Animal Instincts [The Andersons 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Animal Instincts [The Andersons 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Giving Ramona one last kiss, his mouth and hands began a slow, sensual journey of delicate nips and feather-light caresses downward, his nose drinking in her fruity and rain-kissed smell. His hands reached their destination first.


re so very beautiful,

Rex murmured into Ramona

s collarbone as he palmed one of her breasts, squeezing its fullness, and then rubbing his fingers over the puckered coral peak. She uttered a long moan and arched upward, her arms circling his neck to bring his head lower. He accepted the invitation.

With sure hands spanning her waist, and at the same time of moving onto his knees, Rex lifted Ramona and rested her on his thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist for extra stability, her arms around his neck, her fingers laced through his hair.

Where was I? Ah, yes, I was about to gorge myself on these peaches.

He brought her breast to his mouth, first giving her taut nipple a wet lick, then blowing a stream of air over it.

Have you got a fruit fetish?

Ramona throatily murmured.

He laughed as he enclosed his lips around her, sucking and rolling her taut nipple around his tongue before rooting it to the roof of his mouth. He tilted his head slightly, the sound of his stubble rasping the delicious tender flesh of her breasts making his stomach do a funny little flip.

Ramona writhed closer to Rex, her legs tightening their grip around his waist, making him wince as his cock strained against the zipper.


m gonna have to take these jeans off or risk damaging a certain part of my anatomy that I

m really quite fond of.

Her sniggering as she unwound her legs and sat back down amongst the hay annoyed him somewhat.

You need a good spanking,

he told her.

Her eyes glinted with a wicked light as she studied something over his left shoulder. He followed her line of sight. The riding crop was far too extreme for his tastes, but what was hanging alongside it was certainly appealing. Then he remembered what happened to Samantha. His cock dipped, and he found himself with more crotch space.

She must have noticed his
concerned expression as he stared at the leather reins.

What is it?

she asked.

He turned back to her.

I really wanted to tie you up, but with what happened to your sister

Reaching out, Ramona folded her hand over his and smiled.


re more of a man than that bastard Raven will ever be. You

re worth a million of him. I trust you, and I know you won

t hurt me. Tie me up and let

s get kinky.

She wanted him to tie her up? And get kinky with him? Crotch space was no more. Rex stood and shucked his jeans and boots. Taking the leather reins off the hook, he approached Ramona and pulled her to her feet.

Are you sure about doing this?


m sure.

Why don

t we think of a word, so if you get uncomfortable and want to stop



he repeated, frowning slightly.

Mmm, a fun-sized one at that. Payback for calling my ass a watermelon.

Rex laughed as he looped one end of the reins around Ramona

s wrists and pulled it tight, but not enough to mark her.


ll have you know I like watermelon.

He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers.

I also like plums. Your mouth is like a plum, ripe and delicious. And as for these
he said, gesturing to her breasts,

Succulent and juicy, just like peaches.

Great, I

m a fruit salad,

she pouted as he backed her against the back of the stall and tossed the reins over a protruding beam, pulling them down, raising her arms over her head, and tying the end around her wrists to keep them raised.

You okay?

Rex asked, staring deep into her eyes for any signs that she wasn

t. There were none.

Yep. You?

He grinned as he dropped to his knees before her.

Going bananas for your forest fruits.

Her giggle dissolved into an impatient grunt when he first brushed his fingers over her curvy hips and flat belly, before dipping them lower to between the moist curls. Using his thumbs to part her pussy lips, he exposed her clit and blew a steady stream of air over it. Her fruity, musky scent almost sapped his control, but he remained firm. He was going to take his time and pleasure her.

Leaning in, he flicked the sweet nub of her clit with the tip of his tongue. He traced his name around it, driving her crazy by keeping his tongue light when he drew her name.


Ramona groaned, pushing her hips forward as Rex snaked one hand up around to rest on her ass, keeping her in position.

Like this?

he asked, licking the ever-moistening creases with the flat of his tongue.

Or like this?

He raised her left leg to rest on the trough next to them, angled his head, and clamped his mouth over her clit, sucking firmly. A strangled gasp was his only reply. However, Rex got more than a strangled gasp when he inserted his fore and middle fingers inside Ramona

s hot, slick pussy, sliding in and out, in and out

He got a howl. Not sure if it was a howl of pleasure or pain, he drew back and looked up at her.


Yes. No, I mean, yes

Yes, I

m coming. Or I was, but you stopped just when the party was getting started.

