A Song for Us (8 page)

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Authors: Teresa Mummert

BOOK: A Song for Us
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Her eyes fell closed and I stared down at her thick lashes, getting high from her proximity. “Please,” I whispered, and her free hand came up to press against my chest. She weakly pushed back against me, her nails biting into my flesh. I’d grown painfully hard and I wanted to push my hips against hers, but I stayed inches away as she held me back.

Her eyes slowly opened and she searched mine. “You’re drunk, E. Knock it off.”

“Sarah . . .” My words caught in my throat as I stared down at her.

Without thinking, I pressed my mouth hard against hers. Her lips moved against mine for a brief second before she shoved against my chest hard, causing me to stumble back a step.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she yelled as her eyes narrowed and her cheeks flamed red.

Her hand slid from my chest and she pushed down the handle to
the door. Her eyes stayed on mine as she pulled it open and slipped out into the hallway.

The stabbing pain in my head came back full force as she walked out the door. I stumbled back to my bed and collapsed on top of the covers. I had taken a chance. I had put my feelings out there and she said no. I traced the spot on my chest that still burned from her touch.

It felt as if someone had cracked open my ribs and pulled my heart from my chest. Someone who cheated on her and degraded her was more appealing than me.

I wanted to go down to the police station and finish beating the piss out of Derek, but it wasn’t my place. Sarah loved him, not me, and I had no right to interfere with her life anymore.

I forced myself to keep my eyes open for hours. Every time I tried to fall asleep, all I saw was her sad face. Eventually, my eyes grew heavy and burned and I had to give in to my exhaustion.

early and my throat was painfully dry. I made my way into the bathroom, groaning as I turned on the light. My eyes fell on the mirror and I took in the damage from the night before. My lip was swollen and busted and a small bruise was on my temple, but otherwise all of my pain was inside.

I tried to block out the foggy memories from last night, hoping the alcohol would help to erase them, but they all came rushing back. I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on my face, wincing
as it burned my cut. I cupped my hands and drank a sip, relieving the burn in my throat.

Leaning against the sink, I forced myself to think of something other than Sarah. I grabbed my bottle of pain pills and took one as I wondered how Tuck and Cass were doing. I was tempted to call Cass and tell her how badly I had fucked up again last night, but I didn’t want to disturb the little bit of time they had alone.

Instead, I ran through the shower and pulled on fresh clothes, a pair of worn jeans and a white T-shirt. I grabbed my cell phone and looked at the time. It was already afternoon. I dialed Donna’s phone, hoping she would be awake.

She answered after two rings, sounding as if she had been up for hours. “I didn’t think you were going to grace us with your presence today.”

“Yeah . . . ,” I groaned, and stretched. “I feel like total shit.”

“Nothing a little greasy food won’t cure. I’m down at Hembrough’s Diner. You want me to bring you something?”

“Nah . . . I’ll come meet you. I need to get out of this fucking place.”

“See you soon.”

I said good-bye and hung up the phone, tossing it on the bed. I slipped on my sneakers and grabbed my cigarettes and wallet, and my eyes fell on a pair of high heels next to the bed. Just fucking great. I grabbed them and slipped out of my room, not ready to face Sarah after last night. I had made a complete fucking fool of myself.

I slowed as I made my way toward Sarah’s door, taking a deep
breath and knocking before I could talk myself out of it. I knew I needed to apologize. I couldn’t just avoid her like an asshole and pretend nothing happened.

She pulled it open, just peeking her head out of a crack. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was a whisper, laced with anger, and she glanced back over her shoulder. I clenched my jaw when I realized that Derek must be inside. I could only imagine how fucked-up his face was this morning, and I braced for her to scream at me for hurting him.

I held up her shoes between us and she rolled her eyes, snatching them from my hand and tossing them on the floor inside the door.

“How is he?” I asked, feigning concern.

“He’s passed out. He didn’t sleep for shit in jail and his face is battered and bruised.” She folded her arms over her chest. “I can’t believe he went through that for me.”

Shock was the first emotion that rolled through me, followed by the desire to shove my way in his room and beat his ass again. “Yeah, he’s a fucking saint.”

“Shhh . . .” She pushed lightly against my chest and I took a step back as she slid into the hall and pulled the door closed behind her. My gaze dropped to her hand on my body, and every emotion I felt last night when I was so close to her came rushing back to the surface. She must have felt it, too, and she quickly pulled her arm back, wringing her hands together.

“I never said Derek was perfect, but he is trying. Last night is
proof of that. You do remember last night, don’t you?” Her eyes narrowed angrily.

I rolled my eyes, wanting to scream that he wasn’t changing and that I was the one who had battered his face, but I knew she would just hate me for that, so I kept my mouth shut and swallowed back the truth yet again. If I couldn’t be with Sarah, I needed to save our friendship. I couldn’t handle losing her altogether.

“I’m sorry for last night, Sarah. I should never have put you in that position. I had way too much to drink and I acted like an asshole.”

Her gaze avoided mine as she listened to my half-assed apology.

“Still friends?” I asked, forcing a smile.

