B.A.D (3 page)

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Authors: Caitlin Moran

Tags: #alpha high school pregnancy teens

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When Madella was 14 and I was 12, she
started to date this boy. His name was Jason. They had been dating
for about a year when they both disappeared.

They didn't quite disappear to me. I
mean, I saw them leave. So, to me, they didn't disappear, they

It was a Tuesday night, school was
tomorrow. I awoke to an engine starting. The noise was light,
almost not loud enough for me to hear. We live in a little white
picket fence neighborhood so it's not uncommon to hear cars start
but what made me get out of bed was the slight creak of my sister's
door opening from across the hall.

I jump up from my bed and zoom to my
door, wide awake. It was the middle of the night and it was pitch
black throughout the house. Being on the second floor, I creep over
to the stairs.

Madella was just leaving out the front
door. I run to it, but it closes in my face. In my haste, I slam
into it and can't seem to get it open. Just as I open it, I see
Jason push Madella into the passenger side and jump into the
driver's seat.

They take off down the road, with me
running after them. I yell Madella's name but they turn the corner
and are gone. I go back into the house and sit next to the door,

In the morning, everyone thinks she ran
off. I knew better and I told everyone over and over what I saw yet
they still believe their own theory. My mother doesn't say
anything, just has an angered expression.

Bringing myself back to the present, I
look back at the hole in my floor. A tattered and old letter sticks
up from it and I read the note Madella left me.

Dear Elaina,

My dearest sister, I have
left, of my own desire I assure you. I just couldn't stand living
there anymore, with Mother. I couldn't stand all of the lies, the
deceit. If only you knew, you would feel the same. I believe I knew
too much in that house, about that house. I wouldn't have been
there long if I had stayed anyway... I love you, Elaina. Watch out
for Shane and watch out for yourself. Watch out for who you trust.
Layla is a good person and I trust her to help you with the times
to come. Be careful...



I don't know how long I sit there, in
the corner with the drying tears and old letter but when I stuff
the picture and note back in the hole and come back out, it's dark

I get out of the dress I realize I'm
still wearing and I shower. A light knock on my door has me going
to it. Shane stands in his little batman pajamas. His stuffed bear,
old and worn down from the use, hangs from his arm- I think he
named it Mr. Bears.

"Can I sleep with you? Momma is scaring
me again," his voice is soft and cracks a little. I nod and allow
him into my room. He runs and jumps into the bed, snuggling into
the soft sheets. He's plopped right in the middle of the bed, but I
don't say anything. I just hop in next to him and I feel him curl
up against my side. He's warm. I've always noticed that about him,
how warm against my side he is. I shrug it off as another mystery
in this world.

I think about what he said. About how
'Momma is scaring him'. I know what he is talking about, I've seen
it. It's where are mom curls up into a fetal position and sits in
the corner of her room. All the curtains are drawn and there is
absolutely no light. A blanket covers her whole body and she
shakes. Her whole body twitches and sometimes she yells out in
pain. It creeps the hell out of me.

I think back onto the note
I couldn't stand all of the lies, the
I decide that I will find out
about all of these lies.
These so called
"lies" that chased away my sister, the ones where she left all
Shane and I with our crazy mother...

Chapter 5: Elaina's

The rest of the weekend and part of the
school week passed by uneventfully. It was a Friday afternoon and I
was in my last period in school, English. I had been avoiding Rane
all week. I would run from the classroom as soon as the bell rang
if I had that class with him. I could tell he was trying to talk to
me but I just didn't want to think about it.

I was watching the clock, trying to
force the hands on the clock to go faster. It wasn't working. I
felt like crap this morning and sometimes had a little pain in my
abdomen. The last few days I had been getting a little sick in the
mornings but I shrugged it off. My 'time of the month' had a weird
schedule. It pretty much came whenever. I once went three months
without it and one time had it for a whole month-it was pure hell.
My mom made me go to school every single day of it too.

I tuned back into the conversation with
the teacher and the "class clown", Jack. He was a real tool if you
ask me.

"Jake, I don't think you could use the
word 'harassment' in a sentence," Mrs. What’s-her-name told the boy
who was laid back in his seat. The woman was wearing all purple and
blue, making me think of peacocks for whatever reason. Her gray
hair was up in a bun with- what I believe- was a feather.
Definitely a peacock. I hadn't been paying attention in class and
had no idea what they were talking about.

"Sure I can!" Jack had a mischievous
glint to his eye and I wondered what he was up to. I hoped Mrs.
Peacock Lady wouldn't take his verbal bait. I could see the wheels
turning in his head at what would be his answer.

"Well, prove it. Use the word
'harassment' in a sentence and I won't give you detention," her
dark blue skirt swished around her ankles as she walked to

"Okay," he pondered over what he was
going to say. "I once loved a girl..." he trailed off while looking
around the room, making sure everyone was listening, "And
Her-Ass-Meant a lot to me!" He finished while busting out

It took us a moment before we all
understood, then we all laughed. I even did so myself. Just as a
very angry looking peacock lady was about to yell at the blond
haired jokester, the bell rang.

"Saved by the bell," He was telling his
friends as he rushed out the door.

I walked out too, a little slower. I
may have wanted to get out of class as soon as possible but now
that I knew school was over, it didn't matter as much. I went to my
locker and got everything I needed out and stuck it in my messenger
bag. Layla was at some type of practice today and I had to walk

I was walking down the now empty
hallway when an arm came out of nowhere and pulled me into a room.
I screamed but a hand came down onto my mouth, somehow the scent of
the hand or the warmth calmed me down.

