Borderland Beauty (17 page)

Read Borderland Beauty Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Love Story, #Scotland, #Scottish Borders, #Borders, #Lowlanders

BOOK: Borderland Beauty
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“Aye, you’re right. I’ll not bed you again, lass, not until we’re married.”

“Then what—”

Cutting her off with a swift kiss, he moved back with a faint smile. “Trust me.”

Dominic started at the top of her head, kissing at her hair and then her forehead and nose. His lips tickled over her cheeks and chin before dipping to lick and kiss at her neck. He suckled briefly on one shoulder, then trailed across her collar bone to taste at her other shoulder.

Bucking towards his mouth, she whimpered as he drew nearer to her aching breasts. He circled around them with his hands, cupping them before sealing his mouth over one nipple and scraping at it with his teeth. Her back came away from the bed and she brought her own teeth down on her lip to prevent herself from squealing.

And then he was gone, moving his way down her stomach, pausing to nip at her belly and hips. Dominic laid his head briefly on her stomach, gazing down at her juncture as his fingers traced lazy circles across her inner thighs. Her muscles tightened as she fought the urge to arch into his touch.

Ignoring her wet folds, Dominic continued to kiss down one leg, all the way to her toes before caressing his way back up the other leg.

He met her gaze with a roguish gleam as he eyed the soft curls at the apex of her thighs. “Spread your legs, Luce.”


“Lucy,” he warned.

Throwing her head back, she peeled apart her legs and quivered as his breath danced over her sensitive sex. His tongue touched gingerly to her heat and her bottom bolted from the bed. A laugh rumbled from Dominic and he gently pressed her hips back to the bed as he took another taste.

Sweet Mary!

His tongue became bolder, dipping into her moisture and circling around the sensitive nub before tracing every inch of her womanhood. His teeth cautiously nibbled at her most tender spot sending a riot of sensations through her. As he sucked it into his mouth, Lucy strained against her bonds and unbidden cries left her lips. A finger joined in, increasing her torment, gently as first and then with increasing pressure as Dominic tantalised and teased at her flesh.

As her womb tightened, the movements of his hand became more insistent and he plunged in and out of her slickness with ease. He lapped at her with more persistence now until the pressure built to a crescendo, so exquisitely agonising that stars swam behind her tightly clenched lids.

In a mass of trembling, sheening limbs, she climaxed with a cry as Dominic eased his head from her, his fingers still toying in her heat as the pleasure continued to pulse through her. Her breathing slowed and Lucy hauled open her eyes.  Dominic eased his way up, a bold smile on his face and clutched her to him as her tremors subsided. Reaching up, he released her wrists, placing a kiss to each one.

Lucy smoothed her hand across his face. “Dominic, that was…I…” She glanced down at his fully clothed body. “You have not taken your pleasure!”

“I have, lass, I have,” he assured her with a soothing stroke across her back. “Watching your pleasure is more than enough for me.”

She eyed him with a raised brow. “I believe it not.”

“‘Tis the truth, I swear it. Any man would be content for the rest of their life to watch you, but there’ll be time enough before long for us to take all the pleasure we wish for. When we are married.”

“Aye,” she agreed with a contented sigh. “When we are married…”

She could not wait.

~* * *~

With Lucy at his side, clutching tightly to his hand, Dominic spoke a few words at Thomas' funeral. A glance at the man’s young wife forced the regret to eat into his happiness but with the heat of Lucy's palm burning into his, his strength returned and he set about organising the repairs. Thomas' wife, Beth, had chosen to stay with family rather than continue to live in the small cottage she had shared with Thomas, but Dominic would offer a substantial dowry should she wish to remarry so she could live comfortably on the coin that Thomas had left her without fear for her future.

He rode through the streets of Thornewall, Lucy by his side, and was relieved to see that the destruction wrought by the reivers was not as severe as he feared. Market stalls would need to be rebuilt and a few smashed windows repaired. It could have been far worse, he reminded himself. Lucy offered him a small smile of understanding and he smiled back. Far, far worse. He could have lost Lucy. They would announce their betrothal on the morrow and as soon as Montgomery gave his consent, he would marry her. He clenched at his reins. He needed to get Montgomery's consent as soon as he could. More time in her company and not being able to touch her would surely drive him over the edge.

