A Player for A Princess: Dirty Players Duet #2 (3 page)

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Pale light from outside the balcony illuminates his face, and I see his square jaw dusted with light scruff. His hazel eyes blaze. “So the con was on me? You make me fall for you then walk away? Humiliate me?”

“NO!” I shake my head fast. “I would never—”

“Save it.” He pushes off of me turning his back and walking across the room. Tension ripples off him in waves, and I want to touch him. At the same time I’m afraid he won’t let me. “Pretty sick joke calling yourself Regina Lampert. You’d make a better Charles.”

“You’ve seen
?” Of course he has. Movies were the one true thing we shared.

“How many passports do
have, Mrs. Lampert?” His eyes flash.

“It’s Miss, and none. I’ve never had a passport. Not even one. In my real name, at least.”

The muscle in his jaw moves, and he’s across the room again, grabbing my face in his hand, causing me to whimper.

“Stop lying to me.”

Pain collapses my insides. Cal’s anger is so much worse than I could possibly have imagined, and still I want him so badly, my heart is breaking.

“I’m not!”

“You fucking conned me from the start.”

A hot tear hits my cheek—I can’t deny it. I did.

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

Gripping my face, his rough mouth covers mine, shoving my lips apart. My knees go liquid, but he jerks me up firmly against his chest. Gripping his shoulders, my fingers curl against his hard muscles as his tongue claims mine.

He lifts his head, and our mouths break apart with a gasping smack. My lips throb with the force of it.

“Is that a lie, too?” His eyes are dark.

“N-no,” I gasp. The fine hairs dusting his chest tease the skin above my bra, and I’m so wet.

His large hand slides between my thighs, over those thin boxers. I’m bare underneath, but he’s not invading, he’s teasing. I ache for him so much, I can barely stand it. Still holding my cheeks, he forces me to meet his angry eyes a moment before he kisses me again. Again, it’s hard, passionate, demanding, and all the sensations overwhelm me.

Jerking my head back hazel eyes burn into mine. “Every time you moaned for me, every time you begged… Were you lying then?”

“No!” I cling to him as his hand snakes around to cup my ass through the thin cotton material. “I never saw you coming. Even if I had, I never could have been prepared for you. Not in a million years.”

His eyes narrow slightly, and he places both hands on my cheeks, moving his thumbs over my mouth. The muscle in his jaw moves, and I can see so much anger in his eyes.


“Don’t.” A thumb stills on my lips, stopping my speech.

He slides his thumb over my slightly fuller top lip. His eyes follow his movements, and I remember our night on the boat, him telling me all the things he sees when he looks at me. Just as fast, I remember the way he fucked me that night, the way we were both wild and passionate.

Our eyes meet, and I have no idea what he sees now when he looks at me. I don’t know if the love he felt for me has been snuffed out by the truth of who I am. I don’t know what he’ll do next now that he’s caught me.

I only know as much as I don’t deserve him, he’s my prince. I gave my heart to him, and no matter how far I run, I’ll never stop wanting him.


ur small plane
touches down on the airstrip just outside Road Town. Logan easily found the hotel where Regina Lampert is staying on the short flight from St. Croix, and he shows me the shitty dump in the middle of the tourist district.

“We’re at least an hour ahead of them,” my tall, muscular guard says as we descend from the aircraft. “Should we return to the villa?”

“No.” My jaw is clenched, and I’m having a hard time keeping my anger at bay. “I’m going to her room.”

An SUV is waiting for us, and Logan gives him the address for her hotel. It takes less than five minutes for us to be there, and I slip down the alley to the back of the building. The utter lack of security coupled with how easily I climb the short fire escape, cross over to her balcony, and enter through the unlocked patio door angers me in a whole new way. Anyone could do this. She could be dead before dawn at this rate.

“Yet you run from me,” I grumble, sitting on the uncomfortable couch as I wait for her to appear.

My mind travels across the miles in the darkness. I remember the first night I saw her in Monagasco at the charity ball. I remember her strapless black dress and the way she wobbled on those too-tall stilettoes. She looked up at me, blue eyes flashing with humor and determination, and I couldn’t resist. I’d never seen anything like her.

I didn’t understand why she was so focused on my brother. It was an entirely new experience, but it didn’t matter. After our first night, I knew she was mine. Unfortunately, it seems I am completely hers as well. My fists tighten, and the noise at the door tells me she’s here.

