah and…” The pink on her cheeks deepened. “I should have known you go commando.” Her giggles turned into rich laughter, her breast jiggling enticingly.

“Not that it’s a state secret but why should you have known that?” I didn’t recall advertising it, not that I was firing on all cylinders with Kylee laying naked in my bed.

“Don’t you remember that time I was going to shank your pants, pull them down at school in the cafeteria after you embarrassed me to death telling Ritch that I wasn’t going to be going anywhere with him, especially not to Prom. I hadn’t even had time to tell him no before you jumped right in.” I did recall that. Kylee had already drug me out to get a tux to take her; no way was that punk going to think he had a shot with her.

“Yeah I vaguely recollect that. You didn’t go through with it though.”

“No I didn’t because you announced that unless I wanted everyone in the school to see you in the raw, I’d better leave your pants where they were.” The pink spread down over her neck.

              I laughed deeply, a rich true laugh, the sound unfamiliar to my own ears. It had been a long time since I’d found something truly amusing but recalling Kylee’s shocked face that day did it. I leaned over her, planting my hand into the mattress near her head, smirking.

              “Was a good call on your part. The girls were bad enough; you didn’t need to give them any more reason to hound my ass.” Kylee scoffed, her dark eyes changing from languid to blazing in less than a second flat.

              “It wasn’t your ass they were after.” She folded her arms under her chest, pushing the full globes up and making my mouth water for another taste.

              “Easy hell cat, your claws are showing.” Kylee’s hands rose to push at my arm. Sitting back I watched her roll to the other side of the bed and get out of it, gathering her tank top and bra. Coming around to where I was sitting she leaned over to pick up her shorts and lace panties, her ass presenting beautifully which made my semi hard dick begin to lengthen again. Pretty damn sure a taste would never be enough, not in this lifetime.

              I reached out and wrapped my fingers around her arm, tugged her to me and planted her in my lap wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her in place.

              “Hey, I was just teasing you baby girl. What’s the deal?” She shrugged her shoulders, not looking at me. How the fuck had we just gone from laughter to this? This was half the fucking problem between us…zero to 5000 on the anger/hurt scale in less than 2.2 and I had no idea why.

              “What is it Kylee?” She laid her head against my shoulder, her face buried in my neck and I had to strain to hear her.

              “I hated it. Those girls threw themselves at you. They still do. Every time you walk in a room, it’s like a magnet has appeared and they are all drawn to it. I hate the way they look at you and fawn all over you. The fact you give them the time of day. Worse, I completely understand why they do it.” Kylee’s lips pressed against my neck and I swear I could feel her erecting her own walls around her heart before she scooted off my lap in a hurry to get away from me, her back straightening.

              “I know you have stuff to do. I just wanted to check on you.” She turned away from me and started to get dressed. Oh hell nah…I was not about to let her turn this shit into a pity fuck as a way to protect her own feelings. Fuck all that.

              I didn’t know what the hell to say though without sounding like an asshole. Yeah I’d had a thing for Kylee, every male with one working eye did. She was a knock out, she was funny and smart as hell with just enough attitude to make you want to toe the line or cross it; the total package.  I hadn’t ever let it surface in my mind that she might have feelings deeper than friends for me. If I went ahead and busted out how much I’d wanted her over all the others, gave her that nugget of info, I doubt she would believe me. I’d done nothing to say differently and then gone and broken off ties with her.

              I stood up and disposed of the condom in the small trash can next to my nightstand before grabbing my shorts. I shoved my legs into them, getting them on as fast as I could without tripping or zipping up my dick in them.  Kylee had just finished getting her shirt on and was fastening her shorts, still with her back to me. I stepped behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and held her, her stiff body finally relaxing into me. She turned, her arms coming around my neck and pressed herself tight to me. My dick was on high alert again immediately and my heart thudded against my chest. Yeah….once definitely would never be enough with Kylee.

I laid my check against the top of her head. I had no fucking idea what I was doing. I was walking a path totally blind, not knowing what step would take me tumbling off the edge of it.

“I can’t do anything about the past baby girl. It is what it is and I am who I am. I can tell you that I want you. Have for a long time.” I couldn’t promise her what the future would hold for us but there was no point bringing that up. I had no idea where things were going to go, if I could even come near being the type of man Kylee deserved but I was done denying that I wanted her for me and only me, that I knew for 100% certain.