I was pulled into the dark room and a
light flipped on when I was pushed up against a wall. When I looked
closer, I saw that we were in a janitor's closet.

The hand came off and I realized it
was... Rane? My confused face looked up at him. I could feel my
eyebrows scrunch together. A small frown marred my face. He backed
away a step and bumped into the opposite wall.

I just noticed our close proximity, my
body heating up where his long legs brushed against mine. I looked
at his attire and my mouth watered. His dark shirt clung to his
body, soaking wet. This confused me even more.

Why was he wet?
I tried not to look down at his legs, yet I did. I
nearly groaned at the sight of them, my heart skipping a beat. The
wet material clung onto his toned legs.

I heard a light chuckle and I jerked my
head back up, having been caught checking him out and I blushed. I
couldn't deny it-he was hot.

"Umm... Di-did you ne-need me?" I
stuttered, barely getting the words out of my mouth. He looked at
me, his hand running through his hair showing off his muscles with
the movement.

"I-I just wanted... to.. see you?" His
statement really came out sounding like a question. I cocked my
head to the side in confusion, my throat showing. He groaned and it
was the sexiest sound I have ever heard. His eyes darkened in lust
and he took a half step forward. My heart pounded, fast and

His eyes were nearly black now, I
licked my lips and his gaze went immediately to them. His head was
just over mine, my head was tilted back to look up at him. His arms
came up to trap me to the wall. I felt one of his legs slide in
between mine and I shuddered.

His mouth came down to rest just above
my ear.

"Elaina... Why have you been avoiding
me?" His hot breath fanned my ear. I held in a moan.

"I-I don-don't kn-know," my breathing
was turning into pants as I felt his tongue flick out and lick my

"Oh, I think you do." I shook my head
and he froze slightly, "You don't remember the details of the
night, do you?" His voice was pained and he made a slight
whimpering sound. My body only heated at the sound and I wanted to
comfort him. My body pushed into his and I grinned slightly when I
heard his moan. "Maybe we can make new memories..."

His voice trailed off and I didn't pay
much attention to what he had said as his tongue licked just at the
sweet spot under my ear. A breathless gasp came from me and he bit
and teased the skin with his teeth. I could feel is erection push
into my mound and I gasp at how hard it was.

My hand slowly touched it and he almost
lost it. A very animalistic growl came from him and my back hit the
wall, it wasn't painful but my feet lifted off the ground. His hot
lips crashed down onto mine. There wasn't anything slow about this
kiss. He kissed passionately, almost hungrily. His entire body was
pressed up against mine.

His hand ventured down my hip, across
my thigh, and to my knee. His hand hitched my left leg up next to
his hip and I hooked it around him, dragging him closer. He moaned
at the same time I did, pressing closer and closer yet it didn't
seem like enough.

My hands wound up across his chest and
into his hair, pulling gently. He bit my lip in response and I
opened my mouth for him. His hot tongue plunged inside. He explored
my mouth for a little while before he let me take

I had never taken control before so I
was slightly hesitant. His tongue coaxed mine into his mouth. I
explored a little while but when my tongue dragged across the top
of his mouth, he groaned and took over the control

My mind was muddled and I couldn't
think straight with him this close.

The clearing of a throat had my feet
back onto the floor and Rane standing in front of me, almost
protectively. Now that we were apart, my thoughts came back and I
could think straight. My face was as red as a tomato as I looked at
the elderly janitor from around Rane.

"I-I got to go," I stuttered and
slipped out of the room. I ran down the hall and out the door. I
was halfway to my house before what had just happened hit me- full

What was going on with

Chapter 6: Elaina's

It's been a month since the incident in
the janitor's closet. We both have been avoiding each other. He
seems to get a slightly pained and hurt expression on his face when
he's near me before it gets replaced by no emotion at all. It would
just be blank.

He didn't seem to look at other girls
though. He wasn't dating anyone, to the delight of all of the
single girls out there. They were always trying to get him to look
at them but he didn't seem interested. His face sometimes showed
disgust, which was surprising because he didn't seem the type to
reject the sluts and hoes of the school.

I can't complain though, it made me
happier every time he rejected them. I had never paid him-or really
anyone- much attention before that night. I still didn't pay any
attention to anyone besides Layla-and now Rane.

Thinking about Layla made me
think of her problem. Layla, it turns out,
seduce him that night. I don't
think she needed to do much seducing though. She also told me about
how she ran in the morning yet I didn't get a reason why. I guess
they talked about it, because they were together now. I was a
little envious of her now, she was most definitely in love-after
just a month!

I always saw them together, happy of
course. I never once heard about a fight that they had had so I was
okay with it as long as he didn't break her heart. I would-in a
heartbeat- tear of his balls and feed them to my neighbor's dogs.
Then I would throw him off a bridge... Yeah, that's what I would
do. I even told him that and he almost died choking on the drink he
was drinking.

He looked at me incredulously and only
believed me when Layla said that I would seriously do it. He even
looked slightly scared and looked to Layla for help, but she just

My mother, Linda, seemed to have pulled
her shit together because she was looking better except for the
occasional night when she would be up in her room with absolutely
no light. She gave off a bad vibe sometimes and it freaked me out.
I made Shane sleep with me every night or I would sleep with him.
He didn't complain, he just did it. I silently thanked him for

The chilly wind brought goose bumps to
my flesh as I walked down the stone steps of the High School. Not
many people were around, just the occasional druggie or person like
me- taking my time in leaving. I pulled my hoodie tighter around me
as the October wind blew at me. Halloween was only days

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