Borderland Beauty (16 page)

Read Borderland Beauty Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Love Story, #Scotland, #Scottish Borders, #Borders, #Lowlanders

BOOK: Borderland Beauty
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He dropped his hand from her chin and curled it into a fist. “Did you really think me so cruel as to offer marriage only to send you away from my bed when I’d had my fill of you?”

“I…nay, but I…” She stared at her hands.

Dominic observed the blush of shame spreading through her cheeks. He had not intended to speak so harshly, but her distrust of him riled him. Had he not gone out of his way to prove to her that he was not as she thought? He had revealed everything to her and still she did not trust him. Would she ever have faith in him? And how could they marry without trust?

He let his grip on her relax and tentatively drew up her chemise and gown, messily retying her laces. Lucy made no move to stop him. She merely watched him sorrowfully.

“You will be well now, I think, though you may yet ail a little. We should get you back to the keep and in a warm bath.”

She nodded slowly and attempted to meet his gaze but he kept his eyes focused on the snow beside her. His throat and chest ached from her revelations, a sensation he couldn’t quite understand.

Lucy slid from him and came unsteadily to her feet. As much as he needed to put some distance between them, he couldn’t allow her to struggle through the snow. He hauled himself up with a groan as his cold joints creaked in protest and scooped her into his hold. She gave a startled cry but quickly relaxed against him. Gulping, he focused on putting one foot in front of the other as her forehead pressed against his neck and her fingers scorched the back of his neck.

Inwardly he cursed his feeble body. He still craved her touch, but even if his body wanted her, did his heart? Could he give it to someone who might never learn to trust him?



Chapter Ten

Sighing, Lucy tilted her head back in the wooden tub. The scent of rose oil suffused the air and the steam from the bath clouded the room, fogging up the cold windows. She stared up at the beams in the roof, basking in the warmth of the water.

Closing her eyes, she tried to ignore Winnie’s tuts and sighs as she blustered around her, pouring in more warm water and preparing a fresh gown for her. Dominic’s face swam behind her eyes and her stomach dropped as she remembered the hurt in his eyes.

Did you really think me so cruel…

Lord, what had she done? If she had truly thought before acting, she would have realised that he would never have mentioned marriage had he not wanted to go through with it. Had not the past few days taught her so much about him? Aye, he was arrogant and charming, but he was hard-working and honest. He didn’t need to lie to a woman to get them into bed, so why did she think he would lie to her?

Lucy swept a damp hand over her face and opened her eyes again. She’d likely just lost the best thing that had ever happened to her, all because of her own insecurities.  How would she ever repair the damage she had caused?

With a heavy sigh, she sank lower into the water. In all likelihood she could not repair it. Dominic would find another wife and she would go back to her solitary existence at Tyneridge.

Winnie ambled over with a ceramic jug. “Shall I wash ye hair, milady?”

“Aye, pray do.”

 Lucy was still chilled, in spite of the warmth of the bath. She frowned to herself. Exactly when was it that she had become such a foolish woman? Nearly freezing to death and accusing the most honourable man she’d ever known of wicked behaviour. But if she thought on it, she had always been foolish, allowing what other people thought of her to rob her of a life. Since coming to Thornewall, she’d danced and skated and feasted.  And she’d enjoyed it. Her time in solitude seemed pale compared to her time at Thornewall.

Winnie poured the water through her hair and scrubbed at her scalp before massaging in a hair tonic. Lucy glanced up at the maid who, aside from her tuts, had been unusually quiet. Had Dominic told her of the reason behind her escapade? In offending Dominic, she had probably offended Winnie too.

“I have been a fool, Winnie.”

“Aye, ye have, milady.”

“Winnie!” She hadn’t expected quite such candour.

The maid’s plump cheeks reddened. “Well, ye said it, milady. But ‘tis no matter, ye have come to yer senses now, have ye not?”

“Aye, I have. But ‘tis too late.” Lucy gripped at the maid’s arm. “Winnie, you know Dominic better than anyone, have I caused too much hurt? Will he ever find it in his heart to forgive me?”

Winnie gave her a kindly smile. “Ye’ve wounded the lord, but not grievously.”

