A Shot of Sin (9 page)

Read A Shot of Sin Online

Authors: Eden Summers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #kink;voyeurism;Australia;Melbourne;erotic

BOOK: A Shot of Sin
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Chapter Ten

Leo raised the toast to Shay’s mouth, enjoying the way her naked chest delicately rose and fell as she ate. He should be thankful she denied him the choice to spoon-feed her cereal. The exercise would’ve ended in him
pouring milk down her cleavage, watching the trail fall between those gorgeous breasts before finally licking it off when it came close to reaching the heat of her pussy.

He needed to keep his hands off her. To make her understand this thing between them wasn’t based on sex. And to also give her time to think. He admired her strength and confidence above all else. So seeing her skittish at the mere mention of the Vault was something he needed to focus on resolving.

“Juice?” he asked, placing the crust of the last half of Vegemite covered toast back on the plate in front of her.

She nodded. “Thank you.”

He settled the glass against her lips, taking care to tip it at the right pace. He enjoyed caring for her, being the one making sure her needs were met. If he had more restraint, he’d stick around all day, keeping her hands tied as he catered to her every need. But it was only a matter of time before his dick took control.

“More toast?” He lowered the glass to the table and fought the need to kiss the juice from her mouth.

“No. I’m good.” She nibbled her bottom lip. “But you can untie me.”

“Soon.” He cleaned away their cups and plates and stacked them in the dishwasher as Shay watched from the stool behind the kitchen counter. “I like having you defenseless for once.”

She scoffed. “I’m always defenseless around you.”

He copied her, scoffing louder. “The only time you’ve shown any vulnerability…” apart from what he’d witnessed in the last twelve hours, “…was the first night you worked the bar in Taste of Sin.” Or maybe the days after he’d pleasured her in the storeroom.

She cringed, the tops of her cheeks turning the slightest shade of pink. “You remember that?”

He’d remembered every moment since she’d handed in her employment application. “I recall with vivid clarity, T.J. remarking on how cute you were at the start of your shift. He thought you were sweet and innocent.” He closed the dishwasher and brushed the crumbs off his palms into her sink. “It didn’t take long for him to determine those deep brown eyes were hiding a little minx.”

She hit him with a dazzling smile. “Once the doors closed for the night, the three of you took pleasure in testing me. You barked off drink orders, making sure I knew how to prepare everything from memory.”

He inclined his head. He’d never laughed harder in his life. One by one, Leo, Brute and T.J. had thrown names of cocktails at her, until finally T.J. requested a Crouching Tiger shot and they’d all been too drunk to notice she’d placed in front of him a mix of Sambuca, Tequila and Tabasco sauce instead.

“T.J. hadn’t known what hit him.”

“For a second, I thought he was going to die, he was choking so hard.” She started to laugh, making those tempting breasts bounce. “I was glad you guys didn’t fire me.”

He ignored the way his cock jerked and made his way back to her side. It was time to leave. He wanted this moment to stick with him until Tuesday—her beautiful smile, the lush curve of her breasts, the way her hair fell like silk against her smooth skin.

“That was never an option.” He untied the material at her wrists and helped her to her feet. “You fit in perfectly.” A little too perfectly at times. The three of them held a soft spot for Shay. She may have a temper, but her few bad days had never come close to outweighing the good. She always made them smile, either with her over-exaggerated annoyances or with her cheeky, flirting banter.

“I’m glad you think so.” She fell into him, resting her arms on his chest as she stared up at him.

He was falling—into desire, under her spell. “It’s time for me to go.”

Her brow furrowed the slightest bit and she stepped back. “You don’t want to stay?”

“If I thought it was the right thing to do, I wouldn’t leave until we had to go back to work on Tuesday.” He grabbed her hand, entwined their fingers and tried to ease the dejection in her eyes. “But I bailed out on Travis last night. I need to call him and make sure Vault of Sin was closed without drama.”

Vault of Sin—three innocent words potent enough to make Shay’s stomach flutter. She nodded, trying not to let the passing seconds daunt her. She’d been in the zone, tied up like a little love slave waiting to be satisfied. And now he was leaving.

Look out toys, here I come.

“Are you sure you’re comfortable working down there next Saturday?” he asked, sounding concerned. “There’s no pressure if you don’t. I’ll work the bar myself if I have to.”

And be surrounded by voluptuous women vowing for his attention? “No. I can do it,” she added steel to her tone. In the future, working her usual shift at Shot of Sin would be painful, knowing what Leo would be experiencing downstairs. Her imagination would be the death of her. She needed to face her fears head on, while also keeping Leo in her sights.

