A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel) (26 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel)
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She looked at him one more time and then motioned for him to turn around. Alexander did so quickly and moments later heard a splash behind him as she jumped into the water letting out a little shriek.

“Being called a warm spring is a little misleading,” she laughed.

The water may not be as warm as it usually was, but his body was hotter than hell. He was a little disappointed he wasn’t able to catch a glimpse of her scantily clad form before she submerged, but he saw plenty now.

Her gown, stockings, shoes, stays and headdress lay neatly folded on the ground near the bank, which meant she was only in her chemise. Images flashed through his mind of when they had been in his chamber and he had ripped her bodice open and seen the fleshy tops of her breasts, how he had longed to touch them, stroke them, lick them. His memory then flashed to their time in the woods, her body taut beneath his as they ravaged each other to a point of almost no return.

His cock grew hard with desire, with the need to sink within her silky, wet sheath. He quickly removed his clothes, leaving on his undershirt and braies and jumped into the water, letting the coolness of it jolt his system back to reality.

“This feels amazing!” she shouted to him from fifteen feet away.

The look of delight on her face made her even more beautiful. Her innocence showed in her excitement. He watched as she stood in a shallow area that only came to her mid-thigh and she walked toward him, completely unaware of how she looked. The thin as air chemise clung to her like a second skin, giving Alexander a perfect view of the peachy skin beneath. Two pert rosy nipples pointed in his direction. He groaned under his breath. His cock ached, his sac filled to bursting. Maybe she did know how she appeared to him and her plan was to distract him so he couldn’t question her further on the reason they were really here.

He closed his eyes, not wanting to look at her. She was a temptress, and he was utterly susceptible to her temptations. He couldn’t help it. He opened his eyes again and drank in her beauty, her sensuousness.

Alexander swept her form, purposefully keeping his eyes from the two perfect mounds protruding from her chest. Her arms were surprisingly well sculpted. Her waist was so tiny he knew he could span it with both hands. He studied the curve of her hips and the length of her legs. The muscles in her arms and legs gave proof of her athletic tendencies. Would she be just as athletic in bed?

Alexander licked his lips like a hungry wolf about to devour a delicious meal.

He was glad the water was chilly—he needed it.

The smile of delight she gave him as she dipped back into the water and swam a few feet out, only made him realize she had not a clue how sexy she looked right now. He smiled at her as he watched her relish the coolness of the water. Splashing water onto her face and running her hands through her hair. Her face looked like that of a water nymph with the clear liquid dripping off of her, her lips parted as she stared at him.

Unable to control himself any longer, Alexander swam over to her and placed a light tender kiss on her perfectly luscious lips. She returned the kiss, timidly, her mouth just as warm as he suspected it would be. He pulled her closer, and his body jolted as the feel of her near nakedness touched him from chest to knee. He deepened the kiss, his tongue thrusting inside her mouth. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet taste. Her arms encircled his waist and she pulled him closer. The chemise she wore, might as well have fallen away, for he could feel her hardened nipples as they rubbed against his chest.

He brushed a thumb over a sensitive bud and was rewarded with a moan from deep in her throat. Good Lord, he wanted her. He lifted her up, and her legs came around his waist. The contrast of the hot juncture of her thighs as it replaced the cool water on his rock hard cock was exquisite.

He growled low in his throat, slanting his head to ravish her mouth thoroughly. She whimpered and rubbed herself against him. He ran his hands from her waist to grip her firm round backside, tucking her further against his raging erection.

She unraveled around him, mewls of delight escaping her as their hips grinded together, and he ran his hands along her body. He had to have her, he couldn’t wait. He ached something fierce to be inside of her. Have her hot, tight cunny squeezing his cock, milking him for all he was worth.

With one flick of his wrist, his braies were untied, and his cock sprang free. She crooned in the back of her throat when the bare head of his length rubbed on the swollen pearl of her pleasure.

“I want you,” he murmured against her mouth.

