Blue Moon (7 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #rock star, #paranormal romance, #Entangled, #shifter, #Select Otherworld, #second chance love, #Paranormal, #werewolves, #latina, #woman in jeopardy, #Lisa Kessler

BOOK: Blue Moon
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Chapter Nine


When I walked into Rojo’s, I wasn’t prepared to see Anna in the spotlight. She had on a short black leather skirt, with a curve-hugging red tank top and full red lips to match. She looked so damned sexy, I wanted to beat the shit out of every drunk guy imagining her naked.

My usually dormant wolf was front and center.

This was definitely not the teenaged girl I remembered. She had grown up into a curvy, brave, passionate woman. Her tight skirt only covered half her thighs, leaving the rest of her shapely legs for everyone to see.

“Logan Reynolds?”

I shifted my gaze a little lower to find a blonde in a linen suit, and she didn’t look happy to see me. “And you are?”

“I’m Madison, Vivi’s best friend. The one who helped pick up the pieces the last time you left her.” She crossed her arms.

“This doesn’t involve you.” I stared over her head at my mate. She was belting out “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” The lyrics hit like a sucker punch to the gut.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but if you hurt her again, I’ll be on your ass.”

“I’m not going to hurt her.” I ground my teeth together and met her eyes. “I love her.”

“Bullshit. You love yourself.” She raised her chin. “If you ever loved her, you would’ve mailed a birthday card, or called and apologized, or maybe given her the tiniest sign that you noticed she was gone. She never said anything, but I always knew when it was your anniversary, because she’d sit outside and stare up at the moon and listen to your angsty song over and over again all night.”

I did, too. We’d both been staring at the moon thinking of each other, and I never reached out to her. I’d convinced myself I was noble, not an asshole.

“What do you want from me?”

Madison put her hand on her hip. “I want you to leave her alone so she can get on with her life.”

“Not a chance.” I narrowed my eyes, dead serious.

“I don’t get it. You treat her like garbage, and now that she’s not falling all over you, you suddenly can’t live without her?”

I broke eye contact, watching Anna sing. “I distanced myself. I don’t expect you to understand, but I’ll never be strong enough to do it again.” Glancing at her, I added, “You’re protective. I’m glad she found a good best friend.”

“I love Vivi.” She sighed, her hand sliding off her hip. “And I meant what I said, if you hurt her—”

“You’ll be on my ass. I remember.” I struggled to keep from smiling.

The song faded, and the crowd at Rojo’s came alive applauding and cheering. Anna bowed and handed the mic to the next singer. Her eyes locked on mine as she approached, but she sidestepped me and hugged Madison instead.

When they parted, she smiled. “So, it looks like you guys already met.”

“Yeah.” Madison pointed in my direction. “I warned him if he hurts you again he’ll have to deal with me.”

Anna nudged her shoulder. “I can take care of myself.”

“I know.” Madison narrowed her gaze at me. “But still…”

I put my hands up, fighting back a smile. “I swear my intentions are good.”

Anna grinned with a glint in her dark eyes. “Mine are more questionable.”

I raised a brow and had opened my mouth to respond when someone grabbed my arm. I spun to find a star-struck woman. Her breath reeked of alcohol. “You’re Logan Reynolds.”

Shit. “I am, but I’m a little busy at the—”

Logan!” she shouted across the club to her friends who all squealed and popped out of their chairs. She turned back to me. “I
it was you. They thought I was too buzzed, but I knew.”

She was way past buzzed. She was drunk. Very drunk.

A familiar touch brushed my elbow. “Come on, there’s a back door by the restrooms.”

I pulled free of the other woman’s grasp and followed Anna out. Behind us, I had no trouble hearing Madison introducing herself as my publicist and informing them I had another engagement.

I owed her.

Once we were outside, Anna burst out laughing. “I can’t take you anywhere.”

The sweet scent of rum and fruit teased my nostrils. Anna might’ve had a couple drinks tonight, too.

