Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1)
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awoke out of her darkened sleep. All her senses were magnified, and she could feel the differences in her body even as she struggled to open her eyes. She could feel the presence of others in the room before her eyes saw them. She could feel the emotions of Josephine, Luke, Vega, and Razi who were in the room, but she could also feel the emotions of someone she didn’t know.

What the hell? Are these my new found powers?

“She’s awake,” Josephine announced to the room.

“How did you know that? I hadn’t even opened my eyes, yet,” Khalida croaked as the room fell under a silent laugh.

“It’s about time you ask a question like that,” Luke continued, “she has the ability to sense the motives of others, read minds, alter their thoughts, and she can even heal people from injury. She is from the original generation of vampires which makes her one of the strongest ones of our kind.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured that out. How else would she be the Queen?” Khalida winced as she sat up.

Seeing the pain on her face, Luke raced to her side. “You okay, Khally?” the guilt on his face was suddenly replaced with worry.

“I’m fine. I wish everyone would stop making such a fuss over me all the time. Geez.” she growled.

The unknown presence moved around the small crowd and made his way to stand beside Luke. Khalida gloomily looked at this tall stranger with traces of familiarity, making it known to her that she once knew this man.

“Who are you?” Khalida demanded, her nerves jumping with overwhelming feeling that she knew him. She had a connection with this stranger.

He stood silent for a moment. His dirty blonde straight hair cut short, almost in a crew cut but longer on top. His green eyes sparkled with a hint of gray. Looking in his familiar eyes, she realized he held the same eyes as her. He was taller than Luke, standing at six foot five inches. That wasn’t the only thing Khalida could feel radiating from this man. She also knew he had feelings, strong feelings for Josephine and those feeling were returned. As Khalida looked at Josephine she noticed her cheeks flared with pink and she turned her face as to try to avoid contact with Khalida.

Is she embarrassed?

Luke looked toward his mother, looking at her for answers to what just happened. Trying to avoid his questions, she looked at the stranger before she finally decided to speak.

“This is your Uncle Hayden, Ann Marie’s and Fatin’s younger brother, and yes, I do care for him deeply,” she spoke nervously.

It was the first time Khalida had ever heard the hint of discomfort in Josephine’s voice. Something in her gut told her that Josephine kept their relationship away from Luke and the others.

Luke looked to his mother for answers. “Khalida is perceptive to people’s feelings. She knew without being told about Hayden and me. She also has some other impressive gifts but I can only begin to guess at a few. We should find out where we stand with her over the next few days. I can feel the power from her. Like myself, she has first generation blood and has the powers of both Ann Marie, Fatin, and yes, even Braedon.” Fatin spoke assertively but Khalida knew she was trying to distract her son from the new revelation of her hidden romance.

“Why?” Khalida interrupted the tension that seemed to be building in the room. She could tell that Luke was upset about the secret relationship his mother went to great lengths to hide from everyone, including him.

Her question remained unanswered. Hayden looked to Josephine for help, but she didn’t help.

“Why dammit? Why now?” she screamed at her uncle who straightened with discomfort.

“I was with Fatin the night we helped Ann Marie with your escape. We all had to disappear and stay hidden with no contact to try and keep Braedon from finding you. The only contact I had with anyone from that night on was Josephine. We did it to keep you safe. I called Josephine to check in with her, and that is when I learned what happened to my sister. With the Ubil’s knowing you exist, there is no reason for me to continue to hide.”

Before anyone could say anything else, Khalida sprung out of the bed, “He has my sister,” she spoke with urgency.

“We are aware of that, Khalida. Do you know where he wants you to meet him?” Josephine spoke, all uncertainty gone and once again, she held herself like the queen she was.

“No, but I have this feeling that I just need to go. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like I’m being pulled to them.”

“I don’t think she can handle this right now. She just woke up. We don’t know what she is capable of handling at this time,” Luke’s voice was firm as he spoke and he avoided eye contact with Khalida, knowing that she was going to argue.

“To hell you say. This is not your choice, and you are not keeping me from going, Lucas,” Khalida stood her ground. “Either way, I’m going. I don’t care what you or anyone else has to say.”

“Everyone out. Now!” Luke snapped angrily.

Vega and Razi were the first ones out of the bedroom Vega turned back to look at Khally before she left. “I’m fine Vega. I’ll see you in a minute.”

Vega nodded at her friend and exited the room quietly. When the last person exited the room, Luke moved just inches away from where Khalida stood.

“I’m sorry for what happened earlier, but please don’t defy me just because you’re mad at me. You’re weak and need time to heal.”