“This isn’t some joke to me Ky. Some hey thanks for stopping by shit. I know I have a history with a fair amount of woman. I can’t take that back.”

              Her arms tightened around me as she let out a shaky sigh like she was trying to let go of some of the hurt she was feeling. “I’m not asking you to change it or you JD. I wouldn’t want you any other way than you being just you.” My chest tightened at her words. Fucking kryptonite….



Chapter 14


              Matt turned the music down when Kylee and I emerged into the living room. He took in my shirtless torso; Kylee’s rumpled hair and chuckled.

              “Some things I just don’t need to hear. But glad you got shit sorted.” Matt shook his head with a told ya so grin playing along his face that I returned.

Kylee’s cheeks brightened and she headed for the kitchen calling out over her shoulder. “Shut it Matt. If I wanted your opinion, I ‘d give it to you.” Claws were definitely still out on my hell cat.

              Matt got serious on me as soon as Kylee cleared the room.

“ Your phone has been non-stop going off. I caught Ray’s name on the id. You probably need to give him a call.” I walked into the kitchen where Kylee was getting a glass of water and retrieved my cell. Sure enough I had 19 missed calls. Some were Kylee’s from earlier, one from Sam, the rest from Ray.

“Be right back. I need to make a call.” Kylee nodded and continued filling her glass. Matt tipped his chin at me as I passed by the living room.

              Dialing Ray back, I hit the front door, going out onto the stoop as the phone was answered. “You call?”

“Yeah man, checking to see if you’re good? Last I saw of you had me worried.” Ray’s concern filled his voice. Dude was alright.

“Yeah, I got patched up. Will be tight in a week or so to fight hopefully. How’s Javier?” I still hadn’t sorted out everything that had gone down at the club, just knew it had been a cluster fuck.

“He’s a fucking wreck. Between the threat to Veronica and the knife thing he doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. And he feels stupid about the gun. I didn’t even know he’d owned a damn gun. It’s all been off the charts. Hey, I gotta ask…is your boy Matt cool?” I immediately got defensive.

“Fuck yeah he is. Why you questioning that?”  Ray was alright but Matt was my stick partner and I’d fuck somebody up in a heartbeat for him.

“Ease up man. I’m asking because I know Veronica’s gotten friendly with him recently.  I figured the guy was alright being your right hand and what not, but if he fucks with her, hurts her, I’ll be all over his ass like white on rice.”

I was beyond confused, my brows furrowing. “Who the fuck is Veronica?” Only chick I knew Matt had been talking to recently had been Ronnie Dalton and Ray even insinuating a threat about my boy was pissing me the hell off.

“My cousin. Ronnie Dalton.”

Ice cold water thrown on me would have been less of a shock. “Whoa, slow up. Rowdy Ronnie is your cousin? What the fuck is going on Ray?” I hadn’t seen that coming at all and my anger that had ratcheted up, eased back. Dude was just looking out for family, I could handle that.

“My mom’s side.  Veronica doesn’t like to ride on the family name, so she keeps it on the low that she’s my cousin. Since her dad’s last name is Dalton it makes it easier for her to do her own thing. Plus she’s not from here originally so no ties to the past for people to piece it together. It helps her looks are pure Dalton. Not a trace of Ramone in that girl. She’s got real skill though and deserves her props. She’s fucking earned them.”

I had much respect for any fighter trying to earn it on merit and not who they knew or even worse with the a few females, who they could do. Fucking promoters would promise the world just to get some.

“Yeah I knew she was real, but what the fuck’s this got to do with Matt?” I was still wary of why my boy’s name was being put out there by Ray.

“You know I’ve been hitting the amateur circuit, doing some legit stuff. I got a big match coming up that could make or break going pro for me and the contender, Andrew Young.” I sucked in a breath and let loose a low whistle. Drew Young was good shit and big, heavy weight bracket.  He had been making a name for himself over the past two years, a big one.

