Built (10 page)

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Authors: Amie Stuart,Jami Alden,Bonnie Edwards

BOOK: Built
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o, you’re done hiding from me?” Joe asked the next evening when he opened the front door to find Taylor on his porch. She wore slim-fitting black pants and a silky blouse that barely had a crease despite being worn all day. Her pale blond hair was pulled neatly back into a clip at her nape, not a single strand daring to move out of place. If Joe didn’t have firsthand knowledge that Taylor was a natural blonde, he would have never pegged her as the same woman who had been half-naked, writhing desperately against his tongue and fingers as he brought her to peak after peak.

“Hide? Why would I hide?” she said, a polite, friendly smile pasted across her face. From her cool-as-a-cucumber demeanor, it seemed she had no memory whatsoever of her thighs wrapped around his neck. He wished he could say the same. Instead, the mere sight of her, prissily buttoned up though she was, made his cock surge from half-mast, where it had spent most of the past seventy-two hours, to full, aching hardness.

He put one hand against the doorframe and rested the other on his waistband. Her eyes drifted down, widening when they saw the conspicuous evidence of his arousal. She swallowed and licked her lips. Good. Maybe she wasn’t so indifferent after all. “I don’t know. Why would you hide? That’s what I asked myself after you stayed in your garage for fifteen minutes last night.”

“I was sorting through the recycling.”

“Uh-huh. And yesterday, before you left for work, you weren’t watching me from your living room window to see when I left?”

A rosy flush suffused her cheeks. “I had some things to do in there,” she said lamely.

“I figured after the way you left the other night, maybe you were embarrassed.” He, on the other hand, had first been flabbergasted, then pissed, then frustrated when she’d fled like a scared bunny rabbit with no intention of coming back. And through it all, he’d been hard enough to pound nails through drywall, left high and dry by the uptight little priss next door.

She started to squirm under his direct gaze, then seemed to force herself to reclaim her composure. It was a nearly tangible process, the way she drew herself up, straightened her shoulders, and leveled him with a cool blue stare. It was like she’d donned an invisible suit of armor, protecting her from all the messy complications of the outside world. “What’s to be embarrassed about?” she said, so cool that ice wouldn’t melt in her mouth. “We’re both consenting adults. I mean, really, what’s a couple of orgasms between neighbors?”

Simultaneously more irritated and aroused than he’d ever been in his life, Joe was more determined than ever to knock another crack into that shell. “Actually, I counted three,” he said steadily. Her perfectly arched, light brown brows knit in confusion. “Orgasms,” he clarified. “You had three of them.”

He had to give it to her, the way she stood her ground, not betraying an iota of discomposure. The only evidence that he was getting to her was a rapidly beating pulse point in her neck, right above the ivory silk of her collar. He wanted to lean over and run his tongue across it. Bet that would set her off. Heat pooled low in his gut as he remembered the salty-sweet taste of her skin, the feel of her nipple hard against his tongue, the firm clench of her pussy around his fingers.

Jesus Christ, someone on this porch was about to lose composure, and it sure as shit wasn’t Taylor.

“Be that as it may,” she said sharply, arms crossed primly over her chest, “I see no reason why we can’t just move on and forget it ever happened.”

Forget how pink and tight her nipples got when he pinched them? Not likely. Still, he didn’t interrupt as she continued.

“And in the spirit of maintaining good neighbor relations, I’d like to hire you to landscape my yard.”


Taylor had concocted the plan late last night, and at the time it had seemed a brilliant solution. The way she saw it, there was no way she could completely avoid him for the next several years, and the longer she put off speaking to him, the more awkward their eventual confrontation would be. Yet she didn’t completely trust herself not to throw him down and beg him to finish what they’d started Saturday night when she did see him again.

Which was when she’d come up with the perfect course of action: hire him. After all, she’d never had a problem keeping her distance from coworkers, and entering a business relationship with Joe would erect a much-needed mental barrier that would help keep her lust in check and her panties on.

“You want to hire me?” He straightened in surprise, his full, delicious lips flattening into a frown.