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.” She shook her head, her smile fading a little. “I forget you’re a rock star now. To me, you’re just Logan.”

I took her hand. “That’s all I want to be.”

She studied our joined hands and sighed. “I wish touching you didn’t feel so right.”

“Please don’t wish that.” I lifted her chin until she met my eyes. “Not yet.”

I bent to kiss her lips, but the second she hummed, flashes erupted around us.

Anna jumped back with a gasp. Instinctively I stepped in front of her, shielding her from any cameras. How could I have been so stupid? Anna made me forget the rest of the world existed.

“I’m not on stage right now.”

A woman snapped another pic, and the guy with her called out. “Are you on a date?”

“Is she your girlfriend?” Another female voice prodded.

I groaned and reached behind me for Anna’s hand, my voice intended just for her. “Have your keys handy?”


“Let’s get the hell out of here. Ready?”

She squeezed my hand.

I glanced at the small group of onlookers. “Thanks for supporting my music. Later.”

We turned and sprinted for Anna’s car. I figured that’d be safer than my truck. Some fans knew what I drove. Most of them gave me my space, but some, like tonight, not so much.

Anna’s car wouldn’t be recognized. We could come back for my truck after the bar folk were gone. When we got to the car she tossed me the keys. “You drive. I had two mai tais.”

I popped the locks, hopped in, and fired up the engine. The tires only squealed a little as we peeled out of the lot.

“Fuck. Anna, I’m sorry.” I checked the rearview mirror. “I don’t think they got your picture.”

She chuckled. “If they did, at least I looked good tonight.”

“Good?” I grinned. “You look so sexy, I almost lost it when I walked in Rojo’s.”

She smoothed her short leather skirt. “I wanted to punish you by dressing hot and not letting you touch me.” She reached over and laid her hand on my thigh. All the blood in my body rushed to my groin. “But apparently I suck at playing games, because a few minutes later, I kissed you in the parking lot.”

I brought one hand off the wheel to rest over hers. “Mind if we go to my place? We need to talk.”

“Talk?” She turned her head my way. “Rock stars only take you to their place for sex.”

“Is that how it goes?” I scoffed. “Apparently I’ve been doing this all wrong.” I squeezed her hand. “Besides, I’m just Logan to you, remember?”

“Fine. I’ll go to your place.” She stared out the window.

I’d never seen Anna buzzed before. So far, she was pretty damned cute.

I parked her car in my garage. After the alcohol wore off, she might not be as cavalier about people labeling her as my girlfriend. When we got inside, she sat on the couch and I went to the fridge.

“Want a beer or soda or anything?”

“Mai tai, please.”

I chuckled. “Can’t help you there. But I do have a bottle of champagne in here. Would that work?”

“I’m not celebrating.”

I took out a beer and the bottle of bubbly. “I don’t think it’s a rule for champagne.”

She looked over her shoulder at me. “Okay, but it doesn’t mean anything.”

I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing and popped the cork. Anna jumped. “Sorry about that.”

She got up and came over to lean on the kitchen bar. “Were you saving it for something?”

“I usually crack it open when we finish recording new music to put online.”

“No new music lately?”

I poured the champagne into a tall flute glass for her and opened my Corona. “We have one more session to polish the last song.” Handing her the glass, I held up my bottle. “Here’s to second chances.”

She didn’t clink my bottle. “I didn’t agree to a second chance. I agreed to come to your place. That’s it.”

“All right.” I raised my bottle again. “Here’s to my place.”

Her face lit up as her glass kissed the neck of my bottle. “I can drink to that.”

We both sipped our drinks in silence. I wanted to talk to her, to tell her everything, or at least part of everything, but how did I start?

It was going to take more than one beer.