She mumbled something inaudible, and kissed him on his chin and neck. He lifted her higher around his waist, letting his cock slip toward the tight opening. There he let it stay, tugging on the chemise until her breasts tumbled free, his mouth moving to taste the sweet flesh of her breasts. Her head fell back in delight, her hands entwined in his hair. Her thighs squeezed around his hips and she shifted, taking just the tip of his cock a quarter of an inch inside her.

“Oh, God, Chloe,” he groaned out. She was so hot, so tight, and so ready for him. He thought he might burst then and there like a green boy with his first love.

She stiffened around him. Her moans stopped, her hands came from out of his hair to his shoulders and chest where she pushed on him.

“No, we can’t.” She lifted her hips, and he slipped out of her opening.

He knew she had been ashamed at what had happened in the woods. Pulling back and gazing into her violet eyes, he was aware she felt more for him than hate. More for him than the shame of letting him touch her.

Yet, he also saw conflicting emotions. Fear. That wasn’t what he wanted. He needed her to trust him.
He wanted her so badly he ached, but this wasn’t the way to get it.

He’d been so close to taking her innocence. He kissed her quickly on the lips, and unraveled her legs from his hips. He pulled her chemise back in place and tweaked her on the nose.

“I know, love.”

He pulled away quickly and splashed water toward her, laughing as he did it. He saw feelings play across her face: lust, bewilderment, shame and then laughter. He smiled at her tenderly. She splashed him hard, like a small tidal wave in the river as the water cascaded down on him. Then she swam away, looking behind her with a smile on her face.

“I’ll get you for that, my lady!” he shouted at her, realizing what he’d called her after the words left his mouth.

“Let us see, my lord,” she crooned and swam a little further.

Chloe seemed to not even notice his address of her, and furthermore, the intensity of their moment and how it could have shattered all they’d worked for seemed over. He was glad for the reprieve.

When he caught up to her he lifted her into the air, his hands easily circling the small of her waist, just as he thought they would. His thumbs just barely brushed the undersides of her breasts. She looked down at him, her hair around her face and shoulders wet and wavy. He was again taken aback by her beauty and how much she looked like a water goddess. Before he ravaged her again, he tossed her into the water. She let out a squeal of laughter, before hitting the cool wetness.

Her body sank below the surface, and did not come back up.

Alexander waited a moment longer and then began to panic. He waded over to where she had landed and reached down into the water. He could not feel her. Diving below he looked around and could not see her. Coming up for air, he could hear her laughter from the bank. There she watched him, a twinkle of humor in her eyes.

He stared at her, lounging there in her wet undergarment. It clung indecently to her body, the hardness of her nipples pressed against the fabric of her chemise. Did she not know what she was doing to him?

“I am cold and hungry, my lord. Can we not get dry and find a bite to eat?” she asked, her eyes dancing.

He cursed himself. He lusted after this woman with all his being, and here she was teasing him, taunting him just as he had thought she would. But he must move forward with the plan.

He climbed out of the water and headed for his clothes. He turned to see that Chloe was doing the same. Perhaps she hadn’t known how tempting her body was to him. She seemed indifferent to what she had just done.

He watched her dress and wring out her hair before twisting it and tying it up with a ribbon and securing her headdress in place. Her face was pale and her lips had begun to turn purple. He needed to get her warmed up…but what he had in mind, he was sure she’d protest against.

“Didn’t you promise me a warm fire, should I swim with you? Let us see if the mighty dragon, Lord Hardwyck, is capable of building a fire big enough to satisfy me.” She winked at him slowly and his eyes rolled heavenward.

She was enjoying teasing him too much. If they didn’t get back to the keep soon he would ravage her here in the clearing.

“Let us ride to the keep, I will warm you by the fire in my chamber and you can take your mid-day meal with me in my solar,” he suggested nonchalantly, hoping she didn’t see the raging desire that was surely written all over his face, not including the bulge protruding from his braies.

He saw a strange look on her face, almost as if she were frightened. What could that mean?

“I beg your pardon, my lord, but I must decline.” She paused a moment. “I’m sure that I am needed to assist with the mid-day meal, seeing as how Harold relinquished those duties to me a few weeks ago.”

