Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Please, Sir.”

Feminine perspiration dusted her body. He loved the way it gently moistened her silken flesh. His skin tingled every time it touched hers. Fuck, he ached for her. It had been a long time since he’d been in total Dom mode. He was going to savor it. After all, there was no rush.

Jake knew the bindings constricting the blood flow to her breasts pushed her limits, but she responded exactly as he’d hoped she would, without even a hint of using her safeword.

“I’m still waiting. You still haven’t begged your Master.”

He could barely hear the softly spoken plea that whispered from her lips. He wanted it all. Nothing but her complete submission would satisfy him now.

“I can’t hear. I need to hear you beg out loud,” he whispered, flicking his tongue over her nipple with such force that it shuddered and vibrated against his lips. He did the same to the other breast, watching the aroused peak jiggle satisfyingly from his attention.

“Please, Sir,” came a whispered reply.

“I still can’t hear you, my slave.” He teased the string connected to her clit ring, gently pulling it upward, completely exposing her glistening bead once again. She jolted and her eyes flew wide open.

“Please, Sir, please fuck me. I’m begging you,” she said louder. Her hair, still wet from her recent shower, dripped down between her breasts, catching on the ropes that secured them. Her eyes were hooded and her lips moist. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman.

“Did I hear my slave beg to be fucked?”

“Yes, Sir. Please, Sir.”

“Better my slave, much better.”

Jake cupped his hands under her creamy, pert buttocks, lifting her. In automatic response, Lia hooked her ankles together behind him, desperately trying to pull him closer. She looked into his eyes as he entered her. All that mattered to him now was Lia. She meant more to him than anything else in the world. He couldn’t resist saying her lovely name, over and over in his head.
Lia. Lia. Lia.
He slid his huge prick effortlessly inside her tight, wet cunt, until he’d filled her completely. Then he gripped her ass, squeezing it, molding it, as he began pumping his cock inside her. Her arms were still bound, pulled taut, and secured to the bedposts. He loved the way she squirmed on his prick, fighting to accommodate his sheer size.

“Please, Sir, please fuck me harder, Sir,” she cried out as he repeatedly impaled her over and over again.

Lia’s submission was like a drug. Now that he’d savored her complete surrender, he’d demand more of the same from his sub.

“This is what happens to naughty girls who think they can just disappear.” He pounded his cock into her moist warmth. “Their Master will always fuck them severely.” He filled her again. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, I deserve to be punished, Sir. Please, harder.”

He rammed his erect penis home hard again, feeling her pussy clamp down along his entire length. He loved the way their sweat-covered stomachs touched as he slid fully inside, filling her again and again with his prick. Lia cried out, her body arched rigid. Her beautiful bound breasts flexed and quivered in their rope bindings as a monumental orgasm overwhelmed her senses. He looked down between their intimately joined bodies, watching her stomach undulate with orgasmic spasms. Her pussy squeezed and teased his cock, demanding its potent contents be inside her. He felt the semen being pulled up his shaft until her cunt had sucked him dry. It was the most incredible, intense release he’d ever experienced. When he came, his explosive climax spilled into her with three bursts of pure pleasure.

Jake rested his forehead against hers as he caught his breath. Christ he’d fucked her hard, and she’d taken it. She’d reveled in it, playing her role as the pleading sub to perfection. Now he knew he’d truly found a woman on the same wavelength as him. He lifted his head and looked into her beautiful green eyes. Her breathing was still heavy. He tenderly stroked a hand through her damp blonde hair, gently brushing it away from her face. Her mouth parted in open invitation and he smoothed a thumb over her plump lips. Finally he found enough breath to speak.

“You were stunning, princess.” He knew he was falling in love with her.

He carefully untied her bound wrists, and they both fell exhausted onto the soft mattress. He scooped her into his arms and pulled her further onto the bed.

“How are your wrists, princess?” He began gently massaging them, restoring her circulation. Lia just lay there, dazed and quiet.

“Is that better?”

She shook her hands. “Much better. Thank you, Sir.”

He slid his fingers around the rope bindings adorning her body. “You can be less formal now, Lia. How do these feel? They’re not too tight, are they?”

“No, they’re fine.”

“That’s good. I think I might leave them on a little longer. They make you look so sexy.”

He kissed her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“Totally spent.”

“Me, too,” he murmured as he pulled her against him. “Rest here and I’ll soothe your shoulders with a light massage.” Lia dutifully laid her head on his chest, and he began flexing his fingers into her warm flesh, kneading the knots of tension away. Within a few seconds, light purrs of pure pleasure began coming from her. He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed interacting with a sub after an intense session.

“I meant to call,” he offered quietly, as he gently caressed her silky smooth skin.

A deep sigh left her lips, and she idly traced her fingers down his chest, running them through the smattering of masculine hair. “So what happened? Why didn’t you?” she asked nonchalantly. He sensed there was more she wanted to say.

“It’s complicated. I wanted to, but events seemed to get in the way.” He cupped her chin and angled her face to his. “I just hadn’t expected you to sell up and leave Vegas for a new life so quickly.”

