A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel) (40 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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His male scent surrounded her, consumed her. His moans of pleasure brought her to heights she never imagined. Knowing that she was the one bringing him such delight only increased her own desire. The tension built within her, and she grew more frantic, more urgent, clutching him to her, pulling him in deeper.

Searching out his lips, she kissed him senseless, demanding, yearning for release. Alexander growled low in his throat.

“My love, my little imposter, what are you doing to me?” The tone of his voice was sensual, loving, and Chloe knew he was coming undone just as she was.

He drove into her again and again, and she matched him thrust for thrust, until she felt her climax engulfing her, taking over. A moan of ecstasy escaped her lips, as her body shuddered from the inside out, the rush of feelings coming in waves. Alexander captured her lips for a searing kiss as his body pulsed with hers, and his own moan filled her mouth.

They held each other for what seemed like hours, both consumed with the ecstasy that their bodies had given. The contentment that filled Chloe was like a long awaited dream. She lay with the man she loved, happy and safe. She would get to lay like this with Alexander forever.

“I never knew it could be like this.” Chloe whispered against him. “It was so…so…magical.”

Outside the sounds of fires crackling, men snoring and an occasional owl hooting filled the night.

Alexander nuzzled Chloe’s neck. “Well, I aim to please you darling with my magical sword.” She slapped his shoulder gently and giggled. “It was magnificent my little minx.” He whispered to her, gazing into her eyes and kissing her on the nose. In truth, he had never felt so good with a woman. It wasn’t just a tumble, it was tender and filled with love. He cared about how she felt. He wanted her to experience as much pleasure as he did. He felt possessive of her, never wanting anyone else to share with her, what he had.

“Will it be like this every time?” she asked.

“Well, not every time,” he said with a mischievous look in his eyes. “Sometimes you will be on top… sometimes I will take you from behind.” He trailed his fingers along her limbs as he detailed some of the other things he would like to do to her body. He then proceeded to show her, as he lowered himself and kissed the very heat of her. Her head fell back her eyes wide locked with his as he stroked her heat with his tongue.

Chloe fell back against the blankets and enjoyed the rush of static that grew inside her. Her legs quivered, her back arched and her hands dug into his hair as she came undone again, shrieking his name. He came on top of her roughly, entering swiftly, thrusting deeply, until his body shuddered and in so doing brought on another rapid, earth-shattering release for Chloe.

He smiled down at her, love emanating through his eyes.
“We will enjoy many days like this in the keep,” he said to her with a twinkle in his eye.
“I look forward to it.” Chloe was still mesmerized by the feelings he was able to evoke from her.

He laughed at her and kissed her on the mouth. To Chloe, life couldn’t get any better than this. In the morning they would return to Hardwyck, their home. They would wed, and there was nothing, not one little thing, that would get in the way of the bliss consuming them both.

Chapter Twenty-Four


The bailey was filled with knights, servants, peasants and merchants all waving and calling well wishes. Chloe blushed at her state, still only in a nightdress, but now wrapped also in a blanket. She waved to the crowd of people, smiling, and nodding, letting them know she recognized them and appreciated their pleasure at her return.

Alexander dismounted and gently lifted her from Hero, carrying her quickly into the keep.

“Harold, prepare for the wedding feast,” Alexander called, twirling Chloe about. “And get Lady Chloe a steaming bath.” He winked at her, and she poked his ribs.

“My lord, there is some news.” Harold’s voice and expression were grave.

Alexander set Chloe on her feet, and turned to face their servant. All remnants of joyous emotion drained from his face, and she could feel it draining from herself. The wall of her resolve, that had crumbled so easily under the influence of Alexander’s love, gathered itself brick by brick, in an effort to protect her.

“What is it?” Alexander asked, his voice clear of any emotion.

Harold’s eyes flicked to Chloe and back. She could take a hint, he didn’t feel she should hear what it was. Was it that awful? Had her parents returned to fetch her? Had the king changed his mind about letting them wed?

