Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (16 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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A whole new raft of sexual pleasure opened up to her as an unrelenting series of beautiful, wonderful spasms flooded her pussy and anus. The mixture of sensations verged on pain, and she cried out.

“Jake, Sir.”

She sensed he was very close to ejaculating as the longest orgasm she’d ever experienced continued to crash through. She held his face in her hands as it contorted with the sheer pleasure as he jerked his seed deep inside her ass.

Still keeping his weight from her, he rested his forehead on hers. They lay exhausted, their breathing heavy.

“Wow.” She giggled. “Thank you, Sir.”

Jake caressed her mouth with a quick kiss, and then withdrew from her. When he moved to the side, she unfolded her legs. He tossed the condom aside and then pulled her into his arms. He kissed her forehead.

“Thank you, princess. We’ve just shared something very special. I never thought I’d get a second chance at love, Lia,” he said, echoing her thoughts. “But you and I are made for each other.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Jake held her in his arms, savoring the moment. Curiosity getting the better of him, he asked, “Where were you hiding, when I came home from work?”

“In the cloakroom.”

“It figures. I should have looked in there, and you”—he playfully tapped a finger to her cute button nose—“should have revealed yourself straightaway.”

“I was going to burst out and surprise you, but you were so arrogant at the airport. I thought I’d teach you a lesson,” she teased.

Jake pulled a hand across his face and chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I deserved it. I was an arrogant prick.”

“Yes, you were. I really think you should apologize.” Her lips pouted petulantly as she spoke.

He pointed to his chest. “You want
to apologize?” he said with mock outrage. Jake shook his head. “Trust a woman to turn around an argument.”

“I’m waiting, Mr. Big Casino Boss.”

Jake rolled on top of her. Lia giggled as he grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. He flexed his hips, nestling his still-hard cock against her vaginal entrance.

He smiled into her eyes. “You need to understand who’s the boss in this relationship, princess. Go on, I dare you to ask me to apologize again.” He laughed.

“Oh, no, I think I’d be in big trouble if I did that,” she said breathlessly.

“You will. You most definitely will.” Jake brushed the hair from her eyes. He looked earnestly at her. He wanted them to have a new start. “I meant what I said, Lia. I want you to live here, with me. I know we can make it work.” He kissed her passionately, enjoying the soft, sensitive flesh of her lips. Her beautiful, long lashes slowly closed and caressed her cheeks, and she kissed him back.

When she opened her eyes, she smiled at him. “I feel the same way, too, but I need to have purpose in my life. I need to work, Jake.”

“What about your old job at the fitness center?” Jake rolled off her and pulled her into his arms again, enjoying the contact where their naked bodies touched. Her skin was so soft and womanly.

“Are you kidding? I was on final warning after arriving late two days in a row. Which, I might add, was all your fault.”

“My fault?” He felt his brows draw together.

“Yeah, don’t look so surprised.”

“Okay, it’s all my fault, if you say so.”

“I do. Brad wouldn’t have me working for him again, even if I were the last woman on earth. We never did see eye to eye. He was glad to see the back of me when he found out I was gonna work on a cruise ship.”

sounds like an arrogant prick.” He laughed. “So why not work for yourself, princess? I was thinking of you owning your own fitness center. You want to be at the top of the food chain, Lia. Not at the bottom.”

“How am I going to do that? The cost of real estate ’round Vegas is astronomical.”

“I could always let you have some space at Arabian Nights. There are two large function rooms that are never used. I’ve been meaning to rent them out myself, but never seem to get round to it. You can have them rent-free if you want. But if your pride gets in the way, you can pay the going rate with the money you get from the sale of your parents’ house. I take it you’ve still got some of the fifty thousand bucks I gave you?”

Lia lifted her head off his shoulder and looked at him. “If you mean the casino chips, then the answer is no. I didn’t take them.” Her eyes held his. “I dropped them in your vase.” She laughed out loud. “They’re still there unless your cleaner has cashed them in, and suddenly gone on a long vacation.” Lia playfully poked his chest, a sensual smile to her lips. “You thought I’d taken the money, didn’t you?

He went to speak, but she interrupted him. “You did, don’t deny it. I’ll tell you something else, too. If you hadn’t ripped the dress from my body, I wouldn’t have taken the designer one you replaced it with, either.” Becoming slightly more serious, she said, “I can’t be bought, Jake. I’m not that kinda girl.”

“It seems I’ve misjudged you once too often, princess. I owe you an apology, Lia. I hope you will forgive me, yet again.”

She laughed. “Of course I forgive you. I find it impossible to be angry with you for more than a few seconds.” She kissed his cheek. “I guess I’m a sucker for a handsome face.”

Lia stroked her hand over his chest. “Jake, I like the idea of being my own boss, and running my own fitness center, especially as it would be situated right in the heart of your hotel complex. It means we could be together more often.”

“That’s sorted then, princess.” He kissed her again. “I’ll look into it for you and get my attorney to draw up the paperwork.” Jake tenderly squeezed her shoulder. “I have a bottle of Möet Chandon on ice. I’ll go and get it. We may as well celebrate in style.”

