Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6) (8 page)

BOOK: Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6)
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“Brian has helped us with the IT and the program that runs the club is proprietary. The kind of thing we need to run the system doesn’t lend itself to hotel and restaurant software. The system takes room reservations and the bouncers punch in a code when the room is thoroughly cleaned and free. The rooms are sound-monitored. Despite member objections, we are installing cameras. Although our clients sign agreements that state they do not hold us responsible for anything that happens here, we want to make sure nothing does. We had an incident where a member gagged a sub and he couldn’t safe word. The bouncers are good and when they heard signs of real distress they went in, and the sub was fine. The member was removed permanently from the club’s roster.”

“Our security firms take turns sweeping this place for bugs once a week. We take the members’ security very seriously here. The papers that I just handed you are the non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements in addition to the rules and regulations of the club. Please sign it, and Bull and I will witness your signature. Memorize the club rules.” Reed’s face was dead serious. “If any of the bouncers witness an infraction that they can’t handle or that needs to be kicked higher up, it goes to you.”

Caden read the agreement and signed it.

“We have a lot of fun here but we take what we do very seriously,” Reed continued. “We provide our membership with a safe, comfortable place to indulge their kink and to be with others who share the lifestyle. The membership has to know their secrets are safe in this place. Now I’ll stop being long-winded and let you start work.” Reed turned to Bull. “Bull is going to transfer the employee files to you immediately for you to go over plus any pending applications already in the process or that need to be put in the funnel. Any questions?” Reed looked at Caden expectantly.

“I’m sure I’ll have some shortly as I absorb what I’ve learned so far. Bull, as soon as you transfer the files I’ll begin. I gather my passwords and access to the networked system is included in this packet.” Caden stood. “I better get to work. Masato showed me my office Friday night. He’s coming in at seven to do a scene, and maybe I’ll have dinner with him after the scene. I’ll be in my office until then.” Caden stood.

“By the way, all of the employees are comped a meal during their shift. Management is comped two meals because they generally stay longer. You don’t have to pay for your meals on Friday anymore. If you do happen to give a sub a contract, he gets your meal privileges too.” Reed came over and shook Caden’s hand and Bull followed suit. “Welcome to Indiscreet.”


By seven, Caden was more than willing to go downstairs. He’d thought that they were paying him the large salary as a gesture of friendship for Gary and Danny, which was one of the reasons he was reluctant to take the job, but today he learned he would earn every dime. Reed didn’t seem the type, but he was a hard-headed businessman.

Caden had reserved a room for his scene with Masato tonight with Bull much earlier in the morning. He heard the club had excellent tools but he brought his favorite flogger just in case. Most of his implements bought over the last ten years were in storage. Once he found a house big enough to hold a dungeon, he would give up his storage locker.

In the meantime, the house he was in wasn’t so bad, the place was painted, the furniture masculine and cozy. It even had a fireplace under the television. The kitchen had all new appliances and tile countertops. If it were his, he’d prefer granite, but you take what you can get.
I could bring someone over there. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in that house. It’s small but well looked after. I’ll have to ask Bear about a cleaning service since I will be spending so much time at the club.

§ § §

Johnny saw Caden come down the stairs and he was waiting for him at the front desk.

Caden greeted him with a brief kiss on the lips. “I don’t plan an intense scene tonight because I feel we should get to know one another before we go deep.”

Johnny inclined his head. “Yes, Sir. I agree.”
He’s thinking about my welfare and comfort. That gives him a point in the plus column.

“What are your safe words?” Caden asked as they walked the corridor to the elevator and the second floor rooms.

“The usual Sir, red for stop, yellow to slow down and green to go,” Johnny whispered.

“Limits?” Caden asked.

“Scat, golden showers, and until I know you better, intercourse. Blow jobs are on the table, as are hand jobs at my discretion.” Johnny watched Caden for his reaction.
Caden didn’t react negatively to my conditions so I can put another point in the plus column.

“If you don’t mind waiting in my office, I’d like to change into my leathers. I ran late working and this suit doesn’t take well to properly swinging my flogger.” Masato stayed silent but smiled. Caden smiled and took his arm.