“So there is hope? But how will I prove to him how much he means to me?” She slumped back into the water. “‘Tis no use. I think it a hopeless case.”

“Ye’re a daft lass, but ye’re canny. Ye’ll think of something, I have no doubt. Ack, a few sweet words from yer lips and I’m sure he’ll forgive ye. He may act like a wounded bear but he will not hold out long.”

“Ack, would that I could be as hopeful. You did not see his face, Winnie. ‘Twas as if the life had been sucked from him.”

“Aye, because ye are his life now, milady. Any fool can see that.”

“Not I, apparently,” she murmured.

“Come now, let us get ye dressed. We’ll get ye looking bonny and the lord will surely fall at yer feet.”

Lucy released a faint smile as she stood and allowed Winnie to wrap a linen towel about her. If she could only be so optimistic.

~* * *~

Sitting on her bed, Lucy clenched her hands at her side.
Just go. Just tell him, Lucy.
Her unwilling legs remained rooted and she cursed aloud. The door swung open abruptly and she jumped, her motionless legs at long last deciding to work.


He gave her a tight smile as he shoved the door further open with his foot. Carrying in a tray with a steaming bowl and a goblet on, he set it on her bedside table and motioned for her to sit.

“I brought you some pottage and warm wine.” He looked at her cautiously as he fisted his hands at his side. “‘Twould not do for you to sicken. Your father would have my head,” he added hastily.

The only sickness was in her heart. He seemed so distant. How could she ever have thought she could fix this? Lucy offered him a tentative smile. “I thank you, Dominic.”

He stared at her for a moment before motioning impatiently to the food. “Well, eat up, lass.”

“Oh, aye, of course.” She picked up the goblet and took a generous sip of the wine. It flowed through her, warming her muscles and placating the nervous flutter in her stomach. She took another sip, draining it under Dominic’s watchful eye.

Picking up the bowl, she eyed him over the brim. “Are-are you going to watch me?”

He considered this, his hands curling and uncurling by his side. “Aye,” he told her perfunctorily. “I hold little trust that you will look after yourself. You are a foolish lass.”

“A foolish—?” She paused, catching her temper. She’d heard that phrase enough times today, even if the majority had been from herself. “Will you not sit? I cannot eat with you bearing down upon me.”

With a grunt, Dominic positioned himself on the chair in the corner, his arms folded defensively across his chest.

Inhaling the smell of meat and herbs, she paused before taking a mouthful as his gaze remained on her. With a humph, she twisted from him, focusing on the red tapestry that occupied the other side of the room.

A cough or a laugh erupted from Dominic, though Lucy couldn’t tell which without looking at him. Surely he did not find her amusing? She flicked a peek back at him. His eyes had a steely cast to them that she’d never seen before. Shoulders rigid, she finished off her pottage before placing it back on the tray with a resounding thud.

“There I have finished, are you satisfied?”

“Nay, Luce, I am far from satisfied.” His gaze prowled over her, heating her blood and causing the air to thicken.

“Then what…” Her voice cracked and she coughed. “Then what can I do to see you satisfied?”

Dominic chuckled and Lucy relished the sound. “Ack, Luce, you do not inspire a man to behave honourably.”

A resounding glimmer of hope alighted in her heart and she squared her shoulders, meeting his gaze with what she hoped was confidence. “Mayhap I have no wish to see you behave honourably.”

Moving to stand, she froze as he motioned for her to sit down.

“You may not wish it, lass, but I’ll not dishonour you a second time. And I’ll not make love to a woman that does not trust me.”

There it was, he had finally voiced his hurt. Thank God. But now she would have to figure out how to show him that she did truly trust him.

She came to her feet and edged towards him. “I do trust you, Dominic.”

He watched her warily and shook his head. “I know not. If you do not know my character after last night, then I think that mayhap you never will.”

“I do, I swear. You are kind and honest and loyal. You work hard for Thornewall yet you expect no thanks. You are
confident. You are a generous lover…” Her cheeks flamed. “I know you, Dominic of Thornewall, just as you know me. I
trust you.”

He stood unexpectedly and rubbed at his jaw as he mulled over her words. Was it enough?

