Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (31 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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She didn’t answer my questions, only panted into the quiet room filled with the soft glow of lighting from behind the crown molding that circled the ceiling. I didn’t ask her again; instead, I cupped her over her soft underwear harshly, pressing the heel of my palm in the crevice just above her pubic bone and applying pressure at her covered entrance with my fingertips. I could feel the moisture on the pads of my fingers, soaked through the material of her underwear.

Her breathing stopped, her legs came up as she tried to pull them into her, and she covered her face with her hands. She didn’t need to tell me to stop for me to pull my hand away. I wrapped my fingers around her tiny wrists and coaxed her hands from her face, needing to see her.

“Look at me, Ivy. Calm down and look at me.”

After a moment of heavy breathing, she finally opened her eyes again but trained them on the ceiling. I watched as a single tear ran down the side of her face. The sight of Ivy crying left me hollowed out and aching. Knowing I had caused that tear to fall from her eye felt like a knife to my chest, carving my heart out and leaving me lifeless.

I leaned my body over hers, cupping her cheeks in my hand while trying to silently convince her to look at me. I desperately kissed her lips, quick yet forceful. That made her look at me and I pulled my face as close to hers without losing focus on her panicked eyes.

“Ivy, you’re okay. Talk to me, please. Tell me what’s going on. What happened?”

She shook her head in quick, short jerks.

“Did I hurt you?”


“Then what happened?”

“I don’t know. I told you, I can’t do this.”

I relaxed and pressed my forehead to hers. “Yes you can. You were doing it. You were fine. Just breathe for a second. Take a look around; you’re safe here—you’re safe with me. I promise, Ivy; I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know. I’m sorry… I just freaked out.”

“Do you want me to stop?” God, why did I keep asking that? Even though, I knew why I continually asked. It was because I cared about her wellbeing. I cared about her more than I had ever cared about anyone before.

Her answer stunned and excited me. “No. Don’t stop.”

“Are you enjoying it or are you forcing yourself to continue. Don’t do this if you’re hesitant. I want you to enjoy it.” I couldn’t help but think about her retelling of the last time she had sex when she forced herself to keep going. I didn’t want that. Not for her or for me. I would never be able to look at myself again if that’s what she was doing.

Her legs relaxed and fell back to the table. “Was I… you know… wet?”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little at her. “I think you already know that answer. You ready?” I asked and as soon as she nodded, I quickly moved my hand back to the warm space between her thighs. I kept one hand on her face, keeping my eyes on hers so that I could watch for any hint of her pulling away from me.

I made sure to keep my fingers focused on the tiny ball of nerves, steering clear of the wet spot, no matter how much my mind wandered there. I couldn’t afford for her to shut down again. With a little pressure from the tips of my fingers, I began to run in slow, concentrated circles. Her breaths picked up and I noticed her eyes begin to lose focus.

“Don’t fight it,” I warned, knowing she was close.

I increased the speed and pressure of my fingers, causing her back to arch slightly off the table and her head to tilt back. I felt her left leg begin to pull up as she dug her heel into the cushioned pad. Her breathing changed as well—instead of coming out in short pants, she was beginning to hold her breath and I knew she was right on the edge.

“Cade, I have to pee,” she fought back.

“No you don’t, Ivy. Stop fighting it.”

“No… I really have to pee.”

“Ivy, you don’t have to pee. I promise. Stop fighting it and let it go. Look at me.” I waited until her eyes refocused and then said, “Let me give this to you, please. Stop fighting it.” I added a little more pressure to her clit and pressed down on her lower abdomen with the heel of my palm again.

Once again, she held her breath as a slight glimmer of sweat coated her forehead and her cheeks flushed. When her eyelids started to fall, I didn’t stop them. I knew she was reaching her peak and would start to come down any second. Once she bucked her hips into my hand, I knew there was no going back.

I watched with immense pleasure, fighting to keep myself from exploding, as her entire body started to convulse and the lungful of air started releasing in jagged, harsh spurts. Her eyes were closed tightly and her brows were pinched together in the middle. Her mouth hung open as she tried to control the shocks that ran through her body. It was the most erotic and beautiful thing I had ever witnessed and an uneasy realization settled deep within me—I would never be satisfied watching another woman orgasm again.

My fingers slowed as she rode out the lingering waves that jolted her body, leaving her spasming beneath me. I wanted to know what it would feel like to experience that with my cock deep inside of her, but I knew I had to wait for that. I also knew that after watching her explode before me, I would never survive it.

“Wha–what was that?” she asked, frantically trying to catch her breath.

“That was an orgasm.” A smile spread across my face and no matter what I did, I couldn’t make it go away. Excitement ran through me as my dick throbbed painfully against my thigh. I felt the beginnings of my own release burn deep behind my bladder and I knew I had to take care of it before I went blind.

I leaned down and placed a kiss on her dry lips before standing away from her.

“Where are you going?” she asked, sounding panicked.

“I… uh… I have to take care of something. Get dressed and meet me in my office when you’re done.” I closed the door behind me and rushed to the bathroom, unfastening my pants along the way. This had never happened before. I had perfected control to the point I could hold it back for nearly fifteen minutes. But watching Ivy come undone stripped me of it all. I had no control when it came to her.

One second and two strokes later, I was coming in my hand, trying my best to aim the remnants into the trashcan. It was sloppy and I hadn’t done that in almost twenty years, but I was desperate. I cleaned myself off and went back to my office where I found Ivy waiting timidly for me.

“Ready?” I asked, holding the door open.

“That’s it? We’re not going to talk about it?” She sounded disappointed and ashamed.

“Oh, we’re going to talk about it. Just not here. We can talk in the car.”

She nodded insecurely and walked to me with her head down.

