Black Lies White Lies (25 page)

Read Black Lies White Lies Online

Authors: Dranda Laster

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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I called Aunt Sally to check on the date. “Hey, Candice, how have you been? Haven’t heard from you in a while.”

“I’ve been ok. Just wanted to talk to you about your wedding date. Congratulations to you by the way, Aunt Sally. It’s about time.”

She laughed, “That’s what I keep hearing.”

“I wanted to give you and Uncle Tee a surprise wedding gift.”

“Candice, don’t go through a whole lot of trouble, we have everything we need.”

“I know that, Aunt Sally, I just want to show you how exceptional you are to me.”

“I already know, Candice.”

“Well, let me do this anyway, it will make me feel better. Sabrina’s sending you on a honeymoon trip, Sandra’s paying for the wedding. I’m going to buy you a new house, right there in Brownsville.”

“No, Candice, you can’t do that. It’s too much.”

“Nothing is too much for you and Uncle Tee. I know you love where you are, but this will be nicer. I know how Uncle Tee likes to tinker in his garage, so he will have one of those. I’ve already talked to the realtor, so don’t worry about a thing it’s being taken care of.”

“You girls are too much. This is a dream come true.”

“I’m just glad you’re happy about it. Aunt Sally, there is something else I would like to talk to you about.”

“Anything, Candice. What’s on your mind?”

“I know you know who my father is. I don’t want you to be upset with anyone for telling me. I think I knew all along, but I wanted to think otherwise.”

“Baby, I never should have opened that can of worms.”

“It’s ok, Aunt Sally. I’m glad I know. But James Robinson will always be my father. Daddy doesn’t know that I know, so just let me break the news myself.”

“Your father will be upset that you know.”

“There have been too many secrets. It’s time we let them all go. When is the wedding, Aunt Sally?”

“October 5
, it’s Tee’s birthday. I figure he’s less likely to forget that way.”

“That’s clever,” we laughed. “I’ll see you then.”

“Talk to you later.” October was only a few weeks away; I had to get that realtor on the job. I wanted make sure Aunt Sally’s house was squared away when she got back from her honeymoon.

It was time I got my own wedding together. Lucy had one of her top designers working on my dress. I needed to go in for a fitting since I was going to have a little extra waist line. I had called Caroline Stetson, one of the best wedding planners in New York. She was coming over this weekend to go over the details.

Ashton stayed at his apartment for a few days, trying to come to grips with what had happened. We were meeting up for dinner at the Pines. I just wanted him to snap out of his blues, but I was determined to give him as much time as he needed.

At work today Brenda had been up in arms about Lance’s visit. I still hadn’t let it go. It had only been a few months ago when Lance had told me how he loved me. I wanted to talk to Lance, but I didn’t want to come between him and Brenda. They were both my friends. I picked up my phone and called him. “Hello, Candice.”

“How did you know it was me?”

“I have your number in my phone, remember?”

“Brenda tells me your coming to New York this weekend.”

“Yes, when I was there last, we hit it off. Look, Candice, I know you and Brenda are friends, so if it’s going to be a problem…”

“Oh no, it’s not a problem, I just wanted to talk to you.”

“How’s the wedding going?”

I was shocked he knew, but I guess Brenda had told him about it. “Things are going well. Aunt Sally’s getting married.”

“That’s what my mom told me. It’s about time they got married.”

“That’s what I told her.” This was awkward.

“By the way, I checked on your father the last time I was in Brownsville.”

“Thank you so much. He’s going to live in Memphis with Bryan and Sandra. Daddy wants to spend as much time with his grandkids as possible.”

“That’s what he said. He said Bryan found him a job. I’m glad for Buck, he deserves a break. Maybe it will change some of his habits.”

“I think living there with Bryan might just rub off.”

“Your father is a terrific man. He just needs the love of his family.”

“You’re right Lance.” Everybody needed and deserves love, I thought.

“Tell me, how do you feel about Brenda and me getting married?”

“What?! You’re moving a bit fast, don’t you think? If this is about me and you…”

“What makes you think this is about you at all?”

“Lance, it was only a few months ago you told me you loved me.”

“And that hasn’t changed, but the facts are you’re going to marry that Williams guy.”

“So you’re using Brenda to get over me?”

“Candice, I know you would like to think that, but it’s not true. I have feelings for Brenda. She is fun loving, intensely honest and a beautiful woman. I don’t think I’ve met anyone like her. So you see, Candice, it’s not about you at all. I think I’m falling in love with her. Being with her makes me feel like a new man.”

“Lance, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything.”

“It’s ok, Candice, she is your friend and you were concerned.”

“That’s right, you’re both my friends and I just want the best for both of you.”

“I wish you all the happiest this life has for you, Candice. I better get off here. I have an early flight tomorrow. I’m meeting with Maxwell and your fiancé, Ashton.”

“What about?”

“I’m going to sign the final contracts. This is a multimillion dollar deal and I want to be awake.”

“I'm glad you found someone, Lance. I’m glad things are going well for you.”

“Me, too. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Lance. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.” That was a hurtful and happy moment. I was losing my first love to my best friend.

I heard Ashton’s key in the lock. “Hey, Babe, are you ready to go? Our reservations are for 8:30.”

“Just give me a few minutes,” he kissed me. “I’m going to shower and change.” He was in a better mood, thank God.

It was only 6:00, so we had plenty of time. He came out of the shower smelling and looking fabulous. “What about quickie, you in the mood?”

“Of course, Darling,” I smiled, “you look good enough to eat.”

He pulled up my skirt, slid down my panties and we went to it. He grabbed a handful of my hair and gave me the best pleasure. I’ve always thought quickies were the best sex. Breathing hard I heard him say, “Candice, you know what? It is true what they say.”


