Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (3 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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Connor placed his hands on the back of the chair.

“Ok, alpha, I will do everything in my power to keep her safe, the pack will as well, do you want them to know she is your mate?”

“Not yet, I don’t want her freaking out with people congratulating her on finding her mate, that part is up to me”

“Fine, no problem, when the time comes, I will be right behind you”

“Thank you Connor, now go get the shady wolf Murdoch back in here, sign those papers and get the hell back home”

Connor laughed as he walked to the door, his alpha certainly had a way with words.


Brianna pushed open her door with more force than necessary, Murdoch had given her a headache with his pleading for her to take the case. Feeling even more frustrated, she had told him to contact her when Marcus had made a decision. Until then she was officially off duty and she intended to get very drunk down at the local shifter club, maybe meet a rough and ready wolf up for a night of pleasure, help her take her mind of that damn sexy alpha.

Growling she stripped off her clothes
and headed into the shower. The water was soothing, relaxing her tense muscles. Using her favourite soap she lathered it up into white bubbles before scrubbing it across her skin. Her fingers touched her thighs and images of Marcus flashed in her mind, causing her core to clench with unspoken need. The sensation caught her off guard as she gasped leaning on the tiled wall.
Get a grip Bri, you can’t have him. It will only bring pain.
A single tear fell down her face at the memory once again of the females of her pack watching their mates slaughtered. She had hoped that over time the memory would fade but sadly after fifty years it was still strong as if it had only happened yesterday. Switching the shower off, she wrapped herself in a large bath towel. She needed some female company to help drown her sorrows. Picking up her phone she rang her friend Lizzy. She worked at the organisation as event’s organiser, secretary, admin worker, just about anything she could put her mind to. She was a submissive wolf but she should have been an alpha with her direct no nonsense approach to life. After the third ring she picked up sounding breathless.


“Lizzy, it’s Bri, are you ok? You been out for a run?”

“You could say that” she purred.

“Oh dear god tell me I have not interrupted you having sex”

A growl sounded on the other end of the line and
Bri assumed she had guessed correctly.

“Wait a minute”

Bri listened as her friend spoke to someone, followed by rustling of sheets, and a door closing, before she picked up again.

“Sorry, I’m all yours now honey, what’s up?”

“Seriously you ask me what’s up? I thought you were refraining from sex until you found your mate?”

Her infectious laugh lifted Brianna’s spirits.

“Oh well that might be another fifty years, and I can’t go that long without some physical contact, besides Luke is a kind of bed them and move on guy and that’s exactly what I need, and I needed some release, It’s been a while”

“Luke? You’re sleeping with my partner?”

“Oh bri, stop being like that, you know you two will never get together in that way. You don’t know what you are missing though, those warriors are hung like a ……..”

, for the love of god do not finish that sentence, I will never be able to look him in the eye again!”

Again her laugh echoed down the phone.

“Ok, what do you need?”

“You up
for a night of fun and frivolity?”

“Does it involve alcohol?”


“Does it involve hot shifters up for some she wolf fun?”

“Yes and yes! Please say you will come?”

“Oh honey I already came, three times actually, but to answer your question I would love to, where to?”

“What about crimson moon?”

“Wow, a little bit rough and ready
bri? I thought you were more of a crescent stars kind of place?”

“Yeah well the last time I was at crescent stars, I ended up with some fuckin computer nerd with his own business who talked all night about how much money he made and how he should have his own pack because of his skills in management”

“Oh no, that will not do, ok crimson moon it is, maybe we can get you hitched up with a sexy wolf who likes it rough?”

Brianna laughed at her friend’s comments, maybe that’s exactly what she needed, find a willing partner, take the edge off, have a clear start tomorrow and move on to another case, one where she did not have to think about six foot one wall of muscle, who sent her nerves on fire.

“Ok pick you up at seven?”

“Seven sounds great
, see you then honey”

Brianna relaxed a little. Turning to her wardrobe she debated what to wear. Slutty or sassy? Was that the same thing? Maybe she would wear both? Pulling out the perfect outfit she smiled at the night ahead of her.



Marcus and Connor had spent the last two hours going over the security systems until they were both satisfied that the case would be treated with upmost confidentiality. Murdoch had been cooperative, to the point where he had arranged a late dinner in his office.

“So, what do you think Mr Buchanan, I assume that all is to your standard?”

Marcus pushed his empty plate in front of him, the food was actually not bad, the steak had been done rare just how he liked it.

“Yes I would be happy to use your service, on one condition”

Murdoch took a long sip of his brandy before facing the alpha.

“Which is?”

“I want Brianna and Luke on the case, nobody else, or the deals off”

“I am sure that can be arranged, I will have to
reschedule some of her work and reassign another team to the Mckenzie case”

“Do what you need to do
, we are prepared to pay double as I am sure my Beta has already mentioned. When is the earliest she can be released from her current duties?”

Conor smirked at the impatience in Marcus words, Murdoch had no idea that this rapid push to close the deal was more about getting
Bri onto pack territory where he could claim her. The beta in him wanted to get on with the case, but he was worried that Marcus would keep her restricted from certain tasks, leaving most of the work up to Luke. The warrior was definitely the one they needed on the case, but he worked as part of a team and that meant Brianna as tracker.

“Give me a day to sort things out. I am sure they can leave tomorrow. Do you plan to drive up with them or we can send them after they are released from current duties?”