“You’ll see me in the restaurant during the week and my shift at the club bar on Friday, so there’s plenty of time to grill me beforehand. On Saturday, I can arrive early to check things out properly. You know, without all that cock staring me in the face.”

It was meant as a joke, but Leo stiffened. “If you’re uncomfortable—”

“I’m fine.” She groaned. “Please, stop asking.”

He leaned into her, moving to eye level. “Shay…”

“Don’t.” She pushed at his muscled chest and looked away. She was intimidated, jealous, and yeah, maybe at the top of the nervous scale, but it didn’t mean she was a chicken shit. “I said I’d try. This is me trying. I don’t need you treating me like a little girl.”

“Okay,” his voice softened. “But if you change your mind all you have to do is tell me.”

She nodded. “I need to get dressed.”

They both knew it was a dismissal of the conversation. She didn’t care. She was sick of worrying about it. Sick of thinking about it. Turning on her heel, she hastened down the hall in search of her dressing gown.

“I’ll also need to show you the back entrance to the club, so make sure you remind me on Friday.” Leo strode behind her, following her back into her bedroom.

“Back entrance?” She peered over her shoulder, immediately engrossed by the flexing muscles of his arms as he reached for his clothes on the floor.

He glanced up from beneath thick, dark lashes and grinned. “I think I told you it was the delivery entrance when you first started.”

Lying little bastard. “Anything else you’ve lied about?” She raised a brow and the humor died from his features.

“I’ve only ever lied to keep the club safe. Legally, it shouldn’t be running within the walls of Shot of Sin.” He pulled on his shirt, doing up the buttons as his gaze scrutinized her. “If we asked for government approval for a sex club, the local public would be notified. The anonymity of members would be breached, and I’m sure you could imagine the shit fight we’d have on our hands from do-gooders and religious groups.” He straightened his collar and then yanked on his pants. “But now you know there’s no need for secrecy between us. I won’t lie to you. Even if the truth is brutal, I’ll take a leaf out of Brute’s book and let you have it straight.” He stalked toward her and came to a stop at her feet.

Leo stroked a hand through her sleep-tangled hair. “I stayed away from you for a long time, wanting to ensure I didn’t hurt you. So whatever it takes, please know I have your best interest at heart.”

Shay inhaled deeply and let it out on a sigh.

Okay, so maybe she was a little fragile. The thought of rejection sat like a lead balloon beneath her ribs. She was a grown woman, confident in every aspect of her life…up until this moment. Now she had to question if she was adventurous enough for Vault of Sin.

Only time would tell. All she knew was that being intimate with Leo and then going back to a platonic relationship wasn’t an option her heart could handle. She was risking a lot with the hasty decisions she’d made during the early hours of the morning. And now it was too late to go back.

Leo leaned in, tilting her chin, bringing them a breath apart. “The only truth I have for you right now is that I want you. Any way I can.” His eyes searched hers, focusing with heated intent so potent her body flushed. “Let’s see where it takes us.”

Shay bit her lip, fighting the need to wrap her hands around his neck and drag him back onto the bed. “I’ll see you Tuesday then.”

“Yeah. You will.” He brushed his mouth over hers and then stepped back. “Just try and keep your wanton hands off me in front of the other staff, okay.” He grinned and headed for the door.

“You’re an arrogant jerk,” she called, her gaze trained on his sexy ass as he strutted from the room.

“A jerk you’re now stuck with,” he shouted from the hall.

His steps retreated, each soft footfall making her want to yell for him to come back. She was hooked. Not just to his charm or the way he worked her body, but to the thought of them being together. The image of them holding hands had her turning all girlie with the yearning to squee.

Now all they had to do was get over their myriad of issues.

Chapter Eleven

Tuesday morning took forever to arrive. Leo stood behind the Taste of Sin bar, waiting for the lunch staff to show up for work. One in particular. He’d spent the last two days distracting himself from calling, texting, emailing or even sending flowers to Shay. And the harder he tried to occupy his mind, the more potent his memories of her delicious body became. He’d thrashed himself at the gym, replied to a full inbox of work-related crap and even cleaned out his fridge. All before Sunday night arrived.

Now he couldn’t wait for the next thirty minutes to tick by until she showed up for her shift. He wasn’t just pussy-whipped, he was wrangled, tangled and tied to the bed waiting to be decimated.