Keeping her eyes down, she sighed, “I’m not mad at you, Luke. You were upset when I told you about my dreams and Braedon. No, you shouldn’t have entered my mind the way you did, but you did and it’s done. I’m not weak. I feel strong and revived. And it doesn’t matter what you say or do, I’m going to find my sister with or without you,” she stuck her chin up stubbornly.

“What if we follow you, and when you feel you’re getting close, we take it from there and you get the hell out of there?”


Luke hung his head in defeat. He knew there was no way she was going to change her mind, and it wasn’t in him to beg. He just wasn’t that person. Besides, he already knew that no matter what he did, he wasn’t going to get through to her and make her see his side.

“I love you,” he spoke softly, gently placing his hands on her face and pulling her in for a kiss.

She met his lips with her mouth slightly parted, returning his kiss hungrily. Pulling her closer, she threw her arms around his neck as he grabbed her, pulling her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around him. Completely dismissing the arguing that had just taken place moments before, they heard shuffling at the door making them pull away from their embrace. Placing his hands around her shoulders Luke laid his chin on the top of her head.

“If you are going to do this, you damn sure aren’t going alone,” he demanded, not asking.

“What if he knows you are there? I’m not too sure he can’t read my mind, and if he can, that would put my sister at risk.”

“You just put up your block like you have done with me the past couple of weeks, and we will be fine,” he wasn’t budging on this.

“You tore down my wall earlier. Who’s to say he won’t be able to?” she asked him honestly.

“The only reason I can, my love, is because you’re mine. If I wanted to, I could have read your thoughts from the first day, but I wanted you to have your privacy and didn’t want to push you.”

“So, he can’t read my mind as long as I have my wall up, then we just do the set up, and I act like I’m sneaking out, going through all the motions in case he has someone watching us.”

Khalida looked up at Luke to see him slowly nod his head. She had to figure out a way to make sneaking out believable.

“You can do it,” he said reading her thoughts.

Khalida sighed, “Okay, if we are going to do this, let’s do it. I’ll move slowly to give you guys a chance to catch up to me, but I refuse to leave when this goes down.”

“Fine. You win this one. I swear if anything happens to you…I just don’t know what I would do without you,” he shook his head as if trying to rid it of bad thoughts. “You get a five minute head start. Don’t you dare try to leave me behind, either.”

She could tell by the deadly look in his eye he was ready for battle, and she knew better than to push him for more time. He was ready, and Khalida knew she needed to get her head in the game. Luke kissed her, barely grazing her lips before he turned and walked out of the room.


halida wasn’t looking forward to sneaking out of the huge house, again. She went over her plan as she changed clothes, pulling on her black yoga pants and black tank top. She threw on her shoes and made her way to the window. It only took a minute for her feet to hit the ground below. She kneeled, instantly trying to act as if she were sneaking out. Glancing around, she took off down the drive making her way out to the street. Looking back, she knew she only had a couple of minutes, if that, to get out of sight from the house before her team came after her. She knew she needed to be off the street when that happened just in case she was being followed. Hurrying down the street, she turned on the first one she came to.

Now where do I go?

Listening to her instinct, it led her on the way like a GPS. It pulled her past downtown, away from the laughter of the humans that were drinking and having a great time at three o’clock in the morning, oblivious to the dangers that surrounded them. She passed a group of young people yelling and screaming as two men rolled around on the ground. Khalida noticed that the smaller one of the two had the other one in a head lock. Not getting distracted, she kept moving, she had to reach her sister. Fear of the unknown gripped at her and twisted her gut for what laid ahead. She knew that one mistake could cost her a sister she never knew existed; not only that, it could cost her life. She kept moving, but her confidence dwindled the closer she got. Each step made doubt peek through. Khalida was stronger. She knew by the way she walked. Not only was she faster, but she could now see and hear things like the world was in high definition. All she could hope was this new transformation would be able to get her out of the death that awaited her.

Walking past a park, she noticed empty swings swaying up and down as if being pushed by an unseen child. They rose through the chilled air and fell back and forth, getting higher each time. She could hear the chains rattling as she cautiously approached, feeling the evil she feared was near. The squeaking of the merry-go-round made her jump back as it came to life. Looking around, she was consumed with fear, knowing that her fate was near.

Braedon stepped through the shadows just behind the swing set clearing his throat, announcing to Khalida of his arrival.

“I knew you would make it,” he glared at Khalida as he spoke, “your powers have descended. I can feel them running through your body. It’s such a shame you won’t be able to use them.”

