Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic) (12 page)

BOOK: Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Danny knew she was beyond red and was surprised she didn’t burst into flames from embarrassment, but what shocked her most was how turned on she was watching them. Shifting in her seat, she tried to ease the throbbing between her legs as she stared mesmerized at the screen. The Gabe on the television was quickly flinging his clothes off before diving onto the bed with her. As he did, the viewer finally received a full frontal shot of him as well.
His heavy cock jutted toward his belly, and a drop of pre-cum glistened on the broad tip.

“Talk about an upgrade,” Noir quipped, and Danny bit back a chuckle as Gabe flushed under her naughty
admiration of his endowments

The judge quickly stopped the video and turned to her audience
, flushed
. “I think I’ve seen enough,” She stated, and Danny was amazed at her composure. “We will reconvene tomorrow morning, and I will render my verdict.” She said nothing more, turning on her heel and leaving them to stare after her
Danny wasn’t sure if s
he was more disgusted than ever
or extremely turned on

* * * *

When word spread throughout the small community that the judge was ready to return a verdict, the courtroom flooded with eager students and teachers, all hoping to get an eyeful, regardless of the outcome. The two DVDs were widely speculated over, and it seemed to be the general consensus that if they were so explicit that they had to be viewed in private, they would most likely have a great effect on the case’s outcome.

Danny and Gabe sat quietly at the defendant’s table, hands clasped. Gabe was completely confident, but Danny was almost too afraid to hope. She wanted to think the best but prepare for the worst. At the plaintiff’s table, the prosecutor and Wesley sat in stiff, stony silence. It was as if they already knew they’d lost. The tension was palpable.

Finally the bailiff called for everyone to stand as the judge entered the packed courtroom. Danny gulped, having trouble breathing. For several seconds, she fought back waves of panic. Blindly, she squeezed Gabe’s hand and clung to him like a lifeline. He gave her a gentle squeeze in return for reassurance.

“Would the defendant please rise,” Judge Wrenn began, and Danny was actually surprised that her legs were able to support her, they were shaking so badly. She wouldn’t have been surprised if they could all hear her knees knocking. The judge thankfully took pity on Danny
, skipping the preliminaries
. “Ms. Eldridge, ladies and gentleman, I find the defendant not guilty of the charge of assault against the plaintiff, Professor Dandridge.” Nearly collapsing in relief, Danny barely heard the judge’s next comment as her penetrating gaze swung to the other side of the courtroom. “I would also recommend the prosecutor investigate the conduct of Professor Dandridge.” She turned to Noir. “Ms. LeChat, am I correct in understanding you to say that you destroyed all but those two videos?”

“Yes, ma’am,” she mumbled at the strict censor in the judge’s voice.

“You realize you destroyed valuable evidence in possible, upcoming, criminal investigations?”

“Criminal!” Wesley squeaked, a horrified look coming over his face as he jumped to his feet. The audience exploded in hushed whispers.

“Be silent and take your seat, Professor Dandridge,” Judge Wrenn thundered, beating her gavel repeatedly. “I find your behavior reprehensible and intend to do everything in my power to ensure that they throw the book at you. You took unfair advantage of the defendant as well as your students. You used your position of authority for your own nefarious intention. This is unacceptable.” She rapped her gavel once more. “Court adjourned.”

* * * *

Everyone overwhelmed Danny, flooding forward to congratulate her. Gloria, Tiffany, Mariah, and Smokey were the first to reach them. Soon she was mobbed by students and faculty offering congratulations, and the assurance that they had been behind her 100 percent. While Danny seriously doubted the sincerity of all of them, she was too relieved to care.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught Wesley’s narrow form slinking out of the courtroom, the prosecutor in hot pursuit.

The next few hours passed in a quick blur. There was a stack of paperwork to sign, and dozens of people all seemed to want to talk to her. Several reporters from local television stations and newspapers shoved microphones into her face before her friends could push them away. Through it all, Gabe kept a protective arm around her shoulders, scowling at anyone who got too close.

The biggest surprise was from the enigmatic Noir. She elbowed her way through the crowd till she faced Danny.

Everyone watched in silent anticipation, curious as to what the volatile young woman would do. She’d surprised everyone by hugging Danny tightly.

“I just…uhm…” she stammered as she drew back from Danny’s stunned frame, but determination showed on her face. “I just wanted you to know that he told me that it was over between the two of you. If I’d known he was seeing someone, I’d have never had anything to do with him. My rule’s always been ‘Never take a man from another woman’ ’cause someday someone will come along and take him from you. Anyway, I’m glad things worked out for you. You were really nice to me that day I had to do the stupid library skills part of orientation, so I figured I owed you. Besides, he really is a creep. I figure we both deserve better.”