“Whatever you have to say, she can hear it,” Alexander advised, his voice still devoid of inflection, but his jaw ticked ruthlessly, giving away his irritation.

“My lord, it is in regards to your father.”
Oh, no! His father…could he have somehow managed to get a hold of the king? He was a master of deception and persuasion…
“That traitor! Have you heard back from the king so soon regarding his fate?”
Perhaps it was good news. But if it were positive, why would Harold’s demeanor be so solemn?
“I’m afraid, my lord, it will not be necessary. His Lordship has taken his own life.” Harold looked to the ground.

Chloe blinked, trying to absorb the news she’d just heard. Taken his own life? The demons of his sins must have been too great for him to face. It was a great sin to take one’s own life. Why did she feel so awful about it? The devil himself had a special spot selected for the earl. But she knew why she felt bad—his son. Poor Alexander. She turned to look at him. They’d been so excited to return to Hardwyck, to marry and begin their life together. It looked as though that would have to be put on hold now. Was such ominous news a sign that their happiness was never to be?

Fury filled Alexander’s face. His lips thinned and he narrowed his eyes. Her head snapped toward Harold. “Taken his own life?”
“Aye, my lord. We only found him this morning.”
Chloe watched as Alexander sucked in his breath and then his facial features hardened. His body stiffened and he stood taller.

“Send a messenger to the king to let him know his counsel is not necessary. The traitor has executed his own punishment and is no longer with us.”

“Yes, my lord.” Harold bowed and scurried away.

“Alexander…” Chloe began, not sure what to say.

“My love, we shall not discuss it. We don’t want any foul news such as this to ruin our wedding day do we? All is right in the world as far as my thinking goes.”

She nodded accepting his answer. He winked at her and leaned down for a kiss when a burst of colorful flowing skirts pounded into the room.

“My lady!” An ecstatic Lady Anne ran into the room arms extended.

“Lady Anne,” Chloe returned her enthusiasm, hugging her friend tight.

“We knew the dragon would see to your safe return. Now come let’s get you cleaned up. Cook is preparing the meal and your wedding gown has arrived.”

Chloe gave a longing look toward Alexander and then allowed Lady Anne to nearly drag her up the stairs to her bedchamber where a steamy bath awaited her. She stripped out of her nightgown and moaned aloud at the feel of the hot water covering her skin. Her feet had already begun to heal. She scrubbed away the memories of the foul men touching her, taking care with her tender bruised flesh. She only wished she could keep the scent of Alexander on her skin.

Lady Anne came up behind her and began to brush her damp tresses. “My lady, I do not wish to ask you too many questions, for I don’t want to startle your nerves, but are you well?”

Chloe turned a lazy eye on Lady Anne. “I am wonderful. Alexander found me, brought me safely back to my home and my people. Now I prepare for my wedding. Nothing could give me more pleasure.” She sighed and leaned her head against the back of the tub.

“I was so worried about you. When I discovered that you were missing, I had the guards in an uproar. Edward kicked down your door.”

“He didn’t.” Chloe gasped turning to look at the perfectly put together fresh door that hung there now.

“He did.” She leaned in a placed a gentle hand on Chloe’s shoulder. “I am so glad that you are back and safe. I was so worried, so devastated, and you should have seen the men and the villagers. Everyone was struck down when they found out you had gone missing. You are such a big part of their lives now.”

Lady Anne’s words brought tears to Chloe’s eyes. She never thought in a million years she would have earned the respect and love of the people so quickly. “Thank you. All of you mean so much to me too. Hardwyck is more a home to me than Scotland or France ever was.”

Lady Anne quickly changed the subject to that of the wedding and Chloe’s gown. They chitter-chattered away until Chloe was dressed, her hair a cloud of raven perfection around her face and down her back, and a headdress that matched her gown atop her head.

“Are you ready, my lady?”

“Yes.” Her heart jumped with excitement. She was marrying the man of her dreams in just a few moments.

