Brady's Hellion (9 page)

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Authors: Linda Wisdom

Tags: #demons, #linda wisdom, #novella, #paranormal, #sexy

BOOK: Brady's Hellion
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Shar shook his head. “This isn’t her world and while
you have the heart of a warrior, you still wouldn’t fit into ours.
You have something we don’t have, Brady. You have a

“I meant what I said. You can’t take her,” Brady
growled, holding the blood-smeared sword away from his side. If he
had to give up his life for Raven, he would do it without a second

Rather than growling back or smirking like that damn
Pahso had, Shar’s expression still held regret as if he truly felt
sorry for Brady.

“I had no idea this would happen, Brady, or I would
have found someone else to look after Raven,” Shar told him.
“Emotion isn’t understood in our world. What you two had was up
here. If it will make it easier, I can wipe away memories of her.
You can return to your life thinking you had a nice vacation and
nothing more.”

“You do and you’ll find your head in the same
condition Pahso’s was.” He wasn’t used to experiencing fear, but he
sure felt it now. Then he looked at Raven, still help captive by
the guard. No one’s hands belonged on her but his.

Brady advanced on the creature, ignoring the guards’
low murmuring that signified they wouldn’t mind turning this into a

Shar looked at the guard holding Raven and snapped
his fingers. At that same instant, Raven’s eyes widened to

“No!” she screamed, realizing his intent.

In a heartbeat, Raven, Shar and his guards were gone.
Even the corpses of the creatures Brady and Raven had killed were
gone, not leaving even a hint of the death and destruction. The
sword disappeared from Brady’s hand and he stood there alone, the
artificially slumbering guests and staff ignorant of the slaughter
that had taken place on the serene island.

And Brady, the guy who never flinched from danger,
who faced death with a big shit-eating grin, threw back his head
and let loose the angry cry of an animal who’d lost his mate. When
his throat could no longer work, he slid bonelessly to the ground
with the stark realization he’d just lost what mattered to him





If misery had a name it would be Brady Hayes.

It had been three months since he got back from the
resort and not one day passed that Raven’s name didn’t enter his
mind or her voice didn’t haunt his dreams.

True to his word, Shar’s payment was in Brady’s bank
account, but he hadn’t touched a penny. If there were a way to
return the money he would have done it along with a suggestion of
where Shar could shove the money. He turned down jobs and spent his
days on the beach. There he would watch the surfers and imagine one
of them was Raven riding the waves.

And each night, he’d drunk himself into a stupor so
he could sleep.

In a word, he was a fucking mess.

It hadn’t made matters any easier when his pals tried
to do their best to pull him out of his apathy after he returned
from the resort.

After Raven was taken there was no reason for him to
remain. What surprised him the most was all the guests and staff
waking up without any idea a demon war had been waged there. The
scary part was that there was no record of a Raven registered
there. When he broke into her room he found no hint of her ever
staying there. It was as if she never existed except in his
memories and his heart. Within an hour of Raven’s disappearance,
Brady felt a horrible burning on his ass and discovered the mark
was gone. Damn thing hurt more coming off than when it was placed.
With nothing there to hold him, he boarded the next plane out.

When the doorbell pealed, he was tempted to ignore
it, but past experience warned him the pounding on the wood would
come next and he’d think about shooting his friends, no matter how
good their intentions were. He pushed himself off the couch and
stalked to the door, throwing it open with the intent of causing
serious pain on whoever dared disturb him.

“Look, I have no desire to get drunk, get laid or…”
he growled. He stopped short at the woman standing before him.

“Are you sure about that second item?” Raven asked in
a low voice that he swore held a hint of uncertainty.

He didn’t hesitate in hauling her into his arms and
holding her so tight she squeaked.

“Breathe! Brady, I have to breathe!”

He loosened his hold but not by much as he leaned
back far enough to study her. Blonde hair, blue eyes, big smile and
three months later she still had her tan. Her white knit top barely
covered her flat belly and the scrap of denim disguised as a skirt
showed off her long legs that he recalled wrapped beautifully
around him when he made love to her.

“Why? How?” He shook his head. “Tell me this isn’t a
drunken man’s dream.”

“Then you don’t mind I showed up here?”

“Hell no!” Brady whooped loud and long, swinging her
around in a tight circle. Her laughter was music to his ears. He
kicked the door shut and swung her up into his arms and carried her
over to the couch. He settled her on his lap, his hands tightly
holding hers as if afraid she’d disappear. “I don’t know and I
don’t care how you got away from there. You’re not going back.”

Her smile trembled at his fierce declaration. “Do you
mean it? You really are happy to see me?”

“Hell, yes! You belong with me and this time he’s not
taking you from me. We’ll find a place on the beach where you can
surf all you want and we can dance naked in the moonlight. But I
want you someplace safe, so they can’t ever come after you again.”
He tracked every feature. For once his memory hadn’t faulted him.
“I’ll find someone who can help me with that. I promise there won’t
be any surprise visits from the family.”

