Bound by Pleasure (5 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Bound by Pleasure
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“Okay, so laid-back Greg wants more control than just the playroom?” Jay chuckled. “Wow, she must be something to have you in such knots.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Just stop thinking and go with it. It isn’t unusual for you guys to fall in love. Maybe you are both at that place.”

“But I don’t think she is. She is just fresh on the market. I’m her first Dom. I’m supposed to be introducing her to this lifestyle, and yet all I want to do is hold her and take care of her.”

“Don’t overthink it. When do you see her again?”

“Tuesday,” Greg answered.

“Just chill until then. Work on your paintings. Take it one day at a time. And find out what she wants from this. You could be wrong, and she just might feel the same for you. Don’t forget, honesty is key.”

They spoke for a few more minutes before ending the call. Greg thought the chances of Megan feeling the same way about him were slim to none. He just needed to get his emotions in check before Tuesday.

Chapter 7

Megan sat in traffic, ready to curse at every bozo on the road. She needed to get home and was already late for a Skype appointment with her agent. She knew better than to get on the roads at this time of day, but she just had to run to Starbucks for a cup of their new seasonal coffee. Now, as she sipped the drink, she wanted to smack herself.

Finally, things started to move. But it still wasn’t fast enough. Letting out a sigh, she accepted that there was nothing she could do but sit there and try to relax. Getting angry and feeling her blood churning wasn’t going to get any of those damn cars out of her way.

A week had passed since the intimate moment she and Greg had together. They’d had one play session since then, and it had been a straight forward, in and out session. Greg had stocked a mini fridge for her in the spare bedroom. After she had cleaned and dressed that evening, she had expected to see him. But he hadn’t requested to see her after in the kitchen or study, so she just left. It saddened her a little not to have that connection afterward, but it also helped get her feelings in order.

She really enjoyed the intimacy they’d been sharing. It made it more meaningful to her with a deeper connection. If she wasn’t careful, she just might fall in love with him. Though as she did more research she found this wasn’t all that uncommon. But if she wasn’t cautious, and he ended this for whatever reason, it could possibly destroy her.

Her cellphone rang. Reaching down she picked it up and looked at the display. It was Greg. Her heart fluttered. Why is he calling?

“Hello,” she said, hoping he couldn’t hear the uneasiness in her voice.

“Hi, Megan. Did I catch you at a bad time?” he asked.

“No, Sir.”

“Good. I was calling because I wanted to see if you were willing to stay overnight this evening?”

It was Friday, and they had agreed to a Friday and Saturday in the contract, leaving it up to her if she stayed the night or not. “I could.”

“Great. I have a brunch meeting tomorrow morning with someone who is interested in buying a few of my paintings, and he’s bringing his wife. So I thought it would be nice if I evened it out and brought along a female companion also. Does this sound okay to you?”

“It does. Is there a particular dress code for where we’re going?”

“Business casual is fine.”


“Good, I’ll see you this evening then.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He chuckled. “Looking forward to it.” He hung up.

She set the phone in her lap and did her best to concentrate on the traffic and not the conversation she had just had. After she got home and apologized to her agent for being late, she was going to have to call Dawn and ask about the proper way to behave with her Dom in public.

Things had gone well with Megan’s agent. She had actually been late also, but for different reasons than a Starbucks coffee. Megan now looked over her closet as she tried to decide what was the best outfit to wear tomorrow morning.

Turning, she glanced at the clock. Only a few more hours until she had to head over to Greg’s. Dawn said she would try to stop by, but if she couldn’t she would certainly call and talk.

Megan eyed a khaki skirt that came to right above her knees. She could possibly pair it with a white, button-down, quarter sleeved blouse and dress it up with a matching beige belt just under her breasts. She had a pair of nude heels that would complete the outfit.

Pulling it all out, she laid it on her bed. Now she had to find the right jewelry to go with it. Just as she opened her jewelry box, there was a pounding on her front door. She made her way through the house and opened the door, happy to see that Dawn had arrived.

“What’s up?” Dawn plopped down on the couch.

“Tomorrow Greg’s taking me to brunch with a potential buyer, and I’m hoping you can tell me how to act.”

