Baumgartner Generations: Henry (11 page)

Read Baumgartner Generations: Henry Online

Authors: Selena Kitt

Tags: #Fiction - Adult, #Romance - Adult, #sex, #romance, #erotic, #erotic romance

BOOK: Baumgartner Generations: Henry
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Libby had
entered into the whole situation stiffly, all business-like, but the longer the
kiss went on, the softer she became, until she was practically melting against
her roommate, making soft noises in her throat. Seeing her like that, her tiny nipples
visibly hard under her bra, her hair wet and sticking to her shoulders, eyelids
fluttering, made him want her more than he ever had.

“Hey,” Libby
murmured, breaking the kiss when Elaine’s hand moved toward one of Libby’s
little breasts. Elaine’s face was red, although it was hard to tell if that was
from the hot tub, the alcohol or the kiss—or maybe a combination of all three. The
girls went back to their original positions, both of them flushed.

“Is it hot
in here?” Henry croaked. He was fully hard now and glad the water was opaque,
whirling around them in heated waves, because goddamned if Elaine’s hand wasn’t
back on his dick. He bit his lip, trying to keep from reacting, as she rubbed
the head with her thumb.

Truth or Dare?” Libby took the bottle from Dean and handed it across the water
to her roommate.

Elaine stuck
her tongue out, drinking only once. “Dare.”

“I dare you…”
Libby considered, a small smile playing on her lips. “I dare you to take off
your bra.”

Elaine protested, her face reddening even more, but she stood, and again,
Henry’s cock protested, but perked up as he watched her reaching back to do the
clasps. Henry grabbed her hips when she stumbled on one of the steps, catching
her before she fell.

she breathed, turning back to him. She was practically in his lap now and her
breath smelled like alcohol. “Will you help me?”

“Uh…” He
considered her question, glancing at Libby, whose face was impassive, and then at

“What’s the
matter, Henry? Don’t know how to undo a bra?” his roommate taunted.

Henry did it
one-handed, undoing the two hook and eyes quickly. Elaine pulled the straps
down, standing up and swinging her bra around her head before letting it go. Dean
whooped appreciatively and Henry couldn’t help but stare at the soft swell of
her breasts—she was much bustier than Libby—as she settled herself beside him,
the nipples dark, dark pink and decidedly hard. They made his mouth water.

As if she
could read his thoughts, Elaine turned her gaze toward him, and returned her
hand to its previous employment. Henry shifted, giving her better access. She
smiled, still pretending nothing was happening, nothing at all.

Elaine reached across with the bottle, handing it back to her roommate, and
Henry had a feeling it was time for some payback. “Truth or Dare?”

Libby opened the bottle, grimacing as she took first one swig, then another. He
should have been thinking of Libby, and in truth, he was. But Elaine’s hand was
moving, tugging, twisting, and generally making it impossible to forget she was
sitting next to him half-naked.

Then Elaine
leaned forward, eyes bright. “When was the last time you masturbated, where
were you, and what were you fantasizing about when you did it?”

Libby gaped
at her. “Isn’t that, like, three questions?”

“Do you want
a dare?” Dean countered.

Henry turned
his head back and forth between them, trying to decipher what was going on. It
wasn’t easy to do with Elaine’s hand wrapped around his cock.

crossed her arms and snapped, “Three days ago. In the shower. Brad Pitt.”

“Brad Pitt?”
Henry snorted. “Really?” He couldn’t help it. Although the thought of Libby
masturbating made his cock swell in Elaine’s greedy hand.

“Okay, no,
not really.” She smiled in spite of herself. “But I’m not telling you who I was
thinking about.”

Dean scanned
her face, speculative. “She didn’t ask
she asked

“Fine, but
it’s really boring.” Libby was blushing in spite of her protest. It just made
Henry want her more. “I was just fantasizing about…sex in the shower.”

“What kind
of sex?” Dean asked. “Oral sex? Intercourse? Inquiring minds want to know…”

Okay, it was
true, Henry did want to know. But he didn’t want Dean to know.

“Isn’t it my
turn?” Libby asked, handing Dean the bottle. “Dean. Truth or Dare?”

“Dare.” He
took one swig, but it was a long one.

Really?” Libby frowned, slowly examining the room. Finally, her gaze fell on
her roommate. “I dare you…to kiss Elaine.”