“Exactly. So Javier got into it with some guy Drew trains with, the dude claimed that if I didn’t lay down so Drew could get what he wanted that there would be consequences. Javier I don’t worry about, he’s young but he can handle himself. Veronica’s another story. She’s tough as hell but she doesn’t have near the level of training that Javier or I have.”

My pulse picked up pace, knowing I wasn’t going to like the rest of this convo. “How’s she playing into it if no one knows she’s related?”

Ray all but growled and I swear I could hear his teeth smashing against one another. “That’s the thing JD, somebody made the connection. Her tires were slashed a few days ago. Not saying it couldn’t be random, maybe a drunk at OverTime she pissed off but it’s too damn coincidental for my liking. The reason I am asking about Matt is because Veronica’s proud. She won’t reach out if somebody starts bothering her, especially if she thinks it will screw me going pro. I found out because the shop her car was towed too is owned by a friend of mine that knows the deal. He phoned me. Those guys from last night, they are from Drew’s camp, at least his promoter’s side. They mentioned her by name.”

Anger boiled up from my gut, fanning over my entire body. “Well considering Matt hasn’t mentioned the shit with the tires, I can see what you mean about her not saying anything. No way would he be cool with that. He and Ronnie talk damn near daily. I’d know if he knew. Tell me what you need, you’ve got it.”

Ray sighed in relief. “I just need Matt to keep an eye out without tipping Veronica off. She finds out I’ve got anyone watching out for her she will go ballistic. It’s important for her to feel like she’s handling stuff on her own. It’s a big deal to her but she’s important to me. She’s more like a sister than a cousin.”

“I got it. No need to say more. I’ll get with Matt and fill him in. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

Ray laughed harshly. “I think taking a knife for me and my brother is more than enough. I thought twice about bringing this to you at all. By the way, that guy’s nose was broken six ways to Sunday. Remind me to stay clear of your elbow if we meet in the cage again though I don’t see myself dropping weight anytime soon again. Anything comes up with Veronica, let me know.”

“You do the same so we know what we’re working with. Later Ray.” I ended the call and shoved my cell in my shorts pocket. I paced the stoop for a few moments to calm down before facing Matt and Kylee again.

Once I had my head together I let myself back in the apartment to find Matt giving Kylee a hard time as only he would, stupid ass.

“Kylee and JD sitting in a treeeeeeee…” His voice hit soprano when Kylee’s foot connected with his balls.

I doubled over, my hands on my knees; laughing even with the worry I was feeling about what Ray had unloaded on me. “Damn son. I don’t recommend you doing that again if you want to be able to have kids, ever.”

Kylee stomped into the kitchen barely sparing me a glance. Hellcat….yup.

Matt coughed violently, turned a nice shade of green and flopped onto the sofa on his side holding his package, trying to catch his breath.

I dropped into the recliner, catching Kylee by the arm and pulling her into my lap when she came back into the living room, her eyes meeting mine.

“That wasn’t nice baby girl.”

She scowled at me, making to get up. “He wasn’t being very nice.”

Clamping my arm tighter around her waist I held her in my lap. “True enough.” I felt bad for Matt. She’d caught him square and even with just a pair of flip flops on, that kick had been brutal. “He’s still your friend.”

Kylee took a long sip of her water before turning to read me like an open book. “What’s wrong?”

Matt rolled up to a sitting position, his breathing still off but his interest all in at Kylee’s question. Both of them could sense when something was off with me. Had been able to since we were kids.

“Talked to Ray Ramone.” I needed to pick my words carefully, not wanting Kylee or Matt to get too worked up over the shit until we knew just what we were dealing with.

Matt’s left eyebrow rose, his green eyes deepening as his fingers interlocked, squeezing against one another. “So what’s up?”

“Ronnie needs a look out without knowing she’s got a look out.” Matt’s other eyebrow hit the top of his blonde hairline and Kylee spun her head around to look at me, her dark eyes full of fire as her hair settled down her back and shoulders from the flight it had just taken.

She managed to set her water down on the table next to the recliner and then crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at me pointedly.

“Whoa baby girl. It’s not like that. I need Matt to step in.” That had Matt’s attention on full blast; Kylee’s eyes still questioning what was going on. My fingers dug into her hip as she tried to get up again, keeping her on my lap. One day maybe we’d be able to get through a sentence without one or the other of us tripping the hell out because so far, it didn’t seem like it was possible.

