Blue Moon (11 page)

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Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #rock star, #paranormal romance, #Entangled, #shifter, #Select Otherworld, #second chance love, #Paranormal, #werewolves, #latina, #woman in jeopardy, #Lisa Kessler

BOOK: Blue Moon
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Madison may have convinced herself she was helping, but the hidden agenda of matchmaking was tough to miss.

“What am I going to do?” I got up, pacing at the foot of the bed.

“Maybe he could help with the big story… He might be able to find something on Damian Severino for you?”

My best friend stared up at me with hopeful eyes. I sighed, keeping my voice down. “I slept with Logan today.”

Her expression darkened. “And?”

“And what?”

“Do you love him?”

I shrugged. “We need to get to know each other again.”

“That doesn’t answer the question.” She crossed her arms.

I met her gaze. “I wish I could put into words the way I feel when I’m with him. Do I love him? Probably. Am I
love with him? I’m not sure yet. Can I be in a relationship with him again? I don’t know for sure about that, either, but I want to try.”

“After all he’s done…”

I nodded, wishing I could tell her everything. “Yeah.”

Madison got up. “All right. I’ll keep my brother busy, but if he can help you career-wise, you should consider giving him a chance.”

“It’s not fair to him.”

She stopped at the door. “Whatever you’re thinking about his reasons for being here, you’re not one of them.”

“So, you
invite him to distract me from Logan?”

“That was part of it.” She almost smiled. “I just missed my brother. It was wishful thinking that you two might get back together.”

I rolled my eyes as she closed the door behind her. Their muffled voices echoed from the kitchen while I checked my email. I froze when I saw a response from Damian Severino.

My questions about the boarding school were unanswered. Instead, he wrote a cryptic message.

Ms. Lopez –

Brightwood Academy is one of my father’s tax shelters. There’s no story for you there, but if you meet me tonight, I will give you the biggest story of your life. It’s time for it to be told.

D. Severino

Logan’s warning about tonight popped into my head. Jaguar shifters. I emailed him back to ask if we could meet tomorrow.

Within seconds his response hit my email.

Tonight, or we are through talking. Your choice.

My pulse raced, my instincts screaming to chase the story. This was big, it had to be. I glanced at the window. Orange, red, and purple lined the sky. Maybe I could meet him before the new moon actually started.

I emailed him back, offering to meet at Lakeshore Coffee House in fifteen minutes. Again his reply was fast.

I’m working on a new project right now. The soonest I could meet at the coffee house would be 8 p.m.

I drummed my fingers against the keyboard without typing anything. My options were to let the story go and stay inside like Logan suggested, chase down the lead and meet Damian in spite of the moon cycle, or…

“Vivi?” Chandler cracked the door.

I looked up, and an idea formed. Lakeshore Coffee House was ten minutes away, tops, and very public. Plus, I could take Chandler as a backup, just in case. I could get the story and get back home. No harm, no foul… “Hey, Chandler, I have a line on a story.”

A spark lit in his eyes. “What kind of story? Need help chasing the lead?”

“This guy insists on meeting in person.”

“Public place?”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course. I’m not stupid.”

“I didn’t imply that you were.”

“You most definitely did.” I groaned. “I’m not going to debate this, but I’d appreciate you tagging along just in case my lead turns out to be a creeper.”

I’d rather have Logan, but he was…busy tonight. Once I had the story, we’d hustle back here. This would work.

Chandler grinned that well-practiced news anchor smile. “I’d be happy to be your muscle, but I want in on the story.”

“No. I can do this alone.”

His smile faded. “Why do you always have to make everything a competition?”

“I’m not competing. This is

“We could work this together. If it’s big enough, I can get us a meeting with the Times.”

The uncharacteristic desperation in his eyes reminded me of the night I turned down his proposal of marriage. All he’d ever wanted was for us to be a team, and I’d tried, but in my heart, my partner was Logan. I’d never been able to move on.

“Come with me or don’t, but I’m not agreeing to share this one until I know what I’m dealing with.”

“Fine.” His brow furrowed, no hint of a smile. “I’ll go because for some sick reason I still don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” He walked out, glancing at his sister as he passed by. “Great to be back.”

Chapter Thirteen


Watching Anna drive away ate at me. While my wolf had mellowed now that we’d claimed our mate, the human side of me understood how tenuous our relationship really was. I’d told her I loved her, but she still hadn’t said the words to me.

Patience. She’d asked for time. I’d try to give it to her.

Love was a lot to ask for while she was still grappling with the werewolf revelation. How would her impression of me change when she found out I had killed before? Since she’d been gone, Luke and I had learned to fire handguns and rifles with deadly accuracy. We were the go-to team for Adam, our Alpha, when he needed the ranch protected or jaguar shifters hunted.

We were the defenders and enforcers.

When I had a gun in my hand, I was no longer a song writer. This was my darker side, the animalistic side that would protect his family no matter what the cost. And I wasn’t sure Anna was ready to see it.