“I think Harold can handle it.” The look her gave her told her not to argue with him.

“I’m sure he could, my lord, but he has been handling it for a few days now since I was looking after you when you were sick. Now that you are well, I do not feel right about having him continue my duties. Those duties are the reason I have a roof over my head and food in my belly.” Something flashed in her eyes, and he could tell she was hiding something. “You understand, do you not?” Her lips pursed and she looked away.

“No, I do not understand. I am the lord of keep, and I say Harold will relieve you today. He has been handling it all these years. You and I have much to discuss, or did you forget our conversation yesterday?” he asked, knowing as soon as he said it, that it was the wrong approach.

With that one statement he had squelched any teasing and happy feelings they had shared that day. He cursed himself for having said it and for the harshness in his tone.

Guilt flooded him as he watched her face crumble. Such joy had filled her features only moments ago, and now he’d ruined her good mood by mentioning the very reason he had for even bringing her out.

Alexander knew she wouldn’t have said no to him, for he was her lord. He had provided her work, shelter, food and clothes. He had saved her life from a thief, and from a near rape. In essence he was her savior, and he held the secrets to her past. No she wouldn’t have denied him, for she was doing things just to please him.

He was sure she had heard rumors of his hard ways since she spent so much time in the village taking care of the people. After everything she had done, they respected her. But she was also aware of how harsh he could be, especially after the spectacle with James and how he had punished both James and his mother for the attack on Chloe.

Guilt deepened to something more. It was beyond guilt, he felt grief. Perhaps she didn’t really have feelings for him, perhaps she allowed him to kiss her, and flirt with her because she didn’t want to lose her home. What if it was all a charade to save herself and he was falling right into her trap?

Maybe if he were to gain her trust, he should make her feel more comfortable, but he didn’t want her to take advantage of him either.

“I understand your feelings Chloe, but I insist that you dine with me. We do have much to discuss. Perhaps we could dine after you complete your duties?” He thought he was making a very good compromise, and she seemed to agree, for she nodded. Yet he had that sinking feeling again that she only agreed because she had to, not because she wanted to.

He came closer, putting his hand out and she took it. He tenderly kissed her warm knuckles, and led her to where they had tethered their horses. He helped her to saddle her horse before seeing to his own. They spoke not a word, but the silence didn’t feel tense, it felt comfortable. As if they needed silence to straighten out their feelings, to feel more secure with each other.

Alexander assisted Chloe onto her horse and let his hand tenderly caress her calf. Silky, warm. She looked at him puzzled and questioningly, and there again was a fleeting look of fright in her eyes. She was scared of him. And then it was gone and the complacent woman was back. He had to change that. It was damned irritating she was only doing what she thought would please him.

“I suppose it would be good for me to head the main meal. It would give the staff and your men less to talk about. I hope you are not too hungry, we shan’t be eating until nearly two o’clock.” She smiled lightly.

“I can wait. I will always wait.” He hoped she would catch his double meaning.

From the look in her eyes, he felt sure she did. Would she ever let him in? Believe that he meant her no harm? He mounted Hero, keeping his eyes on her and loving the fact that she watched his every move. Her face colored when she saw he’d been watching.


Chloe’s emotions were in turmoil. The man was so sensual, he brought out strange feelings in her, and she couldn’t help but admire him, yet she knew how wrong it was. She’d nearly let him take her in the water. The second time she’d lost control of herself with him. At this rate she’d be in his bed before nightfall. She was a ball of fear now that he’d found her out. She had let loose for a moment in the water, playing, kissing, touching, and for that brief time she was lost to reality. Enjoying herself and his company, and then he had to bring up the real reason he had taken her out there.

His quest for the truth.

She would never get past that he knew. But she would try as hard as possible to avoid the subject for as long as she could. He was such a strange man, giving her hints that she could trust him, that he wouldn’t hurt her. She was the enemy; there was no getting around that. How could he just brush such a fact aside?

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