Astrid Cielo (24 page)

Read Astrid Cielo Online

Authors: Begging for Forgiveness (Pinewood Creek Shifters)

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Paranormal

BOOK: Astrid Cielo
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At one time she wouldn't have
been able to, but unlike her parent's she would learn to forgive.
Besides, who wouldn't want these two men?

long as you never, ever leave me again--both of you--then consider yourselves

bent and kissed her neck and his tongue traced her pulse.
She tilted her head and gave him better

is nothing that could keep me away from you," Skylar whispered in her ear
then nibbled on the lobe.
She moaned.

crowded her from the front, his hands cupping her face and bringing her gaze to

you can count me in for forever."

dipped his head and took her lips, his tongue seeking immediate entrance.
All at once arousal swamped her and she
couldn't wait to feel them inside of her.

Wait until after the wedding at least!"

laughed at Miranda's harried voice.
looked down at her watch.
It was almost

Aspen shuddered at the loaded promise behind
Skylar's whispered word.
She nodded and
watched her mates walk to the main room of the community center.

walked dutifully down the aisle as Miranda's bridesmaid and even held it
together until Caleb and Miranda kissed as husband and wife for the first time.
Damn hormones.

stood watching Caleb and Miranda dance for the first time and leaned into
Xavier's arms.

to dance?"

course I want to dance with my mates," she replied.

was surprised when Skylar took her hand and led her to the dance floor, Xavier
taking hold of the other.
She wasn't
sure how they expected her to dance with both of them at the same time.
Aspen shouldn't have worried.
Xavier held her back against his front and
Skylar pulled her arms around his neck.
Together, as though they'd been doing this for all time, they danced,
and she couldn't think of a place she'd rather be.

love you," Skylar said his head dipping to take her lips in a kiss.
She loved the way his lips moved insistently
on hers, the way he kissed her as though he wanted to devour her.
The kiss ended way too soon, but she was
turned swiftly until Xavier claimed her lips.
Where Skylar was firm and insistent with his kisses, a force to be
reckoned with, Xavier seduced.
mouth, though firm, teased her into submission.

love you, Aspen."

felt like she was floating, the love of her men surrounding her.
The music stopped and each of her mates took
one of her hands, then as one they knelt before her.
Aspen's heart felt like it would beat out of her
chest and her eyes began to water her vision blurring with her tears.

I know you've not known us long, and even though we are mates it would honor me
if you would marry us."
kissed her right hand.

smiled and kissed her left hand, then said, "I couldn't imagine my life
without my mates and it would honor me if you both married me."

nodded between her tears and cheers erupted around her.
She wanted to squeal in joy as a ring was
placed on her finger.
She wasn't sure
when they found the time to get it since they'd both not left her side since
her abduction.
Xavier stood and picked
her up, cradling her in his arms.

will now take our leave," Skylar announced.

so fast, wolves.
I've got to throw my

laughed at Miranda who stood with her bouquet squashed as she placed her hand
on her hips.
Skylar nodded and Xavier
attempted to put her down.
you dare," she whispered.

mouthed congratulations then turned and let the bouquet fly.
Females scrambled, but it was in vain.
A very pale Essence stood as though in shock
with the flower's clasped lightly in her hands.
Aspen gasped as Essence's eyes rolled and her body slumped.
Just before she hit the floor, Wesley caught
her and cradled her to his chest.
was already at her side, along with Dr. Weber and Paul.

just fainted.
She'll be okay."
Dr. Weber announced.
Wesley's whole body relaxed slightly and
Zackary motioned for him to follow.

hope Essence is okay," Aspen said.

is very good hands," Xavier said as he turned to stride from the community

like you will be," Skylar said.




couldn't believe that the bundle in his arms was all his.
He looked into Aspen's grey eyes and winked
before trailing his eyes down her body.
Her blue dress pooled in her lap giving him a lovely view of leg from
her upper thigh to her ankles.
His gut
clenched momentarily at the reddish lines that would eventually fade to pale
white scars forever proclaiming how he'd almost lost her.
Her fingers trailed over his cheek and
brought his attention back to her face.

okay," she whispered.

kissed her cheek and looked ahead.
wouldn't be long before they were back home and he'd strip her dress from her
body and remind himself just how 'okay' she was.
His gaze zeroed in on Skylar's ass and he
couldn't decide which he wanted first, Skylar's ass or Aspen's pussy.

opened the door and they both rushed to the bedroom.
Xavier placed her on the center of their bed,
the sheets still rumpled from their earlier play.
He reached to take her shoes off, but she
rolled away from him and sat on her knees.