“A girl can only wait so long, Jake. It’s been twelve months since Joe died. My life had been on hold. After we shared that wonderful night together in your penthouse, my spirit came alive again. As soon as I’ve paid my father’s debt, I’ll be applying for work on the cruise ships again. There’s so much of the world I want to see.”

“You’re still planning on leaving, then?”

“Oh, yes. As soon as the money comes through from the sale of my parents’ house, there’s nothing stopping me.”

At that precise moment Jake realized he wanted Lia to share his life. He wanted them to explore their relationship fully. The debt her father had left her had certainly pushed a wedge between them.

A dilemma surfaced in Jake’s mind. How could he convince her that he wanted her for who she was, and not for the money she owed him? He wanted her for the wonderful woman he knew her to be, and not simply a sexual vessel to pay back a debt he didn’t give a fuck about. He was a wealthy guy. A million bucks meant nothing to him.

Chapter Nineteen

Lia turned in the huge four-poster bed, and stretched out her hands in the darkness. Jake had held her in his arms, and she longed for the reassuring presence of his warm, hard body pressed against hers. All that she touched was bare, empty space. She switched on her bedside lamp, and subdued lighting flooded the bedroom. To Lia, left alone in the middle of the night, the bedposts and heavy furniture took on an eerie appearance. She traced her hand over the indentation left in his pillow. He must have been gone quite some time, because the cotton linen was stone cold. With the casino doing business twenty-four-seven, she guessed he’d gone back to work.

In need of a glass of water, Lia put on a white silk gown and a pair of slippers, then made her way downstairs. The house was in total darkness. Just the light from the full moon guided her along the impressive hallway. Every footstep she made echoed on the marble flooring. It was a beautiful house, but it seemed a sad house to Lia. It needed laughter to flood the rooms, but instead an uneasy coolness permeated the hush. She shivered involuntarily, drawing her robe more tightly around her. As she stepped into the dimly lit living area, she saw the wonderful vista of Vegas twinkling in the distance through the huge picture window. The beacon of multicolored lights mesmerized her as they lit up the desert. Was Jake down there, managing his casino?

Lia flicked on a light as she entered the kitchen. A huge, stainless steel refrigerator stood against one wall, while all around her lay beautifully finished appliances, slotted between black granite counters, and solid oak cupboards.

After a few seconds, Lia found what she was looking for. She filled a glass with chilled water from the fridge dispenser, and swallowed several large gulps before leaving the tumbler on the drainer. As she leaned against the granite work surface she noticed the large, ornate clock on the kitchen wall. It was four in the morning. Just what was she going to do for the next hour, day, or even month?

Lia stretched and yawned, then commented loudly.

“Goddamn it. What the hell am I doing here?”

Then she remembered the hot sex she’d just had with Jake, and laughed out loud. “Guess it’s not all bad. But boy, does that guy have one serious attitude problem.” The nerve of the man, demanding she be his sex slave, until the house was sold and her debt repaid. She’d given him a month to contact her, but she’d heard nothing from him. Then, almost unbelievably, just as she was about to catch her flight to Florida, he’d turned up at the airport.

“The arrogance of the guy,” she muttered to herself.

As Lia made her way back through the large living area, she was drawn once more to the incredible view. She stopped and stared, drinking in the scene. Her thoughts tumbled from her lips. “You may have a wonderful home, Mr. Fancy Casino Owner, but you need a lesson in how to treat a lady.”

“Care to teach me?” Jake’s gruff voice growled through the darkness.

A scream left her lips, and she spun in his direction. She could just make out his masculine shape, almost hidden by shadow. His eyes mischievously glinted from the moonlight streaming through the window. He switched on a lamp, flooding the room in soft light. Jake wore just a pair of black sweatpants. His chest was naked, and temptingly sexy. “Jake, I—I thought you’d driven into Vegas.”

“I couldn’t sleep. I’m sorry if I startled you, but the views are more spectacular with the lights off. I guessed you didn’t see me when you went through to the kitchen. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have said what you did.”

Lia swallowed hard. She’d said some unkind things about him. True, but unkind all the same. “You heard?”


Her and her big mouth. “What are you going to do?” she asked nervously, fearing the punishment he may administer for her disrespectful talk.

Jake tapped a finger against his lips in quiet contemplation as he watched her squirm. His eyes penetrated her from head to toe, making an intense shiver travel down her spine. “Nothing for now.”

“Oh?” Her brows knitted together. “I thought you might want to discipline me.”

“I’m minded to, princess, but I’m feeling benevolent at the moment.” Jake patted the empty seat beside him. “Come over here, Lia. We need to talk.”

Slightly wary, she walked across and joined him on the leather sofa. “Talk? What do you want to talk about, Jake? Can’t it wait? It’s four in the morning.”

“This million bucks you owe me.”

Lia felt her shoulders stiffen. “Oh, that again,” she said in a derisory tone. “I know all about the money, Jake. I’ll pay you back as soon as I have the check from the house sale. You know that.”

“That’s precisely the reaction I was afraid of—”

“I can’t do any more until then. I’m—”

Jake placed a hand on her arm. “If you’ll just let me speak, Lia. I think I may have the solution.”

“We already know what the solution is, Jake. I pay you the money, and then we go our separate—”

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