“Always.” She returned the smile and we looked at each other for a long moment before my phone began to ring in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen.

“It’s Donna. I gotta go.”

Sarah only nodded and opened the door to her room. I watched her slip inside before making my way down the hall to the elevator.


to the hotel room quietly and leaned back against it. My heart sank into my stomach as I stared at Derek, sprawled on the bed. All I could think about all night was E. Why did he have to complicate our friendship? It had felt so good to start to reconnect with him, to move past the awkward radio silence that had defined the last few weeks between us, but then he had to go and do something that he
would piss me off, not to mention Derek.

My mind was racing; I was pissed and confused.

And why did it suddenly piss me off that he was going to meet up with Donna? I banged my head against the door as if I were trying to knock some clarity into my mind, and the sound seemed to bring Derek back to life.

“What’s up?” Derek groaned as he stretched across the bed.

“Nothing. I just don’t feel well. I think I drank too much last night.”

He laughed and patted a spot next to him on the bed. I pushed to my feet and slowly made my way over to him. His one eye was completely swollen shut, his cheekbone bruised and split open.

I sat down next to him and ran my fingertips over his cheek. “They got you good.”

He rolled over and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Yeah, but I won.” He let out a low laugh and coughed.

“Let me get you some water.” I went to stand but Derek’s grip tightened around my waist, holding me next to him.

“I’m fine. I just need some more sleep. Have you seen any of the guys?”

My heart began to race as I thought of what to say. Derek had been right about E, and telling him that would only cause a fight. “Not since last night. E went back in the club to look for you for me, but the cops came before he could find you.”

Derek smiled and nodded his head. “I’ll have to thank him later.”

I smiled down at him, glad that maybe he and E might finally be able to put some of their differences behind them and be friends.

“Come here.” He pulled me down so I was lying with my back to him as he snuggled against me. “Wake me up in an
hour.” He yawned and laid his head against my back. I tried to relax against him, but I felt as if everything had changed in just a few short hours. It was killing me inside. Derek was finally trying. He was coming around and doing the right thing, but all I could think about was E. I closed my eyes as a tear slid onto the sheet below and prayed that sleep would take away my guilt, even if just for an hour.

woke, I didn’t feel any better. I wished I had someone I could talk to, but E was definitely not a good choice and Cass was still off celebrating her marriage. I felt so alone, even with my boyfriend’s arms locked around my body. I glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was almost dinnertime and I had slept a lot longer than I intended. I pulled Derek’s arm off me and slowly slid out of bed to use the bathroom. I knew I should wake him, but I needed a few more minutes to myself.

I ran a hot bath and slid into the tub, my hair piled on top of my head with a clip. I wanted to disappear underneath the bubbles so I didn’t have to face the world again. I closed my eyes, getting lost in the warmth.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” Derek’s voice startled me.

I jumped, splashing water over the edge of the tub. I tried not to let the fear from memories of my past show on my face. “You looked so peaceful. I figured you could use a little more sleep.”

He lifted the lid to the toilet and peed.

I gave him a look of disgust as I pushed myself up and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around myself. The bubbles still clung to my skin, but I needed to get out of there. The room was closing in on me. Derek zipped up his pants and grabbed my arm as I tried to walk by him and out the door. His nose skimmed along my jawline up to my ear.

“I know how you could make me feel better.” His teeth nipped gently on my earlobe, and his hand trailed down my arm and gripped the towel in his hand, pulling it from my body and letting it fall to the floor. “It killed me not being here with you last night.”

He turned toward me, lacing his hands behind my neck and pulling my mouth to his, reminding me of what had drawn us together in the first place—that magnetic pull that was impossible to deny. Those strong arms that had always made me feel so protected.

Derek’s kisses were hungry and he grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head and dropping it on the towel. My eyes danced over his tattooed chest before he pulled me back against him, needing to feel his skin on mine. His palm ran roughly over my breast as his lips moved over my jaw and down my throat.

The memories of kissing E flooded me, and my head began to swim with regret as I pushed against his chest to get away from his touch. I wasn’t feeling guilty for keeping it a secret. I felt guilty because I’d liked it.

“What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing. I just want to take it slow.” I pressed my lips against his, desperate to ignite the fire that had nearly flickered out. Derek backed me up against the bathroom wall, his body slamming hard against mine as he undid his pants and shoved them down his hips. Slow wasn’t an option and I squeezed my eyes closed, hoping he couldn’t feel how fast my heart was racing. I begged my brain to focus on the now.

The opening notes to “Free Bird” began to play in my mind, and I focused on the song as I let my mind detach from my body. I’d never enjoyed sex, but how do you explain that to your boyfriend? How do you even begin to tell the rock god you’re dating that you don’t feel like making love?

The lyrics grew louder in my subconscious as I let my imagination wander. Unfortunately, it went to the one thought I wished I could forget: kissing E.


mind off Sarah as I spun a beer bottle in my hand.

“Shit, you’ve got it fucking bad.” Chris laughed and took a drink from his bottle as he motioned for the bartender to bring another round.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The fuck you don’t, man. You nearly killed Derek last night.”

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