Tightness fills my chest at the sound of her voice. I left the patio door slightly ajar, and she struggles against the wind tunnel created. The sea breeze surrounds us, overwhelming us both. My breathing is heavy, barely audible as I watch her, alone in this dark room. She stops in front of the mirror and takes the pins out of her long, blonde hair. It falls in silky curls around her shoulders. I can still see the tips curling at her nipples the last time I fucked her.

She pulls off her shirt, and she’s my kryptonite.

I flew half a continent to Tortola then hopped a puddle jumper to St. Croix then did it again. She has jerked me all over the god damned western hemisphere—I would never put up with shit like this—yet here I am, aching to hold her, wanting to slide my thumb across those full lips I long to kiss.

I came here desperate to find her, and now I want to turn her over my knee and spank her. I’m mad because she lied, but even more, I’m livid at her recklessness.

She’s like a child running into the path of oncoming traffic. She ran from me when men with guns were chasing her. She left with her sister lying wounded, nearly dead in a hospital bed. I told her I loved her, and she ran even further.

I fucking love this woman.

I fucking want to strangle her.

Fury heats my blood and I cross the room, pulling her trembling body into my arms.

“Cal?” she gasps, and I hear the fear in her voice.

She’s wearing boxers and a thin bra. I can just see the tips of her succulent breasts, and I can feel her heat through the fabric of her shorts. Memories of our last night flood my mind—the two of us in her bed, our bodies entwined like contortionists.

Stepping back, I pull the shirt I’m wearing over my head. Her eyes change as they move from my hair down my neck to my chest. Her lust is stronger than her fear. My lust is stronger than my fury.

“Take it off.” My voice is anger mixed with desire.

I watch as she reaches around her back to unfasten that bra. It falls away, and her creamy breasts, her dark nipples are highlighted by the streetlamp outside. My fingers ache to touch her.

Not yet…

“All of it,” I say, waiting as she bends to slide the boxers over her hips to the floor.

She’s bare in front of me, and a little shiver moves through her. I watch her breath swirling in and out in little pants. She’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Moving forward, I gather her to me, feeling the soft press of her body against my bare chest. We both groan. It’s so good. My chin drops, and our mouths meet. Her tongue touches mine, but I’m holding back. She strains into me, trying to get her arms free, but I hold her tighter, imprisoning her, turning my face.

“You helped the assholes who tried to kill Ro,” I say as much to myself as to her.

“No—NO!” The break in her voice claws at my chest. “I didn’t know, Cal. I never would have hurt him like that—”

“You have degrees of how you hurt people?”

Her face drops, and her body goes limp in my arms.

Clenching my fist in the back of her hair, I want to pull it. I want to shake her but instead, I kiss her. I cover her mouth with mine tasting her sweetness. I taste the salt of her tears as I kiss her cheeks. I’m so fucking mixed up inside.

Loosening my hold, I step back. I need to get my head straight. I’m not ready to forgive her this easily.

She only hesitates a moment before lowering to her knees in front of me. Lifting her chin, she looks up, blue eyes round, and glistening with tears. Her palms are flat on the front of my slacks, and she slides them up and down before lifting them to my waistband. Every cell in my body is focused on her movements as she unfastens my pants.

“I’m so sorry, Cal,” she whispers as her delicate fingers lower my trousers, my boxer briefs, until my aching cock springs free.

My emotions might be conflicted, but my dick knows exactly what it wants. She touches me lightly with her fingers, wrapping them around my length, and I lean my forehead on my arm against the wall, breathing hard as I watch her guide the mushroom tip between her lips, past that full upper lip I want to bite.

My eyes slide closed, and a low groan scrapes from my throat as her hot mouth closes around my cock. She teases me, running her tongue along the edge, down the base. She opens and pulls me in again, but I’m too big for her. I only hear the sweet sucking sound around my tip as her fingers go the rest of the way down my shaft, pumping fast.

“Fuck,” I hiss. This feels too good.

She’s on her knees, submissive pose, appeasing my anger.
Get it together, Cal.
Reaching down, I catch her under the arms and lift her fast. She comes off my dick with a soft
Her back is again to the wall. Those satin lips are swollen, her eyes rimmed in red.

My teeth clench. “I won’t let you play me.”

“Never—” her head shakes.

“Say it,” I order, cutting her off. Her blue eyes widen, and it takes all my strength to keep my wall of anger firmly in place.