Amazing, she thought now, as the mere sight of his big, long-fingered hands made her nipples tight, how a plan that could seem so foolproof at three in the morning could be exposed as completely asinine in the light of day. She should have trashed the whole idea the moment he opened the door and she started to salivate. She should have run like hell for home when the sight of the unmistakably huge outline of his erection against the fly of his jeans made her sex swell and pulse. Clearly, being within five feet of this man was terrible for her sense of well-being. And yet her pride wouldn’t let her run off again, like a little girl unable to handle the intense physical reaction this man for some reason evoked.

She was renowned for her self-control, damn it, for her cool head in all situations, for never letting her emotions supersede logic. And she wasn’t going to let Joe Tierney change that. “Yes, I do. You said yourself my yard needs a lot of work and that it reflects poorly on the rest of the neighbors. I figure I’m doing us both a favor.”

He stepped fully out onto the porch, rubbing his chin in contemplation. His scent wafted out on the early evening air, fresh soap and hot skin, tempting her to slide his T-shirt up his torso and bury her face against his chest. Instead, she clasped her hands behind her back, following at a safe distance as he walked to the edge of his porch to get a clear view of her front yard and driveway.

“I’ll have to fit you in around other jobs,” he said finally. “So, it could take quite a while.”


He turned to face her. “I’m serious. We’re talking several weeks.”

She swallowed hard. Several weeks of him working in close proximity? Did he always take his shirt off when he worked, and if so, could she be held responsible if he found himself with his pants around his ankles and her on top of him? “No problem. I’m at work most of the time anyway, so you won’t bother me.” She smiled in genuine relief.

“That’s another thing. If you want this done, you need to trust me and my decisions. I’ll go over the initial design with you, but things will go much more quickly if I don’t have to chase you down for every little decision.”

“Obviously you do great work”—she gestured to his front yard—“and clearly I have no clue.” She gestured to her own. “I’m sure whatever you come up with will be great.”

“There’s one more thing.” He walked toward her, almost casually, but a strange, predatory light had entered his eyes, making him look like a lion about to pounce on a helpless gazelle.

“Price?” she said, wondering where that girlish, breathless tone came from. “Because I’m not really worried about it. I mean, I don’t want to get ripped off, but I’m willing to make the investme—” She was cut off mid-word as his mouth closed over hers, his tongue thrusting inside in a kiss that was little finesse and all hunger. Instead of pushing him away like she knew she should, all she could think was,
Thank God I didn’t have to make the first move like some desperate hard-up spinster.

He broke away, pushing her against the siding next to the front door. “I’m not worried about money,” he said, grabbing her hand and pressing it hard against his fly. “My problem is I don’t think I can get much work done in this condition. Do you?”

Her fingers wrapped around the thick, hot length, and this time she didn’t jerk away and make a run for home. Though she’d tried to deny it to herself, this was exactly what she’d wanted to happen. Offering an olive branch in the form of a job was all an excuse to see Joe again and hope he’d pick up where she’d so abruptly left off. “No,” she murmured, her palm stroking him up and down through the worn cloth of his jeans. “I can see how this might present a bit of a distraction.”

His hand cupped the back of her neck, holding her in place for the full force of his kiss. Taylor moaned, sucking his tongue into her mouth as her hands tugged his T-shirt up his back. “We better get inside.” He broke the kiss, and it took her a moment to register what he’d said. The sight of her neighbor’s Dodge Caravan barreling down the street snapped her partially back to her senses. Joe was right. It was probably best not to be making out like a couple of hormonal teenagers in full view of the neighborhood soccer moms.

Taylor’s chest tightened momentarily as she realized how close they’d been to being seen. What would the neighbors think of her? Best not to ever let them find out. She let Joe tug her inside his front door, and they kissed, nuzzled, and caressed their way up to his bedroom. She was vaguely aware of a king-size bed with a heavy wood frame and matching nightstand before she was tumbled down on it.

He knelt on the edge of the bed, hovering above her as he stripped off his T-shirt and motioned for her to take off her blouse. Her fingers shook a little as she unbuttoned her blouse, baring herself to his hard stare. He smiled a little when her breasts emerged, barely covered in ivory lace so sheer her nipples were clearly visible. More proof that she’d wanted this to happen, she thought ruefully. She was wearing her fancy underwear.