Raven placed her hand against his cheek. He swore her
face fairly glowed. “I have something for you.” She reached into
her pocket and pulled out a black envelope, handing it to him.

He accepted it warily. His name was written in bold
purple script across the front. “This isn’t going to explode or
melt me, is it?”

She shook her head.

He tore one edge off and watched a folded piece of
black paper slide out. He unfolded it and stared at the neatly
printed lines.


You have given my stepsister a gift that she would
never have found down here. It is something found among your kind,
not ours. Therefore, if your feelings for her have not changed,
which I have an idea they haven’t, then she is yours.

If that is the case, naturally, some changes will
have to be made, as Raven will not be allowed to return to her
home. With the next dawn all memory of her past life will be erased
with new memories of a human upbringing to take their place. Raven
will be as human as you are. And by your accepting my stepsister as
your mate, your memories of your meeting and all that happened at
the resort will also be erased and new ones will take their

If your feelings have changed, Raven will leave and
you will never see her again and all memory of her will be gone
come dawn. Don’t consider this a threat. I’m only doing what would
be best for you both. We don’t use the L word down here. At least,
not the L word you appear to feel for Raven. But I would say that
is the L word Raven would use in regards to you and I sense that is
the word you associate with her.


The decision is yours.


Lord of the Dark


P.S. This letter will disintegrate the moment you
finish reading it


Brady yelped when the paper and envelope burst into
flame and was soon reduced to a fine ash.

He looked up at Raven. “Do you know the contents of
this letter?” And received a barely perceptible nod. “Did you
honestly think I wouldn’t still want you? Hell, Raven, I haven’t
forgotten a word, a gesture, since that day we met.” His throat
felt suddenly raw with emotion. “I even went back to the portal
Shar had me use that first time, but it was closed.”

She sucked in a deep breath at the realization he had
tried to come after her. “It was just as well. Entering it without
an invitation would have at the very least sliced you to

“You won’t miss your old life? Your relatives?”

She shook her head. “Shar finally came to realize
that I no longer belonged there.” She uttered a watery chuckle. “I
think it was all the tears. They don’t understand that kind of
tears down there.”

“And Shar’s dreams of using you to further his
political dynasty?”

“Did I tell you I have two thousand stepsisters? He
can choose one of them.” She leaned forward and buried her face
against the curve of his neck. She inhaled the warm musky scent of
his skin. “We don’t dream, but down there I dreamed of you every
night. I told Shar he would have to destroy me, because I would
never do what he wished. If he thought Pahso’s destruction was bad,
he hadn’t seen anything yet.”

Brady’s chuckled rumbled deep within his chest as he
hugged her tightly again. “My bloodthirsty Hellion Barbie!”

“You fought Pahso for me. You risked your life when
you didn’t have to.” She pressed butterfly kisses all over his

Her wiggling in his lap quickly had his dick standing
at attention and ready for action. A less than subtle hint Brady
wasn’t about to ignore.

“You know what?” He stood up, easily hefting her up
in his arms as he carried her to his bedroom. “Dawn will be here in
roughly sixteen hours, twenty-two minutes.” He stopped and looked
down into her upturned face. One he intended to look at for the
hundred or so years if he could have his way. “Remember that thing
you did?”

One eyebrow arched upward. “Thing?”

“That tingly thing where you-ah-,” he ducked his head
and whispered in her ear.

“Oh, that.” She ran her fingertips across the back of
his neck. A flash of red and black trailed down his back then moved
around to his front.

“Whoa Mama. Yeah, that.” He carried her into the
bedroom and dropped her unceremoniously on the bed then dropped
down beside her. Within seconds, she was stripped of her clothing
and his t-shirt and shorts lay on the floor. Raven’s giggle soon
morphed into a breathy sigh. “You don’t think Shar could let you
keep that skill, do you?”

“Brady!” She reached out and circled his cock with
her fingers and gently squeezed.

He closed his eyes and just wallowed in the sensation
of her hands on him. “Then, again, I’m sure we’ll do just fine
without it.”




Author Biography


Linda Wisdom was born and raised in Huntington Beach,
California. She majored in Journalism in college then switched her
major to Fashion Merchandising when she was told there was no
future for her in fiction writing. She held a variety of positions
ranging from retail sales to executive secretary in advertising and
working for a personnel agency.

Her career began when she sold her first two novels
to Silhouette Romance on her wedding anniversary in 1979. Since
then she has sold more than eighty novels and one novella to six
publishers. Her books have appeared on various romance and mass
market bestseller lists and nominated and winning a number of
Romantic Times awards and Romance Writers of America Rita

She lives with her husband, Barney, her spoiled mini
white Schnauzer, Syd, an equally spoiled parrot and Florence, her
tortoise with attitude, in Southern California.

A number of Linda’s backlist books, including her Hex
paranormal series, have been optioned for film and television.

She is a two time Rita finalist and winner of varied
awards over the years.

You can find information on Linda’s books at

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