Though Khalida couldn’t see them, she could hear the shuffling of Braedon’s people surrounding her. Obviously, he didn’t come alone. She could tell there were twenty or more men lurking in the shadows. Hope for getting her sister out of here was still there, but hope for Khalida getting out alive was slipping away with each new person she could feel. Another five came in at her right. She was completely surrounded by death, and time was not on her side.

“Where’s my sister,” she spoke firmly, showing no fear.

His dirty, blood stained fingers snapped, beckoning one of his men with a body thrown over his shoulder to come forward. Khalida couldn’t see her face, but she heard her groaning moans of what she could only assume were from pain. With a thud, her body hit the ground when the vampire threw her towards Khalida, landing perfectly in the middle of her and Braedon.

Khalida could tell her sister had long blonde hair. The side of her face was beaten and bloody. She couldn’t make out her features but she seemed familiar. She took a step towards her before she was cut off by a raging pissed off Luke who stormed between her and Braedon, cutting Khalida off from him. His breathing was shallow, and he didn’t take his eyes off Braedon.

He’s pissed

“Luke, is she okay?” she cried out as the booming laughter of Braedon’s voice broke through the midnight darkness.

“Here to save your princess, again, Luke? This time you’re out numbered,” he taunted.

“I don’t need numbers on my side to take you,” Luke gritted between his teeth, “and I am here to save her, only this time I’m not leaving you alive.”

“Do you really think you can keep saving her over and over, again?” Braedon was going for Luke’s insecurities.

“I’ve done it thus far,” Luke said confidently.

Once again, laughter rang out as the others in the Ubil Coven chimed in this time. Braedon was right; they were outnumbered five to one. The odds didn’t look good. Khalida grabbed the back of Luke’s shirt and hid her face. He dropped one of his arms, placing his hand around her hip. She could feel the self-control radiating from him and the death that swirled within him. She knew the moment he stepped into her mind.

First chance you get, grab your sister and get the hell out of here. I can’t handle you being here. I will worry about you until your safe.

But I can’t leave you, Luke.

Luke laughed sarcastically. Drawing Braedon’s attention tightly on them.

You have no choice, Khally. We have to fight our way out of here. You grab your sister and run.


Now isn’t the time to argue. Do what I say.

I’m not leaving you here.

The others will be making their presence known shortly. I need you to be safe


Listen, Stubborn Ass, now isn’t the time for this.

Yeah, I heard you the first time. I’m not leaving you here

Luke pushed her closer to his back as the others around them started to move forward. Luke placed himself between Khalida and the danger that was coming for them, preparing himself for the battle that was about to break out.

Get your ass out of here. NOW. Please, Baby


Luke sighed in defeat. He knew she wouldn’t leave him here, not ever.

Are you ready for this?
He asked saddened.

As ready as I’ll ever be.

I love you, Khalida

He gently squeezed her hand and brought it up to his mouth, placing his lips inside her palm.

“I love you, Lucas.”

“Isn’t that sweet. Two young lovers say goodbye before the boyfriend watches his girlfriend die a horrific death, and believe me, Lucas, it will be gruesome. I haven’t decided if I am going to take her in front of you or not,” Braedon’s grim laugh poured out of him as Luke narrowed his sight in on him.

“You’re going to die for that. She is mine,” Luke snapped.

Waves of nausea washed over her, sending her shock factor up. She knew Braedon was sick, like Carey. She just didn’t know he was this damn sick.

“You know what the difference is between me and you, Braedon?” Luke said smugly with a hint of arrogance.

“Enlighten me, Lucas.”

“You think you’re going to kill me, yet, I know I’m going to kill you,” Luke spoke calmly.

Khalida could hear the laughter in his voice as he taunted Braedon, but before Braedon could respond, a voice rang out from behind us.

“I do believe your time has come to an end, Braedon,” Josephine spoke firmly with conviction.

Braedon snarled at Josephine’s appearance but didn’t seem to be bothered, like he knew he had a secret.

“Oh, shit, Luke something’s wrong.” Khalida stuttered as the realization of what was about to happen begun to play out before her eyes. It was too late, but she tried to push Luke out of the way before he was hit.


The harsh wind blew the sounds of laughter as Khalida dropped where Luke’s lifeless, broken body fell. Desperate cries echoed through the air as her shattered soul wept of torment. She ignored the battle that ensued all around her, only focusing on Luke. She gripped Luke’s face, pressing her mouth to his desperately trying to force breath into his dying body. Blood gorged from his chest where a hole had been ripped into his upper cavity.


She ignored the wailing cries that came from Josephine, only focusing on the one that lay before her. Her love.


