Amanda's Young Men (20 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Amanda's Young Men
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‘I don’t think you’re the one who should be threatening me with legal action,’ whined the tremulous voice of Tom Sharpe.

‘This can’t go on. You have to go back to school.’

‘My school buddies are coming here to collect me.’

‘Good. Go back to class and forget about me.’

‘I’ll never forget you. I’ll love you as long as I live.’

‘OK. That’s fine. But we’re – we’re finished. Over.’

‘We’ll never be over.’

For the first time, Tom hung up on her. Amanda cradled the phone. She met Trevor’s concerned look. ‘That’s why I need you
work for me. I want to be able to call on you any time, Trevor.’

‘Who is it?’ His voice was grim.

‘Oh just a – a man. A young man. He’s leaving town now so …’

‘Are you sure? If he bothers you again, you call me. Understand?’

Amanda nodded.

‘As for me working directly for you, you do see how the dynamic between us would be affected by that, don’t you?’

‘I don’t see why it has to make any difference at all. Anyway, I think it would be worth it, for me to know you’re always there.’

‘Amanda, I’m already always there.’

A few moments later Trevor was gone. He didn’t kiss Amanda goodbye but that didn’t surprise her. She was beginning to understand him. Kissing equals intimacy and, for him, intimacy only occurred after the nap a woman needed to take after he’d fully satisfied her with his tremendous sexual prowess. Intimacy was when he could hold her above his head and call her his ‘bendy doll’. The rest, for Trevor, was play.


the door to Purchasing.

Paul’s raised voice came through the door: ‘… consider each season as an entity in itself. As it nears closing, we clear everything out.’

Rupert, his voice taut, said, ‘But only the seasonal styles. There’d be no reason to dump classic black pumps, for example, just because of a date on the calendar.’

‘You don’t understand at all, do you? No matter how “classic” a shoe is, next year’s version will be slightly different, somehow. You know, when you talk about “classic” styles, you sound just like Humpty-Dumpty Dumphries or Slimy Sophie Sharpe.’

‘Fuck you!’ Rupert sounded livid. ‘Just you wait. When Ms Amanda makes me a VP, you’ll see how we’ll run things around here. There’s always the bottom line to think of, remember!’

‘Fuck you! Ms Amanda make
a VP? That’ll be the day.’ Paul’s voice rose even louder. ‘I’ll be your boss any time now. Ms Amanda and me, we have a special understanding. She recognises real talent when she sees it.’

‘You think
have a special “in” with Ms Amanda?
the one she’s relying on to help her save Forsythe Footwear. Her and me – we’re like this.’

Amanda imagined Rupert holding two parallel fingers up. Damn! She’d never considered that her young stars might squabble. The way their row was going, one of them was likely
blurt something like: ‘And I’m fucking our lady boss. What do you think of that?’

She rapped on the door and marched in. Both of her young lovers were red-faced and tight-fisted with anger. ‘Paul,’ she barked, ‘aren’t you supposed to be checking on Shop Number Nine today?’

Paul mumbled something and made for the door. Rupert smirked.

Amanda continued, ‘And you, Rupert, our shops’ shelves are almost empty. Shouldn’t you be doing something about your plans to refill them once the big sale is over?’

Paul glanced back, grinning, before he closed the door. Rupert scowled, picked his phone up and dialled a Milanese number.

Damn! She had to do something quickly, before their petty rivalry ruined everything.

Back in her office, she wracked her brains. She had to come up with something before her carefully established team started slithering sideways out of control. Amanda came to a decision. It was risky, but anything was better than nothing and, anyway, she’d become somewhat of a risk-taker recently so why stop now? She made a list before buzzing for Nola to come in to her.

‘Look at this list,’ she ordered the girl.

Nola stood beside Amanda and read. Amanda took advantage of the girl’s position by running her fingers up between her legs, under her short skirt.

‘Most of what’s on the list you can likely find, some around the offices, the rest somewhere else, right?’

Nola swallowed and blushed. It wasn’t because of what her boss’s fingers were doing, Amanda thought. It was the contents of the list and Amanda’s assumption that she knew where to find them that likely embarrassed her, or perhaps excited her.

‘I – um – think I can lay my hands on most of this stuff, somewhere or another,’ Nola admitted.

‘What you can’t find, buy out of petty cash. This is confidential, right?’ Amanda’s fingertip scratched at the cotton gusset of Nola’s bikini.