Elaine was
surprised out of her preoccupation between Henry’s thighs as Dean moved through
the water with the speed of a viper, grabbing and tongue-kissing her. Henry
heard Elaine protest before Dean’s mouth covered hers and Henry didn’t know if
Libby saw it from where she was sitting, but Dean’s hand was squeezing Elaine’s
bare breast, twisting her nipple.

Elaine protested, but Dean was back over on the other side of the tub in a
flash. Elaine settled herself back next to Henry, still breathless, and he slipped
a protective arm around her bare waist. She wedged herself closer still, and
she rewarded him by reaching right back down to grab his cock, as if it was a
steel bar and her hand a soft, velvet magnet.

Dean handed the bottle to her. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” She
started to take her two sips.

Dean cocked
his head at her, eyes narrowing, and asked, “Why were you fired from the paper
for last year?”

gasped, still on her last swig of alcohol, choking out, “I meant Dare!”

“Okay,” he
agreed, leaning back. “I dare you to strip naked.”

“Come on,”
Libby protested, eyes flashing.

shrugged. “Okay, you can answer the Truth.”

Libby stood
defiantly, reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra. Henry thought he saw
her chin quiver. The alcohol was making his blood warm, the world hazy, but
even drunk and incredibly horny, he knew this was getting out of hand.

“You don’t
have to,” Henry said, but Libby waved him away, sliding her bra straps down and
tossing it to the side of the tub. After that, he couldn’t speak or even think,
and wouldn’t have protested again even if he could have. She was just too
beautiful for him to comprehend, more beautiful than he’d imagined and yet just
as he’d dreamed.

When she
took her panties off, tossing those aside, too, he glimpsed a thrilling view of
a triangle of naturally red pubic hair before she sat, sinking under the cover
of the water, arms across her chest.

Libby handed him the bottle and her fingers brushed his. Maybe even
intentionally, he thought, because they lingered there too long, as did her
gaze on him. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” He
would have told her anything. Anything at all. He took two swigs of alcohol,
his head swimming.

She smiled,
and it was clearly just for him. “Blondes, brunettes, or redheads?”

he assured her, and seeing the way her eyes brightened at his response made his
cock harder than it had been all night.

“Hey!” Beside
him, Elaine protested, punching him in the shoulder. She did that with the hand
not busy under his boxers. It was more annoying than painful, and he turned his
attention reluctantly back to the girl he was supposed to be out on a date

“Elaine.” He
handed her the Jack Daniels. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” She
took two greedy pulls on the bottle, eyes bright.

He couldn’t
think of anything, so he asked the first question that came to his mind when he
thought of Elaine. “Team Edward or Team Jacob?”

She laughed.
“Are you kidding me? Team Jacob, all the way.” Turning, she handed the bottle
over. “Dean. Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” He
took two very long drinks. The bottle was now half-gone.

“Who was the
last girl you had sex with?” Elaine asked and Henry felt her fingernails again,
tickling his balls this time. He glanced over at Dean, realizing his roommate was
caught. He was going to have to admit it, unless he switched to a Dare.
Although Henry secretly hoped he wouldn’t. Considering the direction the game
had gone tonight, he didn’t want to imagine what Elaine might dare him to do.

Kline,” Dean confessed.

“Hey, she’s
in my psych class!” Elaine was getting very drunk, very fast, already starting
to slur her words. “When?”

“You didn’t
ask me that.” Dean’s teeth flashed as he handed her back the bottle. “Elaine.
Truth or Dare.”

“Truth.” She
took two drinks, her eyes glazed.

Dean moved
in for the kill. “Why did your boyfriend break up with you?”

“No,” Libby
protested, glaring at Dean.

Elaine changed her mind, shaking her head. “I’ll take a Dare.”

“Okay…I dare
you to…” Dean studied the room, first Libby, who continued to glare at him,
then Henry and Elaine. Making up his mind, he looked at his roommate as he
said, “I dare you to give Henry a blowjob. While we all watch.”

“Uh…no.” Henry
was already protesting, moving away from the girl beside him. “I don’t think

“Oh come on,
Henry.” Dean waggled his eyebrows. “You know you get off on being watched.”