Caden escorted Masato to his office and sat him on the dining chair in front of his desk. “I’m going to have to get my French wingback chairs out of storage so any guest has a comfortable place to sit. They’re upholstered in royal blue velveteen and should look good in this space. I also have some drapes for the window and a white washed bookcase that also acts as a bar.”

“Are your things French Country?” Masato asked.

“Yes, I know people think French Country is feminine, but I like it.”

I like it too.

Caden slipped into the bathroom. Johnny heard the shower running. He was quick because he was back in fifteen minutes.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. I should have known better than to make an appointment on my first day on the job, but I was anxious to see you again.”
Another point for honesty.
Caden continued, smiling, “I think we have a certain chemistry together.”

“I agree.” Johnny told him. “I’ve been hoping you’d ask me to do a scene since the wedding.”
Let’s see what he makes of that.

“I’ve wanted ask you but I had to wait until I was in a position to be able to support a sub before I even considered playing. With the job at the club all that has changed.” Caden picked up a gym bag and they left the office.

Just like I thought, a great deal of pride. I hope he can overcome it for my sake; a point in the minus column. I’ll have to integrate myself so thoroughly into his life that he can’t see being without me no matter how much money I have in the bank. I have three months. I hope it’s long enough.

“Will you be able to eat afterwards? I’d like to buy you dinner.”
Dinner? He’s definitely interested.
They arrived at Room One.

“I asked for this room because Gary says it’s lucky. It’s where he got to know Danny.”

Johnny smiled.
Even better.

“I’m going to use my own braided flogger. As a rule I prefer to use my own implements. Although I know that Bull makes sure all of the instruments here are sanitized and oiled, I prefer to see to that myself.”
Not a trusting soul. Good in general, bad for me since I’m using a semi-alias.

“Please take a position on the cross. Do I need to tie you down?” Johnny stripped down to his leather jock and watched Caden’s eyes as he folded his clothing.
His eyes are shining. He must like what he sees. Thank God I use the home gym every day.
He stepped up to the St. Andrew’s cross that was set up near the left hand wall. “No, Sir, I can hold the rings and use the foot sleeves.”

Johnny positioned himself on the cross, grabbing the rings and slipping his feet in the footholds.

“I want you to count each blow. I intend to give you twenty strikes. I think you can take that as I’ve heard you played with Bull and he doesn’t hold back.”

Johnny faced the wall so he couldn’t see Caden’s face. “Twenty is fine for the first time, Sir. I’m ready to begin.” Johnny heard the thud of the flogger as Caden warmed up.

“Now,” Caden said. The first stroke stung.
He has strength in his arms and he was holding back. I’ll be in subspace by the fourth stroke.

It took only three strokes to put Johnny into subspace but he managed to keep count. Caden almost lost his rhythm when Johnny said, “You’re so beautiful.” Then he mumbled, “I’d let it all go in a millisecond to have you but people…they depend on me.
I could love you if you let me.

Johnny was grateful that Caden didn’t understand him and thought that his words were just the mumblings of a sub in subspace. All of a sudden Caden stopped and Johnny said, “Green.”

Johnny knew he’d gone too far. His ramblings came a little too close to the truth.
I want to hold him, love him. I’ve watched since August, now I crave, I want. More…

He felt Caden’s hand on his sore, hot back.
Anything so long as he’s touching me.
Johnny pushed into Caden’s hand. Caden ran his arms down Johnny’s body, checking it for unintended injury. “More, please.” Johnny wanted to be attached to Caden anyway he could, even by the end of a flogger.
I want to be on my knees in front him and give him a blowjob in the Dom’s Bar to show the world how much I care and have cared since Danny’s wedding. I’ve tried to stay away to no avail. Can I have him? Can it be as simple as this?

Johnny thought he pondered his situation for hours when in reality mere seconds had gone by.

Caden said, “No more, not today. Maybe Wednesday, if you’re willing, we’ll go a little further or use the cat.” Caden helped him down from the cross and carried him over to the king-sized bed.

“You’re so strong. You could protect me from all of them,” Johnny whispered to Caden.

Caden didn’t understand but Johnny was happy when Caden kissed him on his eyelids and held him in his arms. Caden opened the nightstand drawer and fetched the arnica cream.