“What did you guys agree to in your contract?”

“Outside of the playroom I can speak freely and at events I can address him as Greg.”

“Then what’s so confusing?”

Megan took a seat also. “Well, last week in the kitchen, where typically I can feel relaxed, that things are normal, he started acting the role of Dom. It was weird, but I went with it. And we played a scene out in a room other than the playroom.”

“Was it agreed that scenes would only take place in the playroom?”


“I wouldn’t worry about it then. Sometimes a change in places is good. And if you were fine with it, then why not? It isn’t like you couldn’t have safe worded and told him you didn’t want to at any time.”

“I know.”

“What else is bothering you?”

Megan didn’t say anything.

“Megan,” Dawn said sternly.

“It’s just, I like him.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“I mean, I like ‘like’ him.” Megan glanced up at the speckled ceiling before looking back at her smiling friend.

“That’s okay. You can like your Dom. Just don’t go falling into love with him. And if you start to, it’s something you’ll need to discuss with him.”

Megan didn’t really want to discuss her feelings with him. Anytime she’d tried to talk about things with her ex-husband, he’d always yelled at her for starting what he called ‘female bullshit.’ It was something he just didn’t have time for. It left her never wanting to open up and discuss anything with him. In return, it had made her a closed off person. She even had a hard time expressing how she felt to Dawn. In her writing, however, she could be herself and her readers loved it.

“Come check out the outfit I chose and tell me what you think.” Megan stood and headed to the bedroom, hoping Dawn would follow.

Dawn did, thankfully, and dropped the subject also. They picked out the right accessories and Dawn wished her luck at the brunch. Megan hoped it would go okay. Dawn told her to enjoy the time to address her Dom by name, because once they made it back to his place, he would return to his role quickly. Which excited Megan.

After her friend left, she began to pack everything up and then made sure there was enough water and food for her cat while she was away. Next she made herself a quick dinner of lean protein and veggies. She was going to need her energy, that was for sure. Last Tuesday Greg had concentrated mainly on her breasts and she got to experience nipple clamps for the first time. Remembering the feel of the cool metal on her nipples before squeezing them sent waves to her core, already awakening her.

She had to quit thinking about it before she was tempted to touch herself. She didn’t like punishment and was worried if she did pleasure herself, Greg would somehow know. So instead she went into her office to check her email one last time before heading out for the weekend.

Chapter 8

It had been a long night of tossing and turning. Greg had gotten absolutely no sleep. He wanted Megan in his bed with him. Instead, she was downstairs where his subs were supposed to sleep when they stayed overnight. It took everything in him not to invite her to his bed. And it didn’t help when they had their nightly recap in the living room with a snack and wine. This time, however, he made sure she ate first before he offered her any alcohol.

Their last two sessions had been good. Not too intense but very satisfying. She made an excellent sub, one he never wanted to let go. As they talked last night, he genuinely enjoyed hearing about her week. She had such a way of putting a spin on everything, it was like she was telling him a story. He could see now why her romance novels sold so well. She had a way with words.

Throwing the covers back, Greg climbed out of bed. He was going to jump in the shower immediately but heard a clattering in the kitchen. Quietly, he made his way down the hallway to the kitchen and saw Megan dressed in pajamas and looking lost in her thoughts as she stood in front of the coffee maker. He cleared his throat and she spun around, her eyes wide.

“You’re up early,” he said.

“I didn’t sleep well.”

He moved in closer to her. She looked so cute with her blonde locks in a mess. Reaching out, he brushed some loose hair behind her ear. She gazed back and then her focus was on his lips. Before he knew what he was doing, he wrapped his hand around her neck and brought her lips to his, and for the very first time, he kissed her.

Passion filled him, and when his tongue met hers, his cock sprang to life. She tasted incredible. It was as though a volcano of tingles shot through him as he devoured her lips. She let out a little moan, and he groaned in sheer delight.

He began touching her all over. He couldn’t even comprehend what he was touching, he just needed to feel her. She was soft and warm, and she pressed herself against him with such response. He didn’t know how much longer he could take just kissing her.