My cell buzzed in my pocket. I hit the button to answer.

“Hey, Luke.”

“I’m on my way over. Adam has us at the Lake tonight.”

“Yeah. See you soon.”

We’d drive up in Luke’s car. Since a few fans recognized my wheels, we couldn’t go out heavily armed in my truck. I wore my hair tied back, and a ball cap. It wasn’t a great disguise, but it had worked so far, and we usually didn’t patrol near humans anyway.

He pulled in and we got back on the road as the sun was setting.

Luke glanced my way. “You okay?”

“Not really.” I stared out the passenger window.

“Are you up for this tonight?”


He was quiet for a minute. “Is it about Vivi?”

“She saw all the guns and ammo.” I blew out a frustrated sigh. “I didn’t have time to explain myself, and the look on her face…” I shook my head. “Sucks that being with me drags her into danger.”

“Are you guys back together?”

Were we? “I wish I knew.”

“But she doesn’t hate you anymore, right?”

Her sexy smile while we were naked in my bed flashed in my mind. I grinned a little. “No, she doesn’t hate me, but she doesn’t love me yet, either.”

“Sounds like a step in the right direction.”

God, I hoped so.

We parked across the street from Damian’s cabin and waited. Luke had the binoculars, while I rolled my window down, concentrating on the scents outside. If Damian was walking around inside his fence, he might catch my scent, but he had to expect the Pack would be tracking him, since he was on our territory.

We didn’t need the advantage of surprise this time. We wanted him to know we were watching.

“No sign of Damian.” Luke lowered the binoculars.

“I’m not smelling him, either.”

We got out and made our way over to Damian’s compound and around his fence, dodging the rotating security camera on the corner posts. Around the back side, facing Lake Tahoe, a gate was ajar. Luke gestured to it, and I nodded. We were going in.

I ran to the right side, and stopped with my back to the fence. Luke did the same on the left. I gave him the thumbs up sign. While we waited for the cameras to turn away, voices came from inside.

“Damian’s already gone.”

“Fuck. He agreed with me that we needed to stay on the compound tonight.”

The other voice answered. “He changes his mind often these days.”

“It’s going to put us all at risk.”

I glanced at my brother. He nodded letting me know he heard them, too. Their scent was definitely jaguar. Damian had brought Nero assassins with him. Fuck. Adrenaline invaded my bloodstream. I slid my phone out and sent a text to Adam.

There are at least two jaguar shifters here inside Damian’s compound. Damian is gone.

I waited. Across from me, at the side of the gate, Luke gestured he was going to keep moving.

On the other side of the fence, one of the men groaned. Wet popping sounds followed. They were shifting. Shit. My phone vibrated. Text from Adam.

Gareth and Nadya are on their way up to track Damian. Keep watch on the place and don’t let those other jaguars get out.

I’d need to get that gate closed. Once they finished shifting, the cats would have the advantage over me in my human form. But if I moved too soon, while they were still human enough to call out, my cover would be blown.

Another text came up, from Luke this time.

All the way around the house. No sign of Damian or more jaguars. There is a human inside the cabin. Looks to be cleaning.

My fingers flew across the glass screen.

Adam’s sending backup to look for Damian. We wait here and make sure these two jaguars stay in their cage.

A second passed.

On my way back to you.

Inside the fence, a cat chuffed, and agonized moaning continued. I crept forward, reaching for the gate. A huge black paw with sharp claws lunged through the opening. Pain heightened my senses, but I didn’t have time to think, just
. I grabbed the lethal limb as my brother appeared at my side.

“Close the damn gate,” I growled.

Luke shoved, hard, slamming the wrought iron against the jaguar’s paw over and over while the cat roared in pain and frustration. Finally, it pulled back, and the lock on the gate clicked and engaged. My pulse pounded in my ears as Luke came closer.

“Shit. You’re bleeding.”

I looked down at my left arm. Blood dripped from my fingertips. I lifted my arm and found four cuts right through my leather jacket and my skin underneath. “Damn it.”

Luke was at my side. “We’ve got to stop the bleeding.”

I pulled my jacket off, grinding my teeth as my sleeve grazed the tender wound. The cuts were deep. I flexed and contracted my fingers. The tendons were still intact.

“Get your shirt off. I can tie it around your arm until we can get you to Jason.” Our Pack doctor could fix this. We couldn’t risk a hospital taking a blood sample and finding the abnormality in our DNA.

I growled as he helped me tug my shirt free. Luke folded it over and over lengthwise and met my eyes. “This is going to hurt like hell. Ready?”

I nodded, bracing myself, and he tied that fucking thing so tight, stars lit on the edge of my vision. Sweat broke out on my brow.

“Sorry. The pressure should stop the bleeding.”

“Thanks.” I clenched my jaw, not trusting myself to stay quiet. Inside the fence, jungle cats growled and paced, the scent of my blood no doubt enticing them to penetrate the barrier between us.