I grabbed another beer and brought the bottle of champagne, too. We went to the couch and sat down. My house wasn’t a palatial estate, but it was fenced and quiet. I had a big picture window facing the backyard. All the stars were bright. New moon was tomorrow night. Damian would be a jaguar. At least we thought he would. His scent definitely still had jaguar along with the wolf. Either way, we’d be on high alert.

Shifting my gaze from the window, I stared at Anna’s profile. Would she resent being pulled into my world? Once she learned there were dangers no one could imagine out there, she could never go back. I polished off the rest of my beer and opened the second.

She set her empty glass on the table. “So, I thought we were going to talk.”

“We are.” Another swig. “Just trying to figure out where to start.”

She shifted a little so she was facing me on the sofa. I struggled to keep from staring as her skirt slid even farther up her thigh. Desire was clouding my judgment.

“I wasn’t the only who dressed hot tonight.” She ran a finger down my chest, burning my skin through the thin cotton. “This shirt is so tight, your entire six-pack distracted me while I was singing. Almost missed my cue at the beginning.”

I caught her hand. If it wandered any lower, I’d lose the tenuous hold I had over my self-control. “I wanted to look good, but unlike you, I hoped you’d touch me.”

The sexy smile on her red lips had my heart pounding. “I miss touching you.”

Fuck. Whatever was left of my restraint snapped. I pulled her into my arms, our lips fusing together. My tongue found hers, and I groaned. Her hands pushed my shirt up. Breathless, I broke the kiss just long enough for her to pull it off and toss it away. Her lips were like oxygen. And I needed more.

I laid her back, growling as her fingernails slid down my spine. Her hands moved lower, gripping my ass and pulling my hips in tighter. My fucking jeans needed to be off. Now.

I got to my knees, staring down at her as I unbuttoned my Levis. Her short leather skirt was pushed up, exposing red satin panties that matched her top.

She stared up at me and whispered, “How did you get more handsome? How is that even possible?”

“I was thinking the same thing about you.” My voice was raw, hungry. “You’re sure about this?”

She nodded. “I’ve wanted this since you kissed me during the interview.” I ran my hands up her thighs. Her eyes drifted closed as she whispered, “Maybe then I can get you out of my system.”

Ice cold shower. I froze, brain function returning. “You’ll
be out of my system, Anna. Never.”

“In case you didn’t notice, I’m throwing myself at you.” Her eyes opened, her blissful smile fading away. “You don’t have to lie to me to get me into bed.”

“Shit.” I got up, raking both hands back through my hair. “I’m not lying to you, and if I took you to bed, it’s because I fucking love you, Anna. I have loved you my entire life. You’re it for me. The only woman I’ll ever love.”

“Bullshit.” She got to her feet and into my face. “Damn it, Logan! What did I ever do to make you lie to me? Either let me in, or let me go.” A tear rolled down her cheek, smacking me harder than her hands ever could. “You can’t have it both ways.”

“It’s not that simple.” I went to the window. “Do you remember my Uncle Niko?”

Her voice was soft. “The one who died in jail.”

“He hung himself.”

Softer. “I remember. It was the first time I ever saw you cry.”

I turned around, my chest tight, burning. Anna watched me, compassion in her eyes for the same guy who caused the tears on her cheeks. Me. “I don’t deserve you.”

“You don’t have me, Logan.” She cleared her throat. “You lost me the day you walked away.”

A hot tear escaped the corner of my eye. “I wish I could take it all back.”

“You can’t.” She wiped her nose and crossed her arms around her middle. “But you can try to make it right.”

I pulled in a slow breath. “I knew Niko was going to hang himself. My dad took us to say good-bye.”

Her jaw gaped a little. “What? Why didn’t your dad stop him?”

My pulse raced as I struggled to find the words. Part of me, that same scared kid, trembled in fear that I was betraying my Pack and dishonoring my uncle’s sacrifice, but my dad’s advice reverberated in my subconscious. She’s my Anna first, then a reporter. Just like I was Logan to her, not a rock star.

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