Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle (283 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Scott

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through the first one, noting the date. The diary had been begun a few months before Cambourne's death. In fact, the diary seemed focused on his relationship with

to the exclusion of all else.

No other events were recorded, no mention of any of the mundane issues that usually made up diaries.

flipped faster through the pages. She stared in horror at an entry one month before Cambourne's death.

I believe I have the duke's trust and his wife's too, after two months in their social circle. It is time to set the scheme in motion.

stifled a gasp at the entry written on the day Cambourne had been injured. It had been no accident that the Duke had been caught in the shaft.

The accident had been planned. Lucien had deliberately seen to John's murder.

steadied herself and forced herself to glance through the other two diaries. They were even worse. In them, Lucien outlined his plan and subsequent progress in currying her friendship. At the sight of one entry,

felt physically ill.

After a year or so of

a horrible death

will claim my dear beloved, leaving me a wealthy widower and next of kin when it comes to dividing up her estate.

Shock threatened to claim her. Her hands shook as she stared at the pages. Lucien had fooled her


The Viscount Claims His Bride

entirely. Never once had it occurred to her that Lucien was contemplating premeditated murder.

She'd never suspected he'd been connected to the mine incident or Cambourne's death in anyway. She
had nearly married a

She had to get out of the house. There was no telling how much the servants knew.


herself to stand and gather up the books and carefully re-enter the library. Her legs trembled beneath her skirts. She gathered her strength. She had to look normal! She went back to the study and stuffed some paper in a random folder to create a decoy. If anyone asked if she'd found anything, she could show them the folder. Lilya was coming down the stairs, shaking her head in disappointment.

gave her a little smile as the butler came into the hall.

'There you are, your Grace. I've been looking for you. Did you find what you needed?'

held up her hastily assembled folder.


be on our way. Lucien will be anxious for us to catch him up.'

'You've found something!' Lilya exclaimed as they settled in the carriage.


said grimly, waiting for her racing

pulse to slow. The discovery had shaken her and it had been all she could do to get them out of the house without acting suspiciously.

She handed Lilya one of the diaries. 'Once we get to London, we'll have something to bargain with. In his arrogance, Lucien has given us enough rope to hang him.'


A f t e r the long coach journey with far too much time to ponder the desperate situation she faced, was glad to see London. London meant Valerian and London meant action.

been idle

for too long.

day out of

the weather had

conspired against them with a fierce deluge that managed to flood the roads and wipe out a bridge.

They'd had to cool their heels at an inn, waiting for the roads to dry out. When it was possible to travel, they'd had to detour quite a way in order to find a serviceable bridge.



into a long week.

Now they were here. At last, she could do something.

She directed the driver to

her straight to Pen-

dennys House instead of the


She and Lilya would stay with Beldon. There would be safety in numbers and comfort too.

Night was falling and lights already burned their welcome from the Pendennys7s window when the


The Viscount Claims His Bride

coachman opened the door and helped her down.

Lilya followed her out, gazing about, wide-eyed at the magnificent homes lining the street.

linked her arm through Lilya's. 'You'll come to know London as your own city. By next year, these houses will be well known to you.'

'I can hardly believe that. I never expected to be surrounded by mansions,' she breathed in awe, letting

guide her up the steps while she stared.

Beldon was at home. At the knock, he came to the door himself. 'I thought it might be you. I've been on the lookout since yesterday,' Beldon said, wrapping in a genuine embrace. 'Are you well?'

'Yes, just tired. Lilya has been a great support.

How is Valerian? Where is he? Did you petition for a house arrest?'

stepped back, the questions

that had occupied her mind during the slow tumbling out of her mouth.

'Come and sit. I'll ring for tea and tell you all the news if you're up to it. Are you sure you don't want to change first?'

shook her head. 'I've thought of nothing but Valerian for days now. I must have some news.'

Beldon led them to the music room and the three settled on the cluster of chairs near the fireplace. The room was warm and intimate. It eased Philippa's nerves simply to be there in a room full of long-ago memories of time spent here with her family, with Valerian.

'How was the journey?'

asked the

moment she was settled to Beldon's satisfaction.

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