Marcus was getting really impatient, shit, his ancestors would have just slung her over his shoulder and carried her home. Even though times had changed, there was no mistake of the ancient call of mates. It was ingrained in every wolf DNA. Pulling a hand through his hair he stood up.

“We will leave with them, the territory is
dense and the roads hazardous unless you know the area”

“Very well, you are more than welcome to stay in the accommodation block tonight. All of our wolves have their own suite of rooms, so that they can be called upon at a moment’s notice”

“Thank you it has been a long drive today”

“I will show you to your rooms, if you will follow me”

Marcus and Connor kept a steady pace behind Murdoch. The building was huge, he pointed out various rooms of interest, probably just to keep the conversation going. The gym and pool was kitted out to the highest standard and he was pleased to see that they gave their wolves an outlet besides work. Murdoch, placed his palm to a scanner, which released a door into what looked like a private hotel.

“When you are ready to leave in the morning, ring down on the private line so we can release the doors”

Connor bristled a little, his security stance evident.

“Any other access route in or out?”

“No just this, is there a problem?”

Marcus looked down at Connor, seeing his train of thoughts across his face.

“I think my beta is just being cautious which is his job, we are used to freedom and lots of open space”

Ah, I understand, I am afraid that palm scanners are standard to access the buildings”

“Don’t worry, we are grateful for your hospitality”

Connor let out a low growl which Marcus immediately stopped with one look. Shaking his head slowly, they continued down the hall.

“Luke, can I have a word?”

They both stopped on hearing the warrior’s name. Luke could have cursed when he saw his boss, for fucks sake he was off duty, did the man never have down time? He smiled at the memory of his own, taking pleasure in sweet lizzy, she certainly had stamina which is why he had gone back for main course and dessert. Having just had the most powerful orgasm in a long time, he was sated and had planned to spend the evening watching the game on TV. One look at Murdoch’s face and he was sure his plans were just about to go down the shitter.

“Hey boss what can I do for you?”

“The company is taking the Buchanan case on, you and Brianna are on the case, you are due to leave tomorrow”

“And what about

“I’m reallocating another team”

“Well good look with that one, that guy gets pissed when his coffee is not the right temperature”

Murdoch sighed, clearly impatient with his employees tone.

“I will handle Mckenzie. The alpha and his beta are staying in the accommodation block tonight and will head back with you as early as possible”

Luke acknowledged them with a curt nod.

“Can you let Brianna know, she needs to be up to speed”

Luke averted his eyes for a second, he k
new Brianna had gone out with Lizzy and was probably on an all night bender. The alpha towering over every one was watching him intently.
Ah shit, Bri is going to kill me

“I will tell her first thing in the morning”

“It needs to be tonight Luke, I want her prepped and ready”

Marcus scented the wolf’s lies rolling off him, a bitter smell, he stepped closer to him.

“Well the thing is she’s kind of not here”

“Hell Luke, where is she?”

“On down time, she is allowed and off duty”

“Phone her then”

“She does not carry her phone on a night out”

“Night out?”

Luke cursed under his breath. Does the idiot not know when to leave alone?

“Look she’s out having a good time at a shifter
club with Lizzy, she needed the relaxation after the double shifts you have been throwing her way”

Murdoch growled, stepping forward.

“Find her and get her back here pronto”.

The wolf in Marcus was pacing
frantically, he had to give Luke some credit he was trying to protect his colleague. Living out in the forest, the only time they went out for a night out was the local bar run by one of his pack members. His wolves could let off steam in the safety of the place without worrying about trouble. He knew damn well what shifter clubs entailed, most of them attracted all sorts of shifters, rogues and loners. All that pent up testosterone was released through violence or sex. The thought of his precious mate walking into that filled him with rage and a desperate need to protect. Shit, these new feelings were hard to control, snarling he stepped into Luke’s space.

“Which club?” his voice had dropped low and gravelly.

Luke looked at the alpha, his beta who was also giving him death stares and then his boss who looked like he was going to shit his pants.

“Crimson Moon on the east side of the town”

The alpha nodded once.

“We are coming with you”

Murdoch spoke quickly, obviously worried that he would lose the deal after this fuck up.

“Really Mr
buchanan, Luke can bring her back, you rooms are just here”

Marcus flicked his eyes to the side at the door which Murdoch had now opened revealing their suite for the night.

“I said we are going with him, you are dismissed for now”

raised an eyebrow at Connor who was desperately trying to stop himself from laughing at the obvious rebuke by Marcus. He was probably going to enjoy working this case, he just hoped Bri kept her wits about her, she was so going to need them with this Alpha.


Crimson moon was packed to the rafters tonight. The blood red décor was a little harsh as was the lack of seating, but that did nothing to spoil the night. The drinks were cheap and life was good. Brianna looked at her reflection in the long mirrors in the restroom. Touching up her lip gloss she pouted, the sexy wolf looking back was up for some entertainment. In the end she had chosen a revealing figure hugging black halter neck dress with high heeled sandals. She was officially now five foot seven, well for tonight only. Taking another sip of her beer she turned to see Lizzy hobble out of the toilet cubicle, smoothing her dress down. Her friend was beautiful, her tall lithe body was enhanced in the sapphire blue dress, which also dipped to a V at the front and back, the colour perfectly complimenting her long blond hair. Never one to miss out, Lizzy had opted for heeled sandals also which gave her about a three inch advantage.

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