Blissful Surrender (27 page)

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Authors: Bj Harvey,Jennifer Roberts-Hall

BOOK: Blissful Surrender
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Rico clears his throat to get my attention. “Sam, Sean has asked me to give you away today. Would you let me have the honor?”

I smile before rushing over to him and hugging him. “Of course, Rico. It’s perfect. My two best friends walking me down the aisle to the man I love.”

“Oh, God, that’s done it. Now I’m going to look like a drowned raccoon. Thanks a lot, babe!” Helen pipes up behind us, her voice cracking.

Five minutes later, Helen’s makeup is restored to its previous pristine condition and Rico opens the door, leading us down the corridor and up the stairs to the rooftop.

As we pause at the top of the stairs, I hear the murmured voices of people talking, then a sudden silence just before the music starts playing. Helen gives me a long stare full of unspoken words of support and love, before kissing my cheek and whispering, “Twenty-five percent of people don’t have sex on their wedding night. Buck the trend,” in my ear. I burst out laughing as she winks at me, then spins around and disappears from view as she walks down the aisle.

I take a deep breath and feel Rico gently squeeze my hand reassuringly as the wedding march starts to play.

“This is it, baby girl. Time to marry your man.”

And that is all the words I need to hear as Rico and I step forward around the corner and I lock eyes with my beautiful man dressed in the most stunning tux I have ever seen.

I’m marrying the man I love, the only man I’ve ever loved. The only man who has seen the real me and who has taught me to embrace it.

The only man who has ever been it for me.


The music starts and my eyes are riveted to the open rooftop door, waiting for the first glimpse of the woman who will become my wife.

Helen has already walked down the aisle and beamed at me, her gorgeous, forest-green dress skimming the floor as she walks to the side of the celebrant and turns to face the crowd.

Then my heart literally stops beating in my chest as I see a wave of white satin flash through the door.

“Wow,” I hear Ryan murmur beside me but I dare not look away, I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. I’m too mesmerized by the vision walking toward me. She looks stunning … no, she looks exquisite, delectable, beautiful. My feet itch to meet her halfway down the aisle just to make sure she gets here faster.

I’ve battled her, I’ve pushed, provoked and fought for her, and I know in this moment I’ll continue to fight for her until my dying day. I’ll love and protect her, shield and support her, and wake up every morning knowing that I’m the luckiest son of a bitch to have her.

My Sammy.

My Blissful Surrender.


The End


Next up Dr Noah Taylor aka The Walking Dildo and his story in

Finding Bliss – Fall 2014



Coming July 2014

Crave by BJ Harvey


I have a craving.


A dark urge that I’ve failed to resist despite years of trying to do that very thing.


I’ve forced myself to hide behind a mask, a perfect orchestration to hide my true self.


After I met her, my wants and needs, my inner most desires changed.


She encouraged me to embrace who I truly am, and she was willing to do anything and everything I wanted, giving herself to satisfy my most carnal appetite.


Then everything in my carefully managed world came crashing down around me. A moment in time, a loss of control, and the very thing I cherish was nearly taken from me.


My fate now lies in her hands.


The very life I’ve built for myself…everything I’ve ever done now waits in purgatory, all caused by a lack of focus at a time when my most concentrated attention was needed.


The very thing I crave may now be the very end of me.



Indie Author hailing from the most beautiful country in the world, New Zealand.


Avid reader, television watcher, and facebooker. Having been writing off and on for a long time but started writing fiction in 2012. I love music too, like REALLY love music, if there isn't music playing, something is wrong. And it’s a wide range of music too, I might surprise you.


I'm a wife to one husband, mother of two gorgeous girls, self-employed doing communications and business consulting as well as studying accounting full time.


Addicted to energy drinks, chocolate, cronuts, Vampire Diaries and pickles with mustard


BJ Harvey loves to hear from her readers.


You can connect with her on:
















Even after six books, these are still just as nerve-wracking and difficult to write. Not because I don’t know who to thank, it’s more a case of not having enough mind power left to remember everybody.


To my editor Jenn
. I love you for continuing to put up with me after so long. You love me despite me being late, making late changes, having last minute ideas that HAVE to be included, the list goes on. Thank you for being you.


To my proof reader Claire
. You save my neck and my reputation often. I love you hard. May you never get sick of me.


To Cris
, you’re another person that still puts up with me and my crazy ways. I hope this year brings you everything you’ve ever wished for. I do not know anyone else who deserves it more than you xxx ooo.


To my beta readers Nikki, Jen, Karen & Christina
. You girls rock. You never fail me and you don’t complain when I send, then resend, and sometimes, send again just to be sure.


To Kate “the beutch” McCarthy
. Thanks for not making me think I’m crazy and sharing in my rants, my worries and my successes. I love having someone to share this with who knows the ins and outs of the industry and is experiencing them at the same time I am.


To the Harlots
, I love you girls. You’re always supporting me in every which way you can and I love that you put up with my constant teasing. Hopefully the wait for Sean was worth it.


To Kristy, Ilsa, Lila, Simone, Stephanie, Rebecca, Julie, Stacey & Nicky
. Love you girls for your pep talks, your willingness to read my work and share your own with me, to brainstorm with me when I’m stuck, and even the occasional threat to fly down and hunt me down. For your dirty late night discussions, and your friendship, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


To Sugar Plum
, my constant motivational coach who never lets me give up. I love you to the moon and back.


And to the readers
. Thank you for sticking by me and loving my Bliss men. I love hearing that you still love Daniel, and that Zander still does it for you and I’ve especially loved hearing that Sean may steal your heart.



 Born into a life of privilege and secrets, Nora Blakely has everything any nineteen-year-old girl could desire. She's an accomplished pianist, a Texas beauty queen, and on her way to Princeton after high school. She's perfect. Or is she?


Leaving behind her million-dollar mansion and Jimmy Choos, she changes the course of her life, becoming a girl hell-bent on pushing the limits with alcohol, drugs, and meaningless sex.


Then through a chance encounter, she meets her soulmate. But he doesn't want her.


When it comes to girls, twenty-five-year-old Leo Tate has one rule: never fall in love. His gym and his brother are all he cares about...until he meets Nora. He resists the pull of their attraction, hung up on their six year age difference.


As they struggle to stay away from each other, secrets will be revealed, tempers will flare, and hearts will be broken.


Welcome to Briarcrest Academy...where sometimes, the best things in life are Very Bad Things.


Very Bad Things is a complete standalone novel without a cliffhanger.


Ilsa’s website:





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