a minute, I have a special request."

growled his shirt already lying on the floor.
Xavier knew his mate's patience was almost nothing.

you growl at

laughed at Skylar's deep rumbling growl in answer to her statement.

started unbuttoning his shirt.
"What do you want, baby?"

blushed, her pale skin turning the most becoming shade of pink and her teeth
bit gently into her bottom lip.

stepped out of his pants and Xavier groaned at the evidence of Sky's arousal
tenting his boxer underwear.
God, he was
surrounded by temptation.

want to watch..."

what, sweetheart?"
Skylar all but

pointed from Xavier to Skylar and Xavier felt like all the air left his
She wanted to watch them,
Skylar tensed.
They both knew she'd seen them together that
night in the woods and although they’d fucked her together, she couldn’t have
really seen them that time.
There was
still that fear.
Would she accept them?

Aspen's thighs clenched together and her
breaths quickened.
Everything pointed to
her increased arousal, but Xavier knew Skylar hesitated--hell he felt the same

closed his eyes and seemed to relax before turning to him.
Xavier saw the fear and resolve in his mate's
If this was to work they had to
cross this bridge.
Xavier finished
removing his clothes and reached for Sky.
And that familiar battle for dominance started, Skylar grabbed him by
the ears and took his mouth in a bruising kiss.
Desperation, love, lust and pure masculine heat all wrapped in tongues
and mouths.
Hands wrapped around his
cock and his hips flexed into Sky's grip.

released him and they both turned to see what they would find.
Aspen had undressed and lay against the
pillows, her nipples hardened.
Her legs
parted to show them all of her; the juices coated her pussy and inner thighs
with her arousal and Xavier's mouth watered at the thought of tasting her.


Skylar crawled bare-ass naked
onto the bed his destination clear.
Xavier's cock jumped at the sound of Aspen crying out as Skylar licked
her pussy.
It was almost too much.
He grabbed the lube from the bedside table
and climbed onto the bed behind Sky.
Skylar gave Aspen's pussy one last lick before turning and kissing him
sharing Aspen's flavor.

took him a moment to realize that Skylar didn't fight for dominance, but
instead they met half-way.
And after
three years with Skylar, everything seemed to fall into place.
They might both be dominant, but together
they only had to meet on common ground.
Aspen moaned and they parted.
They had a naughty little cougar to focus all their dominance on.

nipped his jaw, and then took position on all fours in front of Aspen.
He bent his head and teased her pussy.
Xavier didn't waste time taking his place
behind Skylar and kneading his muscled backside.
He looked up and Aspen's grey eyes were
staring at him, her whole body writhing as Skylar continued to sample her juicy


nodded and squeezed a generous amount of lube onto Skylar's asshole.
He could already feel the tight ring of
muscle closing around his cock and squeezing it until he came so hard.
Xavier rubbed lube up and down his shaft with
one hand as he slowly finger fucked Sky's asshole with two fingers with his
other hand.
When Sky started pushing
back on his fingers he removed them, lined his cock up with Sky's nether hole,
and slowly but surely pressed forward until his hips were flush with Sky's ass.




groaned at the feeling of fullness.
mates surrounded him.
Behind him Xavier
filled him and before him Aspen lay spread for him like a feast.
A part of him still feared Aspen's reaction,
but fate wouldn't be so cruel.
she proved over and over again that she accepted both of them as her mates and
Xavier and Skylar were also mates?
raised his gaze to hers and his dick felt like it would explode.
Her body was covered in a fine sheen of
sweat, her chest heaving as she rolled her nipples between her fingers.

you like watching, baby, watching as Xavier fucks me?"

moaned and nodded her fingers pinching her hardened nipples.

"So fucking tight, Sky."

moved his movements slow and steady waking up every nerve in his backside.
Skylar groaned and bent capturing Aspen's
clit between his lips and sucking.
cried out, her back arching and her core clenching and unclenching
juices gushed and he dipped his tongue into her opening to claim his
She was close to shooting off
like a rocket.
She rolled away from his
mouth and he growled.

here," he growled.

smiled then crawled towards him.
When he
would have grabbed her she shook her head and only the promise in her eyes made
him pause.
Xavier's thrusts became
faster, more urgent and each time he hit that special place inside of him.
Just that moment of distraction and Aspen lay
down under him her arms circling his waist and her mouth taking his cock
Skylar groaned and spread Aspen's
thighs so he could taste her again.

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