Bad Rep (15 page)

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Authors: A. Meredith Walters

BOOK: Bad Rep
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“Yeah, we're done.  But I don't think I'm looking for anyone either.  I might take a bit of a break from the whole dating scene for a while.” I said, knowing that I couldn't even think of hooking up with anyone while Jordan was still front and center in my mind.


Gracie made a noise of disapproval.  “No, no, no.  You have to find someone to take you to the mixer!  It's important, Mays!” she implored. 


“Well, what about you?  Do you have your sights set on anyone?” I asked, trying to move the topic away from me and my love life.


“I don't know, I have some potentials.  I'm thinking of checking out Gio.  I mean, he's cute, he lives with Jordan so you know he's really popular
he's a senior.” She ticked off each characteristic as though she were buying a car.  What a sterile way to go about deciding whether to go out with someone.


“Sure, Gio's nice,” I replied, though truthfully I had always heard he was a bit of a dog.  A love 'em' and leave 'em' sort of guy.  Gracie was too nice to be another notch on anyone's bedpost.  But I didn't say anything.  Who was I to tell someone who they could and couldn't like?


We hung out for a while longer before she finally kicked me out, saying I had to go home and start prepping for tonight.  I had the obstinate desire to show up to the party in my rattiest pair of jeans and a damn t-shirt.  But I knew my sisters wouldn't be happy with that.  They wouldn't be able to see the funny of it.  But Jordan would get it...


Okay, I had to stop that.  Every thought seemed to find its way back to him and I was driving myself crazy.  I let myself into my apartment and found Riley watching television, still in her pajamas.  She had come home late last night.  I had heard her letting herself in around three in the morning.  Looking at her now, I could tell she was feeling rough.


The blinds were still drawn across the windows and I felt like I was walking into a tomb.  I sat down beside her on the couch.  “How's it goin' Riley?” I asked too loudly.  I couldn't stop grinning at her.  Normally our roles were reversed and I was going to enjoy this.


Riley gripped her head.  “Ugg!  Volume, please!” she whispered hoarsely. 


I slung my arm around her shoulders and squeezed.  “Feeling a little crappy today?” I asked more softly this time, taking pity on her miserable state. 


Riley groaned.  “I am never drinking again!” she swore, turning the TV off and laying down. 


“Have you eaten anything?” I asked her. 


Riley shook her head.  “The thought of food makes me want to puke.”  I got to my feet and headed into the kitchen. 


“Well, you have to eat something, or you'll feel worse,” I called out as I put two pieces of bread into the toaster and got the ibuprofen down from the cabinet.


I took the dry toast, a large glass of water and the bottle of pain meds into the living room.  “Drink all of this and take three ibuprofen.  Trust me, if there's anything I know how to deal with, it's a hangover.” Riley gingerly took the capsules out of my hand and put them in her mouth.  Then she drank the entire glass of water.


“Now eat.  Dry toast is the best thing for an upset stomach.”  I shoved the plate into her hands and she took it, glaring at me. 


“You're enjoying this way too much.” She accused, nibbling on the bread.  I smiled at her as I took a seat again. 


“Well, considering it's usually me in a fetal position on the couch, I don't envy you.  But I must say, it's not like you to over indulge.  I've never seen you like this.  So what gives?” I ask her.


“Stupid boys,” Riley muttered and my smile became even wider. 


“Did you go out with a boy last night, Riley?” I goaded.  She gave me the middle finger. 


“Yeah, I hung out with Damien and a bunch of his friends after work.  I got a little too drunk.  Who knew a Green Eyed Monster was so vile coming back up.”  Her face had gone pale. 


“Well, no wonder you feel like shit.  Everclear is some hard shit if you're not used to drinking.” I pointed out. 


“Says the girl with the pickled liver,” Riley snarked. I ignored her, knowing she was feeling touchy.


“So, you and Damien, huh?” I asked, watching her to make sure she finished the toast. 


Riley shrugged.  “We've hung out a few times,” she said. 


My eyes widened in surprise.  “You have?  What happened to not dating guys you work with?” I asked,  giving her a smug smile.


Riley shrugged again.  “Yeah, well my advice sucks.  Forget about the shit I say.  I know nothing,” she said sarcastically.  I snorted. 


“Do you like him?” I asked her, trying really hard not to yell “told you so” in her face.


Riley smiled a little and I knew she did.  “He's really cool.  Did you know he started an eco-group back in his hometown?  He recruited like fifty people and started an annual recycling campaign.  He really gets things.  And it's nice to talk to someone who's on the same wave length, you know?”  She finished her toast and put the plate on the coffee table.  I didn't want to tell her that he sounded boring as snot.  So instead I grinned for her.


“Wow, Riley.  I don't think I've ever heard you talk like this about a guy.  I'm happy for you.”  I said sincerely.  Riley looked at me shyly.  A first for her. 


“Yeah.  I really like him.  But who's to say he feels the same way.  I mean we kissed last night, but...” 


“You kissed?!” I screeched, bouncing up and down on the couch.


Riley laughed and then groaned, pressing her hands to her stomach.  “Please stop making the couch move or I'm going to barf in your lap.”  I stopped instantly.  Upchuck and Maysie were not friends.  Riley leaned back and pulled a fleece up over her.  “Yeah, we kissed.  Most of the night actually.  But we were both pretty drunk. So who knows if he really wanted to or if it was the booze talking.” 