Danny smiled, genuinely happy the girl had seen the light. “Thank you for everything.” She hugged her back.


Thankfully Gabe was able to finally get her out of the courtroom and into his Jaguar. He took the back roads and dropped her off at her loft, telling her to change and pack a few days’ worth of comfortable clothes in her saddlebags.

“I figured you’d want to get away for a few days,” he explained with a light kiss. “Lord knows you deserve a break after what you’ve been through. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I just need to go pack myself and pick up my bike.”

“That sounds wonderful sweetheart,” she said, returning his kiss eagerly. “I don’t know how I would have survived this without you.”

Gabe sobered. “You wouldn’t have been in this mess if it wasn’t for me.”

Stroking his cheek, she shook her head. “Baby, you have to let it go. It’s over, and we have each other. That’s all that matters.”

Pulling her into a big bear hug, he held her tight, and she never wanted him to let her go. “Hurry up and get packed and changed. We’ll hit the road. I have plans for the evening.” He said the last with a wink.

* * * *

Danny had just finished loading her saddlebags when Gabe rumbled up. “You should have stayed inside,” he admonished. “You know the reporters aren’t through with you yet.”

Shaking her head, Danny said, “I refuse to live my life in fear of who might or might not be interested in me. Besides, I just got down here, and you’re here now, so I’ll be fine.” Turning to look at him more fully, she smiled. The old Gabe was back. Worn jeans, tight T-shirt stretched across his broadly muscled chest, thick long leather duster, and heavy black boots. She loved the fancy Gabe in his expensive suit and tie, but this Gabe set her on fire.

Gabe blushed under her heated stare. “What?”

“We need to get out of here,” she groaned, swinging her leg up and over her bike and sliding into the seat, trying desperately to ignore the heat thrumming through her body. “Or we won’t be going anywhere for a while.”

Gabe chuckled at her eagerness. “Then let’s roll, baby.”

* * * *

Danny wasn’t surprised when they took the long, winding road leading to the house he was building. What did surprise her was the progress he’d made.

“You were busy.” She laughed, taking in the nearly complete shell of the house.

Shrugging, Gabe looked away. “I was trying to exhaust myself to the point where I couldn’t think. It didn’t work, though. No matter how many times I swung the hammer or how many times I turned a screw driver or pulled a saw, nothing took my mind off of you.”

Moving to stand behind him, she wrapped her arms tightly around his stiff body, burying her head in the strong valley between his shoulder blades. “It’s going to be a beautiful house when you’re done.”

“Thank you, and big, I didn’t realize how big and lonely it would be until I had to spend the night in it alone.”

“Well, I guess you’ll just have to do something about that, won’t you?”

“Well I was hoping with your help we could maybe fill up a few of the smaller bedrooms with some little feet? The idea of you carrying my child is becoming an obsession.”

Danny was fighting to breathe. It all seemed too good to be true.

Then he scooped her up and carried her into their home. The insides were still bare walls and the floors were rough planks, but to them it was heaven. A large bearskin rug lay in front of a huge stone fire place, and in the middle sat a single long-stem rose and a small, red, velvet box.

As he sat her down on the rug, he picked up the box. Tears glistened in Danny’s eyes as she realized what was coming.

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!

The box opened, and there inside was the most beautiful diamond ring she’d ever seen. The light coming through the open windows reflected through the beautiful heart-shaped diamond, casting a rainbow over the exquisite filigree band. There was only one word for it, breathtaking.

Her trembling hand went to her mouth as she tried to stifle the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

Moving quickly, he pulled her into his arms, “Oh,
girl, this wasn’t supposed to make you cry. This is supposed to make you happy. If you don’t like it, we can pick out another ring. Whatever you want, I just…”

Danny couldn’t help it. She was laughing and crying all at the same time.
Unable to resist,
she just kissed him to shut him up. When she finally drew back, still trembling, she fought to regain her voice. “Gabe, sweetheart, I love it. And I am happy. God, I’m so happy it scares me.”

“Then these are tears of joy?” he asked, his voice filled with hope. He reached out to caress her damp cheek. “You will marry me?”

Chuckling, Danny answered, “Of course, silly. As if there was ever any doubt!”

Laughing, he shook his head. “Well, I did have a backup plan,” he added, reaching into hi
pocket and drawing out a pair of fur-lined handcuffs.

Danny’s heart skipped a beat at the naughty ideas they inspired. His eyebrow lifted
and she blushed, knowing he knew exactly where her thoughts had plummeted.
Life with Gabe would never be boring.
“Well,” Danny paused meaningfully. “I might need a little convincing...”

“Brat!” he growled. “Get your clothes off, and I’ll convince you.” His attempt to appear threatening only left her feeling hot and wet.

Squealing in mock horror, Danny rolled to get away, enjoying their love play.