Taking a jagged rock from nearby, she ripped it into her wrist, tearing away her flesh, allowing her blood to flow freely out as she cried out in pain from the wound she inflicted upon herself. Dangling her wrist above his lips, she opened his mouth with her free hand, allowing his mouth to fill with her blood as she massaged his throat, gently coaxing the blood down. When she was done giving him all the blood she could before weakness crashed through her body, Khalida bent down and softly started to whisper in Luke’s ear.

“Don’t you dare leave me, do you hear me, Luke? Don’t you leave me. I love you,” she nuzzled her face into his neck and wept.

She heard a familiar voice from behind her, “He’s alive, barely, but he is,” Razi’s voice was desperate and fearful.

“Get him out of here. Get him safe where we can heal him,” Josephine commanded.

Khalida looked dazed as men came around to pull Luke to safety, and Josephine placed her hand on Khalida’s shoulder.

“Honey, we have to get him out of here. I cannot continue this battle. I have to make sure I heal him. If we don’t get him out of here, he is going to die. Do you understand me, Khalida?” Josephine asked, not sure that Khalida would respond.

Khalida nodded her head in acknowledgment, realizing the fierce battle around her was life or death, and if they didn’t get him out of there, Luke was going to die, if he wasn’t already dying.

Khalida stood up at that moment, willing life to come back to Luke. She could feel a shift within him, and relief swept through her as she heard him moaning in pain.

“Move him now,” she demanded.

A relieved Josephine grabbed Khalida’s hand, squeezing it tightly, “Your instinct to give him blood saved his life. As long as he’s alive, his body will start mending, and with my help, he will be just fine. He will be healed fast, but we have to go now. There will be another time for this battle, but now is not the time,” Josephine turned and walked away making her way to where Luke laid.

“No.” Khalida spoke as anger poured from deep within, “this ends here and now.”

As she looked around, she saw her sister, her blood, laughing. Lacey. How had she not realized or felt some sort of recognition for this girl? When she was around her, she should have being able to feel some familiarity. Khalida’s mind went numb. She watched as Lacey stood close to Braedon, both of them entertained as injured Luke was being pulled back along with many more that were lying on the ground. The Ubil’s were obviously in control of this fight.

“What happened to your boyfriend, Khalida?” Lacey taunted. “I guess he just wasn’t as strong as he thought he was. Pity really, such a waste.”

Fury flowed through Khalida’s icy veins. She would have no mercy on those that stood before her. Power surged, running through her body and the change that happened was immediate. Her eyes once pale emerald green, were now black as coal, her movements were fast and flawless as she killed those who dared to step in her path as she moved forward, dropping the Ubil’s one by one with a wave of her hand, making her way towards the two she was after.

“I’ve never seen this before,” Khalida could hear Josephine speaking from where she stood fifty feet behind her.

“Get her out of there,” a muffled pained voice gasped.

My Luke

Khalida’s heart ached at his voice so weak and fragile.

Khalida, you have to get out of there.

Luke had entered her mind. This time she could not do as he requested, though. It was time to put an end to all this. If they wanted her, well, here she was, and only one of them was going to die.

I can’t, Luke. You have to understand. I love you.

Blocking Luke mentally, she let her killing instinct take over, an instinct she never knew she had. Blood covered the ground, and the scent of copper hit Khalida full force as her fangs elongated at the hint of blood, teasing her nose. It was blood she was after, their blood.

“Oh, look Braedon, I think somebody’s mad,” Lacey snorted as he laughed like the thought of Khalida being pissed was amusing to him. With every step Khalida took, the ground began to tremble. As she got closer, the wind shifted, circling around Khalida and her alone. Her hair twirled in the wind, whipping up to the night sky, causing the smirk that was once on Braedon’s lips to be replaced with a frown.

Lacey laughed, mocking her sister as she approached. Khalida heard Braedon whisper to her, “She’s stronger than we anticipated. Can’t you feel it?”

Looking into Khalida’s eyes, her focus was dead on, not daring to break eye contact.

“She is nothing. End her. Now,” Lacey growled.

Braedon carefully stepped forward, meeting Khalida step for step until they were face to face. Sensing the fear in him, her sharp deadly eyes fell upon him, “Here I am, Braedon. Now’s your chance to make your move,” Khalida grunted as fire replaced the coal in her eyes.

Braedon brought forward one arm that boar a serrated blade inches from Khalida’s throat. A look of surprise crossed his face as Khalida stopped him mid air. She didn’t use any part of her body, just her mind. Sheer grimace formed at her lips as she could smell the fear fleeing his body. With her other hand, she punched Braedon in the chest ripping through his flesh. The moment her skin touched his blood she was overcome with his memories. She saw the moment that Ann Marie died and the pure look of satisfaction that covered his face as he slit her throat.

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