I wasn't used to hearing such insecurity from my friend. She was one of the most self-possessed, totally sure girls I had ever met.  It just goes to show how boys can bring you low without you realizing it.  I laid my head on Riley's shoulder.  “Of course he wanted to.  What guy wouldn't want to kiss you?  You're the most awesome person I know,” I told her.


Riley sighed.  “Thanks, Mays.”  We sat quietly for a moment and then Riley turned the conversation around to me.  “So what's up with you and our resident rock god?”


I stiffened at the mention of Jordan.  She noticed immediately and nudged my head with her shoulder.  “You know Olivia's back in town, right?” I asked.  Riley nodded.  “Well, all of the Chi Delts have to go to a party Jordan's,” I said miserably.


“It's just a party, Mays.  It's not like you're going to watch them star in an adult film together. It'll be alright,” Riley assured me, being brutally honest as always.  I couldn't help but laugh. 


“Yeah, but the whole thing just sucks.  I really like him, Riley.  I mean, I thought I could make myself stop once I knew he had a girlfriend.  But it's almost like my feelings are getting stronger.  And all I want to do every time I see Olivia is pull every strand of hair out of her stupid, perfect head.” I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest.


Riley snorted.  “Well, if there's one thing I know about you, Maysie, is that the more screwed up the situation, the harder it is for you to resist it.  I mean, look at your little, whatever it was, with Eli over the summer.  That guy was bad news.  And an asshole.  But you still went after him anyway.  So now there's Jordan, and he's taken and that is completely irresistible to you.”  I bristled at her words.


“So you're saying, that I don't really like Jordan?  That it's more about the fact that he's unattainable?”  I bit out, feeling a little insulted by her opinion of me. 


Riley shook her head.  “No, okay, that came out wrong.  What I'm trying to say is the more hopeless the situation, the more you try to change it.  And I know you feel something for Jordan, just like I know he has feelings for you.  You'd have to be blind not to see it.  But you say you're keeping your distance and pushing him away, but are you really?  I mean, I see the looks you give each other.  You practically orbit around each other.  What you both are doing is engaging in nonphysical foreplay.”  I swallowed audibly. 


Riley raised her eyebrows.  “You know I'm right.”  Damn her, she probably was right.  I hated how perceptive she could be at times. 


“Yeah, well that doesn't mean I'm going to do anything about it.  I have no desire to be the hussy home wrecker,” I said sharply. 


Riley patted my arm.  “And that is what makes you better than your sorority sisters and most of the girls we know.  Because
would jump at the chance to get with Jordan Levitt, girlfriend or not.  But you're better than that. And that's why I love you.”  Her compliment took me aback.  And it felt really good, if a little undeserved.  Because I still thought about doing Jordan every which way to Sunday.


“Love you too, girlie.” I said.  We hugged each other for a moment.  Which was unusual for us because Riley was not a touchy feely kind of gal.  Maybe the whole Damien thing was breaking through her guard a bit.  And I for one, was happy to see it.


“Okay, you rest. I'm going to go take a shower and start the waxing process.”  Riley shuddered. 


“How you can torture yourself like that is beyond me,” she said.  I ruffled her hair in a way that I knew annoyed the shit out of her. 


“If you need anything, just holler,” I told her before heading down the hall.


Chapter Nine




An hour later I came out of the bathroom, tweezed, shaved and waxed within an inch of my life.  My legs were smooth, my skin had been buffed and I had even taken the time to wax down south, leaving only a thin strip of hair.  I had conditioned my hair and plucked my eyebrows.  Surely, this would pass Gracie's hawkish inspection.


“No wood picks underneath your fingernails?” Riley asked from the couch.  She still hadn't moved from the spot where I had left her.  She did not wear hangover well. 


“Shut it.  There's nothing wrong with wanting to look nice,” I retorted, turning to head into my room, not waiting for my roomie's response.


It was only 4:00.  I had four hours until the party.  Gracie had sent me a text while I was in the shower saying she and Cira, another one our pledge sisters, would be over around 5:30.  She said they'd bring their outfits with them so we could all get dressed together.  If there was one thing I had come to learn since joining Chi Delta, was these girls took their parties seriously.


I spent the next hour and half watching TV with Riley, who was finally almost human again.  She had stopped groaning and even allowed me to open the blinds.  “You want to come to this party tonight?” I asked her. 


Riley looked at me like I was crazy.  “What part of me throwing up all night and feeling like my brains were being pulled out of my ears,  makes you think I want to go anywhere near a party?” she asked.


I laughed.  “Just thought I'd ask.  Maybe we could have a few Green Eyed Monsters...” Riley jumped up and ran to the bathroom.  Okay, maybe the hangover wasn't completely gone.  I heard a knock at the door and jumped up to answer it.


Gracie and Cira came in with their arms full of bags.  “What is all this stuff?” I asked, leading them back to my bedroom. 


“The essentials of course,” Gracie replied, dropping it all on my bed.  Cira immediately went to my closet and started rooting through it. 


“You have to wear this!” she said, pulling out a my sexy short white denim skirt and dark green tight fitted tank with spaghetti straps. 


“Yes!  That's perfect!” Gracie enthused as she started sorting my shoes, finally holding up my black, strappy Stella McCartney sandals.  “You will look so hot in these!  I need to borrow them sometime.”  Gracie slipped off her shoe and tried them on. 


“Okay, let's do your hair first,” Cira said, pulling me by the shoulders until I was seated at my vanity table. 

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