“Bro, how much research have you done on Ronnie?” I needed to know what Matt had dug up, because if anybody could find shit out, he could. Kylee was still stiff, sitting on my lap but acting like a 2x4 had been shoved up her spine.

“I know her record is beast; that she’s been doing privates at Odyssey for the last 8 months. She hits another gym for her overall conditioning. She doesn’t have a manager and just one person is usually with her to get her prepped for her fights, a friend she grew up with.” Matt spit the info out like he was reading it. He had her height, weight, reach, stats, damn near everything about Ronnie that pertained to fighting.

Kylee shifted on my lap, my dick paying close attention to the feel of her ass seated snuggly against it. Fucking hell I needed to focus. I drug Kylee deeper to my side, so she was more on my legs and less on my cock, my fingers loosening on her hip as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

“Okay. Here’s the deal. Ronnie might be getting some backlash from Ray’s thing. The kind of backlash that isn’t taken care of in a ring and Ray thinks it may have already touched her.”

Matt bolted up right, standing straight the hell up and stalking over towards me with an accusing tone. “Why Ronnie? What the hell does she have to do with it and what kind of trouble JD? Like last night kind of trouble? Is that fucker Ray responsible for this shit?” Tension radiated in his voice as he shifted from foot to foot anxiously his fists clenching.

Kylee tried to get off my lap, to get in between us but I was having none of that shit. I held her tight to me, my mouth pressing against the shell of her ear, my voice low. “Stop baby girl. I can handle Mattie, he’s not angry with me but all your wiggling is making my side hurt.”

Kylee turned those big browns on me, her mouth set to say something before she reeled it in and eased back against me. She still turned to put her body further between me and Matt like she was protecting me, something that caused that organ in my chest to twist. Without even trying, she could fucking undo me.

I took a deep breath and let it loose as I filled Matt in.“Ray’s got a good shot at a heavy weight fight coming up that could launch him into pro status Matt. You know how big a deal that is. Apparently his competition isn’t keen on Ray winning. That shit last night, that’s the testament to it. I don’t know if you remember Ray threatening the dude about Veronica but that’s Ronnie. She doesn’t want to trade on the Ramone name. “

Matt look like the air had just been sucked out of the room. “What the hell does that mean that Veronica is Ronnie?” His eyes did a whole lot of rapid blinking.

“She’s Ray and Javier’s cousin Matt.” He  blinked at me, and then blinked again.  I was ready to ask him if he had dirt in his eyes except I knew how shocked I’d been to hear it. In the weeks we had burned time with Ronnie, neither of had known there was a connection to Ray.

“How well do you know her Matthew?” Oh shit damn, Kylee pulling out the full first name and she only did that shit when she felt serious about something.

Apparently Ronnie having Matt’s attention and possibly being in harm’s way was real damn serious to Kylee, not that I felt any different. Matt had barely ever given a woman the time of day other than a few hours at night but that was it. He’d friended Ronnie and that meant she was something special. Just what kind of special I wasn’t sure but even Kylee was picking up on it.

Matt found his way back to the couch, his ass sitting into a cushion. “We talk. She’s cool to hang with. She knows the circuit and shit. It’s a common denominator.”

Kylee wasn’t taking that as a good enough answer.”Matthew Layne, how well do you know her? Do you like her?”

Matt looked at me, swept his green gaze to Kylee and then looked back at me with a can’t you control all that look. He had to have read the big fucking no I can’t in my eyes pretty easily. “She’s cool. What the hell else do you want me to say Kylee?”

I felt bad for my boy. He was caught up in the Kylee tornado of you will answer the question or feel the wrath. We’d both experienced it throughout the years.

“I want you to tell the damn truth.” Kylee’s arms were crossed again, the action causing her breasts to plump up drawing my attention and I was beginning to think I needed blinders if she was going to keep doing that.

I heard Matt answer; my attention on Kylee before I forced my gaze away.  Not an easy feat.

“I respect her. It’s not like I’m just trying to tap some ass Ky.” Matt was dodging the hell out of Kylee’s question and I was thinking there was more than just respecting Ronnie; that he might have a little fire burning for her.

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