A Very Christopher Christmas (A Death Dwellers MC Novella) (47 page)

BOOK: A Very Christopher Christmas (A Death Dwellers MC Novella)
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“Not even to keep me out of this weather? Keep me here and safe?”

He lifted a brow. “It’s your life, gorgeous. If you want to gamble with it by attempting to manipulate me into giving you your way, that’s your business.”

Raising her chin and chastened by his response, she thinned her lips.

“I want you safe,” he reiterated.

She bit down on her lower lip, trying to hide her shock. Not too many people concerned themselves with her safety and no one saw beneath the surface of the career woman she showed the world to her inner vulnerability.

Before she processed it all and told him she’d return inside with him, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her, kissing her temple. “Thank you, gorgeous,” he whispered, caressing her cheek. “I had a wonderful time with you.”

She nodded, not missing the dismissal in his tone. “Same here.”

Using her keyless entry, she unlocked her door. As if they’d been on a date, he opened the door and held it until she got in. She smiled at him, not knowing what else to do.

He gave her a two-fingered salute and Kendall drove away, saying a silent goodbye to that beautiful man.



Book 2.5 – Death Dwellers MC Series


Misdeeds -
Can she and Johnnie have a future together or has their love been doomed from the beginning?


After three in the morning, Johnnie walked into his room, wondering if Kendall had fallen asleep, half hoping she had. Lipstick stuck to his cheeks, neck, and lips, and the cloying scents of different perfumes clung to his clothes and his hands. Mostly, from pushing women away. Not that Kendall would believe that. What woman would?

Kendall’s mistrust went deeper than most women’s, though.

Johnnie reminded himself she’d stuck by him during his recovery. She swore she loved him. Part of the reason he proceeded with such caution. He didn’t want to blurt any statements, then realize, later, he’d spoken prematurely.

The lamp light flickered on and he groaned at his shitty luck. She eyed his body, a hint of red creeping up her neck when she noted…what? He didn’t fucking know. Every girl who’d tried to fucking touch him tonight paled in comparison to Kendall.


Instead of answering, she bent her head and stared at her hands. She’d gotten a semblance of her old self back in the week she’d been with him. On the other hand, she hadn’t regained all of her feistiness, and Johnnie raged for her. When he got his fucking hands on Spoon…

“I’m tired, Johnnie,” she said in a quiet, miserable voice.

So was he. Bone-tired and brain-weary. They’d mourned K-P, given him a proper send-off, placed his photo with the other Free Bird members. Now, life had to go back to normal because they had no room for any in-depth emotions.

The beauty on his bed deserved to have the world at her feet. She had issues, yes, but she needed to feel like the sun rose and set in her. She deserved that.

He wanted to give her no less.

His wound was itching and the bandage prevented him from scratching the way he’d liked. For instance, scraping something across his skin to take the annoying sting away.

Stripping off his clothes and removing his bandage, he headed for the shower, not languishing because he wanted to climb into bed and hold Kendall in his arms, the way they’d slept for the past three days.

After drying himself, he walked into his bedroom again and headed for his desk where he kept his clean supply of bandages and medical tape.

Usually, Kendall helped to redress his bandages, but, he supposed he couldn’t expect it from her tonight. Once he’d completed the task of seeing to his healing wound, he turned off the light and climbed into bed.

“Is this how it’s going to be, Johnnie?” she asked in a small, hoarse voice.

“I don’t know, Kendall,” he admitted on a sigh, “since I don’t know how

She shifted in the bed and, even in the darkness, her gaze burned into him. “You out there, fucking other girls—“

“I didn’t fuck other girls,” he interrupted. “Other girls wouldn’t keep their fucking hands or lips to themselves. I spent most of the goddamn night pushing them the fuck away.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“That’s not my fucking fault. I have no fucking reason to lie to you.”

“Why’d you stay out there so long?”

Johnnie frowned, not wanting to argue with her at three o’clock in the morning. Not after the long day he’d had.

“Why’d you come to the room so early?” he countered in a level voice, his brain recoiling at her sulkiness.

“No one wanted me—“

“Stop it, Kendall. I refuse to listen to your self-pity.”

She scrambled in bed and, a moment later, had the nightstand lamp on on her side. “You’re callous and unfeeling. I’ve opened up to you. But it’s always Mortician who’s giving me pep talks. Not you.”

Johnnie gritted his teeth against the surging jealousy toward Mortician finding it necessary to seek Kendall out. Like it or not, though, it irked the shit out of him, the least of which had to do with Mort seeing Kendall undressed.

Motherfucker was running two for two, viewing both Megs
Kendall without clothes on. Well, Kendall had had panties and a bra on, some consolation.

“Mortician wanted to tell you he was leaving,” Johnnie remarked, the truth.

He hadn’t thought anything of it at the time, but,
Mort did more with Kendall than just tell her goodbye. As soon as he returned, he’d tell Mort to keep his fucking mouth shut and to stay the fuck out of Kendall’s face. She had
’s Baby Biker inside of her. He’d do well to remember that fact.

He tugged Kendall into his arms, caressing her back to remove the tension from her body.

He nipped her ear, inhaling her scent, blood filling his cock. He hadn’t touched her in five days. Two of those days he’d been in the hospital, the next he’d been recovering from
in the hospital, and the last two he’d been helping to arrange K-P’s funeral and making nice with Father Wilkins, since Christopher couldn’t stand the self-righteous little twerp.