Her eyes twinkled as they studied him. Ack, canny lass was sure to know exactly what he was thinking. She had already woken him with a passionate kiss before the morning meal, sneaking into his chambers with the aid of Winnie. Her new confidence would be the death of him. He needed that consent and he needed it fast.

When they returned to the keep, Dominic aided Lucy down from her horse and she allowed her fingers to play over his chest as she eyed him from under her lashes.

“If you do not stop looking at me so, there will be consequences,” he warned her.

Her lips curled upwards. “Good.”

“Ack, what will I do with you, lass? I promised your father I would look after you. I have already failed once, but I'll not let him down again.”

“My father would not know.”

“Nay, but I would. You may think my honour tarnished beyond repair, but I still hold some value in it.”

She shook her head with a soft smile. “Nay, there you are wrong. I think you the most honourable man I know.”

“Ha, is Lucy Montgomery admitting she was wrong?”


He glanced around and snatched her hands, pinning them against his chest. Slowly, he brought them up this his mouth and kissed each finger, one at a time. He nipped briefly at the tip of the last one, watching as Lucy’s succulent lips parted with a gasp.

He muttered a curse as his body tightened with need. “Ack, Luce, I swear if I don’t marry you soon, I will go mad with wanting you.”

“And I you,” she whispered.

Releasing one hand, he led her across the courtyard. “I shall visit with your father on the morrow,” he told her. “I will gain his consent, finalise the contract and return before nightfall. We could be wed within a sennight as long as…”

“As long as what?”

“As long as your father does give his consent. I fear his opinion of me is not as high as yours.”

Lucy stifled a giggle. “Aye, if it were not for my mother he would likely have called you out for a duel.”

Dominic tugged her in closer to him so her body sat in the crook of his arm. Thank God, Montgomery wasn’t around now or he would surely run him through. Stealing a look at Lucy, her eyes shining with confidence and delight, he shook his head. It was no wonder he could not control himself around her.

“Ack, I cannot blame him. I would do the same if you were my daughter. We must be thankful for your mother’s foresight.”

“Aye, she certainly did much to encourage our match.” Lucy hitched up her skirts as they walked up the steps and into the hall. “I doubt she will let me forget it easily.”

Pausing inside the door, Dominic reluctantly released her, instantly missing the feel of her curves tucked against him, and helped her remove her mantle. “Well, we must bow to the wisdom of our mothers. I believe my mother pushed for this betrothal, mayhap before you were even born.”

“In truth?”

“Aye, that is what your father said.”

“Sweet Mary,” she breathed and then grinned. “Seems we have been outwitted.”

They walked over to the fire and settled in the big chairs that sat around it, side by side. Dominic smirked inwardly. Aye, they had indeed been outwitted by their mothers. For though he wished for a bride to ensure he had an heir, he did not realise he would be able to find a woman that he could count on as a companion. He considered few women as friends, yet with Lucy sat next to him, absently stroking her fingers across his arm, he looked forward to many an evening spent in her company.

“I do not doubt you shall be just as wise when you are a mother,” he told her quietly. Her pale skin coloured but he could see the spark of delight dancing behind her eyes at the thought of bearing him children. He could not deny that the thought of having a family with Lucy sent a curl of warmth through him. “But for now, we must pray your father no longer holds my poor behaviour against me.”

She chewed at her lip and Dominic found himself staring at the slight movement of her mouth, wishing he had the freedom to claim those lips publicly.

“I shall accompany you,” she declared abruptly.

“Do not be foolish, lass. You’ll stay here.”

“I will not. Father will wish to know that I am happy with our match. He’ll not consent if he has any doubts about my feelings, you know that, and he holds little trust in you.”

“Ack, what a fool I have been. I should never have kissed you.”

“You did not kiss me, Lord Dominic.
kissed you.”

He threw his hands up with a laugh. “At last, the lady admits it. But do not think you can soften me with sweet words, lass. I’ll not take you with me.”