They descended the stairs to the great hall where Alexander waited. His gaze immediately captured hers, and a wolfish grin covered his lips as he raked her from head to toe. Her body immediately lit on fire.

Alexander had the exact reaction to her gown and belt as Chloe had hoped he would. His chest filled with pride and a broad grin covered his face. Her stomach leapt to her throat at the sight of him, so proud, as he looked at her. She couldn’t help but smile and hurry forward clasping his hand in hers. Nervous and giddy laughter escaped her lips. Just wait until she got him alone in their chamber.
Their chamber!
Joy filled her to the brim.

Alexander bent down and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “I love your gown and the dragon belt. You have pleased me immensely, wife.”

“Not wife yet,” she teased, whispering, “lover,” in his ear.

He let out a mock gasp, and nuzzled her neck. The priest clearing his throat was a reminder to the couple that they were not alone. They both apologized and stood rigid, their clasped hands the only indication that they couldn’t stop touching each other.

The ceremony went quickly and smoothly. Their vows were said without either of them making a mistake. Alexander placed a gold ring on her finger, kissed her hand. Father Hurley blessed their union. The only thing missing was the figure of her brother and her parents. Whenever Chloe had dreamt of her wedding as a young girl, her brother was always in the background. Just as she was thinking about him, and brilliant ray of light came through an upper window. Was it possible he’d answered her prayer? For surely, he’d sent help to her. Alexander had changed her life for the better, brought love into her heart.

Alexander swept her into his arms for an ardent kiss that sent the crowd to cheering and jeering.
“Before the wedding feast, I must have you once more,” he whispered in her ear, nipping her lobe.
Chloe shuddered and nodded, not able to wait another moment to feel him inside her again.

They tore up the stairs toward his chamber. The door was barely shut behind them, before he pulled her in for a ravenous kiss. His mouth melted to hers and he lifted her into the air. She wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her pelvis with his. Their hands were everywhere. He tweaked her nipples and she returned the move in kind. She sucked his tongue, bit his lips before licking the wounded flesh.

They were frantic. Animalistic. Hot for each other. Pleasure coursed through Chloe’s veins. Trembles began within her womb. She moaned with delight, her husband was having his wicked way with her. With deft and nimble fingers Alexander freed his engorged shaft and lifted her skirts about her waist.

“Touch my cock, wife. See how much I want you.” The way his words, so forbidden, were growled, sent a shudder of erotic passion through her limbs.

She gripped his heavy, thick flesh, stroking him until he trembled. His fingers slipped between her folds, plunging deep, touching a certain spot that made her body sing with pleasure.

“You’re so wet, so tight. You want me inside you, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she moaned. “Yes!”

He braced her against the wall and thrust inside her slick channel. He took her roughly, furiously, but she was a steady match in this frantic coupling.

Their bodies broke apart at the same moment, their shouts echoing off of the stone walls.


At the feast, jesters joked and juggled, musicians played and the guests danced. Alexander even commented how much more lively the hall was with such entertainments. The food was fabulous, and cook truly outdid herself. The whole town was in celebration mode and Chloe and Alexander were beyond delighted, because not only was it a celebration of their marriage, but of something much more. They had overcome so many obstacles just to be together, yet despite all the bumps and glitches they had made it through.

Alexander winked in Chloe’s direction and she nodded. It was time to leave this party and begin the festivities in their bedroom. Throughout the evening they’d shared secret glances. A touch here, a touch there. Her body was on fire, her nipples rigid, her core thrumming the entire feast. She hadn’t been able to get the memory from her mind of their last union, and she desperately wanted to feel his touch again. Now.

Alexander swept her up into his arms, and Chloe squealed. The crowd applauded, some of the more drunken guests started bawdy songs about wedding nights.

They ignored the crowd only having eyes for each other. The butterflies started in Chloe’s stomach, sending her head spiraling. Alexander paused for a moment outside their chamber door and kissed her on the lips before carrying her through, kicking the door shut behind him. He placed her gently on the ground so that she could stand to face him.

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