Bare Naked: Naked Cowboys, Book 4 (5 page)

BOOK: Bare Naked: Naked Cowboys, Book 4
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And her body… Holy hell.

Lying on the ancient cot in the barn at night, exhausted from the hard work, she was the only thing on his mind. As he tumbled into sleep, he imagined her naked beside him, those nice round breasts filling his palms. Running his hands over the curve of her ass. His mouth on nipples he imagined to be a pretty shade of rose. Or maybe on her pretty little cunt, covered with soft blonde curls. He didn’t think she was one of those women who shaved or waxed. He couldn’t say why, just that he was sure she went
au natural

His dick got so hard thinking of her sometimes, he slid his hand inside his boxers and stroked himself, relieving the pressure. And thinking to himself,
What the fuck?
Because he’d never had erotic daydreams about women before, not even Amy Stark, who once upon a time he’d thought he’d end up married to. Women had been to show off on his arm and fuck as many ways as he could, but he’d never taken any of them seriously enough to dream about.

Which of course was what had gotten him into trouble with Amy.

But there was just something about Georgie Zielinski. A certain vulnerability that he sensed underneath all that toughness. The kind of woman men talked about making love to, not just fucking.

Impatient with the direction of his thoughts, he pulled the plastic tabs on the bag together and tied them in a tight knot. He’d thought about burning everything, but they were going through a dry spell and he knew exactly how much damage an out-of-control fire could do. Plus, he didn’t want a confrontation with the fire department who required on-site supervision. But that meant unless Georgie was willing to mess up that nice SUV of hers, he’d be hauling these bags to the county dump tomorrow or the next day in his not-so-nice truck. He just hoped he didn’t run into anyone there and that the two guys that manned it weren’t into asking questions.



He’d like to ask Georgie a few. Like what she was doing here and how she’d happened to end up in Saddle Wells? Why she was so determined to make this old place into a working B&B again?

After stacking the bag with the others, he pulled off his work gloves and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He wondered how Georgie was doing with her foot. He sure hoped her toes weren’t broken, but that was a damn heavy hammer she’d dropped on them. How was she going to take care of herself? Feed herself tonight?

Get ready for bed?

Hold it, cowboy. Don’t go there. This is a new you, remember?

But it still left the problem of her taking care of herself tonight. At least as far as feeding herself. He’d figure out a way to do something for her. He could tell himself he needed to repay her because she’d taken him in when he was totally out of options. Or that he wanted to make sure she was okay so he’d still have a job.

Whatever. He was going to do something. Anyway, it was more than an hour since he’d left her with that ice. For sure it was melted by now.

Taking a deep breath, he headed into the house through the back door.

“Georgie?” he called out. “Hey, I’m in the house.” He forced a little chuckle. “Hope you’re decent.”

“What else would I be with this damn foot,” she called out.

She was still lying on the mattress where he’d left her, foot elevated, droopy plastic sack of melting ice draped over her toes. Pain had carved lines in her face and her smile was forced.

He crouched down and gently eased the ice from her foot. Not as swollen. Good. And the discoloration wasn’t as bad as he’d expected. Good. Not broken. Probably just bruised.

“I think you just dinged yourself,” he said and grinned. “Remind me to be careful around you when you’re holding a hammer.”

“Cade.” She sighed. “Thank you very much for this. I agree. I don’t think the toes are broken. By tomorrow I’ll be a lot better. I’ll just get up in a little while and get some fresh ice.”

Cade studied her. “You seem to be a lady who has a hard time letting people do things for her. I used to be a person who had a hard time doing anything for anyone. I think we’re both about to make a change here.” He rose to his feet. “I’m going to get some fresh ice for you. Then I’ll run out and pick up some dinner. Any special requests?”

“You don’t have to feed me,” she protested.