Chapter Eleven

The powerful destrier navigated the hills and rocky crevices with slow ease. Dominic gave Lucy a squeeze and she nestled back into him with a tiny sigh. His mount was little used to two riders, but Dominic did not mind the slow pace, not if it meant he could hold Lucy for that little bit longer. Once they returned to Thornewall, his time with her would be limited what with arranging the wedding and continuing with his duties.

He frowned as he struggled to remember quite how she had talked him into allowing her to accompany him. The journey was a short one, and he deliberately took a little-travelled path. It was unlikely they should encounter anyone, but he still studied the terrain carefully. Thornewall could not be deprived of their soldiers with the reivers breathing down their necks, but it meant they would travel unaccompanied.

Burrowing his nose into her hair, he inhaled with a grin. He did not think it likely any harm would come to them out here, and he had to admit it was nice to have Lucy in arms. God’s blood, but he was acting like a lovesick lass.

They followed a low stone wall up onto a mound and Dominic motioned to the surrounding countryside. “What think you, Luce? All this shall be yours soon. This wall marks the boundary between our lands.”

She twisted to face him, her hazel eyes sparkling. “Ack, I’m not marrying you for your land.”

“I know that, lass, ‘tis for my lovemaking, is it not?”

Lucy gasped and swiped at his arm. “Dominic of Thornewall, you are a rogue.”

“Aye, but I am your rogue.”

Tilting her head, she studied him, her lips curling upwards. “Not yet, but you will be soon.” She glanced around at the snow-covered hills. “And I will be yours.”

His heart swelled with anticipation and he gripped her forcefully, pressing a kiss into her neck.

“I shall do all I can to help, Dominic. I wish to be a good wife to you and I would see you less burdened.”

He shook his head with a quiet chuckle. How was it she could so easily read his thoughts? “‘Twould be near impossible for you to be aught other than a perfect wife. You are faultless, lass.”

“And you are too skilled in telling falsehoods. I have my faults, as you well know.”

“All of which I could easily overlook with but one kiss from you.”

Lucy released a soft laugh and shifted further around so that she could tangle her hands around his neck. “I shall have to kiss you often then.”

His skin heated under her hands and his body tightened at the promise in her expression. Spanning her waist with his hands, Dominic eyed her lips before dipping down for a demanding kiss. He let out a low groan as her lips parted eagerly and her tongue played against his. He hardened instantly and his blood boiled beneath his skin. As he pushed for more, Lucy stiffened beneath his hands and he dragged himself away, his breath coming in harsh rasps.

“Dominic, do you hear that?”

He blinked away the cloud of lust and took in her ashen face. He froze as the sound of horse hooves and wild shouts reached his ears. Looking hurriedly around, he squinted as dark flecks became visible on the horizon.

Hell’s teeth, reivers!

Urging his mount around, he snapped the reins and the horse galloped down the slope. The pounding of the reivers' nags grew louder and he cursed as he glanced over his shoulder. The features of the riders became clear as they neared, their light nags picking their way across the terrain with far more ease than his overburdened destrier.

Trembling in his arms, Lucy swivelled to look around him and squeaked as she noted their rapid advance. Her eyes met his briefly and he swallowed heavily. Damn, he should never have brought her out here unaccompanied. His foolish need to have her to himself had put them both in danger. In all his years of dealing with the reivers, he had never acted with such recklessness.

Now he might well have killed them both.

Fear thrummed beneath his skin as sweat made his hands slick against the reins. His stomach curdled as he imagined what they would do to Lucy. Nay, he could not allow that. Looking over his shoulder, he could now see the brutish expression of the reivers and determination settled in his heart.

Directing the horse down the side of the hill, he pushed him to gallop harder. He risked the mount going over on the uneven ground as the grey rocks peeked through the snow but to do otherwise surely meant certain death. A wide river cut its way through the valley and Dominic jerked the steed to a stop and slipped from the saddle.

“Dominic, what are you doing?”

He snatched as his sword, the steel screeching as he wrenched is from its scabbard.

“Dominic?” Lucy cried as the reivers became visible on the brow of the hill.

“Run, Lucy. Go to Thornewall and stay there. They will have a hard time making it across the river.”

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