Caden turned Johnny onto his stomach and began to rub in the cream in slow sensuous circles over his shoulders and down his back. When Caden was finished Johnny moaned in delight. His skin felt cool and tingly. He turned over. He knew Caden could see he was hard.

“Do you want me to jerk you off?” Caden’s eyes dropped to the large bulge in Johnny’s jock as he asked. His cock was peeking out over the top and leaking precum.

“If it pleases you, Sir.” Caden began to kiss Johnny’s face then moved on to his mouth.

Caden whispered, “It pleases me.” He began to kiss Johnny’s mouth, running his tongue along the seam of Johnny’s lips until he granted Caden entry. Caden’s kisses were hard and soul-sucking. His tongue explored Johnny’s mouth, working its way over his teeth and dueling with Johnny’s own. Johnny felt as if Caden played his lips like a violin. He nibbled and sucked. He licked and bit.

He could become very important to me.

§ § §

Caden was surprised that his boy—
where did that come from?—
was so very responsive. Everyone talked about how he held back, that Masato was reserved, enigmatic, but Caden never had such a responsive partner. Masato was shivering. Caden lifted him up, slipping him under the blanket and holding his boy—
might as well face it, you think of him as yours and have since the wedding—
in his arms until the shivering stopped. Caden moved the blanket aside and slipped down the bed. He was gentle as he removed Masato’s jock and placed the boy’s hard shaft into his palm. Caden looked down; Masato was about seven inches long and had a wide mushroom head. Caden was surprised he was cut. His body was perfect for Caden; all that creamy skin, the bright eyes, and the chestnut hair that sometimes looked auburn in the sun.

Teasing the boy, Caden pulled on his balls and ran his hands all over Masato’s skin. He thought he felt goose bumps. “Are you cold?” Caden asked.

“No, Sir. Just hot and happy.” The boy began to shake with need.

Although he towered over Masato’s five foot nine at six foot six, Masato fit exactly right. Caden wanted to feel him come apart in his arms. Since intercourse was not on the menu, he didn’t need the condoms he found alongside the sachets of Astroglide in the same drawer that stored the arnica cream. Caden expertly applied the lube to Masato’s cock. Caden moved his hand slowly down Masato’s shaft. Masato was writhing on the bed.

It didn’t take long for Masato to warn Caden. “I’m going to come—”

“No you’re not.” Caden stopped. “Not yet, Baby. I want you to remember this night for a long time to come.”

§ § §

Johnny wanted everything. He wanted Caden’s mouth, Caden’s hands and his cock stuffing his hole and filling him up. But Johnny had set the rules and he knew that Caden would consider it a gross breach of protocol if Johnny tried to change them while he was still partially in subspace.

The first time he was about ready to burst, precum leaking out of his cock and pooling on his belly. Caden stopped and took his hand away.

He’s teasing me. He wants to make even a hand job special. Caden thinks I won’t remember this, but I’ll remember this for the rest of my life.
He plays well and cares about what his sub feels. God I want this man.
Caden touched him again, gripping harder. Caden began to move his hand again in an erratic rhythm. Just as Johnny was about to pop Caden would slow down.
Yes, this man is a Dom. He could Master me so easily, unlike the others. He knows what buttons to push. I’d jump through hoops of fire to get this man to make love to me.

Johnny started to moan in earnest. Caden played with his balls but was very careful not to go beyond the boundaries Johnny set at the beginning of the session. “Gonna blow—”

Caden stopped again, laving Johnny’s nipples then blowing air on them, making them hard. He sucked up a mark on Johnny’s neck.
Everyone’s going to know he wants me.
My God, I’m coming into the best orgasm of my life.

Caden ran his hand lightly over Johnny’s smooth chest, following that by biting the nubs brought to a peak by his teasing. His hand moved back down to Johnny’s cock and finally he began to jack it hard.

Johnny shouted, “Please, Sir, please let me come.” The more he begged the harder Caden jacked. Then he stopped again after Johnny climbed down from desperate to merely starving. This time he drew circles on Johnny’s taut belly; kissing each muscle of his six pack and nipping at his navel. He started up slower, but he began to build the urgency in Johnny. With Caden pulling hard and playing with his balls, Johnny felt the familiar tingling in his spine. “Yellow, yellow, gonna come, can’t stop.”

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