“Hey…” Henry
gave him a dirty look, but Elaine was moving toward him, her hand already up under
his boxers. He gulped, meeting her bleary eyes. “You don’t have to.”

turned, sticking her tongue out at Dean. “I’m not doing this because you dared
me to.”

And then she
was on him, pushing Henry back so he was sitting on the edge of the tub and
climbing into his lap, her hand still in his boxers.


Henry heard
Libby protest and knew it was a bad idea, that he needed to stop this, right
now. But Elaine was crawling all over him, and although she was tiny, it felt
like the girl had a thousand hands. Once she had his boxers down and his cock in
her mouth, it was all over. He hadn’t jerked off in…hell, he didn’t know how
long. A week at least. And he was aching to come after all Elaine’s
attention—that, coupled with their suggestive game of Truth or Dare and sitting
in the hot tub with two naked girls, was his downfall.

He didn’t
stand a chance.

That’s all he managed as Elaine stroked his shaft, her mouth and tongue like
slick, hot silk up and down his cock. She sucked him fast and hard, her bare
breasts rubbing up against him. He could feel her hard nipples brushing against
his thighs as she worked his dick in and out of her hot little mouth. He
glanced down at her wet, blonde head, her big, blue eyes tilted up at him, and
groaned. No way. He was going to come in her mouth. Just like that. He couldn’t
stop anything now.

“Oh fuck.”
He closed his eyes, grimacing, his balls drawn up tight, and when she cupped
them, her fingernails lightly raking there as if she could coax his cum out
with the motion, he gave her just what she was looking for.

groaned, his hips bucking, spilling his cum into her greedy mouth. He knew
there would be a lot and he heard her gag, but he couldn’t stop thrusting. Her
mouth felt so fucking good! He grabbed her hair and she whimpered a protest as
he shuddered and shoved himself in deeper, wanting more of her tongue, that
sweet, lashing, pink tongue.

Henry gasped, the first bit of awareness coming back to him. He heard Dean
swearing, saying something about the hot tub.

“Why didn’t
you swallow it?” Dean swore again and Henry lifted his head to see him standing
behind Elaine. “They’re supposed to test the water tomorrow!”

half-sat up on his elbows, seeing his waning cock, trapped by the elastic edge
of his boxers, and Elaine’s wet face, covered and dripping with his cum.

“I couldn’t
swallow it all,” Elaine panted, wiping her chin with the back of her hand. “It
was too much!”

That’s when
Henry realized he couldn’t see Libby. He heard something behind him, a
shuffling sound, and when he glanced back, he saw her almost fully dressed,
pulling on her jacket.

“Hey.” Henry
sat fully now, shoving himself back into his boxers and standing. He glanced
back once guiltily at Elaine, but he couldn’t just let Libby go. “Wait. Libby,

She didn’t
look back as she opened the French doors and went through them. He swore,
grabbing his clothes and going after her, not thinking twice, but stopping
every few steps to pull something else on—jeans, shirt, shoes. He shoved his
socks in his jacket pocket as he shrugged it on, hurrying out of the front door
of the frat house.

She was
already almost to the end of the block.

“Libby!” He
called after her, breaking into a run. His phone rang in his jeans pocket and
he swore again, pulling it out, sure it was Dean.

It was his
mother. He shoved it back into his pocket, still running toward Libby, almost
there now. She was walking fast, but she was only walking.

“Libby!” He
grabbed her arm, whirling her around. “I’m sorry. Libby, I’m so sorry.”

She waved him away, turning and starting to walk again.

“I’m drunk.”
Some excuse, he thought, glancing over at her. Her head was down, her wet hair
stuck to her cheeks. “It was stupid. I didn’t...”

“Henry.” She
stopped. “Just don’t.” She blinked at him, her mouth working, as if she was
looking for something to say. “I should never have…” Her voice trailed off and
her eyes looked wet in the moonlight. “Let’s just forget tonight, okay?”

“But—” His
phone rang again and he dug it out of his pocket and flipped it open. His
mother again. Damnit.

“You should
answer that.” She turned and started walking again. “See you around, Henry.”

He took a
deep breath, turning from Libby as she walked away and answered his phone.


“Henry!” His
mother’s concerned voice came through the phone so loudly he held it away from
his ear. “Are you okay?”

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