For some reason, it was very important to him to do this. He shrugged. “I have to eat anyway Call it a repayment for all the coffee.” He tried on a grin. “Volunteering to do something for someone is way out of my normal range of behavior, so I’d take advantage of it if I were you.”

She smiled back. “You know, I have a feeling underneath all that crap a real person has been hiding all these years.”

“Let’s not go overboard,” he warned her.

“Anyway, thank you. Whatever you fix for yourself.”

“I, uh, thought I’d get some takeout. What’s your poison? Fried chicken, Chinese or pizza?”

Her eyes widened. “You’re actually going into town?”

He shrugged again. “Maybe over to Stone Creek.”

“Whatever works. And thank you.” She was trying to hide her pain, but he could see it in her eyes.

“I’ll be back in a while. Meanwhile, don’t move.”

Her laugh had a touch of the hysterical. “No chance of that.”

Chapter Four

Cade took time for a quick shower to wash away the day’s dirt and sweat and pull on clean clothes. When he asked her, Georgie requested Chinese food, even suggesting a couple of dishes. He frowned when she tried to give him money.

“Georgie, you pay me and I haven’t had any place to spend the money. I think I can cover dinner.”

Getting the food was a little tricky. He called the order into Lichee Gardens, the only Chinese restaurant in town. He could go to the next town, but that would mean adding forty-five minutes to the round trip. So he decided to chance it. This was a weekday so maybe it wouldn’t be too busy.

But when he pulled up in front of it, he saw some people he knew just entering and he chickened out. He drove to the Gas It Up and used the payphone to call the restaurant and tell them he’d be in the parking lot in five minutes and promised a ten-dollar tip if someone would bring the food out to his truck.

Okay, so I’m a coward. It’s hard enough looking at myself without seeing the way other people look at me.

The food was still hot when he got it back to the house and he set it all up before he went to get Georgie from her bedroom. He found her little two-step stool so she’d be able to elevate her foot. He’d even bought two bottles of Chinese beer. For her.

He insisted on carrying her to the kitchen and placing her at the table. Holding her nestled against his chest, he had to restrain himself from inhaling the fresh scent of her hair and the tantalizing perfume of whatever soap she used. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he was tempted to kiss a woman just to taste her lips, not as a prelude to sex.

Although his wicked brain reminded him that sex with Georgie Zielinski would probably be off the charts.

But this was the new Cade Hannigan. He hoped. Only two weeks old, but he clung to it like a baby to a pacifier.

“It’s got a really good taste,” he assured her as he poured ice water for himself. “Besides, I thought it might help you forget your foot for a while.”

“Thanks.” She toasted him with the bottle as she lifted it to her lips and drank.

He couldn’t help staring at the flex of muscles in her throat as she swallowed or the flick of her tongue as she swiped it over her bottom lip. His cock hardened of its own volition behind the denim of his jeans and he had to shift slightly to ease his discomfort. He might have had mindless sex with more than his share of women over the years, but Georgie Zielinski didn’t fit into that category. Sex with her, he was sure, would be anything but mindless. And besides, she was definitely off-limits.


But it was nice sitting here, having dinner with her. Talking about this and that. He was more relaxed with her than he could remember being with a woman in a very long time. He didn’t have to be
Didn’t have to make sure she knew she was in the presence of the great Cade Hannigan and she should be honored he gave her a few minutes of his time.

And Cade Hannigan wasn’t so great any more.

So he enjoyed the easy chatter, the ability to have quiet moments that didn’t demand conversation to fill them. He actually found himself relaxed and enjoying himself.

Imagine that.

Then Georgie leaned back in her chair and studied him carefully. Uh oh.

“So, Cade Hannigan.” She was working on the second bottle of beer. “How about telling me why you find yourself working for me for peanuts and living in a rattrap over that old barn. I’m sure there’s a story in there somewhere, and I’m damn curious.”

“Yeah.” He poked at the remnants of food on his plate. “It’s not a very pretty one, and I don’t think you’d like the details.”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge?” She gave a half laugh. “Besides, mine isn’t all that attractive either.”