She blinks quickly, and I remind myself she’s most likely trying to decide what version of the truth she’s willing to give me. I still can’t trust her, especially now that she knows my heart’s involved.

“I-I’m sorry?” Her voice is soft.

“Are you asking me?” Mine is hard.

“No.” It’s a firm reply laced with sadness. “I never meant to hurt you, Cal.”

“Too late.” My hand slides into the back of her hair, and I pull it, forcing those eyes to stay on mine. “What else?”

Her brow lines. “I’ve told you everything.”

“No, you haven’t.”

Our bare chests are together. Her fingers rest on my shoulders, and I loosen my grip, threading my fingers in her soft hair, waiting. My erection is straining for her bare pussy. I want to be inside her. I want to spend this night like all our other nights—fucking and teasing, talking and holding each other, napping and then doing it all again.

But not yet. Right now I want her to admit it. I want to know she ripped out her heart and left it behind when she ran from me—just like she tore mine out and took it with her.

“What’s left?” she says in that quiet voice, so different from our usual, feisty banter.

“I think you know.”

The moment she realizes, a startled light hits her eye.
Yes, beautiful, I know your secret. Now say it.
She tries to turn away, but my fingers tighten in her hair, holding her steady.

“Say it.” My voice is lower.

“I can’t,” she whispers, pools forming in her eyes.

“I won’t let you go until you do.”


“Save the begging for when I make you come. Now tell me.”

She does a little sniff and closes her eyes. “I love you. You know I love you. Why are you torturing me?”

. Her confession hits me harder than I expected. It’s a mini-explosion in my chest, and that fucking wall is down. Me, the “playboy prince,” slain by this hustler, this grifter…

This woman I love.

My jaw flexes and I focus on the mission.

“Now open your eyes and tell me.” I want her to hear the words from her own lips. I want her to know I’m not the only one with a weakness.

Her blue eyes open, and she shakes her head, conquered at last. “I love you, Cal.”

Leaning forward, I kiss her slowly at first, gently. I pull that top lip between mine and give it a little nip. I sweep my tongue against the seam of her mouth and take a little dip inside, tasting her sweetness. I feel the heat rising in her torso solidly pressed against mine, and I know she’s wet.

Meeting her gaze, I don’t smile. We still have work to do, but before all of that… “Now I’m going to fuck you.”

I take her mouth again, but this time it’s more urgent. Our previous feelings are shoved aside, and raw need and blazing heat are between us. Her lips chase mine. Her tongue is in my mouth, and I lift her, holding her up against the wall as her thighs part, her gorgeous legs go around my waist.

“Oh, god, Cal!” she gasps.

Her chin rises, and I kiss her beautiful neck. I bring my face down to catch a beaded nipple in my teeth, and I’m rewarded with a little squeal. My dick is so hard it aches as I fumble to find her entrance.

In one swift drop, I’m inside her, wrapped in the clenching warmth of her body.

“Fuck, yes,” I groan, moving my hands to her ass so I can hold her, grind her against my pelvis.

“Cal!” she moans, moving her hips around, accommodating my size filling her, stretching her.

She’s clenching and wet and the only place I want to be. Holding back is about to kill me. “Okay?” I groan against her cheek, my eyes closed as I focus.

“Fuck me, Cal,” she begs, and it’s all I need to hear.

I let loose, pounding and grasping. Her thighs squeeze my waist, and I feel the slight pinch of her nails cutting into the skin of my shoulders.

“Oh, god… Oh!” She cries as her orgasm starts to rise. I feel her inner muscles tight around me as she grinds her clit against my shaft. “Right there!” she says.

My fingers bite into her soft ass, moving her faster over me until she’s bucking and coming, crying out and straining. My brow lines and I let go as well, pulsing deep into her, filling her, leaving this planet momentarily as we shoot through the stars together in a blaze of orgasm.

Knees bent, I grip her harder, holding on as we drift down together. My heart beats wildly in my chest, but I’m anchored to this place by her luscious body. A bead of sweat rolls down my cheek, and I feel her lick it away. She kisses my jaw then touches her tongue to the side of my neck just before she gives me a little bite, drawing another pulse from me deep inside her.

“Fucking amazing,” I manage, and she makes a noise like a purr.

Slim hands move to my cheeks, and she holds my eyes. “I love you, MacCallum Lockwood Tate,” she says, and my grip on resistance falters.

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