“I’ll come with you. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m starving. There are some chalupas and enchiladas in the refrigerator. I’ve only gotta pop them under the grill.”

“Did you say chalupas?”

“Yes, I’ve made some sour cream and potato chip sides, too.”

He grinned at her. “Well, what are you waiting for, woman. Let’s go downstairs. I haven’t felt this hungry in years.” He tickled her armpits mercilessly.

“No, Jake, no, no, no,” she squealed with laughter. “I can’t stand it, I tell you. I can’t stand being tickled.”

Desperate to get away from his torment, she leapt from the bed, and wrapped a white robe around herself. Jake pulled on his sweatpants, and then held out his hand as he opened the bedroom door. “Come on, princess. Let’s get you fed and watered.” It had been a long time since he’d felt this good.

When Lia placed her hand in his, he knew life couldn’t get much better. Soon the emotional trauma they’d both endured would be nothing more than a distant memory. A bright, happy future stretched out before him now—a future which included Lia.

Laughter echoed down the hallway as they ran hand in hand like a couple of teenagers, toward the kitchen. Maybe it was just the wind blowing through the eaves, but the house seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

When Lia stumbled, he joked, “What would you do if I wasn’t here to look after you?”

“I can’t help it. I feel so deliriously happy, Jake.”

“Me, too.” He leaned down and kissed her lips, then scooped her into his arms. Lia responded by threading her hands around his neck, and resting her head on his shoulder. As he carried her down the stairs, Jake felt whole again. He actually felt like he’d been reborn.

Chapter Twenty-Three

One month later

Lia stood in the expansive garden of Jake’s fabulous Summerlin house, and gazed at the horizon. The views were simply stunning. Miles and miles of breathtaking Nevada desert stretched out into the distance in swathes of shimmering purple and gold. The hot breeze brushed through her hair, making her feel happy and carefree. Palm trees and shrubbery swayed gently all around her. She breathed in, contented with her new life.

She and Jake spent half their time living at his penthouse apartment in Vegas, and the other half living in this beautiful house. Lia much preferred the Summerlin property. It was far more discreet, being well away from the hustle and bustle of the casino. An almost magical atmosphere seemed to transcend the place. It was just the two of them, totally engrossed in each other.

Her decision to stay with Jake had been a good one. Their relationship had gone from strength to strength. She knew she’d fallen hopelessly in love with him. She smiled. Who’d have thought love would blossom on that day? The day she was marched unceremoniously into his office by Juno and Moose. Crazy thing, she really loved those guys now. Jake had been an arrogant prick, and she’d taken pleasure in telling him so. She smiled again. She still wondered how he’d kept his cool.

A cloud of dust drew her attention as it billowed in the distance. Lia lifted a hand to her forehead to shield her eyes from the overhead sun. She squinted, barely able to make out the fast approaching vehicle through the Nevada heat haze. It was Jake’s black Mustang flat out along the ridge road. It looked like he couldn’t wait to get home.

Lia turned around and headed inside. She always loved it when Jake returned, because she never knew what to expect. Sometimes he would be informal, and they’d just sit and chat over an intimate dinner, and a bottle or two of fine wine. Other times he would be in full Dom mode. That’s when his dominant side would be unleashed in all its glory. Then, he’d immediately bend her over the nearest sofa and thrust into her like a man possessed. Or he’d shackle her to the bed and have his wicked way with her. On several occasions he’d wanted her to take care of his needs. That’s when he’d stand there waiting for her to sink to her knees and take his huge cock into her mouth. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to please her new Master, and swirling her tongue over his engorged prick was an act she relished.

Quickly, she descended the stairs, and a smile spread on her lips as she hastily tied her white robe around herself. What delights lay in store for her tonight? Sex with Jake was simply out of this world. She ran the last few yards, making sure she was there when he came through the door.

With bated breath, she heard the key turn in the lock, and the unmistakable sound as he came into the entrance hall.

In submissive mode, Lia walked barefoot toward him. As a mark of respect, she bowed her head. “Sir, I am at your command. Is there anything you desire?” The breath hitched in her throat. As she glanced down her body, she watched her breasts rapidly rise and fall. Her nipples had hardened into prominent peaks, and jutted noticeably through the flimsy silk gown, betraying her inner state of mind.

Jake reached out and cupped her chin, angling her face so her gaze would meet his own. The intensity in his blue eyes mesmerized her. “You have pleased me once again, slave. I have some important papers I need to complete for the board meeting tomorrow. Come to my office in ten minutes with a cool beer. I want you at my disposal.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Lia’s heart beat rapidly as he strode away. She knew he had something planned for her. By prolonging the event it only added to the effect.

On tenterhooks, Lia paced the ground floor. After ten minutes, she removed an ice-cold Bud from the refrigerator, and made her way to his office. It was on the second level of the house and nestled at the end of a long corridor. She gently tapped the door.

Jake’s sexy voice boomed from inside, “Enter.”

When she entered the room, he was sitting in his executive leather chair. He was busily sifting through a pile of papers that were scattered across his desk. He looked up as she drew close. His eyes were hot and burned brightly. He motioned with his hand. “Come closer, my slave.”

Lia did as he commanded, standing obediently before him. She handed him the ice-cold Bud.

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