But you wailed. I thought

Well, you thought wrong. Now, get back in there and finish what you started.

Rex blinked.

Er, who

s in charge here?

Just because I

m tied up, it doesn

t mean you are.

Wanna bet?


Pulling at the reins, Ramona attempted to flick them from the overhead beam, but they snared on a raised splinter.


Oh, well, guess I win.

As Rex moved back into his original position, a soft whinny behind him caught his attention. He turned his head. Idly munching on some hay, an inquisitive expression, if that was possible for a horse, etched over his face, Clyde was watching them from the next stall. “Go away, Clyde, this is no peep show.”

He grinned when Clyde did as he was told. He turned back to Ramona and reinserted his fingers into her slick pussy, immediately making her shriek. She let out another one when he pushed them higher, higher, until he filled her completely. She felt so hot, so ripe, so good, he definitely wanted to finish what he

d started. Wiggling and scissoring his fingers a few times, he withdrew them from her pussy and rubbed them over and around her clit, until she wailed again.

Are you coming?

he asked. She nodded, and he went down on her, licking, sucking, and nuzzling, coating his mouth with her honeyed juices, burying his fingers deep inside her pussy, making her howl as wave after wave shook her body into a state of near collapse.

Rex felt Ramona

s legs buckling. Standing and holding her steady, he untied one end of the reins and gave it a yank, causing them to slip from the beam. Her hands, still tied together, fell down around his neck. Her soft sigh turned into a wanton purr when he hungrily kissed her mouth. He hoped the scent of her cum on his lips reminded her of her wish to use her mouth on him.

She definitely remembered because she started wiggling impatiently downward. He lowered them to the floor and maneuvered her to straddle him. He then wrapped the reins around his hand, but leaving enough slack for her to use her hands on him as well.

Just so you don

t forget,

he said, giving the reins a sharp pull so she landed against his chest.


m still in charge.


ll see about that.

Ramona gave each of his nipples a hard nip with her teeth. She smiled with obvious relish at his sharp hiss. She slowly shifted downward, tracing each of his ribs with her fingers, then her tongue, no doubt taking further relish in the power she had in making him quiver and groan out his want for her mouth to be around his cock.

Finally, she drew level with his groin. His steel-hard erection was pushing against the fabric of his boxers. She cast him a teasing look as she tugged the material from his hips and his cock sprang free.

Hello, banana.


You started this fruity subject, so I might as well continue with it.” She cupped his balls and gave them a firm squeeze.

What shall I call these?
I know. A couple of lemons. Shall I suck them and see?

she asked as she removed his boxers, threw them over her shoulder, and kneeled between his legs.

Suck right ahead. But if you

re wanting cream to go on your fruit salad, then you

re gonna be sucking on the wrong fruit.

Her giggles vibrated around his balls as she took each one in turn into her mouth, sucking gently, his moans just as soft.

She curled the fingers of one hand around his hard shaft and stroked down and up, down and up, down and up… Then, when his foreskin retracted, she used the thumb of her free hand to circle the smooth crown, smearing the drop of cum he

d allowed to leak, and making him shout out his X-rated joy.


s. So. Fuckin
’. G


ll be even better if you stand up.

Rex definitely liked the idea of having Ramona on her knees before him, giving him head. Scrambling to his feet, holding the reins taut, tugging her forward, he backed into the stall door. With the way she was eyeing his cock, he had the feeling he was going to need something to lean against.

As she kneeled in front of him, she cast him a teasing smile.

Hello again, banana,

she said as she went to touch him, but he yanked the reins up and held her hands against his chest.

Just suck me!

he ordered.

Each slow, deep suck followed by fast, wet flicks of her tongue to the triangle of sensitive skin on the underside of his cock was exquisite torture. Banging his head against the door, Rex wasn

t too sure how much more he could take, the erotic sensations when she twisted her hands free and pressed her fingers against his perineum nearly making him cry.

As orgasms went, he knew this one was loaded, possibly a ball-breaker. In terms of fellatio, what kind of woman was Ramona? Did she spit or swallow? He knew what he preferred, but could she take it? He decided no, and neither did he want her to. But with her luscious mouth wrapped around his cock, his brain refused to engage into telling her to stop.

His hands cupped her head, guiding, never forcing, and Rex surrendered to the pleasure that was Ramona’s mouth blowing his cock. He was about a hairsbreadth away from coming when Ramona sharply pulled away, leaving him gasping for air.

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