‘Of course, Ms Amanda.’

Amanda moved the crotch of Nola’s panties aside. ‘How are things going with you and Rupert?’ she asked in a conversational tone of voice.

Nola squirmed. ‘Good, but it’s not the same as … Not as good as …’

‘As when it was the three of us?’ Amanda’s fingertip wormed its way into the folds of Nola’s sweet young sex.

‘Yes, Ms Amanda.’

‘You liked that, didn’t you?’

‘Yes, Ms Amanda. It was very – very special.’

‘Do you think you love Rupert?’ Amanda began to pump gently.

‘Me? Love him? I don’t think so. It’s …’

‘The submission and the sex that you love?’

‘I think so. With Rupert, the sex is good, but …’

‘He’s not very dominant, right?’

Nola nodded.

‘And you’re bisexual, like me, aren’t you?’

‘Yes, Ms Amanda.’

‘What if I told you that I was thinking about lending you out to a very dominant, very demanding male friend of mine to be his sex-toy for a night. Would you like that?’

‘Would you be there, Ms Amanda?’

‘I could be. If I were, you’d have a master and a mistress doing you, both at once, wouldn’t you?’

Nola bore down on Amanda’s invading finger and wriggled. ‘Oh – both at once?’

‘We’ll see – if you’re good.’ Amanda took her hand from beneath Nola’s skirt and held her finger up to the girl’s lips.

Nola sucked automatically.

‘Now go see about that list,’ Amanda ordered.

‘Are these things for a party?’ Nola asked.

‘Sort of.’

‘Will I – will I be invited?’

‘Not to this one but you will be to the next one, I promise.’

The girl looked disappointed but she said, ‘Thank you, Ms Amanda.’

The next day, just before five thirty, Nola wheeled a dolly with a carton on it into Amanda’s office. ‘It’s not that heavy or full,’ she explained. ‘I thought this looked better than me carrying it. Like a disguise.’

‘Good thinking. Did you get everything?’

Nola came to stand beside Amanda at her desk. ‘Everything, Ms Amanda. Ms Amanda?’


‘I’m not wearing any undies.’

Amanda suppressed a smile. ‘And why’s that?’

‘Well, yesterday? I thought, just in case? Like, if you wanted to feel me up again, I should be prepared.’

‘I’ll remember that my little Girl Guide. Tell me, does Rupert “feel you up” at work?’

‘Only at lunchtime, Ms Amanda. Never during working hours.’

‘But I get to touch you whenever I like.’

‘Well, you’re the boss, Ms Amanda.’

‘Hold on. Just because …’

‘I don’t mean because you pay me. I mean because of your nature, and mine. I couldn’t dream of refusing you anything, unless I really didn’t like it.’

‘But then you could?’


‘But you can refuse Rupert any time?’

‘He’s just a boy, Ms Amanda. He’s sweet, and cute, but …’

‘I understand.’ Amanda glanced at her watch. ‘It’s after hours now. Did you close your switchboard down?’

‘Yes, Ms Amanda.’

‘Then perch that pretty little bum of yours right here.’ She patted the edge of her desk.

Nola sat herself on Amanda’s desk, close to her boss.

‘Pull your skirt up, Nola, all the way. Prove to me that you aren’t wearing anything under it.’

The girl put her fingers to the hem of her skirt and hesitated. She peered back over her shoulder at the office’s window-wall. ‘People might see.’

‘Everyone will be leaving now, but the blinds are almost closed. Someone would have to stand right up close to see in, and then you’ve got your back to them so all they’d see would be us having a nice little chat.’ Amanda’s voice became demanding. ‘Do it, Nola.’

The girl pulled her skirt to the tops of her legs, did a little hitch and tugged it past her bottom. Proudly, she inched forwards a little and spread her thighs to show herself to Amanda. As Amanda remembered it, and she wasn’t likely to forget, Nola had had a small neatly trimmed patch of sandy fuzz decorating her mound. Now it was as bald as Amanda’s. Another tribute?

The girl’s outer lips were plump, divided by a tight slit, with no sign of the sweet pink treasures within.

Amanda said, ‘Play with yourself, Nola. Show me how you get off when you’re all alone.’

Nola nodded. ‘Yes, Ms Amanda.’ She bit her lower lip and hooked a finger into herself, vertically, and worked it up and down for a
curved strokes. As she played, her nether lips became swollen and parted, exposing pink inner lips that were tinted with crimson at their edges. Nola curled over to peer down at herself.