Johnnie skimmed his lips over Kendall’s neck, her soft sigh firing his blood. He fucking adored that sound, adored
Kendall. The woman who opened herself to him and fought her demons. “Do you want some dick, gorgeous?”

She giggled, her face flushing. “Do you want to give me some?” she asked with a smirk, pushing aside whatever stood between them.

Already naked, he wasted no time baring Kendall. Rocking back onto his heels, he swept his gaze over her body, his mouth watering at the shadow of hair fuzzing her pussy.

He stretched out, shouldering her long legs apart and burying his face against her cunt. She moaned, a shudder already racking her body. He opened her slick lips, thumbed her clit, then allowed his tongue to join in the fun with a slow, leisurely lick.

She yanked at his hair. “Johnnie.”

Laddering his tongue up her slit and then back down again in a fast motion, lapping at her juices and reveling in the taste and smell of her. She whimpered and jerked against his lips. He suckled her clit, her gasp his reward. Later, he’d tongue her for hours. Right now, he wanted inside of her. Trailing kisses up her flushed skin, he guided his cock to her hot entrance and buried himself inside of her.

The heat of her body engulfed him and he grunted in pleasure, moving inside her with slow, deep strokes, growling when she canted her hips to meet his thrusts.

She tongued the rim of his ear and he trembled at her branding touch, her pussy walls throbbing around him and curling his toes. She gasped and moaned, writhing beneath him and arching up, her orgasm drawing his cum from him. He filled her up, his come intensified by her little pulses around him.



Book 3 – Death Dwellers MC Series


Can Zoann ever be forgiven for all the pain she’s caused? Will Val overcome his own demons and have a future with her and their son? Who will survive in an MC filled with lust and revenge, love and hate?


The fire had burned low. He didn’t intend to stoke it tonight. They’d go to bed soon. Still, it created warmth and the faintest glow from the embers. It reflected on her gorgeous skin and highlighted her trembling.

Gently removing his arm from under her head, he inched down her body, kissing her, although his t-shirt still separated his lips from her skin. He shouldered her thighs apart and lay between them, lifting the shirt above her belly. He rested his chin on her soft pussy bush. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he swore hoarsely. He kissed the spot below her navel, willing her to stop shaking, but understanding, too.

Although he’d taken her a couple of times since they’d arrived, the focus hadn’t been on her old injuries.

“I’m not going to look. Okay? I’m just going to use my fingers and feel.”

She nodded, her eyes shut tight.

Kissing the inside of her thigh, the scent of her arousing him, Val skimmed his fingers through her pubic hair, finding the raised skin. It felt smoother, too. The groove of one halted his exploration and his mouth. It was horizontal, longer, connecting the four smaller scars.

He couldn’t imagine the pain she’d gone through. Her sniffles made him raise his head.

She stared at the ceiling beams, ramrod stiff, tears glistening on her chin and cheeks.

“If I could take this pain away from you, I would.” Fuck. More than that. He understood Outlaw. He understood his craziness toward anyone who touched Meggie or looked at her too hard. “If I could’ve taken your place, I would have.”

She stilled. “Do you know what you’re saying?”

He rested his forehead on her pubic bone. “I’ve been with a man before, Zoann. My mother went both ways and my father dragged me into a threesome with another man.” Not only did it hurt, it disgusted him. He didn’t like feeling a hard prick on his body, loving the softness of women too much, their voices, their bodies and their pussies. “I hated it. Every fucking second. So, yeah, I know exactly what the fuck I’m saying.”

She wiggled, dislodging him, so he sat up. A moment later, she crawled into his lap and nuzzled her head against his chin.

Sobs tore through her and Val let her get it out of her system, holding her tightly, and whispering to her. She’d had years of pent up hurt. Anger, too, he’d bet. She’d held onto it, told she’d had no choice. Now, she did. Now, her problems and hurts were his, too. She wasn’t alone and she’d never be again.

So, he wouldn’t stop her, although her pain almost broke him. He applauded her strength. Whether she realized it, she was damn fucking strong. And brave.

Finally, she quieted down and relaxed against him, remaining so quiet he thought she’d finally asleep.

“You don’t think I’m a whore or a slut?”

Jesus H. Christ. “Babe, you’re so far from either until you could become a fucking nun.”

“Really?”  She sounded appalled and burst into tears again.

Val drew in a breath to compose his confusion. He thought she’d appreciate his words.

“How can I ever please you?” she wailed.

In-out. In-out. In-out. That’s what girls in labor did to calm themselves through intense pain. He’d read that shit online, too. He needed something to remind himself that Zoann had just relived her trauma
she was pregnant. Pregnant chicks were really sensitive.

He stroked her hair. “You please me, babe,” he whispered in reassurance. “I’ve never felt the way I feel when I come in you with any other girl.”

She frowned.

“Shit, that didn’t come out right.”


“Now, don’t get all soft on me and shit. I love the fuck out of your sass.”

Skepticism brightened her water-filled eyes. “You do?”

“Fuck, yeah, babe. Just a few fucking words put us in line.”

“If—if I ask you…are requests part of me leading us in lovemaking?” She swiped the tears from her cheeks and studied his chest. “I-I mean—“ She squirmed against him.

“You think Ryan being made is shameful?” he asked, grasping at straws to reason with her.

“No. Of course not.”

“What about consummating our marriage?”

“No. I’ve been looking forward to it.”

He had, too. “So talk to me.”

She cleared her throat. “Wh-when you were kissing the inside of my th-thigh, I-I thought…” her voice trailed off.

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