He easily caught her, pinning her facedown with a laugh of triumph. “You’re mine, wench. Surrender or face the consequences.”

“Never!” she cried, fighting not to laugh.

Quickly he began pulling at her clothes. When he had her nude and shivering with anticipation, he gently rolled her onto her stomach and pulled her hands above her head. With a wicked smile, he clicked the cuffs in place, careful not to cinch them down too tight. Facedown and completely helpless, she trembled with the heady combination of passion and anticipation.

“You’re vicious.” She laughed, wiggling helplessly beneath him as he pulled her up onto her knees, giving her time to find her balance with her cuffed hands. Her laugh turned into a sharp gasp as he dribbled warm oil down the soft arch of her back and into the sensuous crack of her ass. She groaned, feeling the warm liquid sluice down over the sensitive rosette of her anus and had the first inkling of what he had in mind. Then the thick tip of his finger followed the oil’s path, drawing a moan from her as he slowly circled the entrance of her virgin hole.

“Oh God!” she shrieked as he gently pressed for entrance, not sure if she was ready for it.

“Relax, baby,” he crooned softly, nuzzling the sensitive hollow behind her ear as he continued to work his thick finger in and out of her tight hole. He pressed a hot patch of kisses over her neck and shoulders, and she purred softly as he added more oil, letting him slide in and out more smoothly.

“You okay, beautiful?” he questioned. “We’ll only do this if you’re okay.”

Was he crazy? She was on fire with need. His finger, thick though it was, wasn’t nearly enough. “Please, I need more.” Didn’t he understand that she could never get enough of him? He chuckled and then she felt the gentle pressure as he began to press a second thick finger inside her.

Danny let out a squeak as an electric current of pleasure and pain singed through her at the further stretching of her tight anal ring. It was uncomfortable, but it didn’t matter. She was so hot, so ready. She wanted him any way and every way. Nothing else mattered but having him inside her, wherever he wanted.

He dribbled more oil onto her blossoming hole, and she heard him groan as her eager body sucked his fingers in. He added a third finger, drawing a low wail from her.

“Danny, I was just planning on teasing you today, but you’re so close to being able to take me. Tell me to stop now, otherwise I’m going to have this tight little ass.” His voice was deep, sending shivers down her already-shaking body.

She realized he was waiting for her permission. “Yes, Gabe, I want it.”

Withdrawing his fingers brought a displeased whimper from her, but he was quick to coat his cock in the thick oil. He pressed the broad head to her well-oiled entrance and paused.

“Baby girl, you’ll let me know if I hurt you, right? I don’t want you doing anything just to please me.”

Danny’s head shook. “Oh please, Gabe. I feel so empty. I need you to fill me. Make me whole.”

With a deep growl, he began to press into her. The broad mushroom head pried her open, and she let out a wild cry as it penetrated her tight rear entrance, stretching the hole unbelievably wide. Utterly fascinated, completely consumed by her lust, she felt the slight pain as he speared her virgin entrance, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to be filled.

“God, you’re so tight. I just want to ram into you, show you who owns you. It’s killing me to go slow.” But he continued sliding inch by agonizingly slow inch into her.

When he was fully buried in her hot, tight body, they were both gasping for air. “Oh God, please say you’re okay, baby,” he begged. “It will kill me to pull out, but I will if you want me to.”

Danny gulped in a deep breath trying to convince her mouth to work. She felt so damn full, stuffed beyond belief. “Baby, if you don’t finish what you started, so help me, you’re going to be singing soprano.”

Chuckling at her threat, he obliged. Carefully withdrawing, and then gently sliding back in, he set a slow, sensuous rhythm, carrying them to the edge. Danny whimpered so close, yet she couldn’t quite reach oblivion, but Gabe seemed to know what she needed. Reaching around, he stroked the aching nub of her clitoris, drawing her to the edge, then increasing his pace, he sent them both spiraling over, their shouts of completion echoing off the bare walls of their home.

* * * *

Danny’s soft mummer of contentment filled the air as she snuggled into the strong curve of Gabe’s body, watching the flames dance in the large stone fireplace.

“Do I want to know what put that mischievous look on your face?” Gabe murmured sleepily as he lazily stroked the soft length of her hair.

Turning and giving him a sexy smile, she answered. “I was just thinking how amazing it is that something as simple as a magazine article could have such an impact on a person’s life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well if I hadn’t read that article in BACK-OFF Bikes, I’d have never bought my bike, and I would never have had the courage to change my life.”

Making a sour face, Gabe grumbled, “And here I thought I might have something to do with it.”

Running a hand down his broad chest, she purred softly, catching his ever ready cock in her hands. “Well maybe just a little,” she replied.

“Really?” He growled, rolling her beneath him.

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