My phone buzzed. Text from Adam.


Adam was out watching over his mate, Lana. She shifted into a jaguar tonight, too, but unlike our friends on the other side of the fence, she didn’t want to harm anyone. Adam made sure she stayed away from humans just in case, but being forced to lead his Pack remotely bugged him.

I handed my phone to Luke. “I don’t want to get blood on it.”

He took my cell and sent a text back.

Jaguars have shifted, but the gate is closed. They should be confined inside for the night.

He gave it back to me, and it pinged almost instantly.

Good. Get to Lakeshore Plaza. Gareth is tracking Damian, and he’s headed for the strip mall.

Cradling my injured arm, I tipped my head toward the car. “We need to help Gareth and Nadya. Damian’s hunting around the humans.”

We didn’t hesitate, we ran.

Chapter Fourteen


Chandler held the door, and I stepped inside. Lakeshore Coffee House was busy tonight. Some people chatted in the corner by the dormant fireplace, while a few others worked solo over laptop computers. In the winter months, the roaring fire attracted people like ants to honey
but we were heading into summer now, and the patrons spread out, even sitting on the outdoor patio out front.

I scanned the room. During the Masquerade, Damian Severino had been dressed as the Phantom of the Opera with the white half mask covering most of his face, but I thought I’d still recognize him. He had a solid frame, a handsome strong jaw, and a cultured smile.

No one here fit the bill. But he should’ve recognized me, too, so either way we’d connect once he got here.

Chandler came up beside me. “Maybe he’s running late. It’s only five after eight.”

I nodded, but I couldn’t shake the edgy panic on the fringe of my awareness. A voice inside kept saying I shouldn’t be here. Logan warned me about the danger.

But the rational part of me was convinced. With a werewolf Pack out there hunting, and the threat of police intervention, no jaguar shapeshifter would come to such a public place. We could get the information and get home.

I ordered a hot chocolate and Chandler got a black coffee. He smiled over at me. “Still no love for coffee?”

I shook my head. “Nah, why have bitter and gross when I can have sweet and delicious?”

He chuckled and started to reply when a scream silenced all conversation.

We turned as a gigantic black cat burst through the front window and into the center of the coffee shop. My jaw slackened—shock and disbelief froze me in place. Glass rained all over the room as my heart hammered in my chest.

“Holy shit!” Chandler grabbed my wrist to pull me backward.

I stumbled, the near fall snapping me back to my senses. Adrenaline swamped my bloodstream until my hands trembled. “Where did that thing come from?”

But I already knew.

The jaguar snarled, exposing dangerous, pointed teeth. His nails scratched on the hardwood floor as he stalked the room, his large head swiveling…until his gaze locked on mine.

I stopped where I stood, staring into the dark eyes. This cat wasn’t the gorgeous sleek hunter you saw in pictures on the internet. Scar tissue broke through his smooth coat in places, and his head was misshapen on one side.

Could Damian Severino be one of those jaguars Logan was hunting? I forced myself to look at the other patrons and prayed someone had managed to call 911.

The predator came closer, and Chandler slid his arm around my waist. “We need to get out of here. Move slowly.”

We started to take a step backward, and I wished like hell I’d asked Logan more questions. Could a shifter understand us in animal form? Could they think rationally?

Suddenly a cell phone camera flashed, and all hell broke loose.

The cat spun around and leaped onto the man with the phone, teeth ripping his throat out with deadly ease. Blood pooled on the floor, pumping out of the man so fast, he was dead in seconds.

Screams deafened me as people scrambled for the doors. One woman was trampled, while the jaguar swiped his massive paw at two people trying to race by. He caught one across her side. She fell, pressing her hand to the wound as blood seeped through her fingertips. My brain stuttered for a moment, not believing the carnage I was seeing.

This was real. Werewolves, jaguars…there were people in this world who turned into animals. Shit.

I broke free of Chandler and ran to help the injured. The cat spun around, pursuing another group of fleeing people. I took advantage of his distraction, grabbed a washcloth from the coffee counter, and dashed to the fallen woman.

“We have to stop the bleeding.”

She nodded, face pale with shock. I pressed the makeshift compress over the wound, praying it would work. My first aid training consisted of badges I earned in Girl Scouts, but for now I was the best hope she had.

“Vivi, I called 911. An ambulance is on the way. We need to get out of here.” Chandler crouched beside me and took my hand until I met his eyes. “You’ve done all you can for her.”

My eyes widened. “We can’t leave her here.”

“You saw what happened to that man over there. I’m trying to keep it from happening to us.”

I shook my head. “She can’t defend herself.”


Behind him, the cat turned and walked toward us. Blood stained his white teeth, and his tail switched back and forth. The big cat was agitated and hungry.

The distinctive sound of a shotgun slide caught all of our attention.

Filling the entire doorway with his broad shoulders was Logan, his weapon aimed directly at the jaguar. “Get the
away from her.”

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