“Bet mine beats it by a mile,” he told her.

She took another swallow of beer. “Come on, Cade. It’s just the two of us. I’m the last person to judge you. Call it payment for hiring you and giving you a place to live.”

He sighed. “You need to know that the Hannigans have been ranching this area for nearly a hundred years. Starting with my great-grandfather, they bought up land and built up the herd until we were running ten thousand head of pure Black Angus. My granddaddy and my daddy also invested money in oil and gas leases and a few other things. Pretty soon the money was rolling in faster than we could all spend it.”

He paused, trying to find the right words to continue.

“My daddy was a born user, and I guess I got all my bad habits from him. He thought it was his right to spit on people. Throw his weight around. Strong-arm folks. Walk over them. I followed right along.” He rubbed his jaw. “I know that’s not a good excuse. Not any kind of excuse, matter of fact. Just kind of an explanation of how I grew up to be an asshole, I guess.

“Money certainly talks,” she agreed.

He heard the bitterness in her voice. “Sounds like you know it firsthand.”

“You could say that.”

“Unfortunately,” he went on “when you no longer have it, no one gives a shit about you. I was so angry at my father for losing everything. Leaving me without a pot to piss in.” He chuffed a sound. “And I can tell you, my so-called friends couldn’t run away from me fast enough.”

“That’s a terrible thing to live through,” she said, concern evident on her face. “So why does Amy Montgomery have it in for you more than someone else might?”

“Ah, Georgie, that wasn’t one of my finest hours. At all.”

“Come on. Spill it. Then I’ll tell you my tale of woe.”

Hating himself as he heard the words come out of his mouth, he told her about being engaged to Amy Stark, cheating on her in a very public place then getting mad because she was upset. And finally going so far as to threaten her when she started seeing Buck Montgomery.

“I was like a kid whose toy someone had stolen.” He rubbed his face. “I should have had a drink before blurting all of this out.”

“But you really wouldn’t have hurt her, would you?”

She was studying his face. Then she leaned over and put her hand on his arm. Just her touch singed his nerves and sent shockwaves through his system.


His gut twisted into a hard knot as he waited for what she said next.

“I hope this comes out right, but I’m really proud of you, Cade.” She smiled. “I know you haven’t had a drink since you came to work here, just like you promised. I see you working out there every day almost from the minute the sun comes up. You don’t go anywhere at night and I can’t imagine lying in bed up in that barn is any too pleasant, but you stick to it.”

He snorted. “Gives you plenty of time to think, unfortunately. Just like working outside.” He shook his head. “I’ll tell you. If I had met me six months ago I would have hated me. A lot of days now I still do.”

She tightened her fingers on his wrist. “We all have our demons, Cade. It’s what we do about them that counts.”

“Are you going to tell me about yours? Fair’s fair, you know.”

She sighed, but he noticed she kept her hand on his wrist. Tentatively, he covered it with his own, relaxing a fraction when she didn’t move it away.

“Just like your story is the rich asshole who loses it all and falls down in the gutter, mine’s as much a stereotype.” She wet her lips. “I grew up on the opposite of the tracks from you. Dirt poor with worthless parents. But I found out I had a brain and used it. Took business courses. Accounting. Computer classes. Got a job at the headquarters of Carlton Hotels in Dallas. Then things got really good. And really bad.”

Cade took a chance and lifted her hand from his wrist, held it in his palms, stroking it lightly. Hoping she’d be too busy talking to jerk it away.

“I don’t follow.”

“I subbed for the CEO’s admin one week and Everett Carlton apparently was impressed with my smarts. He began pushing me up the corporate ladder.” She gave a rude laugh. “The high-class bitches who worked there resented the hell out of me, especially those with college degrees. The men climbing up the corporate ladder pretty much ignored me. But you can imagine why they all thought Carlton was being so good to me.”

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