He felt like a kid at an amusement park, all giddy excitement and nervous anticipation. Reality hadn’t left the building. He still knew they had a shitload of problems to discuss and resolve, but finding a woman like Shay and having her stick around after learning his sordid secrets was an opportunity worthy of a little crazy optimism.

The first hurdle had been the hardest, and they’d sailed over the fucker with the grace of an Olympic champion. Okay, maybe his hindsight was skimming the Saturday night drama. He couldn’t help it. His enthusiasm was out of control.

They both still needed time. Flipping from a work relationship to lovers wasn’t easy in a normal business environment. When a sex club was brought into the mix, it was like walking through a minefield. But instead of explosives, they were contending with jealousy, spite, judgments and lies.

Leo needed to make sure they avoided each detonation.

Every other woman had balked at his lifestyle choices. And he understood why. It wasn’t common to share the person you cared for, and getting your kit off in the middle of a crowded room wasn’t on everyone’s bucket list. Yet Shay was still sticking around. She’d made him crazy with her curves, driven his desire to insatiable heights, and now he couldn’t quit thinking about ways to make this work.

The front door swooshed open, stealing his attention, and there she was, in tight black pants, a white-collared shirt and the glow of the sun surrounding her in a halo.

“Morning.” His gaze was glued to her, drinking her in as if he hadn’t seen her in years.

“Morning.” She grinned. “How were your days off?”

“Fine. You?” He strode around the bar and met her in the middle of the room filled with tables and chairs.

“Fine.” He stepped into her, wove his arm around her waist and tugged her softness against him. She’d arrived early and no other bar staff or waitresses were here. Apart from the chefs hidden in the kitchen out back, they were alone. It gave him the perfect opportunity to take the edge off his craving. “I missed you.” His lips found hers, kissing, nipping, licking until they both had to come up for air.

“I thought I was meant to keep my hands off you.”

“You were.” He pecked her lips. “You’re not doing a very good job.”

Her eyes twinkled, desire and sass staring back at him. “For such an accomplished man, you have very little restraint.”

“And for such a flirty woman, you’re doing a great job of brushing me off.”

“I’m not brushing you off.” She had the gall to gape at him with mock outrage. “It’s just that my boss is a hardass and I don’t want to get in trouble.”

“Sometimes getting in trouble is the best part.” He’d never get enough of her quick-witted charm. Even the subtle changes in her expression added to her potent mix of confidence and sexuality. She knew how to work him. Hell, she probably knew how to work every man. But he didn’t care. Shay was his now.

“True.” She pressed her lips together, the corners of her mouth tilting in barely contained laughter.

He leaned in for another kiss, already tasting her on his tongue when she tilted her head away.

“Not here,” she whispered, practically castrating him with the rejection.

She’d broken him, made him weak and lust-crazed in the one place he demanded control. All he wanted to do is strip her bare and sink into her over and over. Right now, he didn’t care if the timid restaurant staff caught them. He didn’t give a shit if his club secrets were exposed. His desire for her had already tightened his balls, making his shaft thicken with anticipation. His brain was deprived of blood flow and all the fucks he should’ve given about being caught were nowhere to be found. “Did you even think about me?”

“Of course.” She smiled up at him, this time with genuine admiration. “I couldn’t stop.”

“And what about the Vault?” Regret hit him the same moment she stiffened in his arms. He should’ve stopped before curiosity got the better of him. Now the playfulness had left her features, replaced with discomfort.

“The jury’s still out on that one.”

“There’s no rush. I can wait.” He wasn’t going to push or pry. He shouldn’t have opened his mouth in the first place. Patience was the only option if this was going to work. He just needed to pull his dick into line.

She pushed gently at his chest, disentangling herself from his arms. “I need to get ready, otherwise my arrogant boss might fire my ass.”

He groaned, long and low. Today would be torture, tomorrow too, and every other fucking day until he could get his fill of this beautiful woman. “Meet me in the storeroom in ten minutes.” He was joking. At least he thought he was.

Shay’s chuckle filled the room and she shook her head as the front door opened again. “I don’t think those duties are in my job description.”

He wanted to chase her, to stalk her into the nearest corner and show her exactly what duties he required of her. Only problem was they couldn’t be caught together. He needed to explain the situation to T.J. and Brute first, and the two of them wouldn’t turn up until later. Staff and management relationships weren’t forbidden. They’d worked together long enough to trust one another to make the right judgments, but when Vault of Sin was involved, they all second-guessed every decision they made. Because of the privacy issues and the lurid nature of what happened downstairs, they had to tread carefully. Shay was a liability now she knew their secret, and none of them liked any type of vulnerability when it came to their private club.