“Pregnant pussy is the best.” We started laughing. We took a quick shower and headed to dinner.

After dinner, Ashton wanted a drink so we stopped at the corner jazz bar and grabbed a table. The sax was playing, it sounded mellow. “You know, Candice, my real father was a sax player. Marbella told me all about how they met. Let me rephrase, my mother told me. That’s going to take me some getting used to.” He was staring at the sax player.

The waiter came over to our table, “I’ll have a scotch and a cranberry juice for the lady.”

We sat listening for a few minutes. “Candice, my whole life has been a lie. The two people that took care of me lied to me. I know they say it was for me, but I’m having a hard time with that.”

“Ashton, times were different then.”

“That’s what they keep telling me. It was back then. We lived in a different world.”

“I’m sure they both love you and wanted the best.”

“Marbella, I mean my mother, had pictures of my father. He was a very handsome man and I do look like him. I knew something was different about me, the way Marbella always was there. She was there for me more than Sofia, and now I know why.

“I always wondered why my mother never seemed to have a life outside the house. It seemed like she was more the maid than Sofia’s friend. She always waited on her hand and foot. She even took care of Victor and
treated her like a maid. If I’d known she was my mother, I would have put him in his place.”

Victor, the smug bastard, I’m sure he did, I thought. “I want my mother away from Sofia, away from that house. I want her to live what life she has left. When I spoke to Father, he said that Marbella was always waiting on Sofia. He left Sofia because of the way she treated him and tried to convince Mother to leave.”

I wasn’t going to get into that, I thought. I would let her tell him if she wanted. “He knew all the time that I wasn’t his son. But he said he loved me in spite of that. There was one other thing he told me, he said he was in love with Marbella. He said that she didn’t want to hurt Sofia so they never acted upon it. Sofia is a mean spiteful bitch for cheating my mother out of her life.”

“Ashton, you have to let it go. What’s done is done. Marbella can leave whenever she wants, but she chooses to stay.”

“I’m going to make sure she leaves, even if she has to stay with us.”

“Let her choose, Ashton. Don’t do the same thing Sofia did.”

He looked at me, surprised. “You’re right. She’s put up with enough.” We finished our drinks and listened to the jazz music. “I wished I had known, Nathaniel Parker, my father.”

The band on stage started to play
In a Sentimental Mood
, and Ashton asked me to dance. He took my hand and pulled me close as we started moving slowly to the beat of the music. He whispered in my ear, “I love you, Mrs. Parker.” I could feel his tears as they touched my cheek. He was in a place only he knew, torn between two women.

Chapter 22

October 4th, the day before Aunt Sally’s wedding, Ashton and I flew to Memphis. I was anxious for him to meet my family for the first time. I had talked to Sandra and we would be driving down to Brownsville with them.

Sabrina picked us up from the airport, all dolled up as usual, “Hey, Guys, how was your flight?”

“It was ok. Ashton, this is Sabrina.”

“Nice to meet you. I have heard only pleasant things about you.”

“I just bet you have,” she laughed. “Anthony is in Dallas and won’t be here until tomorrow.”

“I’m glad to hear he’s doing better. I know how he loves the game.”

“He’s back playing ball. It was touch and go for a while, but I knew he could do it. We’re going to Sandra’s. She has been talking about this for a month. Daddy is there too. He’s been living with them for about two weeks now. He works with Bryan down at the church. He’s doing remarkably well, Candice.”

“I’m so happy to hear that. Maybe he just needed a change. I’m just glad we can all be together.”

“I think he did need a change. They are going to start chemo next month. But it’s under control. He has the best cancer doctors in Memphis.”

“I just can’t wait to see him.” We finally got to Sandra’s. Her house was incredible. It was a mansion. Why did they have a house this large? I would get lonely in there.

The housekeeper walked us to the outside, where Daddy and Sandra were. “Hey, you Guys,” she came and hugged us. “I’ve been waiting for you to get here.”

“Well, we are finally here. This is Ashton, my fiancé.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Ashton. This is our Father, Buck.”

Daddy looked surprised, “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Young Man. So you’re the guy that’s taking my little girl away?” Ashton didn’t know what to say. “I’m just joking. Welcome, Son, welcome to the family.”

“Thank you, Sir. I’m glad to meet you.”

“Daddy, you’re looking fit. It looks as if you have gained weight.”

“I have. The doctors put me on this special diet.”

“You could stand to gain some weight, Daddy.”

“I’m not the only one who's put on weight, Baby Girl. When I saw you at Sally’s you were a little thin.”

“Yes, that’s right, Daddy. I’m pregnant.”

“You’re pregnant? That’s the first time hearing that. I can’t believe Ole Big Mouth didn’t let the cat out of the bag.”

“Don’t look at me,” Sabrina laughed. “You know he’s talking about you, Sandra.”

“Don’t be mad, Daddy, I told them to let me tell you.”

“Well congratulations you two! I’m going to be a grandfather again.”

“Thanks, Daddy. Ashton treats me well and makes extremely happy.”

“Let’s go in the house everybody. I had food prepared so I hope you’re hungry.”

“Sandra, where is Bryan?”

“He’s at the church. He will be home soon.”

The food looked terrific. “Sandra, this is quite a spread.”

“I’ve been cooking all day,” she laughed.

“You know you better laugh because you did not cook this food.”

“Sabrina, you’re one to talk, at least I can cook. Candice, have you learned to cook yet?”

“I dabble a little here and there, nothing to complicated though.”

“Babe, how come you never cook for me, we just order or eat out?”

“Candice, you mean to tell me you never cook for this man?”

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