Greg teased the bottom of her t-shirt, letting the tips of his fingers caress her flat belly. He kissed a trail down her neck as his hands crept her shirt up and over her head. No bra…excellent. His lips clasped on to a nipple as his other hand started to pull her bottoms off. He was delighted to see she didn’t have on any panties. Such a good girl.

His cock ached, needing to be touched. Spinning Megan around, he pushed her against the counter. With a few swift movements, his clothes were removed and he was burying himself deep into her pussy. Reaching up, he tangled his fingers into her hair and pulled as his body arched. He thrust into her, feeling a whole new sense of pleasure. It had been a long time since he’d had sex without all the other stuff. As she panted, he could tell she was doing her best to hold out from coming. But this wasn’t a scene.

“Megan, you can come when you’re ready.”

With a smirk, he started to drive into her hard and fast, knowing there was no way she could resist coming. As she screamed out and her walls tightened around his dick just the way he liked, he started to feel his release. With a few more strokes, he let himself spill into her warm, wet pussy.

Greg released her hair so she could relax her body against the counter. As she tried to catch her breath, he removed himself from her cozy insides. Taking her hand, he led her to the kitchen table. He took a seat and pulled her into his lap.

She looked nervous, and he expected she was a bit confused about what had just happened. And she wasn’t alone. He couldn’t explain what came over him. But as he gazed at her and saw her lips again, he wanted a lot more from them than just letting them pleasure his cock. Something in him wanted to feel her lips all over his body as she freely explored him. The thought sent his cock to semi-erect again.

“I hope you’re okay with what happened,” he finally said. “Is it okay that I kissed you?”

“Yes, Sir. I enjoyed it. In fact, it has been something I was wondering if we would do.”

He smiled. “I enjoyed it myself.”

“Will we do more of that?”

“I’d like to.” The smell of coffee hit his senses. Right now he wished like hell this chair rolled so he could keep Megan in his lap and enjoy his morning cup of joe.

“Would you like me to get your coffee?” she asked.

He really wanted coffee, yes. But he also really liked the intimate moment they were sharing. Rubbing a finger down her cheek as he stared at her, he nodded. “Please. Then we need to get ready so we aren’t late.”

He watched as she walked across the kitchen. Seeing her bare ass as she poured two cups of coffee was going to equal a cold shower for him. As she made her way back to the table, her round breasts jiggled and his semi-erect dick was starting to get fully erect again. And being naked, this wasn’t something he could hide from Megan.

Megan stood before him and took a few sips from her mug before she set it down. She then got down on her knees and glanced up at him.

“Can I pleasure you?” she asked.

His cock bounced and hardened even more. There was no way he was going to turn down an offer like that. He nodded, and her warm mouth covered his tip and her tongue swirled around it. Closing his eyes, he got lost in the pleasure as it engulfed his whole body. She was in complete control this time. One of her hands cupped his balls and squeezed slightly, and her lips tightened around his shaft as she took him in as far as she could in a rapid movement. She moaned against his cock, and the vibration nearly sent him over the edge.

Reaching down, he tangled his hands in her hair and brought his butt to the edge of the chair. He leaned back and started to slightly gyrate his hips up. When she moaned again around his cock, he let his release fill her mouth. As she swallowed every drop, her tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft, continuing the pleasure for him a little longer.

Megan sat back and glanced up at him before she stood.

“Go get cleaned up. We have to leave soon.”

“Do you mind if I take my coffee downstairs with me as I get ready?”

“Go ahead.”

Megan gathered her clothes, grabbed her coffee, and started to leave. But he reached out and caught her arm, then tugged her toward him gently and pressed a light kiss to her lips before letting her go. She grinned slightly and the next thing he heard was the door closing that led to the downstairs.

Megan fidgeted with her fingers under the table. Her insides were going crazy as she tried to contain her nerves. She sat next to Greg at a fancy restaurant, his arm draped around the back of her chair. It was so intimate—like this morning. She was still confused by the curveball he’d thrown her. He’d passionately kissed her, taken her dominantly in the kitchen, and it all felt like a typical morning for a new couple. And the strangest part—she enjoyed it and wanted more moments like it.

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