Joe caught Taylor’s hands and pulled her into a sitting position. From this position, it was a matter of inches for Taylor to lean forward and run her tongue down the ridged expanse of his abdomen. His skin jumped, muscles tensing in response as she followed with a series of soft, sucking nips around his navel.

“You realize,” he said, capturing her hands and placing them near his waistband, “that I’m not going to let you run away tonight.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she whispered, flicking open the button of his fly. And it was true. Right now, at this moment, it didn’t matter that Joe was completely wrong for her. It didn’t matter that she’d die of humiliation if her neighbors and colleagues found out she was fooling around with her much-younger gardener like some character on a TV show.

Right now, she wanted Joe Tierney more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life, and she wasn’t going to allow anything, not even her own better judgment, to prevent her from taking what she wanted.


Joe’s breath tightened in his chest as Taylor unzipped his fly. He stood and quickly shucked his jeans and boxers. She knelt on the bed, staring hungrily at his naked body. He couldn’t help the surge of pride that pulsed through him at her lusty, covetous expression. He pushed her back on the bed, quickly stripping her down to nothing but her lacy bra and matching panties. His cock hardened what felt like another inch as the silky, pale skin of her belly brushed against the tip. He grabbed her hands, pinning them to the bed as he stroked back and forth. Though she showed no signs of bolting, he wasn’t about to take any chances.

Her legs wrapped around his hips as she changed her angle so he was rubbing directly against the wet satin between her legs. Moaning, she ground herself against him, pulling him down over her until the skin of his chest and stomach was glued against hers. Just like the other night, she’d morphed almost instantly from the sedate, buttoned-up executive to a wildcat, writhing and straining under him like she couldn’t get enough.

That dichotomy drove him crazy, made him want to see just what Taylor kept hidden behind that cool, composed exterior. All that heat simmering underneath that she kept from bubbling to the surface. That heat was burning him, sending sparks through his skin, sizzling down his spine, making him worry that he was going to come before he even got inside her.

“Slow down, Taylor. We’ve got plenty of time,” he whispered, even as his fingers hastily tugged at the closure of her bra. His tongue flicked a bead of sweat from one slope, finally managing to unhook the bra. He eagerly pulled the straps down her arms and threw the garment aside. “God, you’ve got great tits.” As sex talk, it wasn’t particularly eloquent, but it seemed to work for her, judging from the pink flush that crept up her belly and over the full swells. His big hands covered them completely, making him feel like some kind of conquering warlord. Her nipples were small and dark rose, a shade darker than her lips. The hard little peaks nudged between his fingers, begging to be pinched, licked, sucked.

She dug her fingers into his shoulder and arched against him. Her legs splayed wide, and he could feel the wet satin of her panties as she rubbed herself against his stomach. She was so wet, so ready, Joe could practically feel the hot clasp of her pussy closing around him.

She let out a feeble cry of protest as he pulled away to get a condom. He paused a moment to enjoy the sight of her sprawled across his bed. Her hair had come loose of its clip and haloed her head in a wild blond tangle. Her eyes were heavy-lidded as she watched him roll the condom down the length of his shaft. He pumped himself once, twice, watching the way her eyes lit up in anticipation. Coming down over her once again, he peeled off her panties. “Not planning on taking off again, are you?” Gripping his cock, he slid the head up and down her slit, spreading the slick moisture over her swollen flesh.

She moaned, arching eagerly against him, her short nails digging into his thighs as she sought to draw him in. “Not tonight, I swear.”

Just in case, he gathered her wrists in one hand and pinned them to the mattress above her head. “Good.” With his other hand, he guided his cock past the tight ring of muscle at her entrance and pushed himself halfway in before he had to stop and catch his breath.

“Jesus God, you have the sweetest, tightest pussy I’ve ever felt.” Gripping her hip, he shoved himself the rest of the way inside, resting there for a minute as he struggled not to come. “Do you have any idea,” he muttered, drawing himself nearly all the way out, “how bad I wanted to fuck you the other night?” He eased himself back in, giving her a chance to get used to his size, feeling her soften and relax around him. “I’ve been hard like this for three days now.” He ground himself deep inside her for emphasis, groaning in satisfaction as she responded with a sharp, high cry and wrapped her legs around his hips.

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