“We’ll discuss this later,” he called, and then growled when she replied with a girlie finger wave over her shoulder.

The lunch rush came and went, with Shay acting oblivious to his constant stare. He was sure she was deliberately teasing him. Torturing him. Making him so fucking crazy he ended up approaching her while serving a customer and asked her to meet him in the storeroom for a private discussion.

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

He stalked away and closed the storeroom door behind him to wait in peace. Time ticked by, hours, minutes…probably seconds, he couldn’t tell the difference anymore. Then she opened the door and closed it quietly behind her before launching herself at him.

He stumbled back, hitting the stacked shelves, making the rows of bottles clang. They paused, making eye contact as the noise lessened, waiting for the all-clear to go ahead. Then Shay’s gaze snapped to the shelf behind him and she frantically reached her arm out before a loud smash filled the room.

“Shit,” she muttered, sliding away from him.

As the heat of her fled his body, his heart rate quickened. He didn’t give a shit about the bottle, or the mess, or whatever the cost of the alcohol. His mind was only focused on one thing.

“I’ll clean it up later.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her back against his chest.

Passion flared in her eyes and she clung to him as he lowered his hands to the delicious curve of her ass. He kissed her, hard, while she relaxed into the grip of his hold and began wrapping her legs around his waist, climbing him, her hands everywhere. He smiled against her mouth, loving every breath of sweet-scented perfume, every soft whimper, every clench of her thighs around him.

“You’re killing me,” she rasped. “How am I meant to work with you watching my every move? I can’t concentrate.”

He yanked at her waistband, unbuckled the belt, flicked open the button. “You looked fine to me.”

She clawed his shirt, sliding her hands under the material to run her fingernails against his skin. “I had to re-do three orders.”

“I had to leave the service area to readjust my cock fifteen times.”

She chuckled into his mouth, charming his tongue with hers, while her fingers glided through his hair. “I love knowing you’re—”

The click of the door handle made him freeze and Shay stiffened against him. He didn’t have time to move before the door flung open and a faint gasp had him closing his eyes with a wince.

He glanced over his shoulder, finding the pale complexion of one of their female chefs. Her eyes were wide, her mouth agape. She shook her head, blinking away the shock and stepped back into the hall.

“Ahh…” Her gaze travelled between him and Shay, the high of her cheeks darkening. “I didn’t mean to… I’m…ahh…sorry.” She slammed the door shut, leaving them in silence to listen to the quickening pace of her shoes thumping down the hall.

Damn it.

Leo remained still, letting his idiocy sink in as he held Shay against him. He was the boss. He couldn’t be pulling this crap at work. At least not upstairs where fucking in public wasn’t expected. He’d messed up. Big time.

“I’m sorry.” Shay climbed off him and straightened her shirt.

“Not your fault.” He righted his clothes and helped smooth out her tangled hair. He had no clue what he looked like, but Shay’s blouse was crumpled and her hair well and truly mussed. She practically had
been fucked in the storeroom
tattooed on her forehead. If only they’d made the distance to make it worthwhile.

“Do I look okay?” She glanced up at him, her pupils wide with concern.


She winced. “I look ridiculous, don’t I?”

“You look like a woman who was caught rutting in the storeroom.”

“Great.” With one hand, she combed her fingers through her hair while the other pulled a hair tie from her pocket.

No, not great. He hadn’t found the right moment to speak to T.J. and Brute yet, and he needed to get to them before gossip did.

“Shay, I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta go speak to the guys before they find out what’s going on from someone else.” He kissed her temple and gripped her shoulders. “Will you be okay?”

She pulled a face, half funny, half awkward. “Yeah. Go.”

“I’ll meet you at your car when you finish your shift.” Outside. Alone. Where they wouldn’t be caught acting like secretive teenagers.

She nodded. “I’ll clean up the mess.”

He eyed the pool of alcohol and glass on the floor at the end of the shelves. “Damn it.” He’d forgotten about the broken bottle. “I’ll make it up to you. Promise.” He gave her one last hard and fast kiss and then stalked to the door, turned the handle and yanked it open to find Brute staring back at him. His friend was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, a fucked-off expression etched across his face.

Could this moment get worse?

“We need to talk,” Brute growled.

Well, apparently, it could.

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