“Prove it.”

“What?” she breathed. “”

He considered her for a moment and her heart faltered as a wicked look came across his face, one that spoke of the promise of flesh against flesh. Heat gathered between her thighs.

Stalking toward her, Dominic dropped his head so he could view her from under his brow as a finger traced across the bodice of her gown. She shivered but it was definitely not from the cold. Lucy was sure she would shimmer and burst into flames at any moment.

His lips came to her ear and she could feel the heat of his cheek radiating towards her but he did not press his lips to her skin as she hoped.

“Remove your gown,” he whispered before stepping sharply back, leaving her wavering.


“Remove your gown.”

She gulped as she stared at him. Darting a glance at the windows, she nibbled at her bottom lip. “But it’s…”
The words dried on her lips as she met his serious gaze. The teasing smile was all but gone and that tiny flicker of vulnerability was back. Could she reveal herself to him without the flattering glow of candlelight? Without the lust-induced haze?

Drawing up her shoulders, she nodded quickly, more to herself than him. She could do this. She would not lose Dominic to her demons. He wanted proof of her trust, and by God, she was going to give it to him.

With trembling hands, she tugged at the buttons on her cotte. There were many of them and they ran all the way down the front of the gown
She fumbled inelegantly with them but she forged on with determination. Each button popping open echoed in her ears as her heart pounded against her ribcage.

When she eventually reached the bottom, she straightened and slipped the gown from her shoulders. Her kirtle was easier and with a tug of her laces, she stepped free of it, leaving her in her thin chemise. Her nipples peaked as Dominic’s gaze roamed over her but his expression remained intent. Ack, he would not be satisfied until she had bared herself completely to him.

Kicking off her slippers, she deftly peeled off her stockings.
Only one more thing left.
Licking at her lips, Lucy loosened the bow at the neck of her chemise and it slid off one shoulder. She clutched at the neck to prevent it from going all the way down and disappointment darkened Dominic’s eyes.

Closing her eyes, she flung away her hands and the linen rasped over her breasts and fell to the floor. Cool air flowed over her bare skin. She heard Dominic’s sharp intake of breath and she peeled open her eyes. It all came flooding back to her as he drank her in. This was how he had looked at her last night. There was no disgust or pity, just pure unadulterated lust...and mayhap even something more.

Her breasts trembled with each breath she took and her stomach coiled, but for the first time ever, she understood the power she held as a woman. It mattered not what any other man thought. Dominic desired her, and a swell of assurance pervaded through her.

“Sweet Lord, Luce,” he groaned and stumbled forward until she was in his arms.

Dominic’s clothing chafed against her as his hands grasped at her buttocks, and he urged her lips open beneath his. His tongue tasted anxiously at hers as he pressed his hardness against her sensitive flesh. She rocked into him, releasing a faint moan as a swell of tension gathered between her thighs.

She started plucking at his clothes, but he grabbed her hand and tore himself away from her. Skimming his fingers down her other arm, he circled her wrist and drew both her hands above her head. Her heart skipped as he clasped both wrists easily in one rough hand.

“Do you trust me, Luce?”

Staring up into his handsome face, she let a tiny smile spread across her face. “Aye. Aye, I trust you.”

Pressing a quick kiss to her lips, he trailed his free hand over one breast and settled it on her ribs. With her wrists still pinned together, Dominic coaxed her back, pushing gently against her until the back of knees brushed against the bed. Bringing his hand around to support her back, he lowered her gently onto the sheets.  They rustled beneath her as he directed her toward the top of the bed.

He released her hands and Lucy frowned as he reached up over her and yanked on the tassels that held back the canopy. She had revealed everything to him and now he intended to shroud them in darkness?

But instead of drawing the curtains, he grinned and did the same with the tie on the other side. Then as if he were handling a newborn babe, he gently looped the tie around one wrist, his eyes never leaving hers. Moving over to her other wrist, he did the same with that one. She tugged experimentally on them. They held her hands comfortably above her head but she knew she would be able to slip free easily should she want to. It was a test, she realised.

Her tongue darted out over her bottom lip. “I thought…” her voice rasped, “I thought you wished not to bed me again.”

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