‘Do you ever use a mirror to watch yourself?’ Amanda asked.

Nola nodded.

Amanda was tempted to part her own skirt and join in but that would have been a different game – a ‘girls playing together’ game. For now, she wanted it to be ‘submissive debasing herself for her mistress’s amusement’. If Amanda wanted sex with an equal, she liked to think she could call on Meg, though there’d been no communication between them since Meg had called to thank her for the bouquet. Truth be told, Amanda wasn’t sure how to handle the way she’d felt with Meg.

Nola used the fingers of her other hand to part herself and lifted the finger that had been rubbing her pleasure bud. That little pink nub had swollen to the size of a large pea and had extruded from its sheath. That seemed to have been the objective of the first part of Nola’s game. She took the sensitive polyp’s sleeve in a delicate finger-and-thumb grip and began to work it backwards and forwards, like a little boy jerking off.

That was interesting. When not using a vibrator, Amanda rubbed hers, and flicked it, and patted or slapped it, but she’d never pulled on it. She’d have to try that someday, but not now.

The girl’s fingers moved faster. Her head fell back. She was panting.

‘Close?’ Amanda asked.

Nola nodded. Amanda reached out and pushed the girl’s hand aside.

‘What?’ The girl shuddered with need.

Amanda’s fingers took over from Nola’s and jerked at a furious pace, deliberately driving her over the edge. As she reached her climax, Nola flopped back flat on to Amanda’s desk and humped up at her boss’s hand before letting loose with something between a scream and a sigh.

Her aromatic honey oozed from her pussy. Nola gasped, ‘Thank you, Ms Amanda. That was absolutely fucking wonderful.’

Amanda said, ‘I’ve changed my mind about inviting you to my “party”, except it won’t really be a party. You are going to have to follow my instructions exactly. You can do that, I know. Now that I’ve decided to include you, we’ll have to add to the things you brought me. It’ll all happen tomorrow evening, starting at eight, and this is what we are going to do …’


, Amanda and Nola shoved Amanda’s desk across her office until it was just about three feet from a side wall. Amanda sorted some of the carton’s contents out and gave them to her pink-haired receptionist. ‘Take these to Mr Eggerdon’s office. You needn’t hide them. Just leave them on his desk.’

When the girl returned, Amanda told her, ‘You might as well get stripped off now. Rupert is due in about ten minutes. He might be early.’

It only took a second for Nola to lift her floaty little organza shift up over her head and off. Amanda had told her to be ready to get naked quickly, so the flimsy dress, her pink Dim stay-up hose and her pink mock-croc kitten-heels were all she’d worn. Amanda was also ready for instant nudity, in a short navy coat-dress with white polka dots that had just three oversized white buttons, also worn over nothing but her creamy skin, blue suede high heels and dark-blue figured Leg Avenue stockings.

Nola squeaked across Amanda’s desk on her bare bum, dropped over the other side and crawled out of sight underneath, just before Rupert tapped diffidently at Amanda’s office door.

‘Come in!’ Amanda dropped Nola’s dress into the girl’s lap.

He was wearing sneakers, faded blue jeans and a creased brown leather bomber jacket over a black turtleneck. Perhaps he was making a statement. Usually, he was quite the dandy.
could be that he thought the way he habitually dressed, taken with his boyish features, feminine lips and pale complexion, plus his having submitted to Amanda’s dominance so quickly, brought his masculinity into doubt. Poor Rupert! Perhaps what Amanda planned would be therapeutic for the lad.

‘You wanted to see me?’ he asked nervously.

‘Exactly. Strip.’


‘I said, “Strip.” Rupert, we’re going to play a game that’s by way of being a test. To pass, you have to obey me absolutely, which is something I’ve already taught you, I trust, and you have to keep silent, not a word, not a grunt, not a sigh. Don’t even hiccup. Can you do that?’

He frowned. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘You don’t have to. Rupert, when I first met you, in your shop, you obeyed me. Think about where that has got you. Your obedience so far has got you some spectacular sex, right?’

He nodded. ‘Right, but …’

‘Obey me always, but especially now, and the erotic rewards will blow your mind. If you have any reservations, any at all, you may leave me right now. It won’t affect our working relationship, I promise.’

‘Oh, I’ll do as you say, Ms Amanda – exactly as you say. I trust you completely.’

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