“No,” I said as I lifted her head up with a finger beneath her chin. “No looking down. There is nothing to be ashamed of, or embarrassed of. You were fucking perfect and you should be proud of that.”

She nodded and I took one more opportunity to kiss her lips, leading her out to my car with a firm hold on her hand.

I no longer had three choices. I didn’t even have two.

I had one.

I was never going to be able to let her go.

Chapter 1

“When she’s abandoned her
Moral center and teachings…
When she’s cast aside her facade
Of propriety and lady-like demeanor…
When I have so corrupted this fragile thing
And brought out a writhing, mewling, bucking,
Wanton whore for my enjoyment and pleasure…
Enticing from within this feral lioness…
Growling and scratching and biting…
Taking everything I dish out to her…
At that moment she is never
More beautiful to me.”

—Marquis DE Sade—

~ Every man has that one woman…you know, the one that makes your balls ache to unload and your cock so hard that when you remember her you’re dizzy from the blood loss. God, when I think about what it was like the first time I kissed her… that beautiful, silky black hair in my hands, pulling those smoldering lips into mine, the sweet taste of fire and her tongue dancing in my mouth. Just like her fragrance, it never leaves really, she was fucking unforgettable. I wanted to fall into her baby blues and swim like a drowning man right into her paradise, the paradise between her thighs, and she knew… she knew she had me. I played it off like an idiot – whatever the fuck you want to call it. I tried to play it cool; she wasn’t having it. She reeled me in and I jumped on the hook, not realizing what this catch was going to do to my life.

I reached into the lower drawer and removed a small silk handkerchief she had left with me along with the goodbye note. I tossed the envelope onto my desk and grabbed the handkerchief, inhaling it deeply. The scent, or more importantly, HER scent still lingered even after all these years. Every part of me still aches for her…

I still remember the first time she let me see her tits; I mean they were perfect. I licked and sucked them like I had never tasted anything so delicious in my life. The first time I fingered her, pushing those sweet little legs apart with my hands. Her eyes said no, but she spread them anyway, her body saying, Yes! Yes! I still remember her excited gasp of pleasure. The look that made my cock ache every time she looked at me – it was innocence personified. Even after I lifted my wet fingers and slid them in her mouth – we both knew how badly we wanted to fuck. It wasn’t going to be gentle, it wasn’t going to be nice, we were going to tear each other apart in bed – it was only a matter of time, and it would be kinetic.

We collided and exploded all over each other, neither of us had ever experienced that kind of fucking, that kind of lover before. She was an atomic bomb on legs. If there’s a moment when I look back with regret, it was not the fact that I had let myself be caught by her, by THE woman. It was the fact that I let her walk out of my life, and I stood there like an idiot thinking that everything would be okay after she left.

I leaned back in the chair, crossed my hands behind my head, and looked out over the city. Genevieve… I looked at her picture that still sat on the corner of my desk; her and my dad smiled back. She was going to be the one I settled on, that I married and had kids with someday. I reached over and tossed the goodbye note back in the bottom drawer; no sense in reliving that shit.

I leaned forward and drummed my fingers on the desk. That had been years ago; I was now a senior manager at my father’s company and she was a famous fashion model that graced the covers of
InStyle -
the list was endless. Everywhere I turned, she was there. She had found her success after she had left me, it was what she had always wanted, and I was left with little choice but to follow in my father’s footsteps, being his only child.

I was the heir apparent to Cain Enterprises. Sadly, we both escaped into our lives and drifted apart to the point where we were down to exchanging greeting cards and the occasional email; it was pathetic really. Then, out of the fucking blue, I get an email from her last week that she’d be in town for a photo shoot for
and wanted to have lunch to catch up on old times.

I lifted the silk handkerchief to my face one more time and inhaled deeply before sliding it back into the bottom drawer. I wrote her back nonchalantly that things were pretty hectic at the company but sure, we could get together for lunch or dinner, and did she want me to get her from the airport? And that’s how it all started again, the story picked up where it had left off. I thought it was ironic that just then, I noticed the music playing from my secretary’s desk, Damian Schuler – “Rocket Baby.” I chuckled to myself, remembering the lyrics.

But I’m in so deep beyond the edge, going to ride you rocket baby
Step off the cliff, arms outstretched going to ride you rocket baby.
An E ticket ride to the other side, going to ride you rocket baby.

“Man, I was totally off in la la land,” I said to myself. Running my fingers through my hair, I looked down at my Diesel Watch – Shit!…her plane is going to be landing in an hour; better head out. I reached over, closed my laptop, and rose, passing my personal assistant, Kelly’s, desk. As I walked by her desk, I leaned over and whispered into her ear.

“Be a good girl and guard the fort. Daddy will be off for the afternoon.” I smiled at Kelly.

She laughed at the joke. “I was going to buzz you and tell you to get your ass in gear, best not to keep a woman waiting, Mr. Cain.”

She smiled back at me. “That’s Elias Cain to you, Kelly You sound like you’re talking to my father.”

I laughed and headed to the elevators, and then made my way down to the parking garage, fidgeting with my watch and looking in the polished mirrors of the elevators to make sure I looked okay.

“Christ, you’d swear I was going on a first date,” I murmured.

A gentle hiss of air escaped as the elevator came to a stop and opened. I slipped out into the well-lit underground garage and hit the remote auto start button on my key fob. I was greeted with the startup roar then a quiet purr as the car doors opened on my V12 Aston Martin, beckoning me to get in and take her for a ride. I walked around the car, giving the black on red beauty a once over. I had just bought it last week. My eyes followed the carbon fiber panels and black leather interior; this car was a fucking rock star. I knew the owners son, he was a client of ours. He arranged for me to get the car almost at cost, which was an irresistible deal. The car was a